Zhou Heng Collapsed Fire God’s Furnace, he didn’t want to let people know the power of this rare treasure. .

The people in front stopped their steps, and Zhou Heng, Black Skull, and Bing Xiulan walked away for a while, and they were only a distance of ten feet from these people.

“I have seen Senior Lian!” Zhou Heng cup one fist in the other hand. At the Lian Jingxiang courtesy, he also left a bit of politeness to Lian Youhao, otherwise he was interrupted and could not pay attention. This kind of person.

– But this person’s cultivation base has actually been upgraded. Is it a fortuitous encounter here? But he obviously should have no time!

Lian Youhao first stunned. Although he knew Zhou Heng, the previous Zhou Heng was not the appearance of this child! But the shape of the face can change, but the temperament of a person will not change. He still recognizes Zhou Heng, but it is lightly snorted, and the shelf is very high.

“Brother Lian, is this boy?” asked someone next to him.

“It’s just a diners of my Lian Family!” Lian Youhao was very scornful.

Listening to him saying this, other people have also revealed the contemptuous color, the diners represent the disassembly, unorthodox, or from a small family, certainly no background.

These people are Sunshine King, but there is no outstanding existence, they can grab in front of Zhou Heng, it should be no delay on the road, all the way to the Dragon Taming Palace!

Therefore, they travel very fast, but it is impossible to know what happened within these days. For example, One Sword Breaks the Sky’s five young Supreme’s record, such as Zhou Heng has broken through Sunshine King, it is the existence of the breakthrough limit!

Otherwise, they are absolutely not afraid to despise Zhou Heng!

Zhou Heng faintly smiled, he never puts the attitude of others on his mind. In the case of Lian Jingxiang’s courtesy, he chose to give up, not with Lian Youhao lower oneself to somebody’s level.

“You will walk with us!” Lian Youhao thought of it and waved to Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng smiles indifferently. Since everyone is moving in the same direction, then the peers will go with them.

“Zhou boy, can you bear this?” Blackbird leaned into Zhou Heng’s ear.

“First let him be proud of it for a while, if he always does not know how to advance and retreat, then burst him!” Zhou Heng said casually.

“I hope this guy’s eyes are brighter!” Black smirk.

The entire group continues to move forward, Lian Youhao They can’t help but look at Bing Xiulan, not because the girl looks beautiful, but she is just a Moonbright King, why can’t it suffer from the cold?

That thing that emits white light is a very powerful treasure!

The area of ​​Moonbright King has a fairy that rivals the Sunshine Boundary Warrior. Isn’t it a dazzling one?

Innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime !

Including Friend Lianhao, their eyes are always showing the fervent expression, but because they are more eager to seize the holy medicine and the grass in front, they have temporarily restrained their impulses.

Anyway, this little girl is just Moonbright King, and can’t run anymore!

The eight of them formed an alliance because of Dragonification Nine Cuts. This is a common goal. If you open the Treasure now, it is very likely that their alliance will fall apart!

So smart people naturally know what to do.

All the way on the thick snow, the extremely low temperature makes them all slow, and after a few hours, there is a small hill in front of them, as if the ground is swollen with a bag, not high, but continuous Very long area.

There are many holes in the hills, and Zhou Heng can be sure that the smell of the smell he smells is from these holes.

“Look,” – one person suddenly yelled at the side of the slant.

It was a pillar, transparent throughout, as if it was condensed by frost, and the top of the column was very sharp, like a long spear.

Everyone was surrounded by the past, but before they took a few steps, they found that the temperature suddenly dropped sharply. The body was covered with ice prisms. The hair and eyebrows became frosty and the blood was frozen. The whole person was like an ice. .

They are quickly retreating, and such a strange cold is not something they can compete with.

Although they are not the Sunshine King of the breakthrough limit, the low temperature here is too strong. It is impossible to get close to the Sunshine King that penetrates the realm barrier. This cold is beyond the limit of Sunshine Boundary, at least to find Sublimation King. Come!

Under Realm’s suppression, Sublimation King has not come, and this has become a solution.

Everyone is full of sighs, they can all see that this crystal pillar must be out of the ordinary, but can not be approached at all, then what is the use?

“Don’t worry about this, let’s go into the hole!” Lian Youhao said, looking at the cave’s eyes filled with burning colors.

There is at least one holy medicine inside! Even one place!

“There are so many entrances, where should I go from?”

“We are scattered, how?”

Lian Youhao Eight people are looking at each other, and then nodded, their alliance is extremely fragile, it is easy to collapse because of a little conflict of interest. However, this trip is not the end. In order to maintain “harmony,” it is better to act separately.

No matter who gets the holy medicine, it will make a fortune, and if you don’t say that others will not know, then you won’t have to fight for it.

Xiu xiu xiu, the eight people jumped out and chose a cave to enter, and they disappeared instantly.

“Zhou boy, what are you doing, let’s go in!” Blackbird urged.

Zhou Heng showed a deep thought, how was the former flame mountain formed?

A stone man, who absorbed the stone people from different places in the world, formed a flaming mountain after the death of the fire!

And what about this?

An ice sheet, will it be formed after the death of an ice man?

Here in the prehistoric prehistoric period of the Creation Emperor level of war, it is not uncommon to find a few Creation Emperor.

Fire God’s Furnace is able to absorb the power of the flame, but it is not very effective against frost, unless Zhou Heng can open the lid and set fire! He looked at the crystal pillar in the distance, but took the piece of sparkling stone out, which was the giant residue after being refining by Fire God’s Furnace.

Zhou Heng raised right hand, throwing the fire spar out, slammed it on the crystal pillar, and suddenly the ice was splashed, this crystal pillar was actually smashed!

So don’t you go through it?

“Hey?” Zhou Heng slammed his eyes wide open, because he saw that the crystal pillar was broken, and there was a blue band with almost three chi long fluttering in the middle.

As the crystal pillar collapsed, the band also fell, because it was too thin and still inconspicuous on the white snow.

Fire God’s Furnace sucked, and the fiery stone was immediately taken back, silent.

what happened?

“Zhou boy, hurry up, what’s so good?” Black cockroaches died.

“Don’t be excited!” Zhou Heng moved around the hill and soon found the second crystal pillar. After breaking it, it was still a blue bunch.

The third, fourth, and fifth roots are all the same.

This time, even the black scorpion and Bing Xiulan are strange. What exactly are these blue sashes?

“Is it still an advanced hole?” Although Black Skull is curious, what is the curiosity of the district compared to the treasure?

Zhou Heng also couldn’t study what was famous, and he was nodded. The two also chose a cave to enter. The hole was chosen by Black. According to it, the aroma was the strongest and should be closest to the location of the holy medicine.

There is a faint rays of light flashing in the cave, the mountain itself is shining, not very bright, but enough to make Moonbright King see clearly, not to mention Sunshine King.

The cold air flow overflows, and the more the bones are invaded, the spiritual power must be raised again to block such cold.

This cave is seven rounds and gossips. If you don’t take a few steps, you will see a ramp, and you’re stunned and awkward. It’s a maze!

Zhou Heng once wanted to use the method of violence to make a hard road, but it turned out that his brute force was not strong enough. It was not enough to open the stone wall here, and he could only walk around here honestly.

Fortunately, the high-end Warrior has a strong memory. The route can be recorded once, and it is easy to construct the topographic map here. When this honeycomb-like map is constructed, it is all simple.

Five days later, Zhou Heng walked out of a narrow cave, and the front was suddenly open, showing a huge cave, like a huge Beast Combat Arena, both vast and tall.

Zhou Heng They are not the first ones. I saw that there are already dozens of people here. They are scattered into a circle. In the middle is a jade stone table with a light blue crystal on the table. real.

Everyone’s eyes are on the crystal fruit, but they are separated from the jade table by at least five hundred feet, and they dare not take a step.

– The fragrance is not from the fairy grass, but the blue crystal fruit!

Let everyone not dare to move forward, it is a piece of ice blade, they surround the jade table in the middle, exudes a chilly chill, and freezes the way forward.

Some people couldn’t help but shoot, and they sacrificed the fairy to collect it, but when they unfolded on the ice blade, they were immediately frozen and slammed down, but they fell and shattered!

A fairy is so ruined!

Everyone is anxious to scratch their heads, and the blue crystal fruit is bound to be a treasure of heaven and earth, but now there is such a chilly waiting, so that they can only forget the sigh of sighs and sigh.

Zhou Heng also tried to play the spar, but this time the spar did not build up, and he bounced back and couldn’t interrupt the ice blade.

This is not enough, but it is not reconciled. Everyone is able to show their talents. Try to get the blue crystal fruit, but they are all in vain, and this ice blade can be blocked. all!

Zhou Heng thought that unless Fire God’s Furnace is on display, this ice blade should be eliminated! But the problem is that the stove is not a martial arts master, it will only be a mess, it is very likely that the blue crystal fruit will also burn together!

That really lost Madame and lost it!

He can afford it, and since he has no choice but to leave, it is meaningless to waste time here.

At this moment, a few tyrannical breaths suddenly came over, and everyone shivered from the depths of their hearts and looked at the entrance.

That’s four old man, all of them have a terrifying atmosphere! (To be continued.)

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