Symbiotic Spores: Hundreds of Millions of Deductions, Infinite Evolution!

Chapter 102: Wei Na's awakening, the long lost evolutionary impulse!

She didn't know how long she had slept.

But it feels like a long time, a long time...

It's been so long that she can't wait to see Ye An.

But he couldn't find where Ye An was at all.

"How is everyone..."

Ye An could not be found.

Wei Na also wants to find other friends.

Too bad she couldn't find one.

Time changes again.

Staying here alone for a long time.

Wei Na became more lonely.

The thing to do every day... is to do nothing!

She misses Ye An more and more.

until a certain day.

Life is very outside.

The black-skinned girl, Nix also woke up.

Wei Na can be regarded as having someone who can talk.

But unfortunately.

The two of them don't get along well.

So it's just a simple chat.

But Wei Na soon discovered new pleasures.

That is accompanied by the constant development of the extreme realm of life.

Her power keeps growing. can observe what's going on outside.

The prosperous and prosperous ten thousand clan also satisfied her curiosity.

But with the passage of time.

The prosperous ethnic groups are gradually becoming lonely.

At the beginning, Wei Na was very emotionally sad.

But see more prosperity and decline.

It's been a long time.

The mood has calmed down.

Mood no longer fluctuates because of this.

347 "Humans?! Luo

"This is... Ye An!? 35


I don't know how long it took.

Wei Na suddenly widened her eyes.

Incredibly looking at a weak race.

Obviously to be invaded and destroyed.

But after that savior came.

It's not just the human race that cheers.

Including Wei Na too!

How much time!

She couldn't remember it at all!

But she has been waiting for Ye An.

Now... it's finally here!

Wei Na's first thought was to hurry up and see Ye An!


The restricted area of ​​life outside made it difficult for her to leave.

Even if Nyx was helping her.

It is also difficult for her to cross the restricted area of ​​life.

Because of his own strength, he can easily be absorbed by the restricted area!

Just when Wei Na was thinking of a way.

the world.

Centuries have passed in a hurry.

Ye An cultivated and strengthened the human race.

After leaving, he started a game with the pseudo-heavenly way.

And then.

Everything about Ye An is erased!

Ye An's death also made Wei Na start to worry.

So start immediately.

Pulling Ye An's consciousness into the extreme realm of life.

And Ye An is also because of his powerful source ability.

be reborn.

And she also learned her future identity from Ye An's mouth.

his wife!

She is no longer the mature, unfamiliar little girl she used to be.

Naturally understand the meaning of this.

So the heart is even more happy!


In the end, Ye An chose to leave.

And so decisive.

Even at the cost of his own death.

"The future...the future!"

Wei Na is sad though.

But she kept one thing in mind.

That is in the future.

You can meet Ye An yourself and be her wife!

Can be with him forever!

hold such an attitude.

Thousands of years later.

Ye An's apprentice Meng Die came to him.

Say your terms.

Wei Na didn't want to agree, but she suddenly sensed Ye An's birth.

So immediately agreed.

Just say something about the price.

Directly lead to the power of life of the human race.

Store most of your power here.

The soul is reincarnated.

"So...this is our story?

Life is extreme.

Ye An hugged Wei Na.

Listening to Wei Na's past.


"It's just that I don't know exactly what plans you have.

Wei Na changed into a comfortable posture.

His eyes kept staring at Ye An deeply.

That spreading love has almost become a reality.

"I am a human race, and the clone unexpectedly returned to the beginning of its creation."

"My plan is also very simple, that is to lead the human race to a new height and let the human race break through the shackles of reincarnation! 99

"But I didn't expect that the so-called Tiandao turned out to be me. No wonder I can get the help of Tiandao!"

Ye An couldn't help but remember the time when he confronted the pseudo-heavenly way.

According to Wei Na (chdh) information.

He also knew.

This pseudo-heavenly Dao is also a talent.

See through the reincarnation of heaven.

So use the loopholes of Heaven.

Some permissions have been taken.

Unfortunately, He also met Ye An.

The body of this heaven.

Under control.

Ye An was stunned.

Although it is not death, it is almost the same as death.

"How long will it take you to become a god?"

Ye An looked at Wei Na.

suddenly asked.


"But there is still resistance! 35


Wei Na stroked the ground.

"The extreme realm of life has the power you once left behind."

"Wanzu simply cannot break through this powerful force of creation. 99

"But if I use it, the extreme realm of life will also collapse.

"The order of all races will be wiped out! 39

"Your plan may fail. 35

Wei Na looked at Ye An and said.

Ye An also nodded, lost in thought.

What are you going to do on your own?

Logically speaking, it should appear now that he is one with himself.

Why hasn't it moved?

"Just try to become a god normally! 9

"If it fails, it's okay to use this power."

"And I still have many preparations!"

"No matter what my clone is planning.

"Anyway, let's finish the plan of my main body first.

Ye An thought for a while and said.

"Hmm. 35

"If that's the case, just give me some more time!"

"This time..."

Wei Na looked at Ye An.

Ye An nodded: "Of course I am with you.

"Other things, let me do the rest.

"After all, with a few exceptions, my consciousness is shared.

Ye An said with a smile.


Wei Na looked at Ye An.

A face of happiness.

At the same time, the power of life is also flowing.

She just lay down in Ye An's arms.

Slowly practice and become stronger...

"I don't know if the main body has received it. 35

"It feels like it's sent out.

end of time.

Ye An muttered while looking at the chaos of nothingness.

And if this is the end of time.

Does it mean that the universe has ended.

What about yourself, your family, friends, and wives?

"Past-life multiverseism exists.

"Then there should be more than one universe in this world."

"Perhaps I shouldn't create the world, but look for the world and find a ray of life for my past self! 99

The creation of the world for a long time failed.

Ye An couldn't help but underestimate.

But here.

It didn't seem to make a difference how he moved.

How to talk about finding other worlds.


Is your existence strong enough?

Like an ant lost in the sea.

If you become a whale yourself.

Then no problem!

thought here.

Ye An felt that his cells started to wriggle and change.

A long-lost feeling of evolution.

appeared again!

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