Zhou Heng continued to work hard and took the seventh Seven Stars Pill to continue to enhance his spiritual accumulation. .

However, as he entered the Creation Emperor, the amount of spiritual power required for each step of the upgrade was also a ton increase. This Seven Stars Pill actually only improved his two Divine Idols and reached the 10 Dharma Creation Emperor. A barrier.

Further up to Bright Immortal!

This is a leap, but the amount of spiritual power required is also more, and the effect of a Seven Stars Pill suddenly drops to the point where 1 Dharma can only be promoted. He took the remaining seven Seven Stars Pill and ended up at 7 Dharma Bright Immortal.

His cultivation base suddenly surpassed the five Dragon Sovereign, becoming the highest cultivation base in his camp.

For the ordinary Bright Immortal, 7 Dharma Bright Immortal is not far from the Breakthrough Star Boundary, but Zhou Heng feels that his way to Bright Immortal has just begun, there is no sign of being rejected by the world.

He ran a bit of Five Elements rune and found that he only used nearly 1/300 power, which means he can now use Five Elements rune continuously for three hundred times! Then with the rejuvenating medicine pill, he can support up to five hundred or more times before spending energy.

Even with his killing of some soldiers and crab generals in battle, the number of times he can continue to use Five Elements rune will increase dramatically.

Zhou Heng has gone out, and except for Red Dragon Sovereigness, other Dragon Sovereign has become a woman or servant of Zhou Heng. Naturally, she has been waiting outside. When I saw him, the four Dragon Sovereign were shocked to the extreme. expression.

Bright Immortal !

Moreover, at least Bright Immortal is stronger than them, because they have not seen Zhou Heng’s cultivation base.

Although they all know that Seven Stars Fruit is one of Immortal Realm’s top holy medicines, the refined Seven Stars Fruit is naturally powerful. But when Zhou Heng jumped directly to a height that was stronger than them, or each and everyone couldn’t help but be surprised, and the small mouth was completely rounded.

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, said: “each and everyone look at me so strangely, don’t you know me?”

“Don’t you think your cultivation base is going too fast?” Blue Dragon Sovereigness sighed said that unlike the other three Dragon Sovereign’s “acknowledge allegiance”, she can still maintain her original pride in the face of Zhou Heng, and she is the most comfortable. .

“It’s not fast enough!” Zhou Heng sighed, the stronger the strength, the more he can sense the high-order Bright Immortal’s terrifying, because he himself jumped into this level and became more aware of the absolute terrifying of the Dragon Emperor.

The key point is that although his strength has not increased by hundreds of millions of times, the Five Elements rune, which can be used as a trump card, has not improved much power, which is more than ten times.

It may be okay to defeat the Dragon Emperor, but it is not enough to kill the Star King, which was suppressed by Great Dao of World. Dragon Emperor wants to escape, Zhou Heng can’t stop! Moreover, the other party is a genuine Star King, and if it is too big to break out, then he can immediately return to Bright Realm!

——Bright Realm is not completely broken like Immortal Realm. You can find the existence of Star Gate on any planet with Warrior. You can go to the place where you want to go, just a few times, but it’s easy to go back. Dragon Emperor wants to go back to Immortal Realm and doesn’t know how much it will cost.

Unless you create a chance to kill, Zhou Heng has no chance to kill Dragon Emperor.

In the confrontation with Zhou Heng, Dragon Emperor has an innate advantage, that is, his bottom line is defeat rather than death! Of course, this bottom line believes that Dragon Emperor is also absolutely unwilling to touch unless he has achieved his goal.

Zhou Heng out of Xianju, the first thing is to continue to the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion to search for precious medicinal ingredient to refine the “Nine Origin Spirit Replenishing Pill” he needs, which is Immortal Realm’s best rejuvenating medicine pill Of course, the value of each grain is also expensive.

This is to defeat the Dragon Emperor, but not selfish, Zhou Heng searched for peace of mind, but the Great Elder of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion was so bitter, Zhou Heng took a precious medicinal herb, he twitched, a painful Look like it.

These materials are quite precious, but after all, they can’t be compared with the Seven Stars Pill accessories, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion family can provide, but the price is definitely an astronomical number! Can be nested under the nest, if Zhou Heng can not block the Dragon Emperor, then the destruction of Absolute Immortal City is also doomed.

So, the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion escaped the looting of the Xinghai bandits?

Therefore, the Great Elder of the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is just a sullen face, with no red eyes and Zhou Heng’s neck.

Zhou Heng naturally returned to Nine Origin Spirit Replenishing Pill after the return – of course, Fire God’s Furnace actual scythe, he just said a little lightly.

After all the refining of Nine Origin Spirit Replenishing Pill, Zhou Heng also got a little more control. After all, he had not been able to force Dragon Emperor’s cards when he was in battle with Dragon Emperor. The ghost knows how much this guy has mastered. Fairy, how many Bright Realm treasures in your hand.

It’s strange to say that the gap between Bright Immortal and Star King is too big. It can reach 99 Divine Idol to attack Star King. It’s that Zhou Heng is already 7 Dharma Bright Immortal, but only when it’s power Dragon Emperor doesn’t know how many times inferior.

He refining Nine Origin Spirit Replenishing Pill. Not long after, a mysterious guest was visiting.

It was a black clothed person in a cloak and came to Zhou Heng without disturbing anyone. After removing the hood on his face, Zhou Heng finally knew the true identity of the guest – he could not see through it before.

It is Wang Youyue!

What is she doing?

“I have already said, don’t clash with Dragon Emperor, why do you want to be an enemy of Dragon Emperor?” Wang Youyue said in a condescending manner.

Zhou Heng suddenly felt uncomfortable and said: “I just asked for your help. Since you are not willing to deal with Dragon Emperor, I will not force you, but why do you gesticulate me?”

“Bold! You are a little Immortal Realm indigenous, dare to talk to me like this!” Wang Youyue was furious, and the hand was shot to face Zhou Heng, and the wind turned into five white swords, each one There is a long hundred zhang, exuding the suffocating temperament of the cold.

Zhou Heng lightly snorted, even if the strength of Wang Youyue is not weaker than that of Dragon Emperor, what about Star King? As long as you are in Immortal Realm, you can only use the power of 89 Dharma Bright Immortal, so that formidable power can’t be above the Five Elements rune!

Want to suppress him?

When there was no breakthrough before, Dragon ** was not qualified, not to mention Zhou Heng has now become 7 Dharma Bright Immortal!

He slammed out with a punch, and the other party did not go all out. He only used the rune of gold. The sharpness of the gas suddenly rose, the bang bang bang, the five sword qi played by Wang Youyue have not yet approached Zhou Heng. The body has collapsed completely.

“Well?” Wang Youyue showed a stunned color. Although she didn’t use much power, it was definitely not a Creation King that could compete!

Oh, no!

Wang Youyue was a pretty eye-catching one, and she suddenly found that Zhou Heng actually jumped over the level of Creation King and stepped into Bright Immortal Rank!

The speed of this cultivation base is a bit scary!

When I first saw Zhou Heng, the other party was just Sunshine Emperor. This guy seems to have the soul of a peerless powerhouse. As long as time goes by, he will grow up automatically! To know that this Immortal Realm has been completely blasted, the precious medicinal ingredient can be counted on one’s fingers, the speed of promotion such as Zhou Heng is simply incredible!

She had heard that Zhou Heng had fought with Dragon Emperor because she would come to Absolute Immortal City to find Zhou Heng. But she did not believe in rumors, only that Zhou Heng used the “background” behind him, which is her background!

This makes her very angry!

Wang Family’s strength in Bright Realm – if not so, and the ability to send people into Immortal Realm, the price is not affordable for the average family! Compared with the powerful Dragon Clan, Wang Family is still in a distinctly weak position. Zhou Heng used the name of Wang Family to temporarily retreat Dragon Emperor, which is simply hating Wang Family!

How dare this guy!

Therefore, she immediately rushed to kill, let Zhou Heng explain it!

– Is this indigenous people completely unaware of the difficulty of coming down from Bright Realm? How is the family engaged, how can you recruit such people?

Only after this attack, Wang Youyue suddenly set off a storm, although she did not believe that Zhou Heng was qualified to confront her, but the potential and strength of the other side made her feel trembled. If this guy went to Bright Realm, His enchanting talent and family cultivation, the future is limitless!

Such a genius can’t even bear the blame, but she can’t tolerate Zhou Heng’s blatant hatred for the family. I want to know that Wang Family is not the strongest of Bright Realm. Some people don’t sell their bills. If they slap and slap Zhou Heng, Isn’t the family investment completely wasted?

Wang Youyue is more and more angry. This guy is very talented and doesn’t know how many pounds he has!

Be sure to teach him well and let him know that even in Immortal Realm he can’t be rampant!

“Well, let you see what is called the real powerhouse!” Wang Youyue took another shot and boosted the power to thirty Divine Idol levels. Suddenly Void trembled, there was a direct break of the space, and a large piece of the surrounding The possibility that the area is fully involved in Bright Realm.

When she thinks about it, Dragon Emperor will definitely not fight with Zhou Heng. Seeing that Wang Family’s face is a random move, and then temporarily retreating, so she absolutely does not believe that Zhou Heng really has to compete with high-end Bright Immortal. power.

“You?” Zhou Heng laughed heartily, a punch, golden rune, this time he also used all his strength, let Wang Youyue know the “indigenous”!


A loud bang, Wang Youyue was suddenly shaken by the smashing, lovable body trembled, and the pretty face was a bit of a white, then flew an amazing blush.

All Star Kings entering Immortal Realm will be suppressed to the power level of 99 Divine Idol, so the ultimate strength of Wang Youyue and Dragon Emperor is the same, but who let her look down on Zhou Heng, this shot only uses 30 Dharma the power of? (To be continued.)

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