After seven days, the bad news came, and the eleven Black Hole Kings died in full. The white bones swept all the way, swallowing endless creatures and coming in the direction of the **. .

For a while, the chicken flies!

Most people choose to flee, which is also a normal choice, because even eleven Black Hole King are dead, who can be the opponent of the bones? Conditional people leave directly across Star Gate, and unconditional people can only stay away from the **, still living under the threat of white bones.

But there is also a part that chooses to stick to it. This is the death loyalty of Great Qin. The so-called people are in the country and the country is dead!

Of course, there are also some reasons why there is the last Black Hole King in the **!

Even if eleven Black Hole Kings are already dead, Black Hole King is still a god-like presence in everyone’s mind, and Black Hole King has the confidence to sit down!

I have to say that they are gambling, because as long as Hóng Yue is willing to take the shot, let alone a skeleton, that is, 10,000 and 100 million are crushed! The problem is that this witch is temperamental, she is willing to shoot.

Dangerous people see people, usually there are few “loyal servants” who are known as the ministers of Empire stocks, such as a handsome 2 Dharma, now Sovereign Clan is not able to punish them, because Liǔ Family has lost the power of Black Hole Rank, Even if you survive this catastrophe, are you still qualified to keep the throne?

Hundred Dragons Star is 10 Origin Star, the most intense planet of Spiritual Qi in 70 stars. Which Sovereign Dynasty doesn’t glare like a tiger watching his prey? As long as Black Hole King’s forces can be plugged in, compete for the hegemony of Hundred Dragons Star.

In fact, the original Liǔ Sovereign Dynasty is also so good, there is nothing to complain about.

Therefore, the remaining Liǔ Sovereign Clan is united in the city, they have no retreat, it is better to fight fiercely! The most important thing is that there is the last “Black Hole King”. If you can get Hóng Yue’s support, then Liǔ Sovereign Clan may not be able to stick to it.

And Liǔ Family is not lacking in genius. As long as there are tens of thousands of years of rest and nourishment, there may not be a new Black Hole King!

In the eyes of everyone, Hóng Yue’s attitude is too embarrassing.

Because she did not intend to leave, nor did she say that she would fight with the bones, and had to wonder what she really wanted.

Is it suggesting what benefits Liǔ Family has?

Only Zhou Heng knows that it is because Hóng Yue has not taken anything that happened at all! In fact, it can threaten her, except for Five Saints, I am afraid that there is only the mysterious demon.

Others don’t even have the qualifications to put her in the heart!

Because the threat of death is approaching, the High Noon Learning Institute has long announced that it will be temporarily closed, until the crisis is lifted, and then reopened, or there will never be a chance to reopen.

Zhou Heng was bored, and the school was empty and empty. Except for a few people who couldn’t go, it was like a dead city, and it was so cold that it could make people sick. However, Liǔ Shishi and Liǔ Yun’er came to play more times, and then they stayed in the school for a few days.

No way, the role of Zhou Heng is too critical.

He can influence a “Black Hole King”, as long as he blows the pillow wind, it is not difficult to say that Hóng Yue is going to fight the bones. And Great Qin City has been operated by Liǔ Family for hundreds of millions of years, and it can be said that it is a black hole Rank that cannot be moved!

If there is a Black Hole King to call, you can fight against the bones!

This is the enthusiasm and hope of Liǔ Family.

Liǔ Shishi, Liǔ Yun’er Because of the good relationship with Zhou Heng, Liǔ Family can only rely on these two women to exercise the beauty plan, and also refuses whether this will anger Hóng Yue, and in turn will let Liǔ Family It is.

Zhou Heng did not move any thoughts, because the school was so hollow, he asked the surnames to release the people in the Xianju, so that everyone can really breathe the fresh air.

Anyway, Hóng Yue will not let him leave, he can’t leave it yet?

A person is boring, but there are people who are different. Zhou Heng has been running outside for a long time. At this time, he can finally let go of everything, accompany his woman, and work hard for the next generation. He does not believe it. Can’t grow fruit.

Time flies very quickly. When Zhou Heng formed two hundred Skyrivers, the bones finally came outside Great Qin City. I haven’t seen it for so many days, and its body shape has become a hundred zhang high. It can be seen from afar. A Black Hole has become a reality, and it has swallowed everything.

When I saw this Undead, everyone was dumb and couldn’t say a word at all.

Its momentum is even stronger than the original Demonic Dragon Great Emperor, but it is full of death. It represents death, wherever it passes, the souls are completely destroyed!


Liǔ Sovereign Clan barely provoked the defense of the **, which sent a total of seventeen Comet Emperor, at the expense of life essence, forcibly promoted this “treasure” to block the footsteps of the bones.

It’s just that the defense is just a defense. The white bones stand still, and how long can these 17 Comet Emperors last?

However, patience is clearly not part of the quality that Undead has. It was not even think, immediately slammed and slammed against the city wall.


A loud bang, the entire Great Qin City was trembled, and the 17th Comet Emperor vomited blood, but the light shield formed by the ** was stabilized after a tremor.

Hold it!

Suddenly, the whole city cheered and thundered, regardless of the noble, irrelevant position. As a human being, no one would like to see Undead break the city, it would only bring complete extinction.


The white bones are again on the city wall, and the whole city trembles again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

With one palm and one palm, the white bones are constantly bombarded. It is the real Black Hole King. The Black Hole can swallow up all the power of the earthquake. Even some of it can be directly transformed into its spiritual power. Bounced to the old Sky Wilderness.

What about 17-bit Comet Emperor, how long can they last?

When watching the demon-like Undead and the palm of your hand, the cheers in the city are getting smaller and smaller, and everyone’s heart is filled with despair. This is the fear of absolute strength.

“Zhou Heng, you go to kill this ugly guy!” Hóng Yue said to Zhou Heng, with an impatient expression on his face.

Zhou Heng has never lobbied to Hóng Yue. This witch is a strange name. If she asks her, it will be counterproductive. Sure enough, now she took the initiative to speak, Zhou Heng spread his hand and said: “How do I fight a Black Hole King level Undead?”

“Bring your hand out!” Hóng Yue looked at Zhou Heng, his eyes were deep, and he seemed to say that you were careful and I already understood.

Zhou Heng didn’t mind being told by her. It was a patience rather than a wisdom. He extended a hand by his words.

“Two hands!”

Zhou Heng stretched out both hands.

Hóng Yue used the finger as a pen to draw on the palm of his hand. The wonderful touch made Zhou Heng feel confused and involuntarily looked towards Hóng Yue. The beautiful face of No Flaws.

He quickly concentrated and looked at the words written by Hóng Yue.

The right hand is written with a “fixed” word, then changed to the left hand, and a “broken” word is written, clearly without ink, but naturally manifested.

“Go!” said Hóng Yue.

“Just with these two words?” Zhou Heng pumped his mouth.

“Do you think this is two ordinary words? Don’t say that the Black Hole King’s Undead is the 9 holes True Lord.” Hóng Yue said proudly.

“People are dead, don’t be kidding!”

“Go!” Hóng Yue kicked out and kicked on Zhou Heng’s ass. Hey, Zhou Heng suddenly flew into the sky like a cannonball, slamming through the defense. I ran into the past with a white bone.

“Rely!” Zhou Heng came to spit out a dirty word, and then saw the white bones have been waved toward him. At this time, he also refused to take care of the three seven seventy-one, and he quickly slammed his hands and greeted the past.


A runes floated out of his right hand and swept over the white bones. The big guy suddenly solidified and seemed to be in the run.

This is the means of Hóng Yue!

Zhou Heng knows that Hóng Yue will not harm himself, but she did not expect her means to be so good. Just writing two words in his palm can have such power. Just the right hand, this “fixed” word is out of power, how to “break” the word is no response?

No matter what, after you have settled, use Black Sword!

Just… Where are you going?

This big guy has only one pair of bones left. There is no such thing as a key point. Where is it?

Just say a sword first!


A sword smashed, Zhou Heng was a numb in his hand, and the bones of the white bones were hard to scream. This sword went up not only with a little scar, but it shocked his right hand numbness, even the Black Sword could not hold it. It is.

At this moment, the white bones swayed, and Black Hole trembled behind him, sending him a tyrannical attraction, to absorb his life and swallow it!

Zhou Heng quickly put away Black Sword, the right palm pushed, shouted: “Dess!”

The bones suddenly settled again!

In Great Qin City, cheers are everywhere.

When faced with danger, people always hope that a hero can come forward and save themselves! Now that this is close to the point of despair, finally a hero has appeared, naturally letting everyone raise their enthusiasm from the heart.

Zhou Heng looked towards his left hand, which had a “broken” word on it, but before he had a pair of palms, he did not play the rune at all, why?

He tried to only have his left hand, but there was still no reaction!

At this time, the white bones moved again, and the time for the “fixed” word rune to work on it was quite short.

“Re-set!” Zhou Heng right hand shot, while the body flashed, came to the foot of the white bones, the left palm pushed open, pressed on the bone.

Oh, it’s a runes, and Zhou Heng’s left hand, the bones of the bones are as solid as the tofu, and they are all shattered, and the whole left foot is detached from the calf.

The original “broken” word is used in this way, and only when it comes into contact with the entity can it take effect. (To be continued.)

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