No matter what Zhou Heng thinks, he has no retreat now, and can only find a way to leave in this strange world. .

The Xinghai Robber said that the mysterious door occasionally spurted the powerful Monster Beast, meaning that there must be a place to connect to the portal, and he would be able to retreat as long as he found the place.

He thought about it and decided to take the safe departure as the top priority. If the Black Sword fragment is in the hands of that existence, he must not be able to seize it!

Immediately after leaving here, please bring Huotian over!

In the face of Bright Realm’s powerhouse, it’s hard to grind his cultivation base, but to grind his life!

Zhou Heng decided to call everyone on the road, but seeing the three women are all different.

Mu Tongtong is still a child, naturally playing crazy, while the Red Dragon Sovereigness is lazy to lie on the ground, a pair of sleep-like look, while the Blue Dragon Sovereigness is holding hands with a pace, as if a Great General.

Their memories are lost, but their surnames are preserved.

So what about black cockroaches?

Zhou Heng came to the scribbled black scorpion, took out a lot of treasures from the Xianju, and ding ding dang dang piled up.

“ang – Ang -” Black Skull immediately stalked the action of grazing, his eyes staring at the pile of hill-like treasures, his mouth drooling, leaping and jumping into a big shape The treasure heap, constantly rubbing these treasures with your head, and making the action to put these treasures together.

But its cultivation base has been lost, and it is impossible to open the space implement, just dancing the hoof.

Sure enough, this greedy surname has not changed at all!

Zhou Heng sighed, the so-called Jiangshan easy to change, the name is difficult to move, this scorpion is completely unsuccessful.

He suddenly startedled and turned to look at the lake. I saw a little girl coming from afar. There was a bamboo basket in the left arm. The little mouth was screaming and kicking.

Here… there are still humans!

Little girl, but 12 or 13, a simple clothing, cultivation base… No, it is as ordinary as Mortal Realm.

How can there be humans here?

This is a broken Continent of Immortals. Since it has been shattered by the supreme power, how can there be life on this? Zhou Heng “See” the power of that sword qi, this is the power that even the Ultra Emporor Emperor can instantly annihilate!

In this case, the person on this continent should have died long ago!

Did the power of seclusion here come here as early as 100 years ago, and is his great ability to keep it here?

But if there is such a strong presence, what does he live in Immortal Realm, it is the strongest existence of Bright Realm, is it necessary to live in Immortal Realm? But if not, how did the creatures here come here?

Zhou Heng When I first arrived at Immortal Realm, I did see some tyrannical Monster Beast in the sky. This should not be taken from the Mortal Realm by Bright Realm. It should be a lucky Monster Beast. Descendants.

But after all, it’s just one or two sporadic!

But human beings are social groups, and watching the dress of the little girl is like coming out of a certain village! The question is how many people, how did they avoid the disaster?

Don’t say anything about treasure. At that time, Black Sword was broken, and what kind of treasure can protect you?

Zhou Heng right hand A wave of all the treasures was taken into Xianju, then picked up Mu Tongtong and walked over to the little girl carrying the basket. When the black cockroaches suddenly got robbed, Zhang mouth bites. Zhou Heng’s clothes were not allowed, and the four hooves marked four deep marks on the ground.

“Little girl -” he waved and smiled.

“Big Brother, where did you come from, Little Yin didn’t see you in the village!” The little girl was not afraid of life, and asked Zhou Heng with her head.

“I came from a long distance!” Zhou Heng sat down and sat down, “Little Yin, what is your village called?”

“Hu Family Village!” Little Yin is looking for something at the lake. While watching Mu Tongtong, this little girl is absolutely cute, “Big Brother, you are from White Bright City. Mother said that White Bright City is a lot better than our village, 1,000 times, no, 10,000 times!”

Zhou Heng laughed, “In the future, Big Brother will take you to White Bright City and let Little Yin eat a lot of delicious food!”

“Good too!” Little Yin cheered again and again.

The little girl knows that she is only a teenager. She has never left Hu Family Village. In her eyes, the whole World is so much bigger than Hu Family Village. Even White Bright City doesn’t know where.

It’s not easy to abduct a little girl. Zhou Heng took out some of the food in Xianju and let the little girl exclaim. She took him back to the village immediately. She was originally trying to get a mushroom subsidy for her family. Now she has a lot of food. Nature doesn’t have to work hard anymore.

“You two, gone!” Zhou Heng called to two Dragon Clan Sovereigness.

“Let people sleep again!” Red Dragon Sovereigness was lazy, and Blue Dragon Sovereigness walked over and pulled her up and dragged her to Zhou Heng. It used to be Red Dragon Sovereigness that took care of Blue Dragon Sovereigness, but now it’s a bit of a downside.

However, Red Dragon Sovereigness was just a spoiled, and soon he walked away.

After all, what they lose is memory, not IQ.

In this strange world, just remember your name, it is not a heart-warming thing! And this man… although a bit fierce, can feel his concern, and intuitively believe that he will not harm himself.

Then, definitely have to follow him away!

Zhou Heng holds Mu Tongtong in one hand, dragging a black donkey biting his horn around him, and walking with Little Yin in front. The two Dragon Clan Sovereigness are behind, and Red Dragon Sovereigness is screaming without taking two steps, and Blue Dragon Sovereigness is hard to let her rest.

“Little Yin, how far is it from the village?” Zhou Heng asked after almost half an hour.

“It’s already half way!” Little Yin thought, replied.

“The people can’t walk!” Red Dragon Sovereigness heard the answer suddenly white as paper, directly fainted, and couldn’t move to Blue Dragon Sovereigness.

Now the two women are ordinary, she does not force the Blue Dragon Sovereigness how to drag, the two women are sitting down.

Is this Ultra Creation Emperor?

Zhou Heng sighed, smiled at Little Yin: “Big Brother will give you a trick, you look carefully!” He reached out and beckoned, and two Dragon Clan Sovereigness were immediately taken into the fairy house.

“Wow, it’s amazing! It’s amazing!” Little Yin’s eyes are straight and the hands clapped.

Zhou Heng laughed, he didn’t want to scare the little girl, so he would first say that it was a juggling.

“Wow, it’s fun, it’s coming out again!” Mu Tongtong, who was hanging on him, also claped his hands and couldn’t hide his excitement.

Listening to her saying this, Little Yin also looked at Zhou Heng with a look of anticipation.

Zhou Heng couldn’t help but sighed, but he forgot that Mu Tongtong, the quail egg, also lost his memory. The Lord is not a safe person! He thought for a moment: “This trick can only be changed once a day, and it is necessary to change them out tomorrow!”

Mu Tongtong and Little Yin also showed disappointment.

“Little Yin, do you go to pick mushrooms every time you go?” Zhou Heng quickly diverted his attention.

“Yeah, there are wild beasts around the village, and only this direction is safe!” Little Yin was hooked.

That can be at least twenty miles!

Zhou Heng gave birth to a pity, saying: “Come, big brother is carrying you!”

“Little Yin is very heavy, don’t!”

“Nothing, Big Brother is very strong!” Zhou Heng also raised the black cockroach for proof.

Little Yin was nodded. She walked for a long time before she came to the lake. She was too tired to do so. She did not take any rest and set off with Zhou Heng. Now the two little feet are really tired.

Zhou Heng held a little girl in both hands and immediately strode away.

Poor black scorpion, biting Zhou Heng’s clothes corner, dare not let go, but do not want to loosen. Instinctively, it knows that this person has a lot of things that make it exciting, so be sure to follow!

You can’t let go, ah, bastard!

Under the guidance of Little Yin, they returned to Hu Family Village in a few minutes.

“How could this be!” The little girl panicked and her tears flowed out of disappointment.

In front of the three is a skyrocketing fire!

This is a small village with a maximum of 20 families. At the moment, all of them are burned, and they can see each and everyone in disorder. They are not broken or missing their arms. They are quite bloody. .

Zhou Heng’s eyes could not help but gloomy. This should be a paradise for the world. Who is so worried?

“爹——娘-” Little Yin burst into tears and struggled to get down from Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng did not let go, at this time he also refused to scare people, the thoughts turned, a force rolled over, and the fire of the sky was immediately extinguished. He unfolded his devotion and unexpectedly discovered that someone had not died yet.

He quickly leaped away, only to see that the man was pressed under a pillar, and there was a pool of blood flowing down.

As long as you have a breath, you can’t die when you meet Zhou Heng!

At random, the pillar was immediately turned into fly ash, and Zhou Heng reached out and pressed the man’s body, and a spiritual force poured out to nourish the other’s body, and the wound was healed.

“Grandpa Hǔ!” Little Yin finally got down from Zhou Heng and immediately slammed into the man.

This is an old man who is close to 70, but he is very good, but he is still a small Warrior of Body Refining 9th Layer. He straightened his upper body and touched his chest. His face showed an incomprehensible color, because it should have a fatal wound.

“Little Yin!” old man can’t think about this problem. When she saw Little Yin, she quickly picked her up and put it behind her, showing a warning to Zhou Heng.

“Grandpa Hǔ, Big Brother is not a bad guy!” Little Yin said behind the old man, she knows that Grandpa Hǔ is very powerful, the only hero in the village who can kill tigers, but 10 million can’t let him hurt Big Brother. (To be continued.)

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