Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 126: Ye An's terrifying strength, smashing the demon god with 1 palm!

"it is good!"

That's what happened.

Antelope has no reason not to fight.

His body immediately began to expand.

A twisting sword also appeared in his hand.

Immediately after.

the other hand.

The same long sword also appeared.

"A sword made of its own antlers?"

"It's quite an idea!""

The Great Demon God saw this scene.

He commented with a smile.

Ye An gave him a dull look.

Then yawned.

This inhuman being is...


At least humans, there is no such part that can be used as a weapon.

But that's all.

This Antelope Mountain is weak.

In the current situation of Ina.

I want to defeat Antelope Mountain.

Just a serious matter.

"The soul melts!

Seeing that the opponent is ready for battle.

Ina also rushed up unceremoniously.

and launched an attack.

The black sword in his hand cut through the endless darkness.

In this darkness, everyone's spiritual exploration was broken and dissolved.

And the soul in it.

Of course it will be even more miserable!

"not bad.

Ye An commented with satisfaction.

This Ina is actually quite talented.

Pity, for the question of the soul.

Drilled the horns.

so that.

He has been stuck in the realm of Devil Emperor all the year round.

After your own call.

It's definitely growing fast now.

"The ancestors retreat!

at this time.

Antelope Mountain in the dark.

Get a big drink.

A huge, dreamy and beautiful reindeer figure appeared.

The beautiful light on his body dispels the darkness around him.

In the end, there was a remnant of power like a little bit of starlight.

Haunting around Ina.

"Dark Vortex!

Ina saw this.

He threw the sword in his hand directly.

Turned into a vortex that devoured everything.

Devour all the stars around you.

these stars.

Although it is a remnant of power, it is not for embellishment!

These residual powers contain powerful laws.

If not, clean it up immediately.

The power of these hairs exploded.

Then she will definitely not be able to hold on!

"It's still quite combat-minded! 35

"I just don't know, next...々"..."

Ye An commented.

Although I know that Ina should win.

But still curious about her fighting methods.

Immediately after.

I saw a huge soul figure suddenly rising behind Ina.

This figure grabbed the energy ball formed by the darkness swallowing.

Directly hit the Antelope Mountain.

“Nice approach!”

"Destroys the opponent's energy, and then uses it to attack the opponent!

"At the same time, use the power of your own soul to interfere with the soul of the other party!

"The end is set!"

Ye An muttered.

this fight.

It seems so simple.

But in fact, it is not complicated at all.

There is a lot of difference between Yina and Lingshan.

And the higher the level, the more simplified the moves used.

Fancy things are barely visible on the surface.

Because of their every move, if carefully studied.

Then everywhere people feel, those bells and whistles use energy.

"I lost!"

This trick down.

Lingshan also knew that he was far inferior to Yina.

So simply admit defeat.

After all, keep fighting.

It was also just humiliated by Ina.

"Then who else?"

After Lingshan conceded defeat.

Ina looked around at the demon gods.

Actively provocatively said.


Ye An saw this.

A moment of silence.

Is this witch's brain training broken?

At first glance, Lingshan's cultivation base is not the highest, so he was pushed out to test himself.

The purpose of other demon gods has not been achieved.

It will definitely be angry, and then send a more powerful demon.

As a result, you are provocative.

Not afraid of being killed?

"……never mind!


Ye An thought for a while.

I finally have a god-level subordinate.

Or don't let her die young.

Although not possible.

But this farce, Ye An felt that it was time to end.

After all, it was something he didn't expect that Yina stood up.

Originally he thought.

After solving this Antelope Mountain, and convincing the other demon gods, it's over.

It's nothing more than seeing the attitude of Ina's master.

Just let her show it.

"Master, leave this kind of trivial matter to me..."

Yina looked at Ye An.

Continue to speak.

Obviously don't want to go.

But Ye An glared at him.

"Give me down!


See Ye An's demeanor.

And that irresistible tone.

Ina knew she had gone too far.

So hurriedly left.

"I also watched the exhibition game, then let's talk about business.""

"When I become the Great Demon God, who approves and who opposes?"

"Not much to say in favor. Years

"Opponents...I'll give you a chance!

"You can go together.

"Don't say how long it will take to defeat me, you can't be defeated by me in one day!

"Even if I lose, the position of the Great Demon God, I will never get involved again!"


Ye An arrogantly glanced around!

Finally, he spoke arrogantly.

"Boy, can't you find death?"

"In the face of the Great Demon God, we also give you respect!"

"But this is not arrogant capital!

"I didn't intend to shoot, but now I have to see what you can do!

A demon god was pissed off by Ye An.

Stand up directly.

He glared at Ye An with murderous intent.


Haven't waited for him to do anything.

Suddenly I found that my whole body could not move!

Immediately after.

Just saw Ye An came to his side at some point.

Pushed lightly.

next moment.

He is a dignified devil.

Directly by a demon emperor.

A slap broke his chest.

You can even see your own beating heart.

"..."Okay, next!"

Ye An was too lazy to continue to pay attention to the other party.

Gaze around.

said more arrogantly.



"As expected of the successor of the Great Demon God!"

"You go up!""

"No... I think, you should be better off! 99

All the demon gods were amazed at Ye An's power.

One slap crippled a demon.

Except for the Great Demon God.

Other demon gods are simply difficult to do.

But Ye An, the devil emperor, did it.

This directly shows how powerful Ye An is.

What else does this test?

How many slaps can you take to test yourself?



There is still a new Demon God standing up.

And this time it's not just one.

(Good promise) But ten!

Among these ten demon gods.

There are also many demon gods who survived from ancient times.

It can be said.

A mid-to-high level demon.

All have.

Ye An can win this time.

Then he is definitely the next big devil.

No one is allowed to object!

No more objections!

"It really gives me face!

"But there are still less than ten! 99

Ye An saw this scene.

Said with a smile.

next moment.

I saw Ye An snapped his fingers.

Endless magic flames lingered in the void.

The ten demon gods have not yet started.

I felt unspeakable pain.

This powerful magic flame burns even the space!

They can't even run away!

Hard to resist.

Their bodies couldn't hold on at all.

Because from the beginning, the terrifying temperature felt can be known.


can be said back.

They didn't do it either.


It's nothing more than decent, and it hasn't been seriously hurt yet!

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