How is your feeling so good?

Zhou Heng shook his head. The “young people” was too proud to think that they were right. They could not be questioned by others! And his other pair occupied the appearance of the righteousness, one sentence I actually for you, it covered up his brutal hegemony, arrogance and conceit. .

With the banner of justice, but satisfying your own lusts, such people are really annoying!

Seeing that he is still a bad heart, Zhou Heng is only faintly smiled, does not answer, grabs the black scorpion and leaves, he does not want to waste time on the tongue.

“Give me aside!” Ju Huayi coldly snorted, the eyes of a strong, seven light spots flying out, bang, turned into a seven-shot big cockroach, against the Zhou Heng suppression.

Zhou Heng didn’t go back, just punching back.


A golden curtain of light suddenly appeared behind him. When the seven big spurs came, they immediately collapsed and turned into countless starlight particles.

Ju Huayi glimpsed, the expression on his face became even colder, said with a sneer: “No wonder you dare to go it alone, it still has some strength! However, after all, you are only Sublimation Emperor, a person’s strength is limited, alone is Is courting death !”

“We have a team of nine people who can barely fight with Creation King and disperse it… Don’t forget, here are more than five of us coming in! We are allied, but there is no other alliance!”

“Friend, do you still want to mess with it?”

Zhou Heng has a feeling of laughter. All the reasons are taken up by the other party. He is inexplicably a sinner of the ages. Is this hat too big and too fast? He looked back at Ju Huayi and said, “Since you said the alliance, look at the morality of the alliance, I also remind you that this Dharma is awesome, everyone still finds their way!”

“Fart, my Seventh Grandfather is 4 Dharma Bright Immortal, what can I trap him?”

“Yes, my home Old Ancestor is 3 Dharma Bright Immortal. It is almost invincible in this world, he will come to us!”

“You don’t want to be alarmist!”

Zhou Heng’s reminder seems to be the pain point of other people in the stamp, so that several people are jumping. Of course, not everyone is like this, or a few people have revealed the indulging color, they have to consider the possible surname that Zhou Heng said.

After all, they have been trapped in this big array for some time, but now they have not heard any movements of bombardment, so where are their elders going?

“hmph, don’t believe him!” Ju Huayi was ridiculed. “Two-Headed Chīwěn said, here will be peeling off Warrior’s realm step by step, but we haven’t been affected by it until now! So, you need to believe that Two-Headed Chīwěn’s words? They are enemies, and in order to protect Seven Stars Fruit, they are sure to do everything, which is that they are deliberately letting us break our feet!”

“Yes! My cultivation base has not been affected!”

“It must be deceiving us!”

“What cultivation base has fallen, turned into a mortal, how can this be!”

“Yeah, a few Old Ancestor are Bright Immortal, who can peel off their cultivation base?”

Just a few people who questioned Zhou Heng were immediately agitated and yelled at Zhou Heng. Their eyes were angry, as if Zhou Heng had caused them to fall into such a field.

Zhou Heng shrugged, said: “I said what I said. It is only for us to be considered an ally. Believe it or not is your own business. I don’t ask you to believe it!”

“In this case, then you will ask for more blessings, and then there will be no time!” He started, waved and waved to say goodbye.

“Since you also said the alliance, how can I let you go out alone!” Ju Huayi screamed and slid out and grabbed Zhou Heng. “Look at the league, this time I am an adult.” Don’t count the villain, save you once! Leave me!”

Zhou Heng’s eyes are sharp, this person is really stubborn, so he is not polite!

Hey, Ju Huayi is already ejected, and the right hand catches Zhou Heng’s shoulder.

Zhou Heng also explored his hand and went back to the other side.


How powerful he is, and the existence of realm is invincible, not to mention 15 Dharma Sublimation Emperor has completely crushed the other side in power. His big hand is in the middle, Ju Huayi’s bodyguard is ineffective, and he is light. I easily squeezed my neck.

“Hey–” Ju Huayi’s neck was pinched, and her face was flushed, and her limbs continued to dance.

Too shameful!

Just now he also showed off one’s military strength, and he was proud of Zhou Heng with a condescending attitude. But now it is not an enemy of others. It seems that he has fallen from a height and his face is broken!

Others are also eclipsed. They don’t have the Sublimation Emperor above 10 Dharma. They will never lose to Ju Huayi, but they will be held under one stroke… No one dares to say that!

Only Creation King can easily win an 11 Dharma Sublimation Emperor!

Zhou Heng’s combat power… is terrible!

A faint sweep of the crowd, Zhou Heng left Ju Huayi aside and said: “Let’s do it, take care of yourself!”

“Wait!” Fang Yirong suddenly cried.

Zhou Heng frowned, how can anyone still be taught? He stopped and his face was already marked with an unpleasant color. He was not a very good-tempered person.

“brother is angry, the younger sister does not want to stop the brother, but wants to ask brother, can she let the little girl accompany?” Fang Yirong showed a charming smile, but she was quite unconvinced, she was the granddaughter of Fang Yaolin. How respect is identity? When it comes to appearance, she is also a stunning level. Which man has seen her not to be convinced?

But Zhou Heng’s disgusting color is really mad at her!

Who made Zhou Heng show a strong fighting power, and now this place is dangerous and unpredictable, naturally it is safe to follow such a powerhouse!

Fang Yirong is proud and even has a big Young Lady temper, but she is not stupid!

“This brother, how about the little girl?” Yang Xinghua Yanran smiled.

“haha, count me!”

Zhou Heng shrugged and said: “You want to follow, then this is your freedom, but I have no obligation to protect you!” He walked forward with black eyes.

Nine people were divided into two groups, four people left with Zhou Heng, and the other three stayed with Ju Huayi. They didn’t know if this was a step-by-step crisis, or it was better to change.

Moreover, they are even more convinced that the family powerhouse will find them and take them out of trouble!

“You give me a wait!” Ju Huayi stared at the place where Zhou Heng disappeared. He never lost such a face, which made his killing intent unstoppable.

He will definitely wait until the family powerhouse arrives, then catch up with Zhou Heng and kill him!


Zhou Heng didn’t put Ju Huayi in his heart, and he didn’t care about the four oil bottles that followed him. He walked forward.

“Hey, what’s your name?” Fang Yirong walked with Zhou Heng and she couldn’t stand the fact that a man could ignore her charm.

It must be that the other person’s eyes did not open, and she did not realize her beautiful fairy! It must be!

Zhou Heng glanced at her coldly, and this self-feeling was too good. Eldest Young Lady had never been happy with him. “My name is Zhou Heng. I don’t know you before, and there will be no friendship in the future!”

“Brother Zhou, you are not too close to human feelings?” Yang Xinghua is actually very cool, Fang Yirong eats in front of Zhou Heng, she Yanran smiles, since you Fang Yirong charm is not good, look at me! She said: “But Brother Zhou, you know how to go?”

In fact, Zhou Heng does not understand this method, so how do you know how to go? But he knows that if he stays where he is, he can’t do anything! Moreover, he does have a goal, that is, there must be an array eye for all formations, maybe one, maybe a few, as long as you find it, you can break it!

The layout of this method uses the complete Immortal Realm rune, and he may be able to bypass the reference to deepen the grasp of Chaos Heavenly Scripture.

“You want to follow, but don’t talk nonsense!” Since it is said that it is not human, then his surname is not close to human feelings, anyway, he does not intend to make friends.

Fang Yirong Four people look at each other in dismay, they all have some regrets. With such a person coming out, are they really safer than staying in place? I have already left, but if I go back now, my face won’t hang!

Five people are quiet and walk silently.

“Say something, it’s so boring!” said the black scorpion.

Seeing this nephew can actually speak directly, Fang Yirong four people are slightly startled.

Although unlike Mortal Realm, even Monster Beast of Divine Transformation Boundary can only communicate with God, Immortal Realm is a descendant of Divine Beast, who can speak and even change the human form!

Can this dice also have Divine Beast bloodline?

Which Divine Beast will eat and hold a scorpion?

Seeing the gaze of the four people, the black scorpion jumped up immediately and said, “Look at what you see, although you look at this Eminence with esteem, but the height of this Eminence is what you can understand?”

Fang Yirong The four people suddenly smoked their faces. This is really a slap in the face, and there is a strong scent from the beginning to the end.


Zhou Heng suddenly stopped at the foot, looking at the front.

“What?” Fang Yirong asked inexplicably.

Zhou Heng did not care, he was not interested in being the nanny of these four people, and the answer will soon be revealed.

Hey, a glowing shadow rushed over, but it was a seven-foot-long porcupine, but the spikes on his body were a slender blade, and each blade was emitting a bright cold. Glow.

This is a rare beast of Sunshine King.

The reason why it is rare beast instead of Monster Beast is that this is not a creature at all, except that the blade is real, and the rest of the body is made up of light and shadow!

This must be the monster that came out of this big battle.

“Is the body beast of Sunshine King scared Brother Zhou?” A Sublimation Emperor man said with a smile, his name is Tai Yuan, although the combat power is far from being comparable to Zhou Heng, but not in the momentum Falling down the wind.

Because his home Old Ancestor is 4 Dharma Bright Immortal, he is also a godsend.

“Then let me come to Brother Zhou!” He laughed, grabbed it and took it out, and slammed it. The porcupine suddenly turned into a light and shadow, and the blade inserted in it was scattered.

Zhou Heng sighed, let him stop here is not this porcupine!

Hong long long, the greater movement came. (To be continued.)

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