Jin Haochen’s Divine Beast bloodline has played a huge role. .

In the war, his body swelled rapidly, and incarnation was a black violent bear with ten zhang high. Not only did the power surge, but the defense of physique also rose to a terrible level, and Liǔ Shishi was defeated.

When I returned to my seat, Liǔ Shishi’s expression was ugly.

“Do you think about it again? I think the two of you are quite good!” Zhou Heng said.

“Where is the class?” Liǔ Shishi said with a bite in her teeth. She was unhappy because she lost to Jin Haochen. Now it’s even more uncomfortable to hear Zhou Heng say this.

“Beauty and wild beast, perfect match!” Zhou Heng is not afraid of death. “You look like a beautiful person, your heart name is like wild beast, one looks like wild beast, but your heart is gentle, just complementary!” —”

When he hadn’t finished speaking, Zhou Heng was trampled heavily, and he hurt his mouth.

Liǔ Shishi coldly snorted, said: “I would rather marry you than marry the stupid bear!”

Is this a compliment? Can Zhou Heng feel that he is being degraded? He shakes his hands and says: “Free, you still go to harm others!”

“Why, isn’t this Princess worthy of you?” Liǔ Shishi began to grind again.

Zhou Heng glanced at her with a sympathetic look and drank a drink, everything was in the air.

“Awful guy, I want to kill you!” Liǔ Shishi was angered by his eyes.

“Cousin, calm! Calm!” Liǔ Yun’er quickly grabbed the tempered cousin, lest she slammed the table in anger.

“You this girl, I have to sell people to help the number of people. Let’s put it on the machine!” Liǔ Shishi sat down and looked at Liǔ Yun’er with anger.

Liǔ Yun’er is amazed. Why did she suddenly become the object of fire by Liǔ Shishi? This turning point seems too big, she can’t react between them for a while!

But after at least a dozen seconds. She suddenly smiled and said: “No, no! The palace likes to sleep besides eating, no one will be willing to buy this palace, this is the loss of money!”

Is this a very high level of consciousness and very self-aware?

Zhou Heng and Liǔ Shishi glanced at each other and couldn’t help but laugh. They were able to have such a clear understanding and positioning of themselves. This girl is not completely immune. Just still makes people speechless.

“What are you so happy about?” Jin Haochen is slower to come back because he doesn’t leave like Liǔ Shishi’s pat on the butt, but responds to one person who congratulates him one after another, a modest gentleman’s appearance, His rough looks are completely inconsistent.

“What is it about you?” Liǔ Shishi yelled unceremoniously.

Jin Haochen is not angry, just lightly smiled, all Liǔ Shishi is an unreasonable little girl, do not have to worry about it, the attitude is really great.

Zhou Heng did not agree with him at all.

It was his words. Your own fiancée dare not obey, just press the spank on your legs!

This stopped hit, or the marriage blows, or the fiancée has since squinted at him. How can I still use this attitude towards myself?

The more proud a woman is, the more he will use the domineering means to conquer!

The semi-finals have been born, and then after the draw. The new map is: Zhou Heng, Lin Xianyang, and Jin Haochen.

Two battles were held simultaneously.

“Zhou Heng, come on. It’s best to kill the ugly orangutan!” Liǔ Yun’er gave Zhou Heng an airway.

“You really are afraid that the world will not be chaotic!” Zhou Heng shook his head, that is, he wanted to kill Lin Xianyang. There are many of the Black Hole Kings in the Main Palace – unless Hóng Yue is willing to suppress those people.

He boarded the ring, and on the other side, Lin Xianyang also stood opposite him.

The enemy meets and the eyes are red!

“It’s not interesting to always play when you meet. Is it better for us to add some color?” Zhou Heng did not forget the promise of Liǔ Yun’er and began to lure Lin Xianyang. “How, dare?”

“Dare, why don’t you dare!” Out of Zhou Heng’s surprise, Lin Xianyang actually agreed with it extremely painfully.

Is this guy crazy?

Didn’t he see the enough fordable power of Zhou Heng’s sword? Knowing that you are losing, you still have to promise to bet!

Lin Xianyang is definitely not a fool. He dares to promise it. There must be something to snuggle!

You can’t use Forbidden Artifact in the game, even if he suddenly took out and killed Zhou Heng, isn’t he afraid that Hóng Yue will solve him and Lin Family under the wrath?

Taking a step back, Lin Xianyang’s understanding of Hóng Yue is only stuck in the “Black Hole Rank”, but I don’t know that people are the strongest in the world of Chaos Rank… The strongest is the use of Forbidden Artifact. The opportunity to use?

Not Forbidden Artifact What would it be?

Zhou Heng was very curious, but he said in his mouth: “That, if you lose, you must take the initiative to quit!”

“You lost, and then you will never be involved with Seventh Princess anymore!” Lin Xianyang said with a cold expression, if he is not worried about the background of Zhou Heng Black Hole Rank, how much he hopes to personally put Zhou Heng a thousand dollars cut!

Lin Family is indeed the top giant of Great Qin. In addition to the Sovereign Family, they can be one of the very best. The giants who can face the “Black Hole Rank” are only qualified to drop their teeth and swallow!

Lin Xianyang was very angry. His fiancée had to be stolen. He was beaten by the “coward”, but his father was persuading him to temporarily bear this breath.

not the right time yet!

Lin Family does have a lot of power, but it is a far cry from Black Hole Rank powerhouse. This series of powerhouses can occupy a planet to build a Sovereign Dynasty, which is comparable to Great General and Great Marshal?

However, Lin Wubing once discovered an ancient Cave Mansion in the Southern Campaign, and got a mysterious inheritance, breakthrough Black Hole Boundary! By the time, Lin Family will be qualified to face the Black Hole Rank powerhouse!

Even Lin Xianyang can break through the Black Hole Rank very quickly. At that time, Lin Family has two Black Hole Kings. Not only is the regulator Zhou Heng, but even the Liǔ Sovereign Clan is screaming!

At that time, he will let Zhou Heng really pay the price!

And he clearly saw that Zhou Heng had such a strong fighting force but still dared to gamble, precisely because he had a treasure from the ancient Cave Mansion!

“A word is fixed!” After the two looked at each other. Said at the same time.

The two young geniuses once again stood in opposition and started their second matchup.

Hey. Lin Xianyang will bloom all the stars and Skyriver, dazzling and dazzling!

9,600 38 Stars, 900 52 Road Skyriver!

People familiar with Lin Xianyang are all discolored. Because this guy only had nine hundred 47 Road Skyriver a month ago!

In just one month, it actually became a five-way Skyriver!

Moreover, the meaning of this is not as simple as the five Skyrivers! When the Skyriver counts up to nine hundred, every ten Skyrivers means that if you can step on the Black Hole Boundary, you may form a Black Hole!

Of course, this is not the Skyriver Boundary. It must be Star Boundary and Comet Boundary.

In fact, the martial arts road is interlocking.

If the Star Boundary can only form 9,300 Stars, then it would never be possible to form more than 930 Skyrivers in the Skyriver Boundary. And when Skyriver Boundary only forms 920 Skyrivers, then it is impossible to have 93 Comet in Comet Boundary!

The foundation determines the height!

Lin Xianyang has 9,600 Stars, so his Skyriver Boundary limit is 960 Skyriver, which is very close to this height! Moreover, the martial arts way, the more difficult it is to go up, the Star Boundary has 9,600 Stars, and the Skyriver Boundary has 950 Skyrivers, which is actually very rare!

Even Comet Boundary takes a step back. The formation of ninety-four Comet, which also determined that he was four in the Black Hole Boundary limit!

It’s Black Hole Emperor!

Is this not enough?

It is the most outstanding genius of the High Noon Learning Institute in the past thousand years, this is the opportunity to become a Black Hole Emperor!

Everyone was horrified, and Lin Xianyang didn’t run Star Skyriver until he played against others. But now it is suddenly showing. Obviously, I have a deep hatred with Zhou Heng!

Zhou Heng faintly smiled, he is not so childish to play this trick!

Besides, the number of his 10,000 Stars is too horrible. What if I scare the children?

“Broken heart attack!” Lin Xianyang launched an offensive, and he obviously knew that Zhou Heng could not be close. Naturally, it is impossible to take the initiative to launch an attack, and the thumb of both hands is buckled. A white light suddenly formed, slamming and shooting a white light cannon at Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng’s figure is flashing and his feet are fluttering.

He did not waste this month. Instead, he used the contribution value to exchange the law with the school, called “Azure Fox Step”, which made up for Zhou Heng’s flaws in his body.

Although this is still not comparable to the top Dharma masters of the majors, it is at least much stronger than the 7-Star Free and Unfettered Step.

He calmly and dodge, and forced to Lin Xianyang to win a chance to attack me!

If you use Black Sword, then Black Sword will form a ten zhang long word glow, just like the real sword body, no stronghold one can overcome, hit the key to death! But the ordinary long sword in his hand does not have such a function, and must be really close to the horrible blow.

Lin Xianyang also carried out the same method, while constantly blasting the white light cannon against Zhou Heng, while on the other hand, he fully opened the distance with Zhou Heng, and did not give Zhou Heng a chance to show his lore.

He wins more spiritual power and is stronger, while Zhou Heng has Five Elements rune to make up for this shortcoming. Earth Element rune evokes the earth’s resonance, and his speed has at least doubled. He can barely compete with Lin Xianyang. ratio.

If you are fighting in the wild, then Lin Xianyang can be free and easy, but the problem is that this is a space with limited space, in order to quickly separate the winners and losers.

He was quickly forced into a dead end and forced to fight with Zhou Heng!

Hey, Zhou Heng is approaching!

Lin Xianyang is a faint expression, but a sneer, his hands are shaking, a flower umbrella has emerged, and he is propped up on his head!

Zhou Heng suddenly stagnated, and can’t move any more!

Lin Xianyang haha ​​laughed and went back to Zhou Heng. . )

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