Zhou Heng just hesitated a little, then he put away the bow and said: “As you wish!”

In the eyes of the public, he is not afraid that Lin Xianyang will go back on one’s word, otherwise, the other party will not only lose his face, but also Great Marshal Lin Wubing!

Lin Xianyang has a few strokes on the chest, and more than 900 Skyrivers suddenly have one after another, leaving only the Star of the sky shining. He clenched his fists in his hands, and his eyes flashed in two eyes with red blood rays of light.

Millions of people are male!

He grew up with follower on the battlefield slaughter, the soul of the dead even if there is no million, the murderous aura, suffocating his deliberate operation, suddenly formed a huge pressure.

Zhou Heng was so fearless that Violetflame Sky Dragon rose and he was equally angry.

He also had a big killing, and he was not only inferior to the other side, but also far better than the other! Only Lin Wubing, the Great Marshal who has been on the battlefield, can surpass him.

Lin Xianyang was a little surprised.

Realm high does not mean killing more people, some people have been retiring and suffering, may have reached Comet Boundary and still have no blood. While Warrior is a slaughter for a lifetime, this number may not be more. After all, there is no such environment.

Zhou Heng is not very old, but why does he have such a terrible Slaughtering Qi?

This thought only flashed in his mind, and Lin Xianyang was already on the rise, blasting a powerful attack.

– Although his realm has been suppressed to Star Boundary, it is not the more than 9,600 stars he has now, but the extent of Great Perfection! Otherwise, he is not likely to be so stupid, deliberately put himself to a level that is weaker than Zhou Heng.

Bang! bang! bang!

The two geniuses launched a fierce confrontation, all of which are Martial King Overlord, which are the spiritual level of the Great Perfection level. The difference is that Lin Xianyang has the power of 80 Stars, which can enlarge the power by more than 80 times!

Although Zhou Heng is far worse in the **, but he has the Five Elements rune, even if there is not too high growth surname can still be overbearing at the level of Star Boundary, with his great Perfection spirit enough to resist 80 Stars ** .

This is definitely the strongest match at the Star Boundary level, and even some Comet Boundary powerhouses that suppress the cultivation base to Star Boundary are not necessarily the opponents of the two – after all, not every Comet Boundary powerhouse is Martial King Overlord.

In the confrontation with realm, this qualification is simply a heavenly existence!

Guanghua flashes, power surges!

The game of the hand!

“It’s all genius genius!”

“It can be called the strongest Star Emperor!”

“If you can let the little blind people in the school observe this battle, they have a great enlightenment for them!”

On the occasion, the big men who watched through the large glass mirrors all sighed.

“However, Lin Xianyang can not make a difference, because he compensates for the lack of Star with Skyriver. When Zhou Heng also enters Skyriver Boundary, when the two realm are exactly the same, it must be Lin Xianyang will be defeated!”

“Hahahaha, this scene may take tens of thousands of years to appear! After all, Lin Xianyang is also a super genius. It took only ten years to break through the Skyriver Boundary. When Zhou Heng really wants to catch up with him, it must be both sides. Reached Comet Boundary!”

“Yes, the downside of Zhou Heng this child is time!”

The big guys turned their heads and began to evaluate the shortcomings of Zhou Heng.

It seems that the two men will end in the match!

This is also good, otherwise no matter which wins which defeat, it will cause dissatisfaction of a big man!

In the field, Zhou Heng also admire Lin Xianyang’s strength. The other’s innate talent is even higher than Yǔwen Hua, and he has been struggling in the sand since childhood. The foundation is very solid. Unlike the Crown Prince, which has a serious lack of practical experience. .

But in the battle with “order”, no one is the opponent of Zhou Heng!

His mind was moved, and ** brute force burst.

It is the power bonus of 5,000 Stars!

“What!” Lin Xianyang startled, this cheating, obviously already Star Boundary Great Perfection, how can you improve your strength?


With a punch in the air, Lin Xianyang stalked back and forth, only to feel the chest boiling, a blood spurt out.


This should not be! This is the ultimate strength of Star Boundary. How can it be overweight?


Lin Xianyang was furious and said that he had a fair fight and actually dared to cheat?

“The unbelievable villain, let you eat the consequences!” He screamed, bang, more than 900 Skyrivers let go at the same time, the power of terror flow, he instantly raised the power of tens of thousands of times.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Zhou Heng really didn’t watch out, but didn’t even think that this guy would actually be a thief and thief, obviously he was not keeping his credit, and using the power of Skyriver Boundary could actually beat him!

But the other party has already bullied the close, he can’t do it. After several hard fights, Zhou Heng can’t help but vomit blood, and the skin on his body is all bursting. If his physique is tyrannical, Five Elements rune has powerful. The protection effect, just a few times is enough to make him seriously injured.


Zhou Heng tried to swing his body shape and took out the falling bow. If he continued this way, he must have only a serious injury. I believe that the other party will not die. It is never Zhou Heng’s habit to wait.

“hmph, are you using it?” Lin Xianyang attacked faster, and he now has full power and suddenly suppresses Zhou Heng. The two have no difference in their talents. Now the power is a whole great realm, and the battle is definitely one-sided.

Indeed, under his strong pressure, Zhou Heng did not even have the opportunity to open the bow and arrow, constantly punching, hitting the middle of the hand, vomiting blood, and even the falling bows were almost overtaken by the other side.

A strong anger rises in the heart of Zhou Heng. He did not look very serious about the outcome, but now he is extremely eager to win, and in turn slaps the slap in front of this guy!

Use a force higher than a realm to “fair” a battle, a disgusting person!

“Everyone, just stop fighting now!” Outside the stadium, the college’s big brothers all said.

It was a fair battle before, but it is different now.

In fact, if Lin Xianyang does not say that he is suppressing the cultivation base and playing a fair war, then he uses Skyriver Boundary’s power to fight Zhou Heng. There is nothing to say. After all, this is allowed by the Hunting Competition. You Zhou Heng wants to use Star Boundary’s cultivation base. Come in and get ready for the unfair battle with the Skyriver Boundary powerhouse.

But now, Lin Xianyang has put down his words and wants to fight a fair battle. Now he is blatantly breaching the contract. If they do not stop as a “witness”, they will have to be angered by the big man behind Zhou Heng!

They have nodded, jumped out, and began to enter the main glass mirror to end the battle.

This large glass mirror is about to enter the Black Hole Rank, so one or two Comet Boundary Warrior can’t run this treasure, at least ten people! No way, the treasure is different from Forbidden Artifact.

“what happened!”

“The big glass mirror actually shields me from knowing!”

“It’s like this treasure has been recognizing Master!”

“Impossible, the big glass mirror generation is the treasure of the High Noon Learning Institute. The mirror is in the government, the mirror is dead, how can I recognize people?”

“It’s weird!”

“What to do, I can’t stop this battle!”

The university’s big brothers were all eclipsed. First, they were worried that they would be angered by the big man behind Zhou Heng. Secondly, they were worried. What happened to this town treasure!

– If Zhou Heng knows this, he will certainly guess that Hóng Yue is moving, and only this peerless witch has the ability to top secretly take control of the large glass mirror.


Very simple, oppress Zhou Heng, let him take the last step!

10,000 Star, beyond the height of Great Perfection, is the usual means of breakingthrough?

Hóng Yue is going to give Zhou Heng the pressure to inspire his emotions, whether it is anger or ecstasy, madness!

Zhou Heng is now furious!


His black hair was already upside down, covered with blood, and could not find an inch of intact skin, but his Essence, Qi, Spirit was burned to the extreme, and a violent anger supported him. Let him explode more and more powerful!

No one found out that Zhou Heng’s Star started a high-speed rotation. After each rotation, it will produce a powerful force that will enhance Zhou Heng’s strength!

Just because this power is too small compared to the Skyriver Boundary, what people see is that Zhou Heng is constantly being bombarded, bleeding, and vomiting blood!

“Your Majesty, confessing to me, I will spare you!” Lin Xianyang coldly said. In his view, this is already a matter of mercy, knowing that Zhou Heng took the initiative to intervene in the “couple” private affairs between him and Seventh Princess, and in the duel made the use of more than Star Boundary power, for this The shameless villain’s method of punishment is already extravagant!

If you don’t know that Zhou Heng is standing behind a Black Hole Rank powerhouse, Lin Xianyang has already shot Zhou Heng directly!


Zhou Heng’s eyes are red, black hair is angry, and his emotions are finally reaching the extreme.

Weng! weng! weng!

Nearly 10,000 Stars trembled, the big star in the middle suddenly sinks, and the star closest to it sinks. The closer the distance, the greater the sinking, and the outermost The Star has barely changed.

This, what is this **?

The people watching the battle were puzzled. They had never seen such a weird Star secret method. They didn’t know what it was all about!

Zhou Heng did not realize that he was completely surrounded by anger and only wanted to gain powerful power to blow up the wicked guy in front of him!

“Overestimate one’s capabilities !” Lin Xianyang slammed out, oh, Zhou Heng was suddenly rushed out, all the way to break at least a hundred trees before stopping, fell to the ground.

This strike was extremely powerful and directly smashed Zhou Heng’s seven ribs, and even Star could not open again, and he retreated back into the Dantian space.

So no one saw that there was a small spot of light at the location of the original star.

This is a new Star!

Ten thousand Stars, beyond the Great Perfection! (To be continued.)

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