Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 30: The assessment begins, the lumberjack Ye An!

after an hour.

The examination is officially open!

During this period, Ye An also understood the specific rules.

Self-organization is allowed during the assessment.

But when entering the assessment map, everyone is scattered.

So if you want to form a team, you have to find talent inside.

But the academy elder who presided over the assessment deliberately hinted.

That is, this assessment allows teams to be formed, and it is also allowed to fight with each other!

Even... life and death!

This made many people who wanted to go in and pull people to form a team suddenly tensed.

I don't feel at ease with going out to meet strangers.

Ye An's face was as usual.

For him, it can be used against other people who are assessing.

Even under the killer! !

behavior in his favor.

Of course Ye An wouldn't be foolish enough to believe that he could really kill someone.

After all, the human race stands still in the battlefields of the heavens, and even ranks among the best.

In addition to strong strength, it depends on enough unity!

The academy encourages the students in the assessment to kill each other, and the high probability is also a test.

If there are students who really want to do this, then the consequences... Needless to say.

Of course fighting with each other is certainly allowed.

There is no doubt about that.


"The birth point is good, but I don't know if most environments are like this."

The light of the teleportation array dissipated.

Ye An's figure appeared in a forest.

Then he looked up at the sky through the gap in the treetops.

Ye An knew that there were countless teachers and students, as well as invited guests, who were watching this assessment.

"Let's be a little more subtle."

Ye An muttered inwardly.

Then went to a grassy area.

Then he looked around, as if looking for directions.

in the audience.

Liu Ruhua, who had been staring at Ye An's actions, didn't notice it.

After Ye An left, white mycelium grew rapidly in the grass, and at the same time, it drilled into the soil and spread to the surroundings.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity!"

"Your precious apprentice was actually sent to the most dangerous forest."

"My Avril, in the desert at this time, your apprentice is going to be in danger, don't blame her for not helping!"

Mo Liuli looked at the big screen.

Ye An's exclusive column of small pictures said.

"Don't worry, my apprentice is a plant symbiont, which is more suitable for forests."

"It's the one from your family, don't die of thirst in the desert."

Liu Ru retorted without changing the picture.

"Hmph, wait, there are times when your apprentice is crying."

Mo Liuli knew that she couldn't speak to this world.

So he snorted coldly and stopped paying attention to Liu Ruhua.

Listen to your sister-in-law.

Although Liu Ruhua's face was calm, her heart began to worry.

She knew this place of experience.

The most dangerous area, except for the volcano in the center of the map.

It's the forest.

However, just when she was guessing what Ye An would do next.

I saw Ye An turned on the smart bracelet's weapon form and turned into an axe.

Then there is the tree cut!

Cut down trees!

Cut down trees!

Soon, Ye An cut down a large number of trees.

At this time, many people also paid attention to Ye An's strange behavior.

Because everyone else is cautiously exploring.

Ye An alone cut down trees.

Very strange behavior, very noticeable.

"This young man is interesting. During the assessment, he cut down trees gracefully."

In the audience, in a seat on a vantage point.

An old man said with a smile.

Can sit in a high position.

Identity is not ordinary.

And he is also the dean of this Tiangong Academy!

Incumbent management of this college, has more than a thousand years.

In the entire extraordinary world, it is absolutely highly respected!

At the same time, he is also extremely powerful.

However, no one knows exactly what the realm is.

Some people even suspect that the old dean has reached the realm of gods!

Just can't verify.

"Xiaoyan, what do you think of this young man?"

The old dean turned to look at the strong man beside him and said.

"I don't know, but at least my Yanyang Guild won't want such a stupid bird!"

The strong man who was turned into Xiaoyan by the old dean shook his head and said.

Said not to know.

But in fact, he was already looking down on Ye An.

"I think it's better than cutting down trees."

"It might be quicker to set fire."

"Of course he probably didn't think that way."

At this time, a woman near the strong man said.

Her first reaction was that Ye An wanted to clear the forest!

But think about it, there are people who are so mentally retarded.

During the assessment, trying to chop down the forest with an axe?

"Then continue to take a look. Young people nowadays are really getting more and more interesting."

The old dean smiled and said.


The two also respectfully looked at the old dean and nodded.

Then continue to watch the game.


At this time, another auditorium.

Looking at Ye An's strange behavior, Mo Liuli laughed until the white rabbit jumped around.

"You stupid apprentice, don't you think the forest is too dangerous and want to chop down all the trees!"

Mo Liuli said gloatingly.

Liu Ruhua glared at her, but said nothing.

Started to wonder why Ye An did this.

She didn't believe that Ye An would be so brainless that he would chop down the forest.

After all, she had brought students for a year, and she still knew very well whether Ye An had any problems with her mind.


in the examination area.

Ye An looked at the fallen trees and said.

He then gave up cutting trees.

Start cleaning up the cut branches.

that's it.

While others struggle to explore the map.

There were even some lucky ones who found out.

Ye An unhurriedly cut out log after log.

Finally, clear out a piece of ground, carry the wood and start building the house!

"No, for such an important assessment, he chose to build a house?"

"Survival for a month is not for him to live for a month, this young man is here on vacation!"

"And this house is really not small... Damn, it's also a two-story building!?"

"I have studied the players on the standings, but I have never met this person."

"So, which monkey recommended this to be funny!"

"Hahaha... don't care which one, let me laugh for a while!"

"Haha, the thinking of young people today is really strange!"

"Let's not talk about his behavior, at least the house is really beautiful, and it actually looks like Qionglou Yuyu is built with wood!"

"As long as this student doesn't die, even if he fails the assessment, my construction team will be specially recruited!"

"The construction team of your school also came to watch the game?"

"The project of Qingyang Star next door has been solved?"


Watching Ye An's strange behavior.

Some people in the audience were laughing, and some were silently holding their foreheads.

As for the ink glass.

At this time, his whole body twitched with laughter.

She wanted to ridicule Liu Ruhua, but she couldn't speak because she laughed too happily.

However, Liu Ruhua was thoughtful.

Ye An behaved strangely when he was a newcomer.

The first five days are motionless!

Occasionally traveled long distances in the back, but always avoided fighting.

This results in a very poor score.

But after Ye An came out, his cultivation level was raised to the silver level.

other people.

Even if Zhao Long's score is high, his cultivation level after coming out is only intermediate bronze.

So Liu Ruhua was always curious about what Ye An did.

Now it seems that through this assessment, I can find the answer.

It's just that she's curious.

Ye An is even meditating on the spot.

No need to build a house!

They are all silver-level superhumans.

Ordinary wind and rain will not affect him at all!

Defend against monsters?

Less likely!

These are just ordinary wood, and there are many silver-level monsters in the forest.

The wood can be smashed into pieces with a slap!

(forgot to update, sorry!!!)*

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