Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 147 Ye An's choice today! Take a risk, who cares about his name!

Ye An wanted to infiltrate the Mother Goddess sect openly.

Still need a reasonable identity.

For sects.

At most, men can hold the positions of low-level priests and middle-level priests.

High priests and above are usually purely female.

There was not a single man in the entire high-rise.

Because of the special power of the mother goddess.

As a result, only females can climb to the top in the church.

In this case.

Ye An's entry into the sect is at most an elementary priest.

pondered for a long time.

Think about it.

Still planning to enter the Mother Goddess Sect with Annie.

In terms of identity, it can only be set to be his husband.

Who is not in an intimate relationship.

It cannot be preserved in the Mother Goddess sect.

What's more, for this reason, he can still try to parasitize Anne's mother.

After deciding to enter a sect.

Ye An also left the forest where he had been hiding.

I have lived here for a long time.

It's almost time to say goodbye to the wooden house built.

will also embark on a new journey. Welcome to your new future.

also become stronger.

Lead mankind back to the top of all races 403.

Ye An who made up his mind.

Quickly rushed to their Umo village.

Going to meet Umo Anne, the two will meet.

Let's go to the place where the Mother Goddess is.

They are still far from where they are now.

The village of Guang is a long way from the place where the Harvest Festival is held.

Ye An also needs to plan ahead and join them quickly.

But Ye An didn't let the two of them stay in the village in a hurry.

Rather, it tampered with memory.

Let them hurry to collect the fruits of Katong Village.

The fruits of Katong Village are quite good.

Much stronger than Umo Village.

It also contains a lot of the twisted power of the Mother Goddess.

This power is a huge gain for Ye An.

It is impossible to let go of these two fruits.

Before, he was still thinking about how to swallow this fruit himself.

It can also let them mix into the sect of the Mother Goddess.

The current conflict obviously gave Ye An this rare opportunity.

Not only does he have the opportunity (chdh) to break into the Mother God sect and extract the power of the Mother God.

And he can directly swallow the fruits of these two villages to improve his strength.

Now that he intends to sneak into the gathering place of the main members of the Mother God Sect.

Then your own strength is also very important.

Like now his roe deer are easy to be found by people who have more than three distortions.

If that is in the core gathering area of ​​Mother God Sect.

The probability of this roe deer being discovered is even greater.

Ye An would not ignore these issues.

Right now, you can at least raise your own strength to the previous section.

Otherwise, going to the Mother God Sect will definitely be affected.

There's no way to make a big splash.

Fortunately, there is system help.

Ye An has already figured it out.

He only needs to swallow the two fruits of Katong Village and Wumo Village.

Probably will be able to successfully upgrade some strengths.

become stronger.

Thinking of Ye An who chose to take a risk.

It's about being fully prepared.

With the help of Umo and the woman.

When Ye An arrived at Wumo Village.

They have brought the fruit that has been bred in Katong Village for many years from Katong Village.

During this period.

Ye An must still have modified the woman's memory.

Let him forget that this is the dogma of a certain Church of God.

Can't dig fruit.

It made them feel that Katong Village had betrayed the Mother Goddess.

His fruit has also been polluted by the aura of betrayal.

It is no longer suitable for devotion to the mother goddess.

His own destruction is actually protecting the mother goddess.

is dogmatic.

It didn't affect their thinking.

It will not affect their return to the sect.

Is there any behavior that is very different from before.

A place that catches the attention of others.

At the same time under Ye An's memory modification.

The woman from the Mother God Sect took Ye An as the object of her choice.

There was a little intimacy in his eyes.

But still full of indifference.

Because instinctively, he is a very utilitarian person.

Now with Ye An.

In his memory, it was just to complete the task of the mother goddess.

It just so happens that Ye An doesn't seem to be a human race to these.

A race that has nothing to do with humans.

Want to have something beyond the interests of the relationship.

See them doing their job well.

Bring back the fruits of Katong Village.

Ye An was also very happy.

Without hesitation, he picked up the fruit and swallowed it.

Has the function of modifying memory.

Both the woman and Wu regarded themselves as their own.

It doesn't make much sense.

Will not sell harm.

At this time, Ye An's body was full of longing for that strangely shaped fruit.

Every cell in the body roars with hunger.

He was urging and eating it quickly.

Eat him now!

Ye An didn't hesitate.

He also knows that this fruit can greatly improve his strength.

Immediately change the control runner body up.

There are countless mushrooms on it.

Draw inside.

All power is transmitted into oneself.

With that power entering the body.

Every cell in Ye An's body let out a cry of joy.

Feel this filling power flowing through your body and limbs.

Magical power grows wildly.

Ye An's mood also improved.

One is finished.

Ye An, I feel that the boundary of the breakthrough is within reach.

But just plug it in.

Fortunately, there is still the fruit of Umo Village to swallow.

Anyway, Wu Mo will go here, whether it will come or not is still unknown.

What do you want this fruit for?

Not to mention the fruits of Umo Village.

Under the nourishment of the corpses of Katong and others, he became stronger.

Ye An started manipulating the spores again.

sneak into the ground.

Take the power of the fruit.

Soon the divine power in the body increased wildly.

Then it broke through the boundaries of that layer again.

Ye An is not the first time to practice.

No stranger to this breakthrough.

Those who are familiar with the road will succeed in breaking through.

At this time, there was also a sound from the system.

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