Immortal Realm, Bright Realm, although they are all Great World, the meaning of the two is completely different. .

The world of heaven and earth, the lowest level of Mortal Realm, the highest with Bright Realm!

The extreme martial arts of Peak is at Bright Realm!

What is the maximum life essence of Immortal? Even the Creation Emperor is only the lifespan of 300,000. It sounds very long. Those who can get to this step will almost have to live on 200,000’s age. The time left for them is not much!

– Whether it’s continuing the breakthrough or starting to enjoy the supreme authority that power brings to them.

But if you can get into Bright Realm, the most common spirit grass there can be called the holy drug of Immortal Realm!

As long as you can enter Bright Realm, coupled with strong support, then Bright Immortal breakthrough Star Boundary is simply easy! It’s like Hu Yin, she was a mortal, and after she “entered” Immortal Realm, she became a Moonbright Boundary, and it didn’t take much time.

Entering Bright Realm means a broader and brighter future.

Therefore, Zhantai Gujin’s proposal is quite tempting, I believe he was fooled by Dragon Emperor!

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, he is full of confidence in himself, and he will definitely be able to fly Bright Realm in the near future. How do you need to hold the Dragon Emperor’s thigh? Besides, if you really want to hold your thighs, Huotian and Hóng Yue’s thighs are not much thicker than Dragon Emperor?

“I promised the two women to find another three Dragon Sovereign for them! So, please ask Zhantai brother to tell me what kind of hands and feet did you have with the three Dragon Sovereign? How to resolve?” Zhou Heng said solemnly, He wouldn’t be embarrassed to turn his face because of the polite appearance of the other party.

“Brother Zhou. Dragon Sovereign is respected by Dragon Emperor. Since Dragon Emperor was born. Dragon Sovereign is naturally going to be under the command of Dragon Emperor. Isn’t this the thing of Heavenly Scripture?” Zhantai Gujin is still lobbying there. I want to pull Zhou Heng into their camp.

Zhou Heng no longer talks, just looking at each other coldly, he does not like to talk about people around the bend.

Although he is a Sublimation Emperor, he has the power to kill Bright Immortal. When he is staring at him, Zhantai Gujin is also very unnatural! Zhou Heng’s own momentum does not put pressure on a Bright Immortal. Zhantai Gujin is too psychologically stressed.

Because, Zhantai Gujin does not know if Zhou Heng will break remark and kill!

This time I came to win Seven Stars Fruit, and he naturally came to play his best. If it is annihilated, it will be really dead!

“To tell the truth, I don’t know how to resolve it under this. This is the means that Dragon Emperor adults can do, and only Dragon Emperor can solve it!” Zhantai Gujin no longer talks around.

Zhou Heng frowned, this answer made him very dissatisfied.

“Brother Zhou, I am willing to use a message in exchange for the whole body to escape!” Zhantai Gujin saw it and said immediately.

“What news can be worth the name of a Bright Immortal?” Zhou Heng indifferent expression.

“Then there is a message next to you about the Dragon Emperor!”

Zhou Heng thought about it and said: “Talk about it!”

“I believe that Brother Zhou is a man. Let’s start with a big news!” Zhantai Gujin performed very well. “Brother Zhou knows why Dragon Emperor wants to enter Immortal Realm?hehe. It is occasionally known that it is for a Bright. Realm Heavenly Scripture !”

Bright Realm Heavenly Scripture ? Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture !

Grand Singularity Cult Lord is the Bright Realm. It was a coincidence that Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture was obtained and opened with the help of Heavenly Scripture, so it landed at Immortal Realm.

Did the Dragon Emperor go to the Grand Singularity Cult Lord?

This should be the case. Otherwise, Zhou Heng can’t imagine that there are two Bright Realm Heavenly Scriptures that will appear in Immortal Realm, which is too exaggerated!

Seeing Zhou Heng reveals the color of indulgence. Zhantai Gujin continued: “Dragon Emperor thinks this Heavenly Scripture is in 49 Immortal Cities, so he decided to attack all Xinghai bandits. He attacked 49 Immortal Cities and took it in one fell swoop!”


Zhou Heng was finally shocked that Xinghai Robbers had to fight 49 Immortal Cities!

He still has no lofty consciousness of worrying about the country and the people, but his relatives in Northern 6th Snake City! Moreover, he will return to Mortal Realm through the border of Immortal City and connect his parents to Immortal Realm. Nothing can make 49 Immortal Cities fall!

This war is definitely a blood flowing into a river, maybe the door will be broken!

“When did it start?” Zhou Heng asked.

“Come on!” Zhantai Gujin laughed, “Under the original Great Leader of the ‘Black Front Robbers’, after the Dragon Emperor made a lot of promises, this is what he wants! I believe that there are many people like the ones below! ”

Zhou Heng stretched out his finger and tapped it on the table a few times. Now he understands that Feng Zidou went to the Nine-Headed Lion Bandits League to recruit cannon fodder! Unfortunately, encountering the intrusion of him and Hóng Yue, the result of the Nine-Headed Lion Bandits was destroyed, and Feng Zidou lost a Divine Idol.

49 Immortal Cities is not so good, and there are millions of years of inheritance. Even if you can’t get the holy medicine in comparison with Xinghai bandits, you can do all is Immortal Realm orthodox!

– 49 Immortal Cities is the power of Bright Realm, naturally it has a meaning!

Moreover, there may be bounds at Absolute Immortal City and the gateway to Bright Realm!

If there are not enough people, what should I do if I suddenly have a wave of new forces coming out of the gates?

Immortal Realm has the Immortal Realm’s Great Dao Law, even Bright Realm can only play the power of Bright Immortal Rank – as for the existence of the law? Just kidding, the law can only be used by Heavenly Scripture’s inheritance, and it’s not like you can call it!

So, the Dragon Emperor’s approach is completely understandable, and it is possible to knock down 49 Immortal Cities as much as possible.

“Talk about the Dragon Emperor!” This news is still very valuable in Zhou Heng’s view, it is worthy to let him go through Zhantai Gujin.

Zhantai Gujin smiled. He is an old monster who has lived for many years. It may not be able to grasp Zhou Heng’s mind, and he is finally heart relaxed. Although he always seemed calm and calm, he could not help but feel uneasy, until he finally relaxed.

“This Dragon Emperor surnamed Ao, as for what it is called, it is not clear at the moment, I have always called it Dragon Emperor. However, according to the next side hit and the Dragon Emperor occasionally revealed that he should have broken through the Creation Emperor level , for Star King!”


Mortal Realm Profound Qian Star The Dragon King in Sea Clan is also named after the surname. It seems that the Dragon Ancestor should be surnamed Ao, which is a symbol of identity!

At least Red Dragon Sovereigness and Blue Dragon Sovereigness are not surnamed Ao, because their bloodline is too rare to be rare! As for Mortal Realm’s surnamed Ao Dragon Clan… It is estimated that the gold is on the face, and I just gave myself a surnamed Ao.

However, this Dragon Emperor’s realm did not make Zhou Heng feel tricky, because Star King, how to run to Immortal Realm will be suppressed by Immortal Realm’s avenue, or can only play the strength of Bright Immortal.

“Brother Zhou, don’t underestimate a Star Boundary powerhouse!” Zhantai Gujin persuaded. “Although it is to be suppressed by Immortal Realm Avenue, the ultimate strength of Star King is extremely amazing. Brother Zhou knows that Bright Immortal can form at most. How many Divine Idol?”

“Appreciate further details!”

“99 Road!”

99? Oh, this is a bit more!

It is also conceivable how strong Starboundary’s realm barriers are!

Of course, the limit is only the limit. It is not necessary to form the Divine Idol of that many to break through. According to Red Dragon Sovereigness and Blue Dragon Sovereigness, reaching 9 Dharma Bright Immortal, that is, forming 19 Divine Idol, is eligible to impact Star Boundary, and Some of Star King also completed the breakthrough at 9 Dharma Bright Immortal.

Zhou Heng nodded, said: “This news is good, you can go!”

“Brother Zhou, if you can, I would like to advise you not to be an enemy of Dragon Emperor. After all, you will have to fly Bright Realm later, and Dragon Clan is a Bright Realm, you are not wise with it!” Zhantai Gujin Good words persuaded.

“For the sake of this sentence, I also advise you not to go to the drowning of 49 Immortal Cities, otherwise I will not be merciful again!” Zhou Heng said indifferently.

“Brother Zhou, leave!” Zhantai Gujin got up and just disappeared after a flash.

Zhou Heng sighed, his current strength can indeed kill Bright Immortal, but he can talk about true power and speed. He is too far away from Bright Immortal. He can kill Bright Immortal, but it does not mean that he is invincible.

——Catch up with no enemy, how to fight?

His weakness is extremely obvious. As long as the enemy is far away from the scope of his knowledge, and then strikes long distances, even if this does not exert the strongest combat power, how can Bright Immortal’s combat power be terrifying and completely exhaust his Power, then make him easy to suppress and kill!

Those people were only shocked by the moment, and never encountered such a perverted Sublimation Emperor, and did not expect to use this to deal with him, but as long as they calm down, they can certainly think of this.

Fortunately, there are two Dragon Sovereign around him.

Zhou Heng shot and helped the two Dragon Sovereign to hold the Golden Dragon Sovereigness, but they have no way to resolve the Golden Dragon Sovereigness.

“No way, I can only ask her!” Zhou Heng entered the Xianju with three female Dragon Sovereign and Black Skull. At this time, only Hóng Yue was asked to go out – although Zhou Heng did not want to work for the Lord. Big drive.

This kind of thing, if you can owe it, don’t owe it!

After entering Xianju, Zhou Heng immediately invited Hóng Yue to remove the brainwashing means for Golden Dragon Sovereigness.

Fortunately, Hóng Yue, although it claims to be a wounded person, does not actually use meditation to adjust the interest rate, just sit still and watch the flowers, as if it is a famous threshold. But Zhou Heng knows deeply how terrifying the Lord will be once he initiates it!

“I will go see!” Hóng Yue was particularly good at talking to Zhou Heng. Lianbu was lightly lifted, and Zhou Heng went to see three Dragon Sovereign.

Golden Dragon Sovereigness has always refused to be safe, even if he was blocked by the cultivation base, he was still struggling, his hands and feet could not be opened and he opened his mouth and bite, and the white teeth were really a bit cold.

When Hóng Yue appeared, she immediately quieted down, and even the lovable body began to tremble, showing strong fear.

She lost her self, but her sensory ability has become more acute, knowing that this woman is too powerful! . )

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