This is really a door, built in the mountain, the stone door is locked, I don’t know what is inside. .

“Isn’t that the entrance to the treasure?” Blackbird suddenly cheered up. “Zhou boy. You see, there aren’t many bodies here, but we also saw a lot when we came over, and at least Skyriver Boundary! This Eminence said that the Human Alliance has been hitting the treasure house of Black-Boned Fiend Clan, while Black-Boned Fiend Clan is desperately resisting. In the end, both sides fought a jade stone, all died, and it was cheap. we!”

This speculation may indeed be true, but Zhou Heng has an unclear feeling in his heart. He can’t say why. In short, he is very upset. It seems that there is a terrifying monster hidden behind the stone gate.

“There may be a big danger here!” He sighed. “We ate those Blood Spirit Fruits first, and upgraded the strength and then explored them!”

For such a proposal, Blackbird naturally has no opinion. It has not been done before because the refining Blood Spirit Fruit takes a long time, and it is not safe to be in the Monster Beast.

It’s sulky here, they’ve been all the way to say that Monster Beast doesn’t see one, it’s that no creatures have found it!

Not even a blade of grass grows !

This is also the place where Zhou Heng feels uneasy. It is obvious that there are many corpses here, and there are a lot of Spiritual Qi smoldering. Why is there no spice grass?

However, there is no Monster Beast, they can be safely here.

As for the time, it is not in the consideration of Zhou Heng. They have Cloudnet Boat and Instant Transportation Talisman. Even if it is over half a year, it is not difficult to get out.

The only level 4 Blood Spirit Fruit belongs to Zhou Heng, because Level 4 Blood Spirit Fruit has reached the level of Skyriver King. Whether it is Little Fire or black scorpion, it may be directly bombed. Only Zhou Heng can digestion.

He has Black Sword to be able to **.

Zhou Heng also took a first-level Blood Spirit Fruit, while the remaining six were split equally between Little Fire and Blackbird.

They immediately started refining.

Zhou Heng first ate the first-level Blood Spirit Fruit.

Blood Spirit Fruit is based on the blood of Warrior and is grown in the Spiritual Qi environment up to 7 Origin Star for at least 10,000 years. The spirit is rich. It’s just that this can’t be called holy medicine, because it only increases the accumulation of spiritual power, and can’t help Warrior form Star, Skyriver, and so on.

But this is not important to Zhou Heng. All he needs is spiritual accumulation.

Hey, under the infinite spiritual power, he within the body is producing one after another new Star.

I completely ignored the basic array of nine. All Stars are centered on the big star, and then they are arranged outwards in turn, turning around the big star in a circle.

Zhou Heng didn’t know when the number was small, but when the number of Stars exceeded 100, Zhou Heng sensed an odd power, which was caused by the rotation of Star.

This is the same as the pressure of the pressure released by Dongfang Wenlong and Fu Donghang. If there is any difference, it is that his power is more pure!

The true power of Star!

This is the majestic force that can only be formed after the formation of 3,000 Stars, but Zhou Heng has only reached a hundred Stars, and it is naturally formed without any secrets.

This must be related to his special Star secret, a big star ** central, 100 Star surround, is a Star secret that has never appeared before, and no one can imitate.

With the power of this pure Star, any Star Sovereign has only been crushed in front of Zhou Heng!

The spiritual power contained in a first-level Blood Spirit Fruit can form a hundred Stars, but this is a rough quantity. The Star formed by Zhou Heng is almost 2 times in the size of a normal Star, so this Blood Spirit Fruit After being refining completely, Zhou Heng’s Star number also stopped at 103.

This time, whether it is strength or the number of Stars, he has reached the Star Sovereign level.

Zhou Heng takes out another Blood Spirit Fruit, which is Level 4 Blood Spirit Fruit, and the spiritual power that can even make Skyriver King form a Skyriver. If it is another Star Emperor, it will survive in a bite.

He didn’t dare to eat the whole piece in one breath, but the Blood Spirit Fruit would only be lost when it was bitten, and Zhou Heng refining the first Blood Spirit Fruit time, when he would eat it. After a piece of Blood Spirit Fruit is digested, I am afraid that the remaining Blood Spirit Fruit has lost all its power.

That is completely wasted.

Do you want to take this risk?

Zhou Heng thought about it and felt shameful. He had Black Sword should be qualified to take a chance.

He swallowed Blood Spirit Fruit and ignited Black Sword, but then he was desperate!


As soon as the second Blood Spirit Fruit entered the belly, it immediately erupted with the horror of spiritual power. Like the landslide and tsunami, it ran in the within the body of Zhou Heng, and the violent force seemed to tear him into pieces in an instant.

Pa! pa! pa!

Although his physique reached the Star Sovereign level under the tempering of the golden bone marrow, there was no arrogance in front of this violent spiritual power. Only a body that hit him began to crack and blood flowed like a note.

This is just the beginning, the violent spiritual power collides with each other. Zhou Heng’s bones are like the tofu in front of this force. It is instantly shaken, and it is not broken into two pieces, but a broken bone is broken into two pieces. Blocks, two pieces become four pieces, more and more, more and more fine.

In just one moment, Zhou Heng was shocked by the power of violent.

The power of horror!

Level 4 Blood Spirit Fruit But Skyriver King Rank is enough to crush the Star Emperor hundreds of times in an instant. Even if the Black Sword is waiting, Zhou Heng can only hold the front line and can’t guard the whole body.

He is fully motivated to reinforce his own power, with refining to absorb the violent power of the body.

The process is tough, but Zhou Heng has no choice.

The number of Stars has started to increase rapidly, 200 Stars, 300 Stars, 400 Stars, because Zhou Heng’s Dantian space is outrageous, he doesn’t have to worry about the repulsive force between Stars, and his unique Star patch can also repel this kind of force. It’s no problem to get rid of it in a wonderful way and form a new Star.

Blood Spirit Fruit is madly releasing the essence of spiritual power. Zhou Heng has no time to fully absorb it. A considerable amount of essence is combined with his own flesh and blood to further enhance his strength.

This is absolutely impossible under normal conditions. Which Star Sovereign dare to eat to eat Level 4 Blood Spirit Fruit? Even Star ** will be killed!

The Skyriver King is just right, even if you can’t form a new Skyriver to consume these essences, you can use the power of the Spirit Spirit to drain your body.

Only Zhou Heng with Black Sword can do it!

The process was long and long-lasting. After three months, Zhou Heng finally stopped, with the body Blood Spirit Fruit has been completely refining, and the number of Stars jumped to One Thousand One Hundred 99.

Although there is no breakthrough 3,000 Stars, he has a big star, plus each star is bigger than the usual Star Boundary Warrior 1 time, the actual power has actually reached two thousand 500 Stars.

He runs the Five Elements rune and begins to repair the devastating body.

Very slow.

The more sturdy the body is, the less likely it is to break, but the same, the more sturdy the body is traumatized, the more difficult it is to fix it!

Under the nourishment of this level of 4 Blood Spirit Fruit, Zhou Heng’s flesh and blood became more and more tenacious. After ten days, he barely repaired his torso and healed his head after half a month.

At this time, Little Fire and Blackbird have also refining. When they see Zhou Heng’s miserable, the black scorpion is taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, while Little Fire is constantly holding Zhou Heng’s hand, followed by ** You can’t have too much conscience.

It was half a month later, and Zhou Heng was completely restored.

“Xunzi, what is your cultivation base now?” Zhou Heng asked, looking at the appearance of 驴 驴 下 下 快 快 快 快 快 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下 下

“you guess!”

“… Believe it or not, I am hitting you?”

“Hahahaha, this Eminence has stepped into Star Emperor, now has 1,300 Star, Zhou boy, tremble in front of this Eminence!”

“It’s still a little less!” Zhou Heng shook his head, even if 3,000 Stars could break through, then 1,300 Star couldn’t even reach half of it. If you want to be a high-end Star Emperor, then thousands of Stars can only be said to be Just started.

Star Boundary’s three small realm divisions do not really reflect the difference, Star Emperor is the beginning of Star Boundary, the first two small realm is completely soy sauce.

Little Fire is Divine Beast. It is a road to physical training. I don’t see a specific realm, but I don’t think it will be much worse than Black.

“We are now full of enthusiasm, go to dig treasures!” Black eager to be impatient.

“Have a treasure?” Zhou Heng looked at the huge portal and murmured. Although his strength has soared a lot, there is still a feeling of uneasiness in the face of the door. But his curiosity was not small, and he quickly suppressed the strange emotions in his heart and decided to go in.

The refining Blood Spirit Fruit took them four months, and the adventure was already over. Now outsiders may still suspect that he was trapped before he could come out before the deadline, but in a few months, basically no one would think so, and he would think he was dead.

Zhou Heng, who thinks what others think, is not in the heart. He just hopes that Qi Yuan will not think that he is dead, and he has just collected the drug shop that has just started, and he has always been mixed with the Great River Learning Institute.


They were already at the foot of the mountain, and they came to Shimen without a few steps, but after pushing the door, they found completely motionless.

“It’s not that outsiders have laid down the ban, but the Defending Formation itself is working!” Zhou Heng said one step back.

“That is to say, the treasure inside is not being robbed!” Blackbird is very excited.

“Not necessarily, maybe the person on the side found that the situation is not good, has it been removed in advance?”

“Hey, crow mouth!”

The black scorpion continued to smash the stone door and said: “This Eminence has entered the Star Emperor and seems to have awakened something, seeing this Eminence break this battle!” (To be continued.)

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