Violetflame Sky Dragon 怒卷, pā pā pā , Li Family Six Great Elder At the same time complexion changed, a sacred spirit did not turn over in time, almost fell to the ground, and Li Yuanxing is not a Martial King, direct limbs and a stiff , fainted in the past.


Li Family Six Great Elder is not pale, they find that their spiritual power is suppressed, can not fully operate, and the mind seems to be suppressed by a Creation King, fighting intent fell.

What is going on here, is the other party Creation King?

No, although the other party did not reveal Dharma, the breath is definitely Sublimation Sovereign. If they can’t even recognize this, they can really buy a piece of tofu and die!

But what exactly is this fairy tales, and they can sharply cut their fighting power after all!

It was not the opponent of Zhou Heng. How can this be played?

Is the Warrior outside… so horrible?

The ones who wanted to leave, they gave birth to hesitation for the first time. If the people outside are so strong, are they going out for food?

Zhou Heng strode past, murderous aura is like a blaze.

In fact, there is really no resentment between him and Li Family. The mistake is that the other party has used an irreparable method to “inquire” about the way to leave! In fact, if they are good businessmen, then Zhou Heng will cooperate with them.

After all, Li Family also has a Creation King, and once entered Sacred Mountain, have experience!

But who makes Li Family aloof and remote used to, and does not want to reveal secrets, so they only have one idea, just take Zhou Heng and ask directly! This pushed the two sides to irreparable hostile faces. Zhou Heng is not addicted to killing, but it is impossible to let go of those who want to kill themselves.

“Hahaha, let’s start, don’t think we will beg for mercy!”

“Li Family will never fall if there is Old Ancestor!”

“Old Ancestor will avenge us!”

“You can’t live too long, we are waiting for you at Yellow Springs Road!”

It seems that it is inevitable that his death will be inevitable. Li Family has been very bachelor, but instead of asking for mercy, he called Zhou Heng.

Li Family Old Ancestor, Creation King!

This is indeed a strong enemy, and it is impossible for Zhou Heng to fight now! Even if he breaks into the Sublimation Emperor, it is difficult because the creation Boundary’s realm barrier is too strong, at least to reach 20 Dharma!

Prior to this, Zhou Heng did not qualify for Creation King!

– Of course, if Creation King was accidentally bombarded by Zhou Heng and cut a sword, it was not far from soul destroyed.

Zhou Heng, a black Sword, said: “There is Creation King, who wants to kill me, who will kill me! If you don’t want to fall into the mountains, Li Family will pray that your old Ancestor will not be wrong. idea!”

The sword shadow crossed, and Li Family had a sword hole in the chest of the seven people, and the blood rushed out and died completely.

Zhou Heng Collapsed Black Sword, the body swept, and quickly left the canyon, where the poison gas is indeed terrifying, he always has to open the spirit to defend, consume a lot, of course, have to leave quickly after finishing the matter.

After the canyon, he first refined the life essence of Black Sword, and then jumped back to Sacred Immortal Palace – six Sublimation Emperor and a Sublimation Sovereign added up to make Zhou Heng add a Dharma.

Li Family’s Creation King was able to realize that he was in a narrow world. This was a good partner, but now both sides are on the opposite side.

Now, not only can’t they cooperate, but they also become absolute enemies. It still has some headaches.

After all, this world is too small, Zhou Heng wants to leave this and must find a way to Sacred Mountain, which is equivalent to painting him a prison, can only be active in this range.

Zhou Heng took the initiative, but it took him five days to return to the Sacred Immortal Palace, and there was ten Nine Heavens time from the Holy Water Envoy.

All the people are working hard, and the battle for the last millennium Holy Water Envoy has passed for a thousand years. Natural forces have also emerged a lot of newcomers, but with Yan Jinrui, Sun Zhuoli, and Qiao Qingqing. It is still a lot worse than it is.

The three winners are the ones who win the most.

Time went very fast, and after a glimpse of half a month, the Holy Water Envoy battle also began the draw of First Step, which divided all the participants into five large groups – only to become the first group to be successful , with Yan Jinrui, Sun Zhuoli and Qiao Qingqing to form the final quarterfinals, re-draw the final winner.

Yan Jinrui, Sun Zhuoli and Qiao Qingqing are the seed players who can advance to the quarterfinals without participating in the 1st Round competition.

The competition for 1st Round is very simple. You don’t need 1 Round and 1 Round to defeat one opponent after another. You only need to play once, everyone only needs to play once!

This is a melee!

Hundreds of people are in the same place, and if they are beaten down or run for themselves, they will lose! Moreover, there is no need to bear any responsibility for killing people in the ring, so don’t try to use the rules of Sacred Immortal Palace to kill.

– Only the real warrior, the real powerhouse is worthy of the holy water for the supreme god!

Zhou Heng looked at him and he was assigned to the fourth largest group.

“Oh, four, this number is unlucky!” Red Dragon Sovereigness immediately reached out and grabbed the sign that Zhou Heng had just taken, and then made a fuss about nothing.

“Come on!” Zhou Heng will spread his hand.

“You come and get it yourself!” Red Dragon Sovereigness stuffed the sign from the neckline and got stuck in the deep cleavage. Such a brand stuffed into the chest did not change the chest, showing how her chest has Xiongwei, how the cleavage is deep!

Zhou Heng couldn’t help but feel a certain part of the moment, and only a certain part of the moment became hard and hard, and his eyes suddenly stared at the snow-white bulge.

Damn, this place has amplified all his mood swings by a dozen times!

“Second sister, you are dead!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness quickly pulled the brand out and didn’t look directly at Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng reached out and grabbed it. He only felt that the sign was warm and there seemed to be a faint scent, which made him feel in his heart.

Hey, be sure to leave this place as soon as possible!

Five days later, the first group battle began first, at the Martial Fighting Stage at Sacred Immortal Palace, and the second to fifth groups were conducted over the next four days. There are no rules in the game, you can use any instrument, but you can’t use taboos, such as what blew Dharma.

Zhou Heng didn’t go to watch the game. For him, no matter who wins, there is no difference. He has blown himself!

After three days, it was the fourth largest group of Zhou Heng.

The first three groups were Chen Hao, Ma Yifei and Yuan Shan, all of which were Sublimation Sovereign. Only Chen Hao was just a newcomer. Ma Yifei and Yuan Shan have participated in nine Holy Waters before. The Envoy battle, this is their last chance.

Zhou Heng’s chest was affixed with a piece of paper with the number “two hundred and sixty-six”, which is his number. However, this huge Martial Fighting Stage is obviously more than two hundred people, but it has reached a thousand Mortal Rank.

Of course, it is impossible for a thousand people to be Sublimation Boundary. In this Small World, Sublimation Boundary is not worth it!

About two hundred people have reached Sublimation Boundary, Sublimation Sovereign is only more than fifty, most people are Sunshine Emperor, even Sunshine Sovereign. This level of Warrior also wants to stand out? It’s just out of the line, but in the quarter-finals, there is a real powerhouse!

– Since Holy Water Envoy is a great glory, even if you can’t compete for this greatest glory, you can be famous for being able to squeeze into the quarterfinals!

Fame and fortune, I don’t know how many people let people go forward!

These people are not alone, but a dozen or even dozens of people form a small team to protect one person and make a certain force stand out.

Is this OK?

I have to say that any rules are flawed, not to mention that there is almost no rule in this big melee, and it will naturally be used by others.

But then how, the real powerhouse should be able to win in any situation!


With a bang, the big melee kicked off.


“I don’t want to die and get out of the Martial Fighting Stage!”

“Hahaha, the winner of this group belongs to our Yun Family!”

“Fart, our family Young Lord is the winner of this time!”

Accompanied by the war of the blade, there is also the snoring of the crowd. Warrior comes to the water and is born and died. How many people will go to the word of Wenyi?

The situation was still quite fierce. Only a few dozen people were cleared out at the beginning, but only people were injured and no one died at the beginning, but it is hard to say after red eyes.

“The kid looks at the knife!” A middle-aged man slashed his knife against Zhou Heng. This person is very bad. When the knife is about to be cut to Zhou Heng, it is called. This is not a reminder. Instead, it is necessary to make the other party more confused. If there is no fighting experience, it will be chopped.

Zhou Heng waved his fist and greeted the past, said with a smile: “Look at the box!”

“haha, kid, this is courting death!” The middle-aged man was smirking. Although he was only a Sublimation King, he could be cut by him. It was Sublimation Sovereign, and it was equally good!


The fist hit the knife, the violent force surged, and the knife immediately turned into a cold light and flew to the sky.

The expression on the face of the middle-aged man suddenly solidified, and his tiger’s mouth was shattered by blood and blood rushed.

“Aiya, which guy counts Laozi!” Not far away, a man with a painful expression slammed up from the ground, and the buttocks were inserted with the knife that the middle-aged man had previously held!

He is a little smart, lying on the ground and pretending to die, and plans to climb up and fight when he hits it. Whoever is lying and shooting, no, the knife, just Zhou Heng fisted the middle-aged man’s knife to fly away, when he fell, he just broke into his chrysanthemum position.

“Do you go out by yourself or do you want me to fight you out?” Zhou Heng said with a smile.

“Kid, what are you crazy, thinking that Laozi is just a person?” After the surprised-aged man was shocked, it was shouted without any weakness. (To be continued.)

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