“Hey, Brother Zhou, how did we come out?” Yang Xiaoxiong, who was dragged by Zhou Heng, finally woke up, his face full of gloom. .

This guy, almost killed him!

Zhou Heng said in his heart, but this sinister danger is dangerous, but also let him know some secrets, it is difficult to say whether this guy is a good or a skill! He waved his hand and said, “I am going back to Inn to rest!”

“Brother Zhou, it’s still early, why don’t we go to Full Spring House to play?” Yang Xiaoxiong’s face is laughing.

Full Spring House, listen to the name to know what it is.

Zhou Heng shook his head. He had that many beautiful flowers, but also need to go to the brothel to find happiness?

Back in Inn, he entered the Xianju and said what happened before with Huotian. He felt that the terrorist power to find the Sky Profound Spirit Crystal is very likely to be related to the collapse of Immortal Realm.

Because it is strong enough!

Wang Youyue should be the Ultra Creation Emperor, even stronger than the Blue Dragon Sovereigness, then the ultimate leader of this power must be the same as the Dragon Emperor, and even more terrifying!

To this extent, you can completely destroy Immortal Realm!

“Sky Profound Spirit Crystal?” Huotian showed the color of thoughts, his hands shivering slightly, and seemed to think of something, but after a long while, she shook her head. “Without the impression, they should not be my enemy!”


Zhou Heng is not astonished, so powerful is not the chief culprit of the collapse of Immortal Realm? Huotian This level of powerhouse already has a strong foreboding. If she says no, then it is definitely not.

This also made Zhou Heng take the idea of ​​taking Huotian to go to the **. Since people are not the enemy of Huotian, how can he fight with each other because the other person is looking for Sky Profound Spirit Crystal?

Heaven and Earth spirits, those who have a chance to get it.

Moreover, he now lost the rune on his forehead, Sky Profound Spirit Crystal is currently not useful to him, he seems to have 108,000 li distance from this level.

For him, entering the Sublimation Boundary is a priority.

After spending 11 days in Supreme Yin City, Alchemist’s Association finally passed and agreed to give Zhou Heng the title of Earth Elixir Master!

It was a glory, and the entire Supreme Yin City celebrated it for ten days, but on the second day of the celebration, Zhou Heng set off on the road, taking the Northern 2nd Cow City and getting the 9-Star Elixir Master. Title, re-enter Northern 1st Rat City.

Finally, it becomes 10-Star Elixir Master and enters Absolute Immortal City!

A month later, he came to a main city in Northern 2nd Cow City. He had already passed the news with Alchemist’s Association, and he immediately started to certify 9-Star Elixir Master!

This also sensationalized the entire Northern 2nd Cow City, and even the Elixir Masters of the Northern 1st Rat City came over and rushed to see the reincarnation of Medicine Venerate, and wanted to smear the scent of the alchemy. .

Zhou Heng’s momentum has become, and now he only needs to continue his magical performance, then his voice will be higher and higher, really can sit on the threshold of Medicine Venerate.

The certification of 8-Star Elixir Master is already very demanding, and the certification of 9-Star Elixir Master is even more difficult. It is necessary to refine ten kinds of 9th Grade medicine pill, and it has to guarantee a considerable rate of success, and once it fails, it will be abandoned.

The advantage is that because at this level, the materials needed for alchemy do not use Zhou Heng. All he has to do is alchemy, Alchemist’s Association rich and imposing. He is absolutely willing to spend such money on the high-end Pill Master.

How many Sacred Elixir Masters and several Sky Elixir Masters are the entire Immortal Realm?

Add up to twenty!

And Zhou Heng is likely to be one of them!

The huge Immortal Realm has only 20 such existences, and it is already standing in the pyramid of the pyramid, mastering the supreme power, wealth, resources!

Within an hour, Zhou Heng went smoothly, leaving a lot of people with a view of life and a distorted view of World to be stunned. Fortunately, the reincarnation of Medicine Venerate has been caused, and others can no longer accept the words that come down to the word Medicine Venerate.

Medicine Venerate, what can’t it be?

Because it has caused a big sensation in the Northern 3rd Tiger City, basically everyone has seen the images under the communication stone record, so everyone’s ability to withstand has also improved considerably.

It takes five minutes to produce a furnace of 9th Grade medicine pill, the best quality, 100% Chengdan rate, which is still a lot of people.

Sure enough, this world is a genius, the heights that ordinary people can’t reach for a lifetime are at their fingertips!

God is really unfair!

Because I know that Zhou Heng will continue to certify the 10-Star Elixir Master, and the Northern 1st Rat City’s Elixir Master is at least half of it, and it is certified here!

Special event!

However, 10th Grade medicine pill is not only difficult to refining, but also because the required materials are too precious and too rare. For a while, where do you go to find that many materials? It is impossible for Alchemist’s Association to prepare that many materials!

——10-Star Elixir Master certification is relatively simple! Although it is still necessary to refine ten kinds of 10th Grade medicine pill, it still fails once and then fails. However, Elixir Master can choose the medicine pill that he is good at, and there is no hard name to stipulate which ten kinds to refine.

The reason is that many materials can’t be found between the moments!

Zhou Heng released the news, the materials provided by the various giants, he refining, as long as the name of the Sacred Elixir Master is certified, the medicine pill refining can be owned by the family providing the materials.

When the news came out, let alone the giants of Northern 1st Rat City were heart-warming, and the other three 1st Rat Immortal City giants were also rushing over!

The materials needed for 10th Grade medicine pill are precious, and once the refining fails, all the bubbles are lost. The loss can be said to be even more painful for the creation Emperor! But Zhou Heng’s previous series of magic has proved that he is a genius on Dandao, and the word “failure” is impossible to intersect with him!

Out of the material for Zhou Heng refining, not only can a future Sacred Elixir Master, even Medicine Venerate owe humanity, but also 10th Grade medicine pill, how cost-effective?

To know that if they ask other Sacred Elixir Master to refine 10th Grade medicine pill, not only will they have to give a lot of “appearance fees”, but they can’t guarantee the success rate. Even if they are finished, this medicine pill has to be halfway!

Therefore, the giants with 10th Grade medicinal ingredient are excited, lest they should be one step behind, because Zhou Heng only needs to refine ten medicine pills, the number is limited!

If a family material is not enough, then two or three families will make up. As for the medicine pill, it is a matter of the future. The material is just a material.

Under the circumstance of 10th Grade medicine pill, Zhou Heng got enough materials to make alchemy in just one month.

During this time, he also had a considerable understanding of Dharma, only a line between breakthroughs. The strength of the girls and the black scorpion is even more horrible. They can add a cultivation base accumulation in almost ten days, and now they have broken through Sunshine Sovereign and continue to triumph.

Zhou Heng immediately started alchemy, and under the watchful eyes of countless people, began to attack the Immortal Realm’s highest Elixir Master achievement, the Sacred Elixir Master.

Sacred Elixir Master, the entire Immortal Realm is currently only five, a slap in the count.

Everyone’s eyes are on Zhou Heng’s body. They already know Zhou Heng’s alchemy “manipulation”, and it is no longer strange to him. This is even more eccentric, and it becomes natural.

Less than an hour, ten medicine pills were fully refining.

A purple clothed old man came to the stage, although he only had the cultivation base of the Sublimation Emperor, he had a fascinating momentum, and it seemed that the Creation Emperor could straighten the waist.

“Hey, this is not Han Yuming Greatmaster Han!”

“One of the top five Sacred Elixir Masters!”

“He actually came in person!”

“Yes, what a major event to certify the 10-Star Elixir Master, the last time I went back to 20,000 years ago, it’s okay to have a Sacred Elixir Master in person!”

“It will soon become the six Sacred Elixir Master!”

“But, have you seen Elixir Master of 10th Grade medicine pill in five minutes?”

“This new Sacred Elixir Master is absolutely unpredictable! No wonder Alchemist’s Association people are saying that he is a reincarnation of Medicine Venerate. If not, can there be such an alchemy genius on World?”

In the discussion of the crowd, the purple clothed old man Han Yuming also began to identify.

His position aloof and remote, after a stop on the stage, there is no Elixir Master at all, and dare to go up, even if it is 9-Star Elixir Master!

For all Elixir Masters, the Sacred Elixir Master is a godlike presence!

“The old man proved in the name of Sacred Elixir Master that these 10th Grade medicine pills have been refining and that they are the best!” The Sacred Elixir Master spoke at least two hours later.

The voice fell and the audience was boiling!

How many years have passed, and Immortal Realm has finally released another 10-Star Elixir Master!

Zhou Heng is not excited. Fire God’s Furnace is very good, but it can motivate Black Sword to react. It is not a problem to refine 10th Grade medicine pill!

The 9-Star Elixir Master nameplate does not need to be skipped directly because there is a Sacred Elixir Master speech, plus ten 9-Star Elixir Master guarantees, tens of thousands of Creation Boundary powerhouse witnesses, Zhou Heng’s 10-Star Elixir Master Qualification is not at all doubtful.

It only takes about five days, and his 10-Star Elixir Master nameplate will be made and handed to him.

For a time, Zhou Heng’s Inn was packed with big men from all major families, and they tried every means to meet Zhou Heng, even if they were exposed!

Realm’s higher powerhouse can’t guarantee that you will never use medicine pill forever, and the more powerful it is, the more precious the medicine pill is, the more expensive it is to buy.

Immortal Realm is just a few Sacred Elixir Masters. Only when they have a good relationship with them, can they be asked to take the alchemy at a critical time. Which ones are not the nose?

Zhou Heng waited patiently. Although his cultivation base is not high, the title of Sacred Elixir Master allows him to ignore the Creation Emperor. The entire Immortal Realm has only six existences!

Upon arrival on the nameplate of 10-Star Elixir Master, Zhou Heng immediately departed, this time he took Absolute Immortal City.

– This City of Mystery, which exists only in the legend of the people, the power center of the entire Immortal Realm, hides all the secrets of Immortal Realm! (To be continued.)

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