Dragon Emperor will be killed by Zhou Heng, the main reason is that he does not understand Zhou Heng. .

The so-called knowing oneself and knowing each other can only fight every battle without defeat! He didn’t know how terrible the destructive power of Black Sword with Soaring Heaven Nine Forms and Five Elements rune, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to give Zhou Heng a chance to get close!

On the other hand, it is also related to Dragon Emperor this time.

Want to cross the boundary door, the price paid terrifying matchless, he pawned all the treasures of the body, it was barely ran down, lost all treasures!

Otherwise, even if there is a defensive magic weapon to play a role, you can always block Zhou Heng, not directly won the destroy both body and soul, people are also Star King!

There is no regret medicine!

Zhou Heng hit the ground like a cannonball. After a while, he climbed out of the depths of the ground. The brute force of Sublimation Boundary was enough for him to do this. After sweeping his eyes, he walked to Nine Heavenly Generals.

Nine Heavenly Generals lost his fighting spirit. At this time, he saw such a big comet approaching, suddenly scared soul destroyed, immediately made birds and beasts, nine people flew in nine different directions.

Bright Immortal is hard to stay if it wants to escape. Although the five Dragon Sovereign go all out, they only leave the three, but they also make the three crazy.

No one will feel that they are alive enough, especially those characters of aloof and remote, who can only enter the existence of Bright Realm in a few steps, how can they be willing to fall?

Since I want my life, then I will fight with you!

The three men fight together, and the recruits are all going to perish together, even if the five Dragon Sovereign teamed up, they have to avoid their edge, unless they are willing to fight a fish.

As a result, the three men still smashed a bloody road, and each rushed to escape.

“Why don’t you leave them?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness said to Zhou Heng, they didn’t leave one of them, and they were uncomfortable.

“I don’t want to grab your business!” Zhou Heng said with a smile, in fact, he didn’t want to shoot, but he didn’t have the power to shoot! Although Chaos Heavenly Scripture can still break the power, but he has been too far away, and the whip is beyond his reach!

Blue Dragon Sovereigness gave him a sigh of relief, this guy is getting more and more odious!

On the other hand, the big scorpions of Absolute Immortal City also opened the ban on defense and flew out. Now that the Dragon Emperor has been removed, the remaining Nine Heavenly Generals have also fled, although the army of Xinghai bandits has not disappeared. But how can this be placed on the hearts of these big people?

They don’t know, this so-called army is gone, it was killed by Dragon Emperor a few days ago, used to form Blood Dragon Drifting Slaughter Formation to suppress and kill Zhou Heng, and now remains in 49 Immortal There are not enough Xinghai robbers in Cities, and some people can easily recover lost ground.

These people didn’t dare to show up before, but after the end of the battle, they and everyone ran fast, and flew over Zhou Heng’s sky, all looking at him with a cold look.

– Before Zhou Heng fell directly from the sky, this is everyone’s eyes!

what does this mean?

Zhou Heng is bound to be hit hard, and even the ability to fly is gone!

Think about this is normal, how powerful Dragon Emperor is, has been fighting with Zhou Heng before, even said that it is even better! Although Dragon Emperor still died in the hands of Zhou Heng, Zhou Heng does not need to pay a small price?

Never possible!

Therefore, Zhou Heng must have been hit hard now, so he will let Nine Heavenly Generals escape! So… now is the best chance to suppress and kill him, it will be impossible in the future!

This kid holds a Great Accomplishment Heavenly Scripture, which is the treasure of Immortal Realm Supreme, even if it is soaring to Bright Realm in the future it is still precious and indescribable!

Kill this kid and win Heavenly Scripture!

“Zhou Heng, why do you let Xinghai robbers escape without taking a shot, are you a group with them?” said Bright Immortal, his surnamed Zhu, one of the two major Bright Immortal of Zhu Family, he would have been A junior bullied his head, and now he has seized the opportunity to not let Zhou Heng go to death.

The five Dragon Sovereign are all furious. Are these people blind? Didn’t see the fake dragon** was killed by Zhou Heng, how could this be a group of Xinghai bandits?

What do you want to add to your sin?

They just want to swear that Zhou Heng is dealing with him when he is weak now. What is the reason for him? It is far-fetched and unreliable. It only needs an excuse that’s all.

History has always been written by the victors.

“Despicable!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness is the most surviving, and there is a trace of sand in his eyes. He immediately pointed to the crowd, and the pretty face was full of anger. She will never admit that she fell in love with Zhou Heng, but this guy is her nominal and de facto Husband, and can not let others humiliate?

“Collect the Xinghai bandit, destroy the order of Immortal City, when you are!” Another Bright Immortal said, the expression was sensational.

“When it is!”


“When it is!”

Each and everyone Bright Immortal has been coldly said, they are all big people of aloof and remote, but Zhou Heng almost threatened the sword on his neck and was forced to surrender their treasured grass!

First, the meat hurts, and the second is that the face hurts badly, so they will Zhou Heng hate it!

Only Grand Singularity Cult Lord and Dongguo Family’s Bright Immortal didn’t say anything, but they didn’t stand up to talk to Zhou Heng. After all, the two sides didn’t have too deep friendship, and now the situation is extremely uncertain. They all chose to sit on the wall. .

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, but the expression is quite impressive. He only knows that the more people who stand taller, the more shameless there is no lower limit, but these people really have the abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal to the extreme!

Dragon Emperor’s bones are not cold, they have already sharpened their swords, they have to kill them, they can do such things, how thick is it?

“Since you are impatient, I will fulfill you!” Zhou Heng stood proudly. “Which of you want to die first?”

As soon as this sentence came out, the pair of Bright Immortal of Absolute Immortal City did not stand up.


The so-called A starved camel is still bigger than a horse, although they believe that Zhou Heng has paid a huge price when killing Dragon Emperor, but who knows that Zhou Heng has a little bit of fighting power, and the counterattack before dying can cause How much destructive power?

No one wants to make a wedding dress for others, and is dragged down by Zhou Heng before he dies.

For a while, the scene was silent.

“You, you will never want to punish me with your eyes, kill me?” Zhou Heng lighted with a smile.

“Hahahaha!” The black scorpion smiled and rolled in the distance. In fact, Zhou Heng’s sentence was not so funny, but the head of the cockroach, the disgusting Ancestor, was to make such a look. These big cockroaches of Absolute Immortal City.

Sure enough, those Bright Immortal all showed an angry look, as if they were not attacking Zhou Heng, but they were wearing dozens of green hats, and they hated it as a gnashing teeth.

“Everyone, why bother, swearing at the fire can be bad for the body, shot it!” Zhou Heng hooked his fingers and looked very disdainful.

“Cowardly!” Bright Immortal yelled angrily.

“Everyone, take a shot together, you must kill this child, otherwise you will miss the chance to miss this time!”

“Yes, I don’t think you want to be riding on a smell of mother’s milk not yet dried boy?”

“Opportunity only once!”


Absolute Immortal City has a number of 40 Bright Immortal, and at this time more than 30 people shot together and attacked Zhou Heng.

“The ungratefulness should be wiped out!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness said with anger, three hundred years ago, Dragon Clan has a big plan to eliminate other races, and she also has no good feelings for races other than Dragon Clan. It was ignited and rushed to fire.

“It’s really a white-eyed wolf!” Zhou Heng nodded agreed, and between the thoughts, Chaos Heavenly Scripture was already offered. His own spiritual power has been exhausted, but Chaos Heavenly Scripture can only run with his divine communication, enough to form the strongest defense of Immortal Realm.

– Even the Dragon Emperor burned the blood essence and couldn’t break it. What about the thirty-seven Bright Immortal that 9 Dharma didn’t reach?

The brilliance of the colorful brilliance has an indescribable supreme breath, and all attacks are not resolved.

Bright Immortal, who had shot him, had a complexion greatly changed, something they never thought of!

Zhou Heng actually has more strength!

Impossible, he has to spare no effort, how could it fall directly from the sky before?

“It’s just an arrow at the end of its flight. Everyone is doing their best.” He is just strong in appearance but weak in reality!” Zhu Family, Bright Immortal, they have turned their faces with Zhou Heng, but there is no way out!

“Yes, if this child is not damaged, I am already dead!”

“I don’t want to leave this child in the future. After he recovers, we all have big trouble!”

“Everyone don’t hide, you can use any tricks!”

Everyone said that things have not returned to the present.

Zhou Heng smiled and said: “After you don’t have to wait, today is your last!”

Hey, his mind turned, Chaos Heavenly Scripture suddenly burst into colorful rays of light, shrouded everything in the nearby hunting zhang, terrifying killing intent, and the power of endless rules!

He didn’t get through the Five Elements rune, so he must be synchronized with his own spiritual power, which is the price of his “copying” Heavenly Scripture! Chaos Heavenly Scripture is completely different. It represents the Five Elements rune. It is a natural world. It means the will of the heavens and the earth. Running the Five Elements rune does not require any consumption at all.

– Heaven and earth pay for it!


Heavenly Scripture Guanghua Shu Juan, the horrible killing intent spread, Five Elements rune began to spread!

“Do not!”

“How could this be!”

“How can this kid have such a powerful battle!”

“He is going to die for me!”

“Ah——! ”

Bright Immortal is a scream, Zhou Heng deliberately controlled the power of Five Elements rune, and did not directly kill, but undoubtedly let these people regret even the intestines are green.

This is the price of greed!

Zhou Heng has no sympathy. As soon as he reads, Chaos Heavenly Scripture suddenly turns out the most powerful power, and instantly wipes out all of Bright Immortal.

This kind of white-eyed wolf, do not kill what to do? (To be continued.)

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