Zhou Heng also did not hide, said: “When I was at Mortal Realm, I met your Senior Kong Aokun. This Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step was taught to me!”

His realm is not high, but because of the title of Sacred Elixir Master, it is even higher in position than Kong Qingyang, so there is no need to be a self-deprecating Junior, otherwise it will make Kong Qingyang feel overwhelmed.

“originally is this way!” Kong Qingyang’s eyes flashed, and there was a faint sorrow on his face. It seemed to lament the family’s unfortunate descendants, but he immediately closed up. “Greatmaster Zhou was originally from Profound. Qian Star !”

Zhou Heng knows that he will reveal some secrets when he confesses Kong Aokun, but he is not afraid now.

Because Huotian ruined an Ultra Creation Emperor’s Divine Idol in a blink of an eye, and is still recognized as the Immortal Realm 1st Expert, the bulls have no more to add, now who should not think twice about Zhou Heng?

Can stop Huotian’s eyes and say it!

“I was fortunate to see Senior Kong Aokun, but his mood is not very stable, but sometimes he is crazy when he is awake!” Zhou Heng said, he still cares about Kong Aokun, the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step that the other person taught him does not know how to save. How many times he returned.

Although it is the ambiguity of Kong Aokun, and he is regarded as the clansman of Kong Family, the grace of art can be, Zhou Heng must bear this feeling. But he is not willing to keep his feelings on Kong Family, because Kong Family obviously knows where Kong Aokun is, but he doesn’t care.

When it comes to Kong Aokun, Kong Qingyang is inevitable for a while. He still doesn’t know that Profound Qian Star has collapsed, and Zhou Heng doesn’t want to tell him.

After the two said for a while, Kong Qingyang said: “Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step is the secret of Han Family. Since it was a coincidence that Greatmaster Zhou learned, please also ask Greatmaster Zhou not to pass on others!”

Zhou Heng promised to agree, this is indeed the Kun Family’s school, but before he passed the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step to the girls, the black scorpion and Wang Ke, then there is no way, who let Kong Qingyang say late!

I believe that if there is no big hair before Huotian, it is estimated that Kong Qingyang will not be so good to talk, maybe even forced Zhou Heng to sign a contract, what if the Swift Clouds Flowing Light Step is passed.

But now… they dare to provoke this female devil? You can kill Kong Family in minutes and seconds!

The family is gone, what kind of township is it?

After sending away Kong Qingyang, Zhou Heng went to see Huotian.

“You are so exposed in public, are you afraid of danger?” Zhou Heng said cautiously. Some of the great powers that have collapsed in Immortal Realm in the past have lost their whereabouts except for Huotian, and the original Master of Black Sword is definitely hanging, but some people may have survived!

If the recovery speed of those powerhouses exceeds that of Huotian, isn’t Huotian dangerous?

“If there are old people, I will recover my memory faster, and my strength will be fully restored, and more than the past!” Huotian smiled at him and comforted Zhou Heng. “I hurt this time.” Although the injury is very heavy, it also gave me a chance to break through myself. I believe that as long as I restore my memory, my strength will increase. No one in the world can hurt me!”

Zhou Heng was happy for Huotian, and he was relieved a lot, but on the other hand, he was secretly sighed, and Huotian really became the existence of peerless in the whole world, then he would have to work harder to catch up!

“Be careful, you have a lot of enemies now!” Huotian said, but the words changed immediately, “But in this Absolute Immortal City, my mind can cover every corner, you are absolutely safe!”

Listening to the comfort in her words, Zhou Heng couldn’t help but sway, saying: “Senior Sister, it’s better to sleep in the evening, let me ask Senior Sister!”

“Roll!” Huotian kicked out and waited until Zhou Heng escaped from the room. She suddenly laughed, as the stars of the sky shone at the same time, amazing.

Unfortunately, Zhou Heng did not see it.

“Xunzi, let’s go to collect debts!” ​​Zhou Heng snorted when he came to the outer court.

“Walk away!” Blackbird is immediately elated, it likes treasure, but it never rejects money. With money, you can buy treasure, and Great-Uncle Donkey is not stupid!

“I will go too!” Bing Xiulan did not know where to drill out, hanging Zhou Heng an arm.

“You are not good to go back to Grand Singularity Cult, staying with me all day?” Zhou Heng sighed, he said he might be interested in Bing Xinzhu, but he has no love for Bing Xiulan.

“Going back to the elder sister must be in charge of me, except to ask me to practice or to ask me to practice, how boring!” Bing Xiulan snorted, she finally broke through Moonbright Sovereign, no way, no matter how she refused to practice, The qualifications of the company are there, and the Spiritual Qi of Absolute Immortal City is terrifying, as if someone is pushing her behind, not breaking through!

Of course, this is still the loss of Moonsplendor Pill she had eaten before, otherwise her progress is definitely not so fast.

“Hey, it’s wasted!” Zhou Heng shook his head, this girl’s innate talent is so good, but she is not good to cherish, otherwise her progress will definitely not be slower than the girls.

When the two went to collect debts, the other party could not rely on a Sacred Elixir Master account, and more importantly, there was a supreme enemy in the back of Zhou Heng, even if the number of horror had to be paid!

Besides, most of the people in the city have pressed Zhou Heng to lose the first few interest rates. All of this money has entered the pocket of the dealer. Now it is just a change to Zhou Heng. There is no loss at all, just earning a small profit. Head, the big head fell into the hands of Zhou Heng.

“Let’s go to Grand Singularity Cult and take your sister back!” Zhou Heng said with a smile.

This is of course a joke. Last time I went to Grand Singularity Cult, he hasn’t turned completely. Zhou Yuhe taught him a means to show the presence of bloodline relatives as long as they are close to the blood.

Therefore, if the Myriad Ancient Great Emperor is in the Grand Singularity Cult, he should be able to sense it.

“Good!” Bing Xiulan immediately smiled, which was too much for her intentions.

They turned to Grand Singularity Cult, and with Huotian’s assurance, Zhou Heng was able to walk sideways in Absolute Immortal City. Since Peerless Goddess said that he can be safe, he must be absolutely safe.

“elder sister, brother-in-law is coming to see you!” Bing Xiulan yelled into the area of ​​Grand Singularity Cult, lest others could not hear it.

She wants to build momentum. Once something is well known, then the fake becomes real.

This is the second time Zhou Heng has come to Grand Singularity Cult, but everyone looks at towards his eyes but it is very different from the first time.

The first time someone didn’t know who he was, he thought he was a very lucky one and got the favor of their Saintess adults. But this time Zhou Heng has already named the entire Absolute Immortal City, who does not know that he is Sacred Elixir Master? And just defeated Gongyang Taisun, who is known for his genius, and also shines in the martial arts.

The identity of the people is Sacred Elixir Master, they can be equal to their Cult Lord! On the strength of martial arts, people can easily defeat Gongyang Taisun, then they can defeat their Saintess adults!

When it comes to the background, the senior Sister of a person will destroy a Divine Idol of the Ultra Creation Emperor, and Grand Singularity Cult, please come up with such a powerhouse to fight against it?

In this case, their Saintess is still climbing!

Therefore, when Zhou Heng walked all the way, he saw all the eyes of Shuangshuang with awe and fanaticism.

“elder sister, have you missed your cute, obedient, charming, beautiful younger sister?” After entering the lotus garden, Bing Xiulan leaped to Bing Xinzhu and hugged Bing Xinzhu from behind.

“You this girl – ah!” Bing Xinzhu slammed out cry out in surprise, because Bing Xiulan actually held her a pair of breasts with both hands, and kept squatting, and suddenly she gave birth. It’s shy and annoying, and there’s a strange feeling that can’t be said.

If she changed another person, she would definitely burst into strength and crush the other side, but now she is her younger sister. How can she get this hand, only the limbs are soft, the pretty face is red, hot can The eggs are cooked.

No, there is a man standing opposite, how can this be done, no, Ah-!

“Small, the feel is much worse than Fatty Lan!” Bing Xiulan stopped for a while, but his hands still didn’t loosen, moved toward Zhou Heng, grinning, said, “brother-in-law, you come too Try it!”

Zhou Heng has long been stunned.

He knows that Bing Xiulan has a strong family name, but absolutely did not expect to be able to get to this point.

“Xiulan, let go!” Bing Xinzhu took a sigh of relief and looked at Bing Xiulan with a fierce look.

“elder sister, are you angry?” Bing Xiulan grabbed it.

“Oh–” Bing Xinzhu has a stiff body, his limbs are slightly trembling, his eyes are blurred, his mouth is a bit slobber, and his glittering luster is shining. “I, I am not angry!”

“I don’t believe, elder sister, you never talked!” Bing Xiulan shook his head again and again, and the two magic hands began to pick up again.

“Ah——! 嗯—” Bing Xinzhu swayed his legs, pretty face blush, and the forehead of the neck could see a drop of crystal sweat oozing out, his eyes were missing, his lips were half-mouthed, and he seemed to be whispering. What, revealing a few white teeth, but a mouth can not stop flowing.

This woman’s physique is so sensitive!

Zhou Heng feels ridiculous, this genius Sublimation King is actually “played” by a Moonbright Sovereign in public, how to think is incredible! I can see that a beautiful woman is so lazy and charming, and he can’t help but feel a little heart.

Bing Xiulan was really broken by several women in Xiao Huoshui!

Zhou Heng shook his head and said: “Bing Xiulan, if you want to be spanked by your elder sister, it is best to hurry!”

“Ah——!” Bing Xiulan was scared, and her hands were taken back and lost her cuddle. Bing Xinzhu had a soft foot and sat down on the floor. But just for a moment, her confused eyes have become sharp, and look at towards Zhou Heng’s eyes are full of murderous aura.

This man has seen it all! (To be continued.)

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