Yang Qi looked up to Zhou Heng and saw it in the heart: it was him!

Zhou Heng did not recognize him, but he recognized Zhou Heng. After all, Zhou Heng, on behalf of the school, won the first place in the Learning Institute Competition, and Geng Xinnuo and the others were well-received by the school. This face can be said to be recognized by everyone.

In his identity, as long as he is willing, getting a Star Emperor’s bench qualification is perfectly fine. The Great Origin Learning Institute has been playing soy sauce for many years, and every time it is an 1 Round tour, what is he doing? Is it shameful?

Unexpectedly, this time the Great Origin Learning Institute actually came to a big outbreak, Zhou Heng, Geng Xinnuo and the chicken blood, all the way if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, straight head name!

Yang Qi naturally regrets the death afterwards. If he had taken a foot in the first place, there would be him among the people who returned from the scenery! What can be done? The wood has already become a boat, and the time cannot be reversed. The only thing that is not in the matter is the regret medicine.

Therefore, he hates Zhou Heng!

Why Zhou Heng wants to win, which makes him lose the chance of the scenery!

“Zhou Heng, you have left the school, what is the qualification to come here? And, in public, I thought I would join the Great River Learning Institute.” Yang Qi will bring a hat to Zhou Heng as soon as he comes up. .

He not only has to catch Zhou Heng’s little nephew, but also has to take the opportunity to kill each other!

With Zhou Heng’s great contribution to the Great Origin Learning Institute, and his participation in the Great River Learning Institute, the private student residence is not enough for the Great Origin Learning Institute to make up for it!

But if it arouses the public anger of the students, it will be different!

Therefore, Yang Qi had to build momentum and mobilize all the students’ emotions, causing Zhou Heng’s insulting negative image. Then he took the opportunity to kill Zhou Heng. When the time was over, the school had only recognized it, and it was impossible to punish him. Instead, treat him as a hero!

As for whether you can kill Zhou Heng? Just kidding, Zhou Heng was just Star King invincible, but he was 1,400 Stars’ Star Emperor. Isn’t the strength comparison obvious?

Sure enough, listening to Yang Qi said that the lively students were all angry.

They were very dissatisfied with Zhou Heng’s private residence, because this is related to their vital interests. Now they are so moved by Yang Qi. Naturally, each and everyone is very emotional. I can’t wait to hang Zhou Heng at the entrance of the school. Warn others from the following bad examples.

“Yes, what happened to the Great River Learning Institute?”

“The rules are the rules, and everyone must abide by them. Otherwise, what are the rules for the school?”

“Yang Qi Senior Brother, take this guy!”

“kill him!”

I don’t know who first shouted, and the rest of the people started to be slightly startled, and they were excited and shouted with red eyes.

The surname is good, why do you have Zhou Heng all the way, but also joined the Great River Learning Institute? Now that you have committed something, you will take the opportunity to kill you!

Furious, I can’t wait to eat Zhou Heng’s meat and drink his blood!

Yang Qi is full of enthusiasm, he admire himself a bit, and instantly came up with such a coup, you can kill Zhou Heng! His eyes swept away and he finally saw Feng Lianqing, and he could not help but reveal the amazing color.

It wasn’t that he didn’t know that there was a person like Feng Lianqing before, but he didn’t pay attention to it at all, until then he discovered the pure color of Feng Lianqing.

In his heart, the Great Origin Learning Institute is not the one who can compete with Feng Lianqing in appearance. But women can’t just look at the looks and reach his height. Ordinary beautiful women are playing more, and naturally they are tired. I began to pursue the best beauty with good looks and good temperament.

Feng Lianqing is definitely the best!

After the killing of Zhou Heng, this beauty is a reward for him!

– Without the support of a man, can a small beauty who has just entered Star Boundary still get it?

It’s one move, two gains!

“Zhou Heng, still not obediently surrender!” Yang Qi shouted loudly.

“obediently surrender!” Jin Huancheng also shouted, the fox exploits the tiger’s might.

Zhou Heng ignored it, and after looking at the crowd, he couldn’t help but smile. The right hand stretched out and the spiritual power turned into a giant hand, and one person was arrested out of thin air.

It is Páng Shaolong!

“Zhou Heng, you are already wearing a sin, actually dare to commit a crime?” Páng Shaolong was watching the excitement and was the first slogan he called to kill Zhou Heng. He thought it was hidden, but did not think of Zhou. Heng will suddenly shoot him out.

Fortunately, there is a Star Emperor sitting in the town, although his heart is a little scared, but more is excited, finally caught the opportunity to see Zhou Heng to die!

“Bold mad, private school, strong students privately, actually dare to shoot and hurt, I am sentenced to death on behalf of the school!” Yang Qi shouted, right hand swayed, there is already a bright long Sword.

Treasures are rare, but the weapons that can be built by the workers can go to the extreme on the sharp side. As long as they run with powerful power, they can be the same as the realm Warrior!

Of course, the requirements for materials for this weapon are extremely high, but it is much better than the treasure.

Although Yang Qi screamed in the mouth, but the person who had spoken at the same time had already rushed out, there was no difference from the sneak attack. He didn’t want to give Zhou Heng any chance to survive, and he had to kill Zhou Heng.

When the last sentence fell, he also swayed the long sword and squatted in front of Zhou Heng.

Winning glory is another thing, Yang Qi wants Zhou Heng to die!

Zhou Heng raised his hand at random, hey, the blade was on his palm, or he said that he reached out and grabbed the sword.

Is this at the dead end?

But the scene of bloody splashes and broken limbs did not appear. Zhou Heng caught the sword as if it were a harmless stick.


Everyone’s eyes are smashed out, how is this possible!

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, violently in the hands of the force, picked up the long sword, oh, Yang Qi was too shocked, simply forgot to let go, was stunned by the semi-circle, hit the ground heavily, which can still hold the sword handle?

This collision really made him feel good, and his bones seemed to be broken. He only felt a sweet eye, and he couldn’t help but spurt out his blood. He coughed constantly and was uncomfortable.

But more is shocking!

Zhou Heng How can there be such a strong force? Moreover, how is his physical defense horrible like Monster Beast?

– That is natural, Zhou Heng’s physique has reached the level of 5,000 Stars, Yang Qi has 1,400 Stars, how can it break Zhou Heng’s defense?

Zhou Heng right hand A glimpse of the long sword’s hilt, he squatted, and he followed Yang Qi with a sword without a front. No front is no front, but with the horrible power of Zhou Heng, Yang Qi’s face immediately has a red mark on his face, and his face swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Pa! pa! pa!

Zhou Heng used the sword to whip and used Yang Qi’s face as a ** pump. The sound of the sound seemed to hit everyone’s face, so that they and everyone were white, showing a strong fear. .

This enchanting!

He had only been at the Star King level before, but now he can beat Star Emperor! This is this, it’s only after a year!

Everyone is stunned. At this time, no one dares to provoke Zhou Heng, but they are sneer in their hearts. Whatever your Star Emperor is invincible, the Great Origin Learning Institute has Skyriver King!

The more fierce the trouble is, the more difficult it is to end, and the Skyriver King is the dead end!

Naturally, Páng Shaolong and Jin Huancheng are most happy. Anyway, it is not their own sin, and Zhou Heng is so arrogant that it is really foolish to be defeated by the school’s suppress and kill!

“Zhou Heng, I will never let you go!” Yang Qi roared, his dignified Star Emperor, the Crown Prince’s existence in the school was actually being publicly exposed, what a shameful shame?

“I’m going to kill you!”

“All who are related to you are going to die!”

He said with a red eye, he was completely angered.

Zhou Heng frowned, said: “I originally wanted to leave you a life, but you have to find the dead end, you will complete you!” His right hand, the long sword will be directly injected from Yang Qi’s mouth, Under the powerful force, he came out from the back of Yang Qi and nailed his life to the ground!

The power to destroy the surname was surging, and Yang Qi did not even have the chance to escape with the soul. He died completely.

The audience was silent, and no one thought that Zhou Heng would be so powerful, and he did not expect him to dare to kill!

Killing at the Great Origin Learning Institute, this is a blatant provocation to the school, this matter is absolutely not good enough. Compared with the Great Origin Learning Institute, how about the Star Emperor, can you fight with the Skyriver King?

Xiu xiu xiu, another four daoist silhouette flying, each one is white-browed white whiskers, exudes a powerful atmosphere.

Skyriver King !

The Skyriver King of the Great Origin Learning Institute is finally out!

The four old men looked at the body of Yang Qi on the ground, and everyone’s face showed an unstoppable anger.

No matter what happened before, there are actually outsiders running to the school to openly kill, this is the provocation of the Great Origin Learning Institute!

“Zhou Heng, you are so bold!” said a Skyriver King, and another Skyriver King sent a signal to pass Yang Qi’s death to Yang Family. Although the perpetrators must be executed, it is best to start with the Yang Family.

“haha, Hahahaha!” Páng Shaolong laughed. He pointed to Zhou Heng. “Zhou Heng, you stupid, dare to attack the Great Origin Learning Institute. You are looking for dead end!”

“Yes, you are looking for dead end!” Jin Huancheng also jumped up loudly said.

“Hey!” Zhou Heng looked at and beckoned, and the long sword that was nailed to Yang Qi immediately softly trembled, slammed from the ground and fell back into his hands. He raised his hand again. This long sword looked towards Páng Shaolong’s head and stabbed it.

“Bold!” The four Skyriver Kings were furious, and this kid dared to act in front of them. It was really lawless! They all shot and went to the town of Zhou Heng.

“You are bold, and you dare to shoot the Exalted Lord!” An old voice sounded, hey, the four Skyriver King were weak at the same time, and they couldn’t help but squat.


At the same time, the long sword also ran straight through Páng Shaolong’s head, crucifying him to the ground! (To be continued.)

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