Listening to Bing Xinzhu So, Zhou Heng knows that this big cockroach is the father of Goldcrown Snake, and that little muddy did mention Thousand Phython Immortal Lord.

After the Goldcrown Snake was slaughtered by him, Thousand Phython Immortal Lord immediately sensed it, and immediately went out to look for the enemy to kill him, and Bing Xinzhu hit the bad luck.

In addition to the aborigines, the outsiders who can come in are the Heavenly Scripture holders, and the Thousand Phython Immortal Lord is the overlord in the tyrants. Who dares to move it to a hair?

Therefore, when I saw Bing Xinzhu, Thousand Phython Immortal Lord decided that the son was killed by this outsider, and he started to pursue it without saying anything!

Thousand Phython Immortal Lord is 4 Dharma Creation Emperor. If there is no Huotian seal here, it is to kill Bing Xinzhu completely. But now its cultivation base has been forcibly suppressed to Peak Sublimation Emperor, only Bing Xinzhu can be suppressed but can not kill this Human Clan.

– Bing Xinzhu has Red Lotus Heavenly Scripture, is it so good to kill?

She started to run away from the loss, because this frame is completely inexplicable to her, but Thousand Phython Immortal Lord is still willing to stop, and then chasing all the way, this is what Zhou Heng saw.

Speaking of it, Bing Xinzhu is really bad luck, it is in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Zhou Heng felt sympathy for a moment, but did not tell the other party that he was the culprit. Isn’t that looking for it?

Since she has already carried a black pot, she should not mind to continue to carry it on!

“ang ——” Behind them, Thousand Phython Immortal Lord screamed, his voice was like a dragon, full of domineering, and of course more angry. If its realm was inexplicably suppressed to the Sublimation Emperor, it would be easy to kill them!

“What to do, you can’t take it off!” Bing Xinzhu frowned.

“Don’t look at me, I just appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time, you can find a way!” Zhou Heng will spread out both hands, but at the foot is not slow.

Bing Xinzhu looked at Zhou Heng with suspicion. She had murder and kill the beast. She was sure to be Qingqing, but the old man obviously didn’t seem to be a fake, so it must be the third person to kill.

The outsiders who can enter here are pitiful, and Zhou Heng happens to be at this time again –

“You did it!” Bing Xinzhu immediately called.

Zhou Heng, when the face is pumping, why are women so clever? Isn’t this the unpleasantness of recruiting men? Knowing a confused woman is a truly wise woman! Oh, this woman is not cute at all!

“Nonsense, you can’t talk about things without evidence!” He is righteous.

“Hah, your ability to lie is too bad!” Bing Xinzhu sneered.

By the way, it is so easy to be seen as a flaw?

Behind “ang -“, the old snake was close to a few points, and the roar was enough to stop the heart of the ordinary Sublimation King.

Zhou Heng was uncomfortable. It was even more uncomfortable when it was so stunned. Immediately turned around, Black Sword sacrificed and attacked the small rune on the blade. He stared coldly at Thousand Phython Immortal Lord, Black Sword. The sword of Soaring Heaven Nine Forms is intended to be in the body.


Thousand Phython Immortal Lord immediately stopped the silhouette. It looked at Zhou Heng, his eyes flashed with incomparable caution, and there was an indescribable fear.

It has a feeling that if you eat this sword, it will destroy both body and soul!

This feeling has saved its surnames countless times before it has yet to be achieved and is not yet fully powerful, because its within the body has a silkline of the Dragon Dragon, the descendant of the most expensive Divine Beast!

After becoming a Creation Emperor, this feeling almost never happened again, but now a small Sublimation King actually gave it such a terrible feeling!

The long-standing habitual name has made it obey the instinct, but he did not think much, and turned around and left.


Bing Xinzhu was so surprised that his tongue could spit out. Dignified Creation Emperor was scared away by Zhou Heng. In her opinion, she felt the pressure of Soaring Heaven Nine Forms, so she could not understand.

“What are you doing, sneak!” Zhou Heng quickly grabbed the stupid woman. He was really just bluffing. Can Soaring Heaven Nine Forms kill a Realm that was pushed to the Sublimation Emperor’s Creation Emperor?

He doesn’t know at all!

But if it can’t, the price is his little life. This completely meaningless adventure is still less speculation. Fortunately, the big snake has also been scared away.

“Stupid woman, hurry!”

“You, are you jealous of me?”

“Crap, if you want to be chased by the big snake again, then I don’t mind leaving you alone, anyway, I am not going to accompany you!”

“You dare to say! It must be that you killed his son and will make me tired!”

“Hurry up and run, do these things!”

The two ran fast while bickering. After a few minutes of driving, there was a resentful roar in the back. It was like a dragon. It was obvious that the snake also realized that it might be deceived by Zhou Heng’s bluff. It is.

However, the two sides have already opened enough distance, and this Thousand Phython Immortal Lord can only chase them by instinct.

“Let’s find a place to hide. The stinky snake wants to chase it and chase it to the front!” Zhou Heng pulled Bing Xinzhu and folded the direction. Thousand Phython Immortal Lord is Creation Emperor, although it was suppressed. To the Sublimation Emperor, but the speed is still slightly faster than them, and the strength is long, and sooner or later will catch up with them.

Therefore, hiding first is not necessarily a good idea.

“Let my hand open!” Bing Xinzhu is biting his teeth. How does this guy always hold her hand?

“Hey, don’t let the stinky snake hear it!”

“… Believe it or not, I killed you first?”

“Hah, you are really joking, what fun is it to murder your husband?”

“To shut up!”

The two found a cave to hide in. They all had Heavenly Scripture, one spilled out of the Sanguine River, and the other was a blooming red lotus, which scattered the flames around them.

“It turns out that Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture is in your hands!” Bing Xinzhu sat on the floor with his knees crossed, and a sword crossed his legs. The warning was self-evident.

This time, Zhou Heng can’t rely on it. The Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture from his hands is completely unrecognizable. But now that Heavenly Scripture is running, it is exposed to its true colors.

But it is okay anyway, is this woman not his wife?

Zhou Heng moved the body quietly, little by little: “Yes, I do have a Heavenly Scripture. How do we exchange views?”

“I didn’t expect Immortal Realm’s seven forces to be laid out for tens of thousands of years. As a result, Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture has fallen into your hands. If you let them know, you must have a breath of blood!” Bing Xinzhu turned and said “I am not interested in your Heavenly Scripture!”

“It doesn’t matter if you are not interested. The key is that I am interested!” Zhou Heng got closer.

Brush, a sword qi crossed, red lotus blossoms bloom, Bing Xinzhu is already from the body, the sword is stretched, the tip of the sword reaches Zhou Heng’s throat: “Leave me away!”

“Three days do not hit, go to the house to expose the tile!” Zhou Heng laughed heartily, opened the big hand looked toward towards the sword and grabbed the past.

“Bold!” Bing Xinzhu reprimanded. Before the two battles with Zhou Heng, she easily won in the first battle, but she was not defeated by Zhou Heng in the second battle, but it was also because she did not bring Red Lotus Heavenly. Scripture, otherwise Heavenly Scripture will resolve Zhou Heng’s momentum, and will lose to Zhou Heng with her own strength?

This time is different, you must bring Heavenly Scripture to enter this flame land, and fight with Zhou Heng, she has a winning heart!

The sword is moving, and the red lotus grows, forming a path of beautiful illusion.

“Hey!” Zhou Heng’s right fist condensed, but it’s just faintly slammed, but golden’s glory is moving, and it’s simple and sturdy.


The fist slammed on the sword, and a shock wave swayed. Bing Xinzhu was suddenly shaken back and forth, and Zhou Heng took the opportunity to attack, and when they rushed, the two became a group.

Bing Xinzhu only feels confused in his mind. How does Zhou Heng not be so powerful?

It was not until the chest came a wonderful touch that she suddenly woke up and her own cock was actually held by Zhou Heng! She suddenly became furious and mad, and the whole body was in a state of turmoil. The blossoming red lotus blossomed like crazy, each with a destructive power full of destructive surnames.

Zhou Heng is not afraid. He is afraid of who to fight with Realm. Sanguine River Heavenly Scripture is unfolding. He is covered with golden divine glow and completely blocks the attack of Honglian.

Half a day later, Bing Xinzhu finally stopped. She had to admit that this man is abhorrent to the extreme, but the innate talent in martial arts is even more enchanting!

Not relying on imposing manners, she is not an opponent of Zhou Heng.

“Served?” Zhou Heng said, biting her earlobe, the faint scent of the wind, the swaying. The happier nature is still his hands, one hand, holding the other side of the cock.

Bing Xinzhu figure **, ** is only a full-bodied, far less than Ying Mengfan, especially Zi Zi’s Xiongwei, but not too big or small, but also wins enough, the hand is still nothing to say, the name is full , slippery like fine jade.

This way, he will be addicted!

“Let’s let go!” Bing Xinzhu is blushing, her physique is particularly sensitive, and her legs are moist.

“Let me touch it for a while!” Zhou Heng bargained.

Bing Xinzhu almost fainted, this guy ** is addictive? It’s just that the current initiative is entirely in the hands of Zhou Heng. Don’t just touch it, it’s just that it’s too much to stop.

Thinking of this, she could not help but volatility body, she was completely unprepared for that kind of thing!

Zhou Heng and her tightly hugged together, her change and escaped his eyes, could not help but laughed, said: “Why, is it thinking about what is shameful? You are not embarrassed!”

I bother!

Bing Xinzhu is a sly, screaming at himself, and actually squirting blood! She turned her head and replied: “Let go, oh-“

Her voice was immediately lingering in Zhou Heng’s mouth, because her lips had been caught by Zhou Heng.

Oh, her head seems to be blasting at once, and it’s numb, there’s no idea at all. (To be continued.)

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