They arrived in a hurry.

already stunned.

Next to the people of the Lieyang Sect.

Now they are together.

The twisting power in the hand.

It's like you don't need money.

swaying outward desperately.

On the body of members of the sect of the sun.

Arrange one array after another.

Imprisoned the movement of divine power in his body.

Cut him off from the Lord of the Sun.

Completely cut him off.

the source of all power.

For fear of him waking up.

Possess the power of resistance.

Even if you can't hurt others.

However, if you choose to commit suicide.

They will also draw water from bamboo baskets.

This undoubtedly makes things happen.

become more insured.

Now is what awaits.

He wakes up.

It is good to ask him from his body.

Do you know in the rear base?

What exactly happened?

After making sure it has been set.

After all these abilities are blocked.

They started to check again.

Make sure again.

There was no way for him to recover his divine power.

This is where the power of twisting begins.

Come to wake up the men of the Sect of the Sun.

their twisting power.

Enter the body of the Sun Sect.

It's like cold water falling into a frying pan.

Instantly in his body.

caused a violent reaction.

He was also in a coma because of a violent reaction.

Wake up.

He opened his eyes and saw three silt monsters.

Surround yourself.

A happy smile appeared on his face.

He was never captured because of himself.

And feel sad.

Instead, it is subconsciously.

Completed Ye An's subconscious command.

To get the three silt monsters together.

Now he just because.

own intentions.


It is now complete.

Ye An's mission.

My heart is happier.

A bright smile appeared on his face.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't smile.


Instead, the three silt monsters surrounded him.

Immediately I felt bad!

The word "abandoned child".

It suddenly appeared in his mind.

They want to retreat quickly.

Because they are 100% sure.

On this captured Sect of the Sun.

There must be a problem.

But it's too late.

Always watching with spores.

Ye An of the nearby situation.

How could it not be found.

Three silt monsters.

They have all fallen into their own traps.

Just when they want to run away.

Ye An immediately manipulated the people of the Lieyang Sect.

The spores in his body immediately began to multiply.

The hatching is sprayed out instantly.

Dense numbers.

Trillions of tiny microspores.

Just parasitize to one.

Ye An can make that spore.

multiply and bloom in his body.

In an instant, he controlled his entire body and mind.

From body to soul.

All are owned by Ye An.

They couldn't dodge.

Densely packed 437 spores.

Immediately surround them physically and mentally.

All places are covered.

Even if they instinctively.

Twisted power was used.

Defend the warped space.

But after all, he could not completely isolate himself from this world.

There are still spores on them.

Start to multiply.

They gradually feel the body.

out of control.

Finally, even the soul memory.

are also manipulated by others.

They want to report to the mother goddess.

But found the mother goddess.

The prayers of believers have long since been unanswered.

They could only roar unwillingly.

In the end, he became Ye An's lackey.

sacrificed their bodies to their souls.

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