Zhou Heng smiled at Li Yuanxing. Although the word “Holy Medicine” made him tempted, he could never let him easily believe that a guy who had known for a few days would give him a big gift.

Li Yuanxing looked at Zhou Heng for a long time and suddenly slammed his foot and said, “Well, I am selfish. I will look for Brother Zhou. I just saw Brother Zhou. I didn’t dare to make a knife behind me!”

“No matter who I am looking for, it is difficult to protect the other person from contacting the family behind me. I can’t afford this risk! Only Brother Zhou has no roots, even if Brother Zhou wants to find someone, I will not cooperate with Brother Zhou. !”

“In addition, if you work with me, Brother Zhou can get half of the holy medicine. If you find someone else to cooperate, why should you offend me and give up one more enemy?”

After he finished speaking, his face was calm.

Zhou Heng thought for a moment and said: “Well, let’s join hands! When will we leave?”

“A month after the Holy Water Envoy battle, the road will need to be delayed for about ten days, so the sooner we start, the better, so as not to be unexpected!” Li Yuanxing thought, “Is it possible to leave tomorrow morning?”

“That will start early in the morning!” Zhou Heng nodded.

Li Yuanxing’s goal was reached, and he quickly left. Zhou Heng was sitting in the chair with a deep expression on his face.

Zhou Heng does not believe it at all!

As an important clansman of one of the five strongest families in Immortal Domain, wouldn’t you have a strong hand? How can such a person stand out in the fiercely competitive Li Family?

Looking across Li Yuanxing is not the kind of solitary traveler who is so close to the stranger, so he has to come to find himself to steal the holy medicine, how can it be undoubted.

Probably Li Yuanxing is betting on the power of a holy medicine!

Zhou Heng lightly smiled, Li Family can threaten him is the Creation King’s Old Ancestor. I heard that this big man has been shutting down and attacking Creation Sovereign. He has not heard the news for thousands of years. Because he broke a small Sublimation Sovereign?

Besides, with his current strength, he is definitely unable to fight against Creation King. It is not difficult to get out safely. This is where Zhou Heng dares to agree.

If there is a holy medicine, then Zhou Heng will naturally keep his promise and share it with Li Yuanxing after stealing the holy medicine. If Li Yuanxing is playing tricks, he does not mind killing.

What makes Zhou Heng unable to understand for the time being is that he clearly has no grievances with Li Family, and there is no conflict with Li Yuanxing. Is the other party harmful to him?

This is exactly the case. Zhou Heng has some doubts and will not assert that the holy medicine is completely false.

– He only believes that in the face of absolute power, any crafty plots and machinations are useless!

“What, do you want to run east?” When he told the girls to go on the road tomorrow, Red Dragon Sovereigness immediately screamed again and again. “Don’t go, people stay here, don’t want to move.” !”

Zhou Heng is also right, Sacred Immortal Palace is the safest place in the entire Immortal Domain. No one, even Creation King, dares to break the rules here. There is no need to bring them with them.

The people in this place are very passionate about the so-called supreme gods, which seems to have engraved their in the depth of one’s soul. The more the cultivation base is, the more insistent it is.

“Well, then you will stay here – don’t worry!” Zhou Heng added, his eyes are on Mu Tongtong, this little girl is getting more and more crazy now.

“No problem, I will look at her!” Red Dragon Sovereigness quickly patted the ** package ticket, shocked the two great peaks and trembled, and made Zhou Heng’s eyes invisible.

Zhou Heng turned his head in a difficult way, only to feel a flame in the lower abdomen, as if to burn him.

No, your control ability should not be so bad, right?

Zhou Heng was shocked. He was not the first to see Red Dragon Sovereigness. How could it be so bad? Is it that he has not touched a woman’s relationship for too long? It’s not very likely, just a few months!

Was it affected by the environment of this world, so that your own ** became sharp and turbulent?

Seeing him like this, Red Dragon Sovereigness couldn’t help but smirk, deliberately licking his own **, and sticking out his tongue and licking his red lips, a trace of saliva, and the fascinating sensation.

This lazy woman will actually sell the color?

“Second sister, don’t be embarrassed again!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness brushed his cup to Zhou Heng and interrupted the show.

Zhou Heng gave it a little, called Qudao: “What are you doing for me?”

“Go!” Blue Dragon Sovereigness ignored him and ran Red Dragon Sovereigness.

After a night, Zhou Heng left the four women at the Sacred Immortal Palace. He took Xianju and the black scorpion to leave. After meeting with Li Yuanxing, he went to find the place where the holy medicine was located.

Bringing Xianju, he wants to plant the holy medicine. After all, there is Mu Tongtong. As long as the strength of this little girl is improved, it is that the holy medicine may be ripened even if he does not need it at that time. Is there his family and friends?

“Black Clouds Canyon !”

Li Yuanxing only said one place name, and the two men went out and went.

This world is far greater than what Zhou Heng has seen.

According to common sense, this piece of heaven and earth can no longer exceed its broken continent. In fact, Zhou Heng came from Hu Family Village all the way, crossing the distance of a few millions li, long over the longest distance of the broken continent.

It’s about the same as Xianju, it seems to compress a huge World forcibly!

All the way, after five days, they came to Black Clouds Canyon.

It has been shrouded in black clouds all year round, so it has the name of Black Clouds Canyon. This black cloud has a strong corrosive effect. Even the Sublimation Boundary’s powerhouse is not daring, so it is rarely seen.

The Monster Beast, which is born here, is not only powerful, but also highly toxic. If you encounter a Sublimation Emperor, you will frown!

It is reasonable to have a holy medicine here. It is almost impossible to find the first thing in such a large canyon. Because the environment is too bad, plus the threat of Monster Beast, everyone Can only come in a hurry, hurried away, love stack for too long will only lose the surname!

Danger lurks within the riches and honour, the current five major Creation Kings of Immortal Domain. Which one did not find the holy medicine from the extreme sinister land?

There are many people in Taiping, and the holy medicine has been ruined before it is mature!

“Brother Zhou, there is no danger here, don’t care!” Li Yuanxing reminded him, once he took out a Dan bottle and handed it over to Zhou Heng. “This is Miasma Warding Pill. Although it can’t completely resolve the poisonous fog here, it can Plays a considerable role in resisting and reducing the consumption of spiritual power.”

Zhou Heng took the Dan bottle and pulled out the cork. He poured out a small dragon eye that was too small. He quickly whipped the Fire God’s Furnace in the Dantian space and said: “The stove, is there any poison in this medicine pill? ”

“Yes, with some low-level chemical work, you will lose your spiritual power and become a soft-footed crab! Listen, don’t talk to this Eminence again, it’s too weird, this Eminence always has one An ominous feeling, that’s it!” Fire God’s Furnace is no longer fluctuating when it is finished, as if it is pretending to be dead.

It’s rare to see this stove still so fearful!

Zhou Heng put the medicine pill in his mouth, but the Five Elements rune turned and instantly smashed the medicine pill. He made the swallowing motion and then Li Yuanxing lightly smiled, saying: “Brother Li please !”

Seeing Zhou Heng taking medicine pill, Li Yuanxing also showed a smile, saying: “Brother Zhou please!”

The two entered the canyon, and the fog immediately hit. This is full of poisonous surnames. It is the Sunshine Emperor that can be instantly turned into a poisonous water. Both of them opened up the spiritual force to defend, and blocked the poisonous fog outside the body half a foot, which seemed to be easy.

Zhou Heng didn’t immediately dismantle the other party. He wanted to know why Li Yuanxing had to deal with himself. He really couldn’t think of any irresistible hatred between the two!

Is it because of Holy Water Envoy?

Can Li Yuanxing’s rival be not Yan Jinrui?

“Brother Zhou, it’s coming soon!” Li Yuanxing said, turning left and turning right with Zhou Heng, entering a branch of the canyon, the front is the end, but there is a hole in the wall, the black pressure is unknown. Deep in geometry.

“The holy medicine grows in the deepest part of the cave, but there is a poisonous eye lizard guard! This holy medicine will be fully matured in half a year. Although the harvesting effect is best at that time, it will definitely be eaten by the Monster Beast!” Li Yuanxing Pointing at the hole, “Brother Zhou, you take the poisonous eye lizard out, I immediately go in to collect the medicine, you only need to drag ten breaths!”

Seeing Zhou Heng like a smile yet not a smile, he quickly said: “I swear, never give up on Brother Zhou, and will never swallow the holy medicine!”

Of course not, because there is no holy medicine at all, and he naturally will not swallow it!

This gambling oath, he is completely from the heart.

Zhou Heng laughed and said: “Brother Li, I don’t understand a problem!”

“What is wrong with Brother Zhou?”

“I asked myself never to offend you, nor did I provoke Li Family. Why do you have to work hard to deal with me?” Zhou Heng stared at Li Yuanxing’s eyes.

Li Yuanxing also laughed loudly and said: “Brother Zhou is laughing, how can I deal with you?”

“Brother Li, you have to shout at this time, too much meaning?”

Li Yuanxing smiled and said, “When did Brother Zhou discover it?”

“It’s not quite sure, but the medicine pill you gave me, is it mixed with chemical work?” Zhou Heng still smiles.

Li Yuanxing frowned, since Zhou Heng knows, the action of swallowing medicine pill is definitely a fake! He put his hands behind his back and slid his body back ten zhang, screaming: “Six Elders come out, this kid will not be fooled!”

His voice fell, and the three white-haired old men fluttered out of the cave immediately, and there were also three old mans outside the valley. The sublimation Emperor’s breath rolled and the black clouds were forcibly squeezed. Going to the side. (To be continued.)

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