Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 108: The Great Demon God's guess, the realm above the Lord God!

"Weaving Spirit Godhead!

"Cause and effect, fate, luck, prophecy, prospect ·

"Isn't this the godhead of the Spirit Organizing Clan!

"How can this guardian have such a thing!"

"Could it be that he abruptly stripped away the godhead of a Spirit Weaver God?"

"But how is it possible..."

"He needs that power.

"The human race has already reached the top of the ten thousand races.""

"Why do you need to be on an equal footing with the gods and demons~ Sit down!"

With the constant exploration - know the content of the Godhead.

Ms. Yue is also getting more and more surprised.

Most importantly.

she found.

this power.

It's actually similar to the initial stage of the power of the moon that he cultivated.

Her symbiote also seems to be constantly absorbing this concept of divine power.

And keep growing.

Vaguely, there is even a sense of evolution.

"Complete Godhead..."

"What does this guardian mean to let me break the shackles?"

Ms. Yue naturally knew about the shackles of the human race.

Now that mysterious guardian, presented himself with a complete godhead.

Don't you just want to do it yourself!

"You look down on me so much."

"Then I can't let him down!""

Ms. Moon muttered.

what this godhead represents.

Absolutely too large.

However, she is not a character that admits defeat and compromises.

Gave myself such a difficult challenge.

Of course you have to do it yourself!

thought here.

Ms. Yue also immediately announced that she would no longer manage the family business.

Instead, focus on preparing to practice!

at this time.

abyss hell.

In the deepest underworld.

Di Silin was teaching the demigod of the Celestial Race that Ye An had kidnapped.

A dignified demigod.

Now he is being bullied by a demon king.

Although she wanted to resist, all her power was sealed.

The body also became soft.

There is absolutely no room for resistance.

"I'm here now.

Ye An was drinking tea.

While watching Di Silin's performance.

While muttering.

Weavers have been resolved.

The Terran is moving in the direction of readiness.


Mainly here.

But his goal is not a big devil.

Or other demons.

But to find a way for the demons to become gods.

The more the better.

Apart from that.

It was about what Lucifer was going to do on the Demon Race side.

What is the Angel Race going to do?

And what is Michael going to do?

Although ancient times.

He knew all about the angel race.

But later things.

Then it is unknown.

"The Great Demon God is here!"9

Just when Ye An was thinking about when to do it.

A familiar voice rang out.

A hand cut through the space and came to Ye An's side.

Ye An nodded.

Leave with the other party.

Meet the Great Demon.

"What did you gain from this trip?"

The Great Demon God still looks like an amiable old man.

Poured Ye An a cup of tea.

Asked openly.

"Does it count as catching a demigod of the Celestial Clan?"

Ye An thought for a while and replied.

"Oh, of course it does. 35

The Great Demon God smiled amiably and said.

"Then what about the Weavers?

The Great Demon God continued to ask.

"Nothing gained."

"Their clan was slaughtered, and even the living earth disappeared.""

"There are only a group of gods left... It is impossible for them to submit to my demons. 35

"So I had no choice but to abduct a demigod of the Celestial Clan."

Ye An answered truthfully.

"I see……

The Great Demon God nodded.

Started to get lost in thought.

"Sure enough, the Spirit Weavers have a lot of problems. 55

"They are good at causal fate, and now the clan collectively hides.""

"It's probably hard to find.

"But that's a good thing."

"They can't possibly join my Demon Race, but they didn't continue to support the Celestial Race.""

"It's even more impossible for the human race. They dare to take refuge, and the human race doesn't dare to ask for it."

Great Demon God thought.

His judgment is actually okay.

The Demon Race is notorious, and it is impossible for the Weavers to choose the Demon Race.

As far as the Celestial Clan is concerned... this time, it is estimated that the Spirit Organizing Clan will be chilled.

Humans usually rely on themselves.

There is also no need for the Weavers to take refuge.

And once the Weavers are accepted.

It also takes a lot of attention to pay attention to every move of the Spirit Weaver.

Humans really don't have that kind of time.

Therefore, it is better to refuse to take refuge.

Of course, the Spirit Weavers didn't have a choice.

"It counts.

"The Celestial Clan has lost a lot of help.

"Next, we can also make time to pay more attention to the human race.

"After all, the human race and the angel race suddenly had a good relationship not long ago. 99

"Probably the human race is about to hit the shackles."

"Everything else can be put on hold. 35

"But only the human race hit the shackles... This is absolutely not allowed!

The Great Demon God said.

"Is the human race really so scary?"

"When I become a god, I think most of their gods will not be my opponents when they join forces. 35

Ye An said confidently.

The Great Demon God also looked at Ye An again: "You are right. 39

"With your talent, most gods are not your opponents."

"But to deal with you, you don't need most of the gods. Those who come out at random can press you and fight! 99

...... ask for flowers......

"You have to understand that gods and gods are also divided into levels!"

"Otherwise, why am I the Great Demon God, and they are not?"

Speaking of which.

The Great Demon God pointed to the black hand not far away.

The other party also bowed his hand respectfully.

All are gods.

But the other party was so respectful.

There was even a hint of humility.

That's it.

The difference between the two is huge!


"Don't be arrogant."

"You can indeed deal with most of the gods with your ability, but the top existence is not something you can match. 35

The Great Demon God looked at Ye An and persuaded.

Ye An nodded.

But there was still a hint of disdain in his expression.

This is real.

Not pretending.

Wait until he really becomes a god.

He can guarantee.

The god of all races, each one will be his opponent!

"Forget it, it's a good thing for young people to be arrogant."

"Take your little pet and go to the Devil's Sea!"

"Go to the red island number seven.

"Take a year."

"You should be able to find your way to God."

The Great Demon God looked at Ye An and said.

Ye An nodded.

He stood up and chose to leave.

"What do you think, little black?"

Wait until Ye An leaves.

The Great Demon God looked at the black hand and asked.

"Your Majesty the Great Demon God, I think with his talent, it is likely to be the next you."5

"But he's definitely too young.

The black hand thought for a while and said.

"Then why, I always feel...he will be better than me?"


The Great Demon God frowned slightly.

I always feel like there is something wrong.

But can't tell.

"Prepare again, I must touch that realm!

"Otherwise, it will be too late when the human race breaks through the shackles.

The Great Demon God sighed.

"do not worry!"

"We would rather start a war of gods than let the race break through the shackles!

Black Hand replied.

"I know.

"But the human race is still ready for the battle of gods."

"It won't take many years."

"The battle of the great gods, which has been stopped since ancient times, is about to start again.

"I don't know how many gods will fall this time!"

The Great Demon God sighed.

to him.

Still don't want war.

Because it's boring.

What he wants is a higher realm!

But a pity.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

It is impossible for all races to live together happily.

For the sake of the Demon Race, it is impossible for him to study that realm wholeheartedly.

"I hope he returns from the sea of ​​demons and can take my place smoothly!

"The realm above the Lord God

"I must arrive!

The Great Demon God said with a firm gaze.

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