Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 131: The birth of the golden dragon of luck, betting on the glory of the human race!

Leaving Ren Jingsha's location.

Ye An went to many places one after another.

He found.

Now the demigods of mankind.

is really much.

The new demigods during this time are even more!

Almost everyone has the ability to shock God.

Almost every one of them is like a child of heaven.

"Human's luck, now is definitely the peak moment!"

"If it continues to delay.

"This peak moment will slowly be worn away. 35

"So in a short period of time, you must try to break the shackles!

"Otherwise, once the peak period is over, it will go downhill!"

Ye An analyzed inwardly.

The current human race can be said to be fully prepared.

Further, the human race is booming.

Take a step back, the human race declines!

rather than advance...


No progress, no retreat, maintain the status quo.

It's the biggest step back!



"I'm ready to start!

Life is extreme.

Ye An looked at Wei Na.

Suddenly he spoke.

"Finally breaking the shackles?

Wei Na looked at Ye An.

He also said with anticipation.

for this day.

She also prepared for a long time.

Now it's finally time to start.

As long as this problem is solved, her mission is over.


You can be more intimate with Ye An!


"Announcement, it's coming soon!"

Ye An said.

At the same time, he turned his attention to the distance.

Through life extremes and life forbidden areas.

Look somewhere in that distant void.


The center of the human race.

somewhere in the void.

Ye An looked at the phantom of the fate of the human race.

Announcement started.

"I hereby declare!"

"All human beings!

"All the strong men of the human race!


"My human race is about to enter the most prosperous era! 99

Ye An's voice was not loud.

But at the same time.

spread throughout the human race.

Even ordinary humans.

They also really heard Ye An's voice.

"Follow the ancient oath of my human race, and climb the imprisoned top 々"!

"From now on! 35

"As the original guardian of the human race, I am facing the shackles from all races!

"The oppression from heaven declares war!

"O all demigods! 35

"Go to practice, to make breakthroughs, to achieve the birth of a new world!

"All gods, also listen to my proverbs!

"For the prosperous future of the human race, for the eternal and immortal future of the human race.

"Go fight, go fight!"

"Betting on the status of your gods, betting on your godheads!

"Betting on the glory of mankind!

"Be sure to bless me and the human race!"

Ye An continued.

far away.

The fate of the human race.

It also started to climb.

That illusory dragon of luck.

gradually became reality.

Dreamy body.

It was gradually replaced by gold.

"Lucky Golden Dragon!"

The powerhouse of all gods.

See this mighty dragon.

They were all surprised and shocked.

Then came the endless madness.

Lucky Dragon!

It is self-evident how important this is to the human race.

Now the golden dragon is born.

The fate of the human race has reached its peak.

They recalled Ye An's words.

Suddenly I knew what I was going to do!

Cultivation, breakthrough!

And then... break the shackles!

If you can't do it!

Then go to the front lines!

Go fight!

All races and the Tao of Heaven oppress human beings.

It is destined that human beings cannot simply break through this time.

They will definitely come to the human race and declare war on the human race!

But right now.

Ye An's voice sounded again.

"O sentient beings! 99




"Look up!""

"Look forward! 95

"Offer your most sincere feelings!""

"Contribute your purest faith!"9

"I wait for the human race... to win!

Ye An's voice this time.

Full of great inspiration.

Ordinary people who don't know what to do.

They also kneeled in the direction of Ye An subconsciously.

He kept praying.

Pray for a better future for mankind.

"It started!"

A special plane somewhere.

The human gods meditated in it.

Listen to Ye An's prayer.

Feel the changes in the human race.

They were also surprised.

Most of them do not know the specific content of the plan.

Because in their eyes.

About the plan of this human race.

It was all done by the God of Dream Butterfly.

Occasionally need the help of Taoist Tianji and the Goddess of Stardust.

other aspects.

The gods don't have to make a move at all.


"Although there are some surprises.""

"But the war is coming!

"May the glory of my human race last forever!

One of the gods stood up.

said out loud.

"May the glory of my human race last forever!"5

the rest of the gods.

They were also encouraged.

Said very seriously.

It can be a little embarrassing at times.

but now.

I just feel so hot!


"Start now!"

"All planets, open the star guard array!"

"All the gods go everywhere to protect the human race!"

"Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array is ready to open at any time!


"at all costs!"

"Delay until, a new god is born!""

With Ye An's announcement.

The mobilization of the strong human beings.

Prayer of the common people.

The entire human race began to mobilize.

All the fortresses retreated immediately.

All the war zones have been abandoned.

All superhumans, as long as they have no hope of breaking through in a short period of time.

have gathered together.

Always be ready to fight.

"…"team leader!

"what's going on?"

Inside the Dragon Squad.

The old fish looked at Captain Luoyu suspiciously and asked.

"I don't know either. 35

"'s definitely a big deal!"

"It's even a matter of life and death for the human race! 35

"The news I got, all the fortresses have been evacuated!"

"Even all the planets, as long as they can open the Star Guardian Array, are also open!

"The Star of Survival's Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array seems to be ready to start."

"We are finally not going to die alone this time!"

Luoyu looked into the distance solemnly and said.


She was more interested in the sound of that announcement.

Because she felt familiar.

But can't remember who.

And the other party claimed to be the original guardian of the human race.

That's kind of interesting.

It is (good promise) often said.

The original guardian of the human race.

Shouldn't it be the Dream Butterfly God Venerable?


Among the gods of the human race, there are many secrets that an extraordinary person like her, who is already a king, cannot grasp!

"We never die alone!

"After all, our team has never been alone!"

"But this time it feels good!

"After all, I can see such a magnificent scene before I die.

"That's enough."

The old fish said with a smile.


A member of the Dragon Squad.

They all look like they are dying.

Although I don't know exactly what happened.

But one thing is for sure!

There must be a battle next!

Big, big fight!

Because this is an event that the gods have to mobilize.

They are the masters, the kings.

Nothing at all!

And this time, they also have no goal and can't back down!

In the past, after all the hard work, after completing the task, I could run back.

but now.

out desperately.

There seems to be nothing to do.

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