Zhou Heng took the girls out, and of course the three large oil bottles of Bing Xiulan, Blue Dragon Sovereigness and Black Skull. .

Bing Xiulan is determined to turn Zhou Heng into a brother-in-law, so if she is unsuccessful, she naturally refuses to go, and what should she do? To be controlled by the elder sister, how boring!

Blue Dragon Sovereigness is completely unaware of where to go, naturally it is also step by step, she has long been fascinated by the charm of Huotian, plus intelligence is equivalent to the eleven-year-old girl, a more awesome awesome for Huotian And dependencies.

You don’t have to mention the black scorpion. Zhou Heng has many of the treasures, and it naturally wants to hang out a little.

Zhou Heng was still inquiring before departure, at least in the Immortal City where he can now go, all the gates are in the stage of recharge and cannot be opened at this time.

He wants to take the Father’s mother to Immortal Realm, at least in this domain is impossible, so this also speeds up his idea of ​​leaving, think of the Northern 7th Horse City line to find a useful door.

The shape of the starship is so expensive that it is too long, and the time to build a ship is long-lasting. It is not sold at all, and it is built by itself. Zhou Heng naturally can’t build a ship. The same, the Flowing Clouds Shuttle is not as complicated as a star ship, but it takes a considerable amount of time. They don’t have much time to go to the Northern 12th Pig City. Just run it.

After the entire group of Western 12th Pig City’s access, they vacated and quickly entered Void. After only a few days of flight, they landed in Northern 12th Pig City.

The identity of 3-Star Elixir Master is enough to make Zhou Heng unimpeded. In the face of such a big man, the guards at the passage are also respectful. Even the Squad Leader ran out and sent Zhou Heng to enter.

“Husband, you are really prestige!” Lin Fuxiang’s face worship, she and Zhou Heng have not had a practical relationship, but for such a long time, little girl has long regarded herself as a daughter of Zhou Family.

Speaking of it, she is the first to know Zhou Heng, and everyone else has to stand by!

“Zhou Heng is of course prestige!” Hu Mei looked at Zhou Heng with a more admirable look. She was saved by Zhou Heng’s „ray” in the darkest time. The worship and confidence of Zhou Heng was almost blind.

“Smelly beauty!” Bing Xiulan, Feng Lianqing at the same time disdain authentic, the two women look at each other, are Gregory smile.

Zhou Heng with the palm of the hand, the two goblins mixed together can not do anything good.

Already here, and with a large number of son-in-law, Zhou Heng naturally does not hurry to hurry, and leisurely advance with the girls to make up for his absence from the previous year.

After entering the town, the looks of the women will definitely lead to the unhappiness of the hedonistic son of rich parents, but how many Sunshine Kings are there? Anyone who shows a little bit of momentum is enough to scare witless.

This is just the Northern 12th Pig City, which is the strongest family and only the powerhouse of Moonbright Emperor. Where can you get the Sunshine King?

Most people are reluctant to retreat, but there are still people who don’t open their eyes. They don’t recognize this group of people. They just can’t provoke them. They have to provoke things, leaving a lot of blood along the way.

Fourteen days later, they crossed the Northern 12th Pig City and arrived at the Northern 11th Dog City.

This is the first time that Zhou Heng has crossed Immortal City and is the first time for most people.

Northern 11th Dog City is above the Northern 12th Pig City, but it is too high. Secondly, there is a powerful sun in the sky. The eye can’t penetrate the air. If you look at it from below, this is one piece. Normal but continental.

To travel to Northern 11th Dog City, you need to take a special Teleportation Formation, but to take the Teleportation Formation in addition to the large amount of Seng Stone, you have to have the corresponding strength – Moonbright Sovereign.

Only one person in Zhou Heng entire group can reach Moonbright Sovereign, let alone most of them are Sunshine King? When they paid the sacred stone, they were immediately released and entered the Teleportation Formation.

In order to save the consumption of Xianshi, this array will not be started when people come, but they will have to make up a hundred heads. It’s too slow to throw a hundred copies of Xianshi directly, then there is only one People can also transmit immediately.

After Zhou Heng said that he had made a phone call, Xianshi, who had made up a hundred people, immediately started Teleportation Formation. For him, Xianshi can not make much sense.

The Teleportation Formation started, and Zhou Heng looked worriedly at Huotian. The Peerless Goddess had a bad example of destroying the Teleportation Formation. He didn’t dare to care. Fortunately, Huotian now has a good control of his power, and in the space distortion, they instantly come to a new continent.

From the scenery, it is no different from Northern 12th Pig City, but it is much more intense when you think about Spiritual Qi.

In contrast, gravity is also a bit stronger.

——Besides some special heaven and earth environment, where the spiritual power is richer, the gravity is naturally greater.

Fortunately, most of them are Sunshine King, and Bing Xiulan has a treasure protector. Even the gravity around the Dragon Taming Palace is not very effective for her, let alone here? Not to mention Huotian, Zhou Heng doesn’t know if Immortal Realm has a ban that can work for her, even Heaven and Earth Rule!

All the way is still like swimming in the mountains, Zhou Heng also found a good news, the boundaries of Northern 8th Goat City can be opened again in two years!

He was overjoyed and had more than three years from Zhou Yuhe’s 90,000-year-old birthday. His parents were in a hurry!

There is no twist from the Northern 11th Dog City to the Northern 10th Rooster City, then from the Northern 10th Rooster City to the Northern 9th Monkey City, which requires the Sunshine King’s cultivation base to enter, so the detection becomes much stricter.

However, the nameplate of an 3-Star Elixir Master is enough to solve all the problems and they have successfully entered the Northern 9th Monkey City.

“Wow, the gravity here is so great!” Feng Lianqing immediately exclaimed as the transfer ended.

Indeed, the gravity of the Northern 9th Monkey City is not comparable to that of the Northern 10th Rooster City. This is not an 1-Star half point! Under such gravity, it is impossible for Moonbright Emperor to fly, at least Sunshine King!

In fact, it is also good, that is, people with poor sense of ability can see that others can fly and they can’t fly. They should know that the other party is not afford to offend.

Of course, the Spiritual Qi here is also very rich, especially the girls have a strong physique, in this place ** just like every day at 磕Moonsplendor Pill, it is definitely a thousand miles.

No, they only did it for ten days. The 5th Round red dragonfly formed by Moonshadow Saintess breakthrough was originally formed in half, but now it is completely formed, and the speed of progress is simply irritating!

“Wow, how is it better than my elder sister!” After Bing Xiulan found out, she was also shocked and she was finally scared.

The girls can breakthrough one month in a month. It can be said that it is a collective outbreak under the action of medicine pill. It can form the cultivation round of Half Round in ten days. This is really scary!

Hearing her such amazement, the girls looked at the Huotian without fear.

This Peerless Goddess is still the cultivation base of Moonbright King, but who would dare to marry her? On the contrary, after learning that the broken rune on the corner of Zhou Heng almost collapsed the Blue Dragon Sovereigness, the women’s fear of Huotian reached the limit!

Big sister Big, Lord of the Harem, well deserved!

Huotian’s powdery clothes are fascinating, and there is no trace of joy on the beautiful color. The great gravity here can’t be applied to her, but she has been thinking and trying to remember the memory of sleeping.

“Don’t think so hard, one day you will remember all the things, you didn’t suddenly remember a lot of things before?” Zhou Heng was distressed.

Huotian looked up at him, his lips tweeted, and a thrilling smile, nodded – she was quite caring for this Little Junior Brother.

Seven days later, they entered the first big city here, Skyriver.

Skyriver is one of the nine major cities under the Northern 9th Monkey City. Its status is similar to that of Wild Horse City. It is just a nine-city city of 9th Monkey Immortal City. The city is full of Sunshine Boundary’s powerhouse. The Warrior level is Wild Horse City. Far from being comparable.

Zhou Heng They decided to take a rest here, because the special means of Immortal Realm, the night here will be particularly tired, if you are not in a hurry, find a place to rest at night.

Every Inn naturally has a place to eat, and Zhou Heng, who stayed at this Inn, not only has a place to eat, but also a well-known restaurant, there are a lot of Warrior here gorge oneself.

Inn is very big, not only has two front and back, the floor is also up to 5th Layer, the 3rd Layer below the building is the restaurant, and the 2nd Layer above is the place to live. Zhou Heng They lived in the 5th Layer in the building in front, and after they settled down, they went down to eat.

3rd Floor is both good and close to them. Zhou Heng naturally chose to eat at 3rd Floor, and asked for a big box and two tables.

“Taste is not bad!” Feng Lianqing immediately ate. She was originally eating goods. After she was promoted to the physique of the Dai by Huotian, she was able to eat more and more. When she ordered the food, she almost scared the store.

Zhou Heng laughed and said, “You will sit at a table in the future, otherwise you will be sitting with you, who can eat?”

“This idea is good!” Feng Lianqing didn’t care about Zhou Heng’s ridiculous words. Instead, she smiled and clap her hands. After she grabbed her hands, she snorted. “It’s finished eating so soon! Hey, Only 50% is full, no, I have to add more!”

Her appetite is known to everyone, and there is nothing strange about it. How can people solve the problem of half fullness without eating the last four or five tables?

This Ghost Spirit Essence squirted out in a gust of wind. Bing Xiulan thought about it and went out. She was not a greedy person, but she was definitely the one who likes to join in the fun, and everything has to be inserted.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a while, the whole building was trembled and then quickly calmed down. After a while, Feng Lianqing and Bing Xiulan came back with a song, and the face was full of excitement.

Zhou Heng sighed: “Are you bothering?”

“It’s strange, we are all so honest people, how can it cause trouble!” Both women gave Zhou Heng a blank eye.

A few minutes later, the door of the box was pushed open, and a shop partner came in with a bitter face. “You, you are still going to check out!” (To be continued.)

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