"Spirit Lord?!"

"Dammit, everyone killed him, this is a believer of the Spirit Lord cult!"

"No wonder he dared to lie to so many of us, it turned out to be a lunatic from the Spirit Lord cult!"

"Hmph, a lunatic is a lunatic!"

"Although we have no spiritual power, the superhuman under the gold, the fighting ability of the body is everything!"

"Let's go together, even if he has spiritual power, one person can slap him to death!"

Everyone heard the word Spirit Lord.

They were also stunned.

But soon, anger flooded my heart.

The so-called spiritual bishop is a sect created by the god-level strong spiritual master of the endless world.

The purpose of its existence is to cause chaos and destruction within the human race.

At its worst, there was even a massacre of the city.

Therefore, the bishop is absolutely shouted and beaten by everyone in the human race.

And after defeating the necromancer, the reward is also very generous!

So after everyone learned the identity of Zhen Huai.

The first reaction was to kill him!

"The mere sacrifice also wants to kill me?!"

"Although I'm not your opponent."

"But have you forgotten, why did I call you here?"

Zhen Huai said with a disdainful look on his face.

next moment.

A soaring roar sounded.

A creature more than four meters high rushed out, looking at everyone with a tyrannical breath.

"Darkmoon owlbeast! It's a silver-level darkmoon owlbeast!"

"Everyone, run, this dark moon owlbeast is controlled by the spiritual bishop."

"There is no spiritual power now, we are not opponents at all!"

Someone started to exclaim.

The idea of ​​the transcendent.

Although it is true that it is a struggle with heaven and earth.

But you also have to look at reality.

Silver-level Darkmoon Wildkins are really not something they can deal with.

Most of them hover around the Dark Iron level.

There are really not many people at the bronze level!

Now the spiritual power has also been consumed.

What did they use to fight the Darkmoon Wildkin?

If there is spiritual power, rely on their own abilities.

With so many people working together, it might be possible to get around.

But now... there is really no way!

If you don't run, you will die!

"Qing Ran, do we want to follow?"

"Even if the two of us have spiritual power, we are definitely not the opponents of the Darkmoon Wildkin."


Yang Meng, who was hiding in the dark, asked.

But turned around and found it.

Zhao Qingran had already run away.

"Ah ah... Qing Ran, don't tell me if you want to run!"

Yang Meng said angrily.

Then quickly chased after him.

"What should I do, do you want to notify the monitor?"

Because Zhao Qingran deliberately slowed down.

So soon Yang Meng caught up with her.

"You think too much. If the spiritual bishop dares to do this, he must have done it in advance."

Zhao Qingran took out the long sword and pressed it on the hilt.

A virtual window pops up.

And the content in the middle of this window is that there is no signal.

In other words, neither live broadcast nor contacting off-site personnel will work.

"Then what to do... That Dark Moon Owl Beast is very powerful!"

"If there is no signal, we can't quit early."

"There are still a few days until the end of the experience."

"In case the dark moon owl beast catches up..."

Yang Meng couldn't even imagine what happened next.

"Go to the poisonous fog!"

"The vision is hazy in the poisonous fog, and it can also cover up our smell!"

"Just find a hiding place before the body is completely paralyzed."

"Should help us get through this!"

Zhao Qingran analyzed it immediately.

In fact, it is also a way for them to escape with the Darkmoon Wildkin outside the poisonous fog.

But it wasn't just the Darkmoon Wildkin that they had to face.

And Spiritualists!

She doesn't think that the Spiritualist is alone.

She can use her family power to allow herself to practice with her friends.

Then Spiritualists naturally have other ways to gather together!

There is only so much outside the poisonous fog, and if the spiritual bishops search carefully, they will always be found.

Therefore, she felt that entering the poisonous mist was the best choice.

Because this poison is definitely not the work of the Spiritualists.

Otherwise, the Spiritualist would not need the Darkmoon Wildkin.

Just use the poisonous mist to paralyze and kill everyone.

And one more thing.

Although she thought it was impossible.

But in the poisonous fog, if you can meet that Yanzu.

Their safety is completely guaranteed!


"Hehe, run!"

"My favorite entertainment is the pursuit game."

Zhenhuai said with a smile when she saw the crowd of people running away.

He wasn't at all worried about how long the group could run.

Because he has been observing the movement of the poisonous fog.

Safe areas are running out.

These people have nowhere to go.

Even if the group of people who entered the poisonous fog did not run far at night, with the strength of the Darkmoon Wildkin, they would not be affected by the poisonous fog at all.

When the time comes to hunt down, it will be easier!

Speaking of which, he really had to thank this poisonous fog.

Originally, I had to consider that this group of people would completely lose their ability to escape.

No need at all now.

So let him save some goodies!

"All of this must be the plan of the great spirit master!"

Zhen Huai laughed loudly.

The frenzy on his face made his expression a little distorted.

It was at this time.

The Darkmoon Owl, not far away, caught up with the first person.

The student desperately wanted to resist.

However, he was slapped to death by the Dark Moon Owl Beast.

No resistance!

When others saw this scene, the expressions on their faces were even more frightened!

Fortunately they run fast.

Otherwise, it will be them who will become mashed meat!

At the same time, they also understood one thing.

Even with spiritual power, it is impossible for them to beat this Darkmoon Wildkin.

Level, size, strength!

The absolute gap is here, for the newly awakened them, there is no way to fight against the Darkmoon Wildkin!

"Don't look, the Dark Moon Owl is chasing in our direction."

At this time, someone pulled his companion and said in a panic.

The people nearby continued to run away without looking back.

But it didn't take long.

They found out in despair.

The front is full of poisonous fog!

"Damn, this poison gas must be the work of the Spiritualists!"

"Now we have nowhere to run, we can only fight!"

"Otherwise, it will be finished sooner or later!"

Someone said with a livid face.

Just when he thought everyone thought the same as him.

But found that most of the people nearby disappeared?

"What about people?"

Just when he was suspicious.

Suddenly, not far away, a group of people gathered towards one place.

"What are you still doing, hurry up and head here!"

"Although the reason is unknown, there is no toxin inside this mushroom channel."

"If you don't want to leave, stay and face this monster yourself!"

Someone hurriedly reminded.

"Huh? Wait, I'll go right now..."

He hurried over.

The original consciousness of fighting to the death disappeared in an instant.

after all.

If you can escape.

Who is willing to face the Darkmoon Wildkin that is at the silver level and is still in a runaway state! *

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