Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 161: Life and death! New abilities show their power!

Goddess gives strength.

It was not directly injected into Ye An's body.

Because it might explode directly, and finally restore the original shape of the silt monster.

The continuation of the race itself is very difficult.

Each one is very precious.

Mother God naturally would not be so wasteful.

He put a silt monster with decent strength.

Stationed at the door.

Waiting to welcome new members.

Nature is also responsible for awakening the memory.

People who understand their responsibilities.

This silt monster is like a road sign here.

It is also a transit station.

The power of the mother goddess was injected into his body first.

Then he will slowly transfer it to Ye An.


All this was done under the watchful eyes of the Mother Goddess.

Ye An clearly felt the gaze of the mother goddess.

Everyone felt bad.

Once you accept this power.

It will inevitably reveal that he is not a real silt monster at all.

but a human race.

Definitely bring your truest side.

exposed to the eyes of the mother goddess.

That would undoubtedly be self-defeating.

And look at the posture.

This blessing cannot be avoided.

Every silt monster that came here.

All must be accepted.

Ye An looked around.

Take a look around.

It was found that there was no possibility of escape at all.

On the one hand, it is surrounded by dark forests.

The grass and trees are very dense.

There is no room to run away at all.

I don't know what's in ambush in this jungle.

There is only one way left for others to come in and out.

Ye An wants to run away.

It is necessary to face the silt monster present.

And the gap between his current strength and his is still a bit big.

The confrontation of positive physical fitness.

Ye An didn't feel like he was his opponent.

Although using the robe can successfully parasitize him.

But now the mother goddess's eyes are on this place.

If it scatters spores by itself.

Undoubtedly, it is also self-disclosure.

Ye An began to think about other ways.

Fortunately, he thought of his newly acquired ability.

You can briefly make yourself into another race.

From the root of the body inside to outside.

No doubt about that race.

Ye An has not tried this ability yet.

There is no bottom in my heart.

I don't know if I can deceive the mother goddess.

But right now there is no other way to try.

Ye An could only choose to take a risk.

Make a betting decision.

Because if you don't gamble, it's definitely a dead end.


Maybe there is still a chance of survival.

Now is not the time to hesitate.


The silt monster that had been waiting for this time before.

Blessed by the mother goddess.

Almost accepted as done.

When it is about to be passed on to himself.

Ye An knew that the time to gamble was coming.

He didn't hesitate in his heart.

activate his abilities.

Immediately, my body still felt hot.

The bones seemed to be melted.

From the inside of the bone marrow to the outermost skin cells.

Everything is changing upside down.

Ye An felt that he had completely turned into a silt monster.

I also felt the difference between the silt monsters and people.

They don't seem to have internal organs or anything like that in their bodies.

There is only a heart-like core.

And the others are things like blood and flesh cells,

It's just that this Sludge Monster race doesn't have human flesh and blood cells either.

Their bodies are made of something like silt.

Ye An thinks.

These silt-like substances.

Analogy is equivalent to the human flesh and blood cells.

Ye An suddenly felt.

After activating his ability, he really turned into a silt monster.

From inside to outside.

Even if the mimetic Ye An is now removed.

It has also transformed into an existence indistinguishable from the Sludge Monster.

Ye An suddenly felt.

The capabilities of this system are still very useful.


Ye An felt that this was the ability to become other races.

Probably a waste skill.

But I didn't expect it in such a critical situation.

It has a special purpose!

The mother goddess didn't seem to see anything weird.

So under the guidance of the silt monster.

The power given by the mother goddess.

Slowly inject it into Ye An's body.

At the same time, his eyes were full of hope and joy.

Because he is about to have an additional partner.

One more solid backing.

and comrades fighting side by side.

Mother God will also have one more devout believer who understands the truth of this world.

This also means that the Mother God sect is more powerful.

This is for the Sludge Monster who believes in the Mother God from the heart.

Very pleased and happy.

He desperately wanted to see it.

Mother goddess sect can become more powerful.

After all, the situation here is still very serious.

The Mother Goddess sect did not gain the upper hand,

He also knew that the battle situation on the front line was not optimistic.

I want the Mother Goddess Sect to win again.

Then the improvement of the overall strength is inevitable.

Because only the whole is stronger.

Unfamiliar will follow strong.


each new compatriot.

Will become the solid arm of the Mother God sect.

Below this.

The look in Ye An's eyes also became relieved.


Every silt monster.

Although when returning to its original shape.

All are ignorant.

Like a born baby.

to yourself.

to the outside world.

to history.

(Four obtained) do not know the mother goddess.

But as long as you accept the memory of the mother goddess.

Everything will be restored.

He will understand why he has survived in human form for so many years.

But now it has turned into a silt monster.

and this world.

and what he was about to face.

all kinds of things.

After accepting the memory of the mother goddess.

Get to know.

thought here.

The silt monster couldn't help but look up.

Blood moon hanging in the sky.

I always fantasize about it.

The sect of the Mother Goddess is once again standing on top of the world.

On the contrary.

On Ye An's side, they were speechless in pain.

Mother God's blessing.

After entering Ye An's mind.


It's like heating a pan with cold water.

Excruciating pain!

Ye An feels like his mind is about to explode!

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