Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 106: The 1 king of the human race, the surrender of the Zhiling tribe!


"But who told you that if you give away a me, there will be no me in this universe?"

"In short, you just gave away one of my clones.

"And I have been hiding among you!

"But a dignified group of gods!

"You can't even notice my presence."

"Sure enough, you have abandoned power such as fate, you are a bunch of trash! 35

Ye An said with a smile.

next moment.

The surrounding space is surging rapidly.

Just wanted to rush up and defeat Ye An's main god of the Spirit Organizing Race.

Directly sent back to the place by Ye An.

"Don't waste your energy.

"I was shackled by the luck of my human race."

"Lost the body of a god."

"The power of destiny is also in my hands!"5

"You have no hope of escaping!""

Ye An looked at each other.

sneered contemptuously.

next moment.

The dragon of luck of the human race roared.

Wrapped around Ye An's side.

He began to roar at the many gods of the Spirit Weaver.

"You can actually control the luck of an entire race!

The main god of the Weavers.

see this scene.

Immediately blinded.

Even she can't control the luck of the entire Spirit Weaver clan perfectly.

Still have to rely on the gods.

This is possible.

"Very simple reason. 35

"The luck of the human race is given by me. 35

Ye An stroked an illusory scale of the Dragon of Luck.

"Forget it, let's just say it!"

"Maybe if you know my identity, you can understand!

Ye An stretched out his hand and pointed.

A special power fluctuation flashed.

In the mind of the main god of the Spirit Organizing Race.

Suddenly a lot of information emerged.

That was the beginning of the spiritual recovery.

The remnants of the old days, and the war against the new generation.

on that battlefield.

Many races beheaded.

There is only one race.

At first, there was only one figure.

That is... the human race!

But no one underestimated this man.

His existence alone is more effective than a race!

It can even be said that he is the head of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races.

"Ye An..."

"The original human king!"

"Commanded the Battle of Ten Thousand Clans and led the first battle of gods! 35

"It's you, it's you!!!

The main god of the Spirit Organizing Race shouted with a trembling soul.

No wonder.

No wonder they could be played by Ye An.

This is the power at the very beginning of the aura recovery.

I just don't know why I haven't become a god yet.

But it doesn't matter.

With his ability, does he normally have that divine sense to provoke him?

And the point is!

How did he disappear from his memory?

Self back then.

It is already at the level of a king!

One of the few powerhouses in the Spirit Organizing Clan at that time.

He is also the only surviving god of the Spirit Organs after the war of gods.

"Know me 々 "?"

"That's easy to say."

"For you, I originally wanted to kill them quickly.

"But God has the virtue of good life... Forget it, I won't make it up.

"Submit...or die!

"You choose one!"

"To be honest, if you weren't valuable, I wouldn't have given you a chance to surrender.35

"Think about it."

"I'll give you ten minutes.""

"And I promise, as long as you surrender, our grievances will be written off."

"I'm too lazy to trouble you again."

Ye An looked at the other party and stated his conditions.


"Can you guarantee that what you said is true?!

The main god of the Orbs knows.

I have no choice at all.

Or the Spirit Organs will be wiped out, and the remaining Spirit Organs will become slaves of other races.


in the case of inevitable surrender.

She must get favorable conditions for herself.

"I promise in the name of the original guardian of the human race."

"Or what other means do you want me to guarantee?"

Ye An looked at each other.

Said with a smile.

The main god of the Organizing Tribe saw this scene.

Immediately understood.

There is no way to negotiate conditions!

The other party doesn't care whether they surrender or not.

It's good to surrender a little, but it's okay not to surrender.

"I see!

"From now on, my Weaving Spirit Clan will completely surrender to the Human Clan! 55

"Protect the human race as a sacrifice of human luck!"5

"Just please, don't bother us any more. 35

The main god of the Spirit Organ finally spoke up.

"Ha ha……"

"Go." 5

Ye An touched the head of the Dragon of Luck and said.

The Dragon of Luck nodded.

Direct a dive and open his mouth.

Swallow a god of the Spirit Weaver into the belly and start refining.

That is... to put a shackle on them completely!

And it's at the source!

simply put.

Their lives are completely linked to the fate of the human race.

Coupled with the means of Taoist Tianji and the Goddess of Stardust.

They can never turn over again.

Because the human race is prosperous, they will only be suppressed.

The fate of the human race is weakened.

They will only get weaker.

The fate of the human race is broken.

They can only follow their own death.

"It's finally resolved."

"It's exactly as I guessed."

"These gods of the Spirit Weaving Race are still easy to surrender.

Ye An smiled contemptuously.

At the same time, he looked at the two gods who were coming.


Taoist Tianji looked at Ye An.

Silence for a moment.

Still bowing and bowing, he called Ye An Master.

At that time, Ye An taught everyone, and the last few people also became gods.

Although at the beginning, Meng Die called Ye An Shizun.

But their relationship with Ye An.

There is no difference between teachers and apprentices.

It's just a name.


As for Stardust.

It was looking at Ye An with complicated eyes.

She didn't expect it either.

The former genius of the human race.

In a blink of an eye.

He became the first guardian of the human race.

Although the cultivation base did not become a god.

But on status.

Dream Butterfly can't compare to him.

It can be said.

Without Ye An, there would be no prosperous human race today.

And now the god of the first human race.

More or less, they all received direct favors from Ye An.

"You guys are doing well.

"These spirit weavers are of inferior nature. 99

"Even if I surrender, I guess I like to do things."

"So if you have nothing to do, check it out, don't care about their faces, you can search your memory.

"By the way, where did they get the method of condensing luck.

"The dragon of luck of my human race is actually a little worse."

"If it weren't for the luck of my human race, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have a form. 55

Ye An opened his mouth and ordered.

"Okay, Master!""

The Taoist Tianji nodded.

Ye An also told him about the tree of luck of the Spirit Organizing Race.

Needless to say Ye An, he also wanted to know this knowledge.

The Stardust Goddess on the side also nodded.

She is also quite interested.

After all, the ability of prophecy, although not bad.

But she is still no match for a professional god.

Just after conquering the Spirit Organizing Race, her ability can also grow.

"Okay, then you hurry up and go about your business.""

"Shunda told Kaisha to let her practice well.

"It won't be long before my human race will be shackled!"

Ye An looked at Taoist Tianji and said.

"Yes, Master!

The Taoist Tianji nodded.

That's it.

Ye An also teleported away immediately.

He has a lot to do.

Like now.

Hurry up and let Yue practice the Law of Weaving Spirit.

"How does it feel to have such a master?

After Ye An left.

Stardust Goddess (good Zhao's) looked at Taoist Tianji and asked with a smile.

"Oh...who would have thought of that.

"Mengdie never imagined that the genius junior she was most optimistic about in the past would instantly become her favorite and most respected master!

"But looking back on that era... I am fortunate to have a teacher like me!

"It's a little embarrassing for me, though.

"But it's still that sentence, it's really thanks to Master that he can travel back to the past!

The Taoist Tianji sighed repeatedly.

Remnants of the invasion of that old age.

The era when all ethnic groups have just developed.

With the ability of the human race, the method of not being exterminated is only to be slaves to others.

But Ye An's appearance changed all that.

One person alone can prevent thousands of disasters.

Running around in ten thousand people, to win people a good relationship.

Rejected the control of the outer gods.

At first, the war of gods was not able to impress the human race.

"I feel the same way."

"This legendary figure buried in memory.

"It even made me bother to look for traces.

"It's embarrassing and helpless to think about.

The Stardust Goddess smiled and said.

Recalling the time Ye An was in the Demon Clan.

When she was looking for a peek at Ye An.

Compare now.

Really too... sitting...


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