“Zhao Family Ember, do you think that this Eminence’s Five Fingers Mountain?” A slender silhouette appeared in the lobby like a ghost. Apart from snacks, others didn’t know how he appeared. .

“Old guy, how did you find me?” Snacks were not afraid, but curiously asked.

That long and thin silhouette is naturally Tan Mingxuan, he is sneered, when he just wants to talk, the door is coming again.

“Hahaha, do you think you won? I didn’t expect it, I was the ultimate winner!” This time coming in from the door is a middle age person around 40, the cultivation base is at most only Body Refining 6th Layer, 7th Layer Look like.

He is also Yú Family clansman, named Yú Hairong.

“Yú Hairong, what’s going on?” Seeing the peaks and turns, Yú Family clansman exclaimed.

“Hey, do you want to call my name directly?” Yú Hairong took a sip. “From now on, I am your Patriarch adult!” He slammed his chest very arrogantly, then immediately stooped and trotting To the side of Tan Mingxuan, respectfully said: “Senior, this kid is the person you are looking for!”

Nonsense, Laozi is more advanced than you, and his eyes are not blind, will not see?

Tan Mingxuan was in a bad mood. He wanted to pretend to be inscrutable. He didn’t expect to be sold by the other party.

The snack food naturally became awakened, saying: “It turned out to be his secret!”

Living in someone’s wood house, no matter how careful he is, it is impossible to hide it!

He didn’t know, but it wasn’t that he was not careful enough, but Yú Xiong accidentally leaked his news to his friends, and one of them sneaked into the snacks and ate the stones to say to the parents – that is Yú Hairong let the news go out.

Originally, there was nothing, but after Tan Mingxuan chased the snacks, he made a reward in the vicinity to grab the snacks. It was just seen by Yú Hairong, who came out to deliver it, so he invited Tan Mingxuan.

And the benefit he can get is to be a Yú Family Patriarch – this is completely easy for Tan Mingxuan!

Tan Mingxuan rolled his sleeve and said: “Zhao Family is not obediently surrender. You can enter the Spirit Sea Boundary at your young age. My Family Master will not only be able to spare you, but also accept you as a disciple!”

Spirit, Spirit Sea Boundary!

Yú Family Everyone is shocked and numb!

Their strength is weak, but it does not prevent them from knowing the hierarchy of martial arts! On top of Body Refining is Spirit-Gathering. On top of Spirit-Gathering, you will also have Initial Fragmentation, Dividing Earth, Opening Heaven, and Mountains and Rivers. After crossing these four realms, you can enter Spirit Sea Boundary!

Strong and strong!

No wonder Clansman cut him before, but he killed himself!

However, this old man is qualified to chase the Spirit Sea Boundary powerhouse, isn’t he more powerful?

Hey, what kind of whirlpool is Yú Family involved in?

“Hey, I want Young Master to switch to sect, you don’t sneak into the mirror, see if you don’t deserve it!” Snacks are disdainful. “Young Master already has Master, and there is always only one Master!”

“What is the 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal? I Master, but I have been practicing Immortal Realm for more than ten years, this is the real genius!”

“When my Master goes down, each and everyone smashes your ass!”

After talking a few words in a snack, I immediately coughed up.


1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal ! Flying up Immortal Realm!

Yú Family clansman has no reaction at all, only the cheeks are constantly twitching, and this level of grievances can be wiped out by a wave of remnants!

“Kid, since you have to courting death, don’t blame the old man for being ruthless, to destroy a genius by yourself!” Tan Mingxuan said with a sneer.

“To fight, it is really mother-in-law!” The snack goods disdain authentic, his bones are all wild names, otherwise they did not dare to singlehanded with a dagger to stab Zhou Heng.

“It’s a pity to ruin a genius by hand, but there is no sense of accomplishment!” Tan Mingxuan finally shot, and his eyes naturally showed that there were multiple snacks, so I don’t mind saying more. Some nonsense.

“Unfortunately, you don’t have this opportunity!” A clear voice came, full of the majesty of Supreme!

Yú Family Everyone is numb. Anyway, there are enough people here today, and there is no need to make one more. I don’t know who this is.


Tan Mingxuan This palm shot was taken out, but it couldn’t fall. This force couldn’t get out of the way and all of them suddenly slammed back into the body. It was flushed and a blood spurted out.

What shocks him even more is the strength of this mysterious person!

If people are not even present, they will let him vomit blood. What is the difference in strength?

“Master, Master!” Snacks were surprisingly called out, and the face was full of incredible.

This is natural, Zhou Heng has been flying Immortal Realm for a few years, how can it be so fast?

Master ?

Before listening to this boy, his Master has already risen to Immortal Realm! Is it…Immortal down?


Yú Family All of them originally thought that they would not be surprised again, but now they are once again shaken and stunned, only to know that a heart is not enough!

and many more!

The boy called Yú Xiong as a younger brother. Didn’t he say that they both have a relationship with Yú Family and Immortal?

Mother! Oh my god!

Be friends with Immortal!

Yú Family wants to fly! No, no, don’t go straight to 9th Stratum!

They are naturally not qualified to try to gain somebody’s friendship with Immortal, but they are Yú Family people, just follow Yú Xiong, maybe they will be given a few Immortal Pill!

Tú tú sudden, Yú Family people’s hearts are jumping wildly.

Hey, the silhouette flashed, and there was another person in the lobby. This is a slender young man with a thick black hair and an overwhelming expression of 1st Layer on his skin, which makes people feel incomparably awe.

This young man is naturally Zhou Heng.

He actually has been there for a while, but he has been watching the movie all the time, and he is not in a hurry to shoot.

– This is the will to exercise snacks, the more dangerous the moment, the more you can sharpen the will.

“Gate, sir, no, Senior honors the name!” Tan Mingxuan said in a hurry, he naturally did not believe that the young people in front of him was the master of snack foods. How could Immortal be so easy?

And it’s too clever. When the crime happens, the Master ran over? joke!

“Don’t you already know?” Zhou Heng faintly smiled, casually pointing at the snacks, the spread of life, he is not only 17 Dharma Bright Immortal, but also runs the Five Elements rune!

In the predecessor of Chaos Heavenly Scripture, Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture and Cyanwood Heavenly Scripture have therapeutic effects, and after the fusion, Chaos Heavenly Scripture naturally has the same healing power, and the effect has been turned over several times!

Once pointed, the golden light circulates like a miracle.

The snack goods immediately jumped up and suddenly rushed to the foot of Zhou Heng, saying: “Master, you want to die!”

He is already hurt.


Yú Family is limited to the level and does not know the magic of Zhou Heng. Tan Mingxuan is the Forming Embryo Boundary powerhouse. He naturally knows that there are multiple injuries to snacks!

To treat such injuries, the 1 Tribulation Quasi-Immortal is very powerful, and it will not be effective in a day or two!

Immortal !

Definitely Immortal!


Tan Mingxuan has a soft foot and can’t help but squat. After this embarrassment, his dignity followed, and it was natural to tremble: “Tan Mingxuan meets the immortal!”

Up and up!

Yú Family clansman This is the only way to come and realize, and he will continue to fall down with his sorrow.

“Master ——” Yú Xiong rushed out and wanted to share another thigh at the foot of Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng A gentle glance, this brat returned to the arms of Yú Zeshi. He glanced at the snacks with disappointment, and the kid confessed to him on his behalf! It was Sea Blan’s brat, and now it is this wonderful little girl with two noses!

“hehe!” Snacks caught the head and began to mess up.

Zhou Heng doesn’t bear the blame. He really didn’t teach this discipline, but it’s not as good as Helian Dong! He threw a medicine pill and said, “After eating, go play with him again!”

“Yes, Master!” Hearing Zhou Heng said, the snack goods knew that Zhou Heng had spared himself and quickly took medicine pill to eat it, and did not look at what it was.

“You are not afraid that this is poison?”

“How can Master harm me!” The snacks were filmed, and immediately sat down to refining the medicinal power.

Zhou Heng stretched out his hand and pressed it on the top of the snack food. Although Wang Ke could eat anything, he gave it to Moonsplendor Pill. It was Moonbright Boundary Immortal to refining. If there is no help from him, the snack food is definitely A part of the crack that was born.


The body of the snack food immediately spewed out of the fairy light, which is the medicinal power relative to his current cultivation base is too violent, and directly overflowed.

The fragrance of the road is over, Yú Family clansman is the cultivation base, the Body Refining 7th Layer has soared to the Body Refining 8th Layer, the Body Refining 8th Layer has jumped into the Body Refining 9th Layer, and the Body Refining 10th Layer has faintly touched the Spirit- The threshold of Gathering Boundary!

It’s Immortal Pill!

It’s just that someone else has eaten, and the medicinal fragrance that has not been digested from the body is so effective. How much benefit does it take directly?


Everyone swallowed a mouthful of water and looked at the snacks with incomparably envious eyes.

As the old saying goes, one person gets the word, the dog grows to the sky, and sure enough!

Forming Embryo Boundary !

Forming Embryo 1st Stratum, 2nd Stratum, 3rd Stratum!

Divine Infant Boundary !

Divine Infant 1st Stratum, 2nd Stratum, 3rd Stratum!

Divine Transformation Boundary !

In just half an hour, the cultivation base of the snack goods realized the Level 3 jump and jumped directly into the Divine Transformation Boundary Heavenly Venerate, reaching the Divine Transformation 3rd Stratum. If Zhou Heng is willing, it is entirely possible to continue to increase the realm of snack foods. However, this cultivation way based on external strength is not strong enough. The foundation is not strong enough, and there may be big problems in the future.

Enough, take your time!

“Come and come, stinky old man, let’s fight three hundred rounds!” The snack goods leaped forward, and Tan Mingxuan was arrogant.

“Divine Transformation Boundary Heavenly Venerate !”


Tan Mingxuan suddenly spit out a blood. (To be continued.)

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