Zhong Gufeng walked back to Zhou Heng and talked to him again, as if he had just done something insignificant.

But everyone looked at towards his eyes but it was completely different. Here is the Dragon Taming Palace. Everyone’s realm is suppressed to Sunshine King and can easily beat 7 Round Sunshine King, which means Zhong Gufeng is a super powerhouse here!

Worth paying good, worthy of a cage!

They listened to the conversations between Zhong Gufeng and Zhou Heng, and when Zhou Heng was still the target of Zhong Gufeng to catch up, each and everyone almost fainted!

The more genius is the more arrogant, the more unwilling to accept the loss, the ability to let Zhong Gufeng be willing to stand up to it, how strong is Zhou Heng?


Just who is this guy, juvenile Tianjiao like this should have been famous for a long time?

To blame, you can only blame Zhou Heng for changing his appearance. From a formerly slender youth to a teenager who is now 12 or 13, the previous Zhong Gufeng almost didn’t recognize him. Others Will people connect him and Zhou Heng together?

Here is the world of Sunshine King Supreme, Zhong Gufeng is a battle, and naturally people who are all open eyes come over and ask them to push the door to work hard.

“How many days have you been here?” Zhou Heng said casually.

“It’s two days,” Zhong Gufeng replied, pointing to the front door. “There are not enough people here, at least 3 times. Let’s make the door open!”

“How do you know?” Zhou Heng is a bit strange.

“Compared to the previous two days, the door was slightly loosened, but if it is completely open, the power is not enough now!” Zhong Gufeng is serious.

“It seems to be waiting!”

There are a lot of people who have the eyesight of Zhong Gufeng, so they are not in a hurry to take out the tea, because they are just a waste of effort at this time, always have to and the others come over.

One or two days, more and more people came together. Among them were Divine Idol, two Creation Boundary powerhouses that competed with Zhou Heng for the heart of the wood. When they saw Zhou Heng, they were green.

One was shocked and the other was shy. He was actually scared by a small Sunshine King. I don’t know why these two people went a few days ago, actually even later than Zhou Heng.

“Ah, One Sword Breaks the Sky is here!”

Suddenly the crowd suddenly stirred up, and it quickly caused a noisy, I saw more than a dozen powerful Sunshine Kings, like a star-studded youth with a handsome and handsome young man, all of them are fascinating. .

These dozens of Sunshine Kings are very powerful, and each one has a big head, from the famous, is a very famous genius, but now they are willingly follow a more dazzling genius.

One Sword Breaks the Sky, Wu Qi!

Wu Qi has become more powerful for more than a month. He has a divine light, and his breath is strong but terrifying, and he has a generation of Supreme.

He must have a fortuitous encounter, which is more powerful than 10 million times before, as if a blink of an eye can make Peak Sunshine King collapse!

Zhou Heng has a tight eye, a strong fighting intent in the with the body, he wants to fight!

At the banquet of Hu Mei, Wu Qi hit him almost with a sword. At that time, he was only Moonbright Emperor, able to protect himself, but it was impossible to defeat Wu Qi.

And at the beginning, he also gave Hu Mei a face, he did not shoot.

Now, he is eager for a fight.

“This is One Sword Breaks the Sky? It really has the momentum of invincible Supreme, like a young boy!”

“His Good Fortune is amazing, and it’s definitely awesome here. Breaking through the 10 Round month, you can break through the realm barrier!”

“Too powerful, just let me look at trembling in fear!”

“If the four Masters of Young Master Frost don’t get the same romance, I’m afraid Wu Qi will stand out and become the only Supreme!”

“King within Kings, there is always only one person!”

In the crowd’s discussion, Wu Qi strode through, and everyone involuntarily stepped back two steps to make way for the young Supreme.

What about Sunshine Sovereign and Sublimation Emperor? The situation is special. Only Sunshine King Supreme or the former Sunshine King Supreme can truly be the king. Of course, if the Creation Boundary powerhouse is willing to sacrifice a Divine Idol, it will kill Sunshine King. Supreme is also easy.

Can any Creation Boundary powerhouse be willing to make such a sacrifice?

An 11 Round 甚至 and even a stronger Sunshine King arrived, and immediately became the most dazzling star in the audience. I don’t know how many young men hate, and I don’t know how many beautiful women will be moved. Get the opportunity to follow such a powerhouse, such a arrogance.

Because becoming a follower of this young Supreme, it will also get huge benefits in the growth of the other party, and then there will be a great chance to become a big man in Weizhen.

But Wu Qi soon stopped – someone blocked his way.

Who is so bold?

Everyone is shocked. Isn’t this a courting death?

They all looked at it and saw that it was an 12 or 13-year-old boy, and he was full of faint golden divine glow!

“Hey, isn’t this the boy before?”

“This is also a sacred arrogance, but his breath is obviously not as strong as Wu Qi. If it is a battle with Wu Qi, it is definitely a big defeat!”

“Unfortunately, why are you so anxious?”

Everyone is afraid to despise Zhou Heng. This is a juvenile arrogance. If you can grow up, it will not be inferior to One Sword Breaks the Sky. But now it is obvious that he is weaker than Wu Qi!

Wu Qi looked at Zhou Heng and showed a touch of surprise. He could sense the strength of Zhou Heng, but this person is really unfamiliar!

Do you want to be your followers, or are you motivated to defeat yourself and become famous?

He has an invincible heart and an Emperor-like capacity, and does not mind accepting a talented follower. He is confident that he can convince everyone around him and willing to do things for him.

Therefore, Wu Qi did not immediately become angry, but revealed a smile, saying: “Who are you?”

“Why must I be who I am, fight!” Zhou Heng sighs, fighting intent straight into the sky.

“Bold!” Among Wu Qi’s followers, there was a beautiful woman shouted. She was not Human Clan. There were two dark green wings behind it, flashing glazed brilliance.

Not only her, but other followers are also angry, they respect Wu Qi as the god, can not let others disrespect Wu Qi!

Wu Qi didn’t stop it. He felt that Zhou Heng should be very strong, but how strong it is but it is unclear, just let the people try it. If it is only strong in appearance but weak in reality, then there is no need for income. .

This beautiful woman stepped out, full of graceful, huge chest Xiongwei extreme, coupled with a thin willow waist, has a charm of extreme surname. But she is as cold as ice and frost, looking towards towards Zhou Heng’s eyes are full of murderous aura.

She is a Winged Clan, and there is a bloodline of the green poultry. The innate talent is amazingly powerful, but she is conquered by Wu Qi and is willing to be his main.

For those who are disrespectful to the Master, kill without mercy!


She launched the attack directly, and the right hand swayed out, and it became an azure big bird, fluttering toward Zhou Heng.

This attack is fast and embarrassing, she not only has to defeat Zhou Heng, but also to kill Zhou Heng!

Zhou Heng frowned, this woman’s heart is so hearty, actually shot to death!

“Roll!” He snorted, and the momentum of Martial King burst out like a hammer to the other side.


That Winged Clan beauty suddenly shocked, mouth mad spurt blood, tempered, her feet retreat, every step back spit a mouthful of blood, a pretty face pale as paper.

Really strong !

Everyone was shocked, Martial King’s momentum has the ability to suppress the realm Warrior, but never heard of the direct damage to realm Warrior!

“You, you actually abolished my 1 Round red cultivation base!” That Winged Clan beautiful woman hangs a bloody mouth, full of anger to Zhou Heng shouted.

“You should thank me for your mercy, otherwise you are not losing the power of 1 Round, but your surname!” Zhou Heng indifferently said that the entire Immortal Realm is only the only one that can use the momentum as a direct attack. .

“Trick or treat!” Another burly man jumped out, and the muscles of the knot were full of power and oppression, and the momentum was a lot higher than the Winged Clan beauty!

This is natural, the Winged Clan beauty is only 7 Round Sunshine King, but he is 8 Round Sunshine King beyond the limit!

He is pursuing the Winged Clan beauty, and the woman who admires the love is naturally furious and is the first to kill.

“Go to death!” The man was loudly shouted, and the 8 Round was swaying behind him. He punched and punched him into a huge hammer and slammed it against Zhou Heng.

– He knows that Zhou Heng is extremely powerful, so he will go all out with one shot.

Zhou Heng is killing intent, do you think you are talking? Repeatedly and again to yourself!

He also swelled his right fist and greeted the strong man.

No one has played any tricks, it is to compete for power and fairy law!


The two fists slammed together and slammed, and the fist of the strong man instantly turned into a bloody rain, while Zhou Heng’s fist continued to rush forward without any stagnation, smashing, smashing, smashing, a bloody rain. Fly, the strong man was actually blown up!

The gods are gone!


Countless people are spitting a sip of water, which is too exaggerated!

Zhou Heng is strong, everyone can sense it, and before it was destroyed by the momentum only Winged Clan beauty 1 Round Hung Hom also proved this. But no one thought that he was actually strong enough to punch a Sunshine King beyond the limit into a bloody rain!

Wu Qi is also complexion changed. He also didn’t think that Zhou Heng’s combat power was so terrible. He didn’t even have the chance to let him rescue him!

A follower in the dead area, he is not how to put it in his heart, but he can’t tolerate it all happening in the eyes of the public, making him feel like he has been slap in the face!

He stared at Zhou Heng, killing intent and raising intent at the same time.

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