Hóng Yue is really a changeable witch. At this time, a pair of dignified men and women, where can be seen that she once smashed a sun with a palm?

She meticulously began to explain Star Secret, which is a star of the Heaven’s Secret Institute that has just been derived, reaching 5,937 Stars, but the structure is stable and unstable, but it needs to be ** to know.

Although everyone is attracted and confused by the charm of Hóng Yue, the rules of the school are extremely strict. No one dares to shout at this time, but when they enter the questioning session half a day later, the scene suddenly boils.

Everyone is vying to ask questions. It is normal to ask at the beginning. It is related to Star and Skyriver. But then it is not normal. Some people ask Hóng Yue to marry, and some just propose to her on the spot. .

Hóng Yue started to ignore these problems directly, a cold and cold appearance, although she is a “small” Scholar at this time, but the signature of Heaven’s Secret Institute is still very shiny, and no one dares to impudent to her. .

– Respecting the teacher, this is the most basic etiquette. If you can’t even obey it, how can you expect you to work for the country? Not even Sovereign can betray?

The witch is the witch. Before the end of the moment, she suddenly smiled and said: “You really want to pursue this girl’s words, it is not impossible! However, this girl has already promised, you have to let the girl’s fiance first It’s a marriage contract!”

When I heard her say this, the audience suddenly boiled and asked Hóng Yue to say the name of the person.

“Zhou boy, this Eminence suddenly has an ominous premonition!” said the black snoring.

“I still use you to say!” Zhou Heng said weakly, is this witch planning to kill him?

Hóng Yue smiles charmingly, the jade arm is lightly lifted, and a spring and green jade finger is pointing in the direction of Zhou Heng.

Because of this distance, this finger actually pointed to a large group of people. Can you be the person yourself, everyone has a number in mind, the people in front of them naturally let go, while turning to look at the rear.

Zhou Heng also wants to escape, but a strange power is to hold him firmly!

This must be Hóng Yue’s hands and feet, but I know what it is, and even if he speaks out loud, he will only sit down on his relationship with Hóng Yue.

Since you can’t hide, you can face it calmly.

Zhou Heng smiled and faced tens of thousands of pairs of eyes full of hostility.

Thousands of people refer to it, no disease!

Most of the people here are Martial King, and even Martial King Overlord, and Skyriver Boundary’s powerhouse! Which of these people put them in Crossing Yang Star is a super genius who can sweep the same realm. The pressure formed by these people is that Comet King will shake!

But Zhou Heng is calm and waveless, he will be like iron, not to mention Black Sword to resolve the mental pressure.

“His name is Zhou Heng, this is the girl’s fiancé!” Hóng Yue said that his face was not red, his ears were not red, and he smiled at Zhou Heng Yanran.

By, demon girl!

Just a few words, Zhou Heng became the public enemy of all students of the High Noon Learning Institute – like Huotian, the charm of Hóng Yue is also killing men and women! Of course, there are also very few women who show her a sly color.

Is this the way she sharpens herself?

“Well, today’s class is here, disbanded!” Hóng Yue said, but the man walked toward Zhou Heng, her charm is too big, so that everyone is self-defeating in front of her, no one can dare to block In front of her, they bowed their heads.

Hóng Yue walked over to Zhou Heng and sat down next to him, the fragrance drifting and refreshing.

“Are you interesting to play like this?” Zhou Heng sighed.

“Of course it’s interesting!” Hóng Yue smiled.

Zhou Heng can’t see what it means. The strength of this witch is so strong that it can be wiped out. It is easy to sweep the entire Hundred Dragons Star. It is full of bad taste!

However, a powerhouse like her has no meaning, because Saint is a Causality Throne rather than a realm. It can only be given by heaven and earth, and it is impossible to reach it with hard work.

Since the ** has come to an end, only the game is played by people.

Seeing the “love” of the two sitting side by side, everyone was stunned and squirted, and with no difficulty, Hóng Yue mobilized hatred and regarded Zhou Heng as a nail in his eyes.

“If I died young, everything is hurt by you!” Zhou Heng sighed, but stretched out and hugged Hóng Yue’s shoulders, and under the slightest force, let Hóng Yue lean on his shoulder. on.

– Since you want to play, play with you to see who can’t afford it!

Hóng Yue’s lovable body shivered slightly. She had never been so close to a man. For a moment, she almost couldn’t hold back a slap in the face of Zhou Heng, and made this daring guy directly into a meatloaf!

But thinking of Huotian, she only really strong and endured, biting her teeth: “stinky brat, you are so bold!”

“You have made me a public enemy. I should pay interest.” Zhou Heng is not afraid of death. Anyway, Hóng Yue has already killed him if he wants to kill him. Besides, he even touched the “chest” last time.

Seeing that Zhou Heng dared to use the dog’s claws to glare Goddess, everyone was murderous aura, and I couldn’t wait to rush to kill Zhou Heng. But what reason do they have to make a shot?

People are unmarried couples, that is, they don’t sleep with them at night!

Be sure to let Zhou Heng cancel the marriage contract!

Everyone is burning with a strong fighting spirit. They are really geniuses in genius. There are countless people who are Martial King. Their resentment qi unites together to form a terrifying obsession!

Zhou Heng doesn’t care about these people, but the endurance of this witch in her arms seems to reach the limit, and the lovable body is slightly trembled. Once she breaks out, it is estimated that Hundred Dragons Star has to follow it!

He didn’t want to kill hundreds of millions of people because of his own relationship, and quickly released his hand.

I have to say that this witch and Huotian are really difficult to distinguish. If he first met Hóng Yue instead of Huotian, would you fall in love with Hóng Yue instead of Huotian?

“How, are you falling in love with me? Unfortunately, our agreement is to let me like you, or you can’t go to find Huotian!” Zhou Heng’s hand was taken away, Hóng Yue also immediately returned to normal, after all She didn’t know how many years of reincarnation, and looked at Zhou Heng with a pretty and charming look. The jade face was slightly dyed with a red glow.

Zhou Heng’s heart was swaying, and she almost couldn’t hold back and throw her down. Fortunately, he still has some strength, stand up and say: “Leave here, don’t take the bee again!”

If you don’t leave, he really has to be encircled!

Hóng Yue Yanran smiled and walked away with Zhou Heng, making it clear that Zhou Heng had to hate.

Heilv also grabbed the Little Fire closely follow the so-called love with this Henren can and donkey, if it runs slow beat stopped being shifted hated how to do? How awkward!

Back at the residence, a Blood Moon emerged, Hóng Yue sat on the Blood Moon lightly and said: “There will be an adventure in two days, you are ready, don’t die inside!”

“What adventure activities?” Zhou Heng asked.

“There was a Black Hole King’s retreat in the Breakthrough Black Hole Boundary, which was a bit of a benefit to you, so you have a chance to get it!” Hóng Yue indifferently said, even the Black Hole Boundary powerhouse is in her opinion negligible.

“You won’t help me?” Zhou Heng asked, although he didn’t expect it.

“No!” Hóng Yue shook his head, then Yanran smiled. “But I will follow you, but even if you are slaughtered into seventeen and eight paragraphs, I will not help you!”

Zhou Heng’s face is pumping, this witch knows how Huoshui she is, but she still has to follow him, isn’t he hating him? No one in the school dares to shoot at will, can enter the place of the government, is it not normal to die?

When I saw the two together, I don’t know how many people would be happy. I want to kill him and then take Hóng Yue as my own!

Zhou Heng Is there any way to say that Hóng Yue is the powerhouse of Chaos Boundary, she is just playing people?

Regardless of whether anyone believes that if Hóng Yue is Chaos Boundary, I am afraid that there will be more people around her – in case you can eat this bowl of soft rice, it is not invincible in the world!

Hóng Yue informed Zhou Heng of the news and then drifted away, so her strength is naturally not what Zhou Heng can stop.

“Zhou boy, this Eminence feels pitted by you!” Black sighed and sighed.

“Then you can run far!”

“Do you think this Eminence doesn’t want to? Or, you have to do this big sale first!”

“… can you still be more **?”

Zhou Heng can’t even get out of the door in a few days. When you open the door, you can see that there are people outside. Every and everyone is going to challenge him, and you have to bet: If Zhou Heng loses, he will have to lift it. Marriage contract with Hóng Yue.

Star Emperor He is not afraid of nature, but among them there are Skyriver King, Skyriver Sovereign and even Skyriver Emperor!

“These shameless guys have been forgotten by the aunts who are fascinated!” Black squatting through the door, it was originally intended to make a few small transactions in these days, which could be blocked. Don’t go!

The Instant Transportation Talisman text has not yet been fully mastered. It will take a few days to recover and can only be trapped in the yard.

Zhou Heng smiled and laughed. Hóng Yue didn’t put so much hatred on him. He didn’t come to make friends anyway. However, he is not afraid of the battle with Realm, but there are quite a few Skyriver Boundary outside, which is not what he can now do.

– Soaring Heaven Nine Forms, then irreconcilable until death!

Hóng Yue’s adventure, chance, can he promote his cultivation base to Skyriver Boundary?

As long as he reaches the Skyriver Boundary, he doesn’t have to tie his feet.

Three days later, the school sent a notice saying that a Cave Mansion, a black hole King enlightened, was born, and every student could go in and try one’s luck. This is just a place for Black Hole King breakthrough, it is unlikely to leave any handed down **, but there will be something called Yu Ding.

When Warrior breaks through the Black Hole Boundary, it also absorbs indefinitely invisible Black Holes in vitro. These Black Holes are naturally not the same as Black Hole in Xingyu, but after taking in countless years of Spiritual Qi, It will form a jade tripod.

This is a rare item of great nourishment for Star Boundary and Skyriver Boundary Warrior, but it has little effect on Comet Boundary Warrior. (To be continued.)

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