“NO——!” Ximen Shan shouted, reaching for Ximen Dong and turning his hand into a knife, squatting down at Ximen Dong’s shoulder and trying to break the broken extension. .

But his hand met Ximen Dong, but the other side, like the crystal that had already broken, crashed into a piece of debris.

Everyone knows that in fact, Ximen Dong and Zhou Heng have actually been shattered by the fight, but they can barely remain intact without the impact of external forces, but with the weight of Zhou Heng, this little power Let Ximen Dong start to break.

Ximen Shan’s support was even worse, and Ximen Dong was completely broken.

After the reaction, everyone was taking a breath!

Zhou Heng killed Ximen Dong in a fist, directly destroy both body and soul! This is this, too terrifying!

——this fist , Zhou Heng used the gold rune in Five Elements rune to match the power of Star Sovereign with the power of gold, and it was not a problem to smash the body and spirit of Star King.

“Zhou Heng, I want your life!” Ximen Shan is stunned. He knows that he killed the younger brother, but the chief culprit is Zhou Heng. His relationship with the younger brother is profound, and he is angry again. Hate and regret, only the single thought head is left in the heart, it is to kill Zhou Heng to avenge the younger brother!

As for whether he will be punished by the school, it is all about the future, and he has no time to think.

“Ximen Shan, do you think I really fear you?” Zhou Heng shouted, then he didn’t have to keep it, Free and Unfettered Step, his right hand, Black Sword was in his hands.


A flame spread out, Scarlet Flame Sword Art is already unfolding, and the Fire Dragon flutters.

“Death!” Ximen Shan boiled murderous aura in his eyes, his hands were wrong, and Zhou Heng was suppressed. He is the Star Emperor of 4,000 Stars, absolutely crushing Zhou Heng in power, and pure power can kill Zhou Heng!

This is the most direct and fastest way to fight, and Ximen Shan doesn’t want to give the school a chance to stop the fight.


In the face of a Star Emperor, Zhou Heng can not have any reservations, one look, the purple flame weather is already launched, the horrible momentum suddenly bombarded toward the other side.

Although Ximen Shan is a genius, he is mainly trained by the university, but unfortunately, he is not a Martial King!

— Crossing Yang Star may have Martial King, but it is unlikely to appear in the Great Origin Learning Institute, and even less likely to be Ximen Shan!

It is Martial King, which is a small realm higher than Zhou Heng to reduce the degree of influence. How can Ximen Shan be immune? “Well?” He was groaned, and the spiritual power suddenly blew out, and his combat power dropped sharply.


His fist slammed on the Black Sword, the violent power rolled over, bang bang bang, Sandrage Field suddenly bricks and sky, mud and dust, blocking everyone’s sight.

When everyone’s eyes can re-visit the scene in the field, I saw that Zhou Heng was already shocked by the temporary ten zhang, his face was a bit pale, this time it was not a white makeup, but also a blood stain on the corner of his mouth.

And what about Ximen Shan? He stood still and didn’t move. Obviously, he had an absolute advantage in the previous attack, but the sharp-eyed person immediately discovered that there was a blood mark on his fist, and the blood was continually ticking. .

Ximen Shan was also scratched by Zhou Heng!

Although it is only a fleshy wound, but the injury is hurt!

He is Star Emperor, Star Emperor wants to suppress Star King is not a matter of thought? Even if Zhou Heng has a big star, it can be classified as Star Sovereign, but Star Emperor is still absolutely crushing Star Sovereign.

Zhou Heng did not die under the attack of the other party, and even did not even have a serious injury. This is already a strange thing. But he can still leave a sword mark on Ximen Shan’s body, which really can’t be imagined by everyone.

“Everyone, old man is right, this kid is awesome!” A corner of the stands, a dozen Skyriver Kings are sitting in a row, as early as when Ximen Shan launched an attack, someone wanted to stop But they were all stopped by one person.

Sure enough, Zhou Heng not only blocked the anger of Ximen Shan, but even made an effective counterattack!

The top management of these institutions are stunned. In fact, the strength of Zhou Heng is not in their eyes. They are shocked by the future development potential of Zhou Heng!

Star King is so powerful, with the power of Star Sovereign, even the Star Emperor, when this kid breaks into the Skyriver King, isn’t it possible to compete for the throne of Crossing Yang Star 1st Powerhouse?

This made a big profit, it was actually recruited to receive such a enchanting!

“absolutely can’t make him lose!”

“But Star Emperor is obviously not what he can beat, but he can give him enough encouragement!”

“Don’t stop the battle first, use Ximen Shan’s hand to polish this kid, and also frustrate his spirit, lest he should be too proud and arrogant, and eventually kill himself!”

The general public quickly unanimously agreed and decided to wait and see, and waited for Zhou Heng to encounter difficulties in life and death.

But everyone did not have the surprise of Ximen Shan. He was the one who had the sword of Zhou Heng. He thought that there was nothing in a flesh wound, but he found that his spiritual power could not heal the wound, but he wanted It is impossible to stop the overflow of blood!

At the wound, there is a terrifying savage temper, and the spiritual power that circulates him is destroyed instantly!

No wonder this kid wants to use a broken blade, that is treasure, absolute treasure!

Some blood will not die!

Ximen Shan was soon filled with the hatred of his brother, and his face stared at Zhou Heng coldly. Why did the school dare not stop now? He doesn’t care, he wants to kill Zhou Heng, be sure!

Zhou Heng played a sword flower, although Scarlet Flame Sword Art is only one style, but this style is enough terrifying. He faintly smiled, said: “Please advise Senior Brother Ximen!” Serene, it seems that even Star Emperor is not in his eyes.

Ximen Shan didn’t immediately shoot, but stood still, but with the body, it was a slap in the air, and it was covered with black hair, and the body was swollen. Hey, his clothes were completely broken, and the incarnation was full. Ten zhang size of the giant ape.

The strength of Monster Beast is quite proportional to the size of the head. The bigger the head, the stronger the strength!

Ximen Shan incarnation’s giant ape is several times larger than Ximen Dong, but the strength is not only a few times bigger, at least 10,000 times, or even more!

His eyes were red and his mouth was open, and two long, fangs were found, each of which was full of feet. This could be regarded as a Star Emperor weapon, piercing the body of Star Emperor directly under a bite. !

“Hey, you still want to pursue Senior Sister Yuhua? You don’t look in the mirror and look at this German surname!” Zhou Heng added fuel to the fire.

“ang ——” Ximen Shan was furious, and Zhou Heng was loudly roared. The sound wave actually formed a shock wave. The place where it passed was actually a deep mark with a wide width.

“You are useless to me. If you look so ugly, you should stay in the nest, and run out and throw ugly!” Zhou Heng swayed and let the shock wave pass.

“Gege”, Jiāng Zishuang in the stands laughed happily, then Lay Yang Yuhua’s clothes corner, said, “mother, don’t like the ugly orangutan, Tiantian hates him!”

Yang Yuhua showed a gentle smile, touched the head of the little girl, whispered: “Reassured, mother will no longer like anyone, mother’s heart has long been closed!”

Jiāng Zishuang seems to understand, some are at ease, and some are awkward.

Underneath, Ximen Shan has completely promoted the Force of Bloodline. Hey, more than 4,000 Stars emerged. Based on the nine, they formed each and everyone galaxies, echoing each other and spreading terrifying stars.

In general, the formation of three thousand Stars is eligible to impact Skyriver Boundary, but Skyriver Boundary is a good breakthrough? What a precious and rare Sky Profound Spirit Crystal!

He stretched out his claws, and he smashed ten thorns out of his finger bone, flashing the luster of the red golden.

Legend has it that the ancient giant ape should be a Divine Beast with golden fur, and it is not the appearance of the black ape. This is because Ximen Shan’s bloodline is too impure, but he can refining his feet into golden, but it is enough to prove his out of the ordinary.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He strode forward to Zhou Heng, like a giant beast, and every step of the fall was a trembling tremor.

“Dead!” He sighed, and the right hand slammed into it, swaying a golden stream and marching toward Zhou Heng.

He has enough confidence that as long as he is swept by his fingertips, Zhou Heng’s body will be instantly split into six!


Zhou Heng greeted the sword, Black Sword was indestructible, and met with the other’s finger blade, Mars.

After the transformation, Ximen Shan was infinitely powerful. Even if Zhou Heng weakened the other’s spiritual power with momentum, he still had no qualification for hard fight. His feet were like shovel, and the shovel shoveled a deep mark, and his figure retreated.

Ximen Shan screamed, his arms smashed, a path of golden light flashed, and he went to Zhou Heng.

Dīng dīng dīng dīng !

Zhou Heng is constantly parsing, Black Sword is strong enough to block the other side’s bombing, but the power of Star Emperor is too strong, it shocked him to vomit blood, as he worked for Star King at Bright Immortal .

But everyone is shocked to say nothing, is this really a Star King?

3-Star Star King can barely resist the 4,000 Stars Star Emperor, which is simply a fantasy of Dharma.

“Dead! Dead! Dead!” Ximen Shan only left the head of Zhou Heng single thought, and his arms continued to dance, he did not believe that Zhou Heng could always fight with him! The gap in power is the biggest weakness of Zhou Heng.

“woof!” Just then, Little Fire hit the ring.

It can be fair and unfair, no one is going to Zhou Heng, it is its enemy! It is pure in mind, whichever is that many, immediately swaying and swelling.

Ten zhang !

The same is ten zhang!

The size of the Monster Beast determines the strength. Why is the Little Fire just Star King, but has the same size as Ximen Shan? That’s because it’s the real Divine Beast, and the surname of growing up far exceeds that of Ximen Shan, a fake product that only touches the words Divine Beast.

Little Fire opened his mouth and bit his throat at Ximen Shan’s calf. (To be continued.)

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