Xinghai is vast, its big and unknown, and because all the stars have been blown up, it is not easy to identify, and there is no transfer station to replenish. Therefore, a detailed star map can be said to be precious. .

The entire Immortal Realm is extremely resource-poor, whether it is high-grade metal or high-grade grass, it is extremely precious!

The annihilation of Immortal Realm is already a hundred thousand years ago. Although it is difficult to breed life in Xingyu, once it is cultivated, the possibility of the holy drug is very high!

49 Immortal Cities can be compared to 49 stars, and can the resources be compared to the entire Xinghai?

Of course, it is impossible for Nine-Headed Lion Bandits to follow the whole Xinghai. They just set foot on a small part of the vast Xinghai Sea. But in such a part, there are three holy medicines!

Two of them are still far from reaching the mature year, but one plant is about to mature.

“Zhou boy, fast! Let’s go!” Blackbird heard the words of the holy medicine and the scorpion flowed out.

Zhou Heng carefully checked that the big piece was not named by the Xinghai bandit, but was directly marked with the number as “1744”. In addition, the most important news is that the natural environment above is marked, and two heads are waiting. Holy Medicine’s Monster Beast.

– Kissing.

“Hey kiss?” When he heard these words, Blue Dragon Sovereigness and Red Dragon Sovereigness were slightly startled. “This is a distant relative of Dragon Clan. If it is a pure bloody kiss, it will be amazing!”

Zhou Heng can’t help but wonder: “How is your breed divided?”

“Pin, variety?” This sentence is both angry with the two Dragon Sovereign are angry, this guy is how to say it, is there such a description?

Zhou Heng chuckled, he did have some misnomers. He said: “Whoever makes you Dragon Clan is a blue dragon and a red dragon. Now it’s also your family’s kiss. It seems too much. Is it?”

“Of course our ancestors have only one, that is, Azure Dragon in Saint Ancestor and Four Divine Beasts!”

“We are all descendants of Divine Dragon, but the bloodline is downplayed and mutated, so there will be differences in the surnames, but it is undeniable that we all have the blood of True Dragon!”

“Like a kiss, it is a purebred True Dragon born with other powerful Divine Beast. It is similar to a prisoner, a donkey, a mocker, a puppet! The mortal said the dragon has nine sons, each with a difference, It doesn’t really mean our Dragon Clan’s purebred bloodline!”

Blue Dragon Sovereigness speaks rigorously that this involves the dignity of Dragon Clan, and she must let Zhou Heng fully understand and even awe.

“Oh, for example, Dragon Clan is Long Family, inheritance has been countless generations. When you are in your generation, it is already a sideline that is not valued. It can still be surnamed Long. It can be called a kiss. It is married. Long Family is a woman, is it a nephew?” Zhou Heng made a metaphor.

“…If you have to understand this, it will probably be like this!”

“And then again, I don’t think you are really authentic. There are only three drops of True Dragon blood essence!” Zhou Heng sighed, this is what Huotian said, as strong as Blue Dragon Sovereigness, but only three drops of True Dragon blood.

“Nonsense, of course we are much better than kissing them! They have completely become Monster Beast, and they have long been drawn off by our great Dragon Clan!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness said seriously.

“It’s not their fault to be ugly, are you too worried?” Zhou Heng said deliberately, “It’s really power!”

“You, you, you are unreasonable!”

“I was told, no words?” Zhou Heng laughed heartily.

“In any case, we represent the most expensive Dragon Clan!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness looked up very proudly, and I only recognized this deadly look.

“Hey hey hey, your husband and wife want to be noisy, but you have to close the door, don’t open it in this big crowd. Isn’t there that many outsiders? You have to worry about our feelings, you are dying.” !” Black screamed.

Zhou Heng laughed heartily, said: “Are you thinking about the holy medicine?”

“hehe, I don’t have to say it when I know it, it seems that this Eminence is so greedy!” Blackbird pretended to be embarrassed.

“You are the most greedy scorpion in the world!”

Zhou Heng looked towards the remaining Xinghai bandits, saying: “What do you know about Feng Zidou?”

Under the deterrent of the two Dragon Clan Sovereigness, even if Zhou Heng is just a Sublimation Emperor, these Creation Sovereign can only answer honestly, and dare not hide it.

However, Feng Zidou has not been here for a long time, although it is the meaning of soliciting, but because it has just begun to negotiate, no details have been revealed, and they know that there is actually no more than Zhou Heng.

The only ones who knew the situation, one ran, the other was swallowed up, and in the end there was no such thing.

However, the Xinghai bandit still has a considerable impression of the broken continent numbered “1744”, because there is a holy drug “Seven Stars Fruit”!

Seven Stars Fruit is a true holy medicine. It can only grow one every thousand years, and 70 is seven years old. Then each flowering branch will make a flower and bear one after another another. It will mature in 30,000 years.

This slow growth, but also the effect is absolutely terrible, but it is a holy medicine that can benefit the Bright Immortal, precious.

Mao Li and Feng Zidou discussed the requirements of the alliance, one of them is to ask Feng Zidou to help him get this Seven Stars Fruit!

There are more than one Nero-Headed Lion band in the Xinghai. Therefore, Mao Li is worried not only about the two kisses of Bright Immortal Rank, but also other Xinghai bandits who discovered the Seven Stars Fruit.

Among them, there is no shortage of powerful such as the existence of Bright Immortal!

To attract people, of course, there is a price to pay, so Mao Li has the qualification to bargain with Fēng Zidou.

After asking all the things, Blue Dragon Sovereigness reached out and erased the names of the eight Creation Sovereign. Although cultivation is not easy, they are guilty of countless crimes, and it is not enough to give them a quick death.

They flew away and soon found the star ship in the sky.

Zhou Heng released the woman in Xianju. Although the starship is not too big, it can be used for more than 100 people. It is not a problem. He intends to let the star ship bring these women back to the ship. He went looking for the “1744”.

He let Mu Tongtong and Hu Yin go with them. Although Mu Tongtong is not old, her cultivation base is out of the ordinary. Now it is Sunshine Sovereign, plus the little girl is very strange, should not Will suffer.

Moreover, his Sacred Elixir Master’s title is enough to shock 99% of the people, and the people on board don’t dare to bully these women.

Mu Tongtong is his messenger and is responsible for bringing back the news of Hóng Yue.

“Where are you going now?” Hóng Yue appeared from Xianju without any warning, bare feet, crystal clear as jade, cold as lotus, beautiful if fairy.

Zhou Heng had to admit that she was not inferior to Huotian in terms of her appearance. He said: “Is going to pick a Seven Stars Fruit?”

“Seven Stars Fruit?” Hóng Yue is slightly addicted. “It turned out to be such a lower spirit fruit. It’s worth it. Anyway, I have to heal, and it’s the same everywhere. If there is something, you can summon my help!”

So good to talk?

From the point of view, this Hóng Yue seems to be very interesting, but how can it make such a big hatred with Huotian? Moreover, although Huotian is very proud, it is absolutely enough for the same side.

Since both of them are quite interesting about the same side, how can they reverse the purpose?

Do you grow too beautiful and hate each other?

Zhou Heng thought bitterly, he must try to avoid the meeting between Hóng Yue and Huotian, otherwise the needle tip will be on Maimang, and maybe one person will completely fall.

But always running around with Hóng Yue is not a solution?

He can’t always go back to see all the girls? He also has parents, relatives, and friends!


Zhou Heng suddenly looked bright, in fact, there is no way, as long as Hóng Yue’s cultivation base breakthrough Star Boundary, then she naturally has to fly Bright Realm, then she thinks it will be difficult!

When I took Huotian, everyone rushed to run, and when he also flew to Bright Realm, the world was so wide, how likely is the chance of encountering Hóng Yue?

In fact, since both Huotian and Hóng Yue have “Death” for a while, even the big grudges can be put down, right? They have each other hit the other side, then no one loses!

However, are the injuries of the two women being beaten by each other?

This point Huotian did not say, Hóng Yue did not say.

Forget it, or follow the method just thought, let Hóng Yue break through as soon as possible, and fly Bright Realm!

Zhou Heng took Xianju, and Red Dragon Sovereigness, Blue Dragon Sovereigness, and Blackbird returned to the broken continent, where the Nine-Headed Lion Bandits left the starship, so that Zhou Heng could sail.

Under the constant urging of the black scorpion, the starship rises and sails in the universe.

Because there are no crew members, Zhou Heng must take turns to control the starship. Otherwise, if it is hit by a meteorite, there may be a lot of trouble, and the space movement needs to be controlled by the human hand, and it will not be automatically carried out. .

Blackbird is smashing in the cockpit, and Zhou Heng and Blue Dragon Sovereigness are talking in the cabin and talking about the Bright Realm they know.

Time passed quickly, Zhou Heng began to feel a bit uncomfortable, constantly holding his eyes and staring at Red Dragon Sovereigness, only how this woman was so blind, so late and not returning to his room.

Red Dragon Sovereigness is not stupid, and Zhou Heng smashed that many eyes may not understand, but she did not know, has been pulling Blue Dragon Sovereigness to say that some sisters are deep, only when Zhou Heng’s eyes into the sand.

It seems that this woman is a candle!

Zhou Heng directly rushed, said: “Hey, almost, you should go back to sleep!”

Listening to his instincts, Blue Dragon Sovereigness couldn’t help but feel a tight face, although it has a relationship with Zhou Heng, but that is to understand the Blood Moon Curse. Moreover, Zhou Heng was able to toss so much yesterday that she was a little scared now.

“Second sister, I am sleeping with you!” She said quickly, not giving Zhou Heng a chance to open Red Dragon Sovereigness and running.


Zhou Heng touched his nose and couldn’t help but laugh. He could scare away a Bright Immortal. How many people can do it? (To be continued.)

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