Two-Headed Chīwěn is really powerful, it is 5 Dharma Bright Immortal itself, and then spurred Dragon Clan bloodline, the battle will never be inferior to the two Dragon Clan Sovereigness!

But there is so much Bright Immortal here!

The two fists are hard to beat, and the two Dragon Clan Sovereigness are not the most powerhouse here. How long can Two-Headed Chīwěn stay under the siege of this battle?

One-on-one, even four-on-one, five-on-one, they all have a safe escape. But now there are nearly thirty Bright Immortal besieging them, which makes them hard to escape even!

Not to mention they still don’t want to run! Seven Stars Fruit is ripe, they have been guarding that many years, willing to let go at this time?

Pushing Danger Realm to jump the wall, not to mention the two Bright Immortal!

Therefore, one immediately gives up the innate talent Divine Ability, swallowing the heavenly immortal all the Bright Immortal into the body, letting the other to deal with the younger generation, taking the hostage! Of course, the horror of the battle of nearly thirty Bright Immortal is sure to take a long time to explode the belly of the kiss, leaving no time for another kiss!


The surnames of the Proud Son of Heaven have all reacted, and they have not sacrificed treasures for defense. Oh, a path of brilliance blooms, forming a mask of each and everyone on the heads of everyone.

“Useless!” The kiss slammed down, bang bang bang, these masks are broken, the relief effect is simply minimal. It’s 5 Dharma Bright Immortal, and even these little-named generations have Creation Boundary’s fairy, and their weak cultivation base can inspire their true formidable power?


When I hit the Final Layer mask, the body of the kiss was shocked back, and the mask that protects everyone is fiercely vibrating, safe and sound!

After a glimpse of the crowd, a cheer was heard, filled with the joy of avoided a catastrophe.

Zhou Heng is loosening his fist. He is actually planning to use the Five Elements rune to blow this kiss. His speed is far from being compared with Bright Immortal. In the scope of Immortal Realm, he can kill everything!

If the kiss was directly under the impact of the kiss, it was definitely a blow from him!

Now, wait, the light curtain seems to be a bit powerful.

Fang Yirong relaxed, this light curtain was sent by a symbol in her hand. This is not the practice of Fang Family Old Ancestor. He does not have such ability. It is said to be the brilliance of the prehistoric Bright Realm and then given to the lower bound.

This is not a fairy, it is a paper that can only be used once, and when the power of Bright Realm is used up, then this is a piece of waste paper.

“箓箓?” 螭 kisslightly snorted, “but Star King’s refining, can have a few formidable power!” It jumped into the shape of the mask, smashed, the mask shivered, the above actually A path of spider-like cracks appeared, but it immediately healed.

Obviously, if you can’t smash this mask at a glance, with the horror resilience of this mask, you must use up the power of the symbol.

“Second second, hurry up!” The other screamed and kissed, and its belly continued to stir, as if something had to be broken from the inside!

This is natural. It has swallowed nearly thirty Bright Immortal in the stomach, and at least ten of them can compete with it. Two or three of them are even stronger than it. Bright Immortal will definitely be broken out by the other party.

The current situation is that the people of Bright Immortal broke out first, or the other kisses broke the mask and took the little characters to the hostage.

Of course, this is not considered in the case of Zhou Heng, not even considered Hóng Yue in Zhou Heng Xianju!

“ga ga 嘎, whoever killed the person who is holding the scorpion, this Eminence will put the man in a hurry, otherwise, after this Eminence breaks this defense, he will close his eyes and kill half of the people!” The head kissed and threatened.

Everyone is ignoring, as long as the family Old Ancestor gets out of trouble, then there is room for this Two-Headed Chīwěn bargaining?

“Are you looking for a dead end?” The kiss was also awkward, and the whole body had a black aperture, and it suddenly burst into a horrible power, bang! Bang! Bang! It madly bombarded the mask.

The mask is still tenacious, but the writing on the symbol is getting more and more blurred, obviously not far from the power.

On the other side, the second-Headed Chīwěn is also screaming, with the body of nearly thirty Bright Immortal being madly bombarded, and it is so good that the fish belly is high and bulging, and it may explode at any time.

“ga ga 嘎, 快 箓 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Now, this Eminence let the person leave!”

“Don’t believe it!” These little characters are not stupid, and they have said to Fang Yirong that if she insists on it, otherwise they lose their protection, then it will be impossible.

Fang Yirong nodded, she is not stupid.

“First, please don’t waste it, you can use it again later!” But at this time, someone said a diametrically opposite statement.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were concentrated on Zhou Heng’s body.

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, said: “Put the symbol, I will blow it!”

Explode your sister!

Don’t think that you have killed a Bright Immortal, you really have to be peerless in the whole world! That is in the big squad, the rare case that happened when the realm was cut! This stupid guy is now experiencing self-confidence. Do you really think you are the Bright Immortal killer?

Everyone is when Zhou Heng is an idiot, and one ignores him.

Zhou Heng shook his head and said, “Hey, let’s take the pussy away!”

“Good!” Black cockroaches nodded not only, but the plaque is a baby, it has long been jealous. It is the Sunshine Emperor, and it has an absolute gap with the other party. Anyway, Zhou Heng calls it to collect it, so naturally it is sure.

“hmph,courting death!” Qi Feng sneered, he originally wanted to kill the black scorpion to shock Zhou Heng, but just after the sudden situation, he let him dispel the thought, now Zhou Heng actually guilty, which just gave him a shot Reasons.

Killing black sorrows and screaming Zhou Heng, even if Zhou Heng’s “elders” get out of trouble, there is nothing to say! Otherwise, are you not afraid of being attacked by the group?

He right hand palm, cut the past against the black scorpion, the wind knife, so strong enough to smash the black scorpion with the soul.

Zhou Heng has everything in shape and is blocked by a fist, which resolves Qi Feng’s hand.

On strength, he is not the opponent of the other side, but with the help of Five Elements rune, there is no need to run all the runes, just a small rune composed of three hundred sixty broken runes is enough.

Although Black Dragon has been playing with Zhou Heng, it is absolutely trustworthy for Zhou Heng, and it stops at the foot and goes straight to Fang Yirong.

No one has a look at Blackbird. Can a Monsh Beast of Sunshine Emperor be an opponent of Fang Yirong? One hand can kill the black cockroach tens of thousands of times! They all set their sights on Zhou Heng.

– This guy actually blocked Qi Feng!

How can it be!

Qi Feng, but Creation King, the same hand can kill Zhou Heng tens of thousands of times, how can it be unsuccessful? Is it that he did not use his full strength? This must be the case, because Qi Feng is against the black scorpion, and the Monster Beast dealing with a Sunshine Emperor needs to use the power of Creation King Rank?

Even Qi Feng thinks so. The right hand mentions that the metallic luster flashes on the palm of his hand. He wants Zhou Heng to taste the real power of Creation King!

“Zhou boy ——” The black scorpion has already rushed to the front of Fang Yirong, and his mouth opened to the plaque.


Violetflame Sky Dragon launched, bang, violent momentum against Fang Yirong.

In the past, Zhou Heng’s momentum can completely defeat the normal Warrior of Realm. Only Wuzhong Warrior can barely resist, but it will also collapse. Now, he is even more integrated with the power of Five Elements rune!

This is no match for realm’s Martial King!

Fang Yirong immediately lovable body, soft, involuntarily sat down on the ground, and taking advantage of this opportunity, the black scorpion has been bitten out, and the scorpion has been robbed.

Oh, the mask that protects everyone disappears!

Didn’t wait for everyone to panic and scream, the kiss was already a strange smile and killed!

It doesn’t care what guilt is inside, just take these small characters down, so they have the bargaining chip.

“Little fish, come to the bowl!” Zhou Heng haha ​​laughed and laughed. The black Sword was covered with a real Five Elements rune and kissed the other side.

This kiss has Dragon Clan bloodline, flesh and blood comparable to treasure, absolutely item of great nourishment!

“courting death!” You can’t care about what you said before, whoever puts the scorpion and puts it on the road, is just tempting the person inside to open the mask!

It doesn’t mind killing the chicken to warn the monkey, killing someone first to deter others.

A Sublimation Emperor naturally did not put it in its eyes. It turned its mind and immediately fell into a scale, turning into a huge disc to the town of Zhou Heng. With the strength of its 5 Dharma Bright Immortal, this is enough to crush Zhou Heng into meat!

Zhou Heng snorted, Nebula Sword Art swayed, and Five Elements rune made a fuss.


The huge scales suddenly turned into pieces, and Zhou Heng’s figure rushed out without any blockage. Black Sword flashed a sharp cold glow!

If the kiss is standing still, then you can move it at this time, and you can easily escape Zhou Heng’s attack at the speed of its Bright Immortal Rank. But in order to win the people as soon as possible, this pounce is to do all the best, is it so easy to accept?

Moreover, Zhou Heng can smash its scales completely out of its expectation, and where is it prepared? Just like the Lightning Spark moment, Zhou Heng is killing, sword qi!

Five Elements rune with Black Sword, its destructive power is absolutely crowned Immortal Realm!

Hey, this huge Dragon Clan distant relative fell and the breath was cut off!

Huotian said that one Realm’s Heavenly Scriptures can be invincible, and that’s it! (To be continued.)

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