Camp 9943 has changed a lot in nine months. .

First, the newcomers completed the rookie to the veteran, and with the 9th Squad’s entire army, the 9th Squad’s compilation was cancelled, replaced by the tenth squad, with the same responsibilities as the 9th Squad.

Among the newcomers, several outstanding performers also entered the tenth squad. Like Yan Lindong, Shui Yuqi and Zhu Gu Zhu Li brother, Tu Lan was still a little worse and was not qualified to enter this elite team.

Joining the 10th squad means more military power!

With military skills to be promoted, even if you leave the army afterwards, it will be an indelible feat and one of the criteria for measuring a family’s strength.

Of course, military power can also bring tangible benefits, such as Dragon Coin, such as Longjing, and even get a call from Dragon Ancestor, even Second Ancestor, Ancestral Dragon, then ** dead.

Ni Anbei means that Zhou Heng joins the tenth squad and can even assume the responsibility of Vice-Captain, but Zhou Heng does not agree. He is the last member of 9th Squad and a member of 9th Squad forever!

As long as he is still alive, 9th Squad will never disappear!

Zhou Heng’s high-profile return, in the next scorpion, has become unusually low-key, because he is already a veteran and naturally does not have to practice every squad, and does not belong to the elite team of the tenth squad, patrolling without him As long as there is no death, he has nothing to do!

Of course he will not have nothing to do!

Since the spiritual level has broken through the Comet Boundary, it means that Zhou Heng is finally able to practice rune!

Yes, practice, the level of the rune of the spiritual level is not automatically emerged from the bloodline and can be used, but need to have a rune first, and then use it. Fortunately, Zhou Heng and Chaos Heavenly Scripture, which was not taken away by Hóng Yue, because the main purpose of Hóng Yue to throw him here is to let him break through Comet Boundary!

He began to study Chaos Heavenly Scripture.

After entering Bright Realm, Chaos Heavenly Scripture also had an inexplicable change. The most remarkable thing is that Zhou Heng can’t detect the inside with his gods. This is because this Heavenly Scripture has finally been promoted to Bright Realm after contacting World Realm of Bright Realm. level!

The previous Chaos Heavenly Scripture can only be said to be a fusion of five Immortal Realm Heavenly Scriptures, which form the complement of Five Elements. After entering Bright Realm, it has changed qualitatively and upgraded to Bright Realm Heavenly Scripture.

If the previous rune can be called Five Elements rune, now is the big Five Elements rune!

Zhou Heng strips and twitches, extracts the complicated rune flow and combines it with his current horrible dragon strength, which can withstand a great degree of rune force backlash. The resolution of the big Five Elements rune is up to 40%!

This is already the limit, unless he is promoted to Black Hole Rank, otherwise it is impossible to completely grasp the rune formed by a Heavenly Scripture!

But correspondingly, this rune is much more powerful than the rune that the Common Comet Boundary Warrior can master! However, Zhou Heng compared it, the big Five Elements rune is still better than annihilating rune!

No way, annihilating rune is awakened from the bloodline, born with 100% resolution, completely mastered, naturally not only 40% resolution of the big Five Elements rune can be compared!

Zhou Heng carefully scrutinizes, still thinks that even if the resolution of the big Five Elements rune is 100%, it is still no match for annihilating rune, because Chaos Heavenly Scripture is just a name domineering, but after all, it is just a fusion of Immortal Realm five Heavenly Scripture!

The advantage is that the annihilation rune and the big Five Elements rune belong to both physique and spiritual ends, and can run simultaneously, perfectly adding formidable power!

This is ** big!

“However, the problem of spiritual accumulation is coming again!” Zhou Heng said bitterly, Skyriver Ring only found that it has a super function of divine light, and can’t extract the power from Void like Star vortex, which makes him The speed of spiritual accumulation suddenly dropped sharply!

“And… the stomach is hungry!”

His physique limit is at least beyond 2 holes, and hunger will always be with him until he reaches this realm.

After being invisible for nearly two months in the barracks, the 9943 soldiers also felt the feeling of Zhou Heng to a freezing point. They thought that although Zhou Heng came back alive, he had lost all his brilliance and was not worthy of being a soldier.

Just then, a new wave of death has formed!

It was just a small deadly wave. The target was directed at the line of defense guarded by Camp 9942. After receiving the notice, Camp 9943 immediately rushed to reinforce the reinforcements. The tenth squad was the first to follow, and then the army followed suit.

Because the two camps were adjacent, just less than a day, the army arrived.

At this point, the death tide has begun to impact the line of defense.

“Attack!” After Ni Anbei loudly roared, he took the lead and rushed to the front.

But he was soon overtaken!

That is Zhou Heng!

Skyriver Ring out, Demon Sea has no more blocking effect on him, you can fully play the high speed of Comet Rank! The reason why he was silent for two months was for the big Five Elements rune, and now he is going to break out.

Zi zi zi 滋!

Skyriver’s light is swaying, and the Shadow of the Dead where Zhou Heng passes is evaporated like water vapor!


He is physically shaped, leaving an empty road, no more Undead!

Everyone is shocked and shocked, this is too **!

How can I be so **!

These are all Shadow of the Dead, brute force is not affected, only the power of rune can hurt! Injury, not death, it depends on the power of rune! Can Zhou Heng?

Just running all the way, as if he was a flame, burning the snow along the road!

In this respect alone, this is even stronger than the Dragon Ancestor! As for Second Ancestor and Old Ancestor… few people have seen them, and naturally there is no comparison.

Zhou Heng is like a rare beast in a rampage. Wherever he goes, Shadow of the Dead is a big one! And in the eyes of everyone shocked, these undeads, who were not afraid of death, actually knew the fear, and they all avoided Zhou Heng, but whoever made them speed is not as fast as Zhou Heng, can only be crushed!

Because Skyriver’s light has a range of ten zhang, within the area of ​​Zhou Heng’s body, Shadow of the Dead is facing a catastrophe, and only a few Comet Boundary’s Undead can survive.

But how many more can it be left?

The small deadly tide does not pose a serious threat, so the Military Headquarters only allows the 9943 and 9941 two barracks to support, but the small death wave is also a dead end, can it be so easy?

This is a perfect victory!

Except for a few people who were injured before Zhou Heng arrived, no one was injured, let alone die!

When the last Undead was also killed, the audience was silent, something that no one had ever encountered. ended? This is the end? Haven’t you been addicted yet?

But then, the cheers of tens of thousands of people rang at the same time!

The Dragon Clan who came here has the consciousness of death, but if there is a choice, who is willing to be injured or even killed?

Yan Lindong looked at Zhou Heng, who was proud of Zhuo Li. The poison in his eyes was more intense. He lowered his head deeply, for fear that he would not be able to control the killing intent and be seen by others.

This time, the battle report was immediately reported to the Military Headquarters. Naturally, the military performance will be recorded according to each person’s performance, but the shadows left after the death tide can be divided by the three barracks.

Because Zhou Heng is too domineering, half of these shadows belong to the 9943 barracks, and the remaining half are divided equally into the other two.

In fact, if you strictly follow the contribution, Zhou Heng can account for 90%!

But who can make this an army, and also have to leave a face for people?

Zhou Heng got a total of ten shadow cores, although in his opinion this number is not much, but it is already a huge sum of money.

He took a vacation to Ni Anbei and returned to 74th Golden Star, one after another to find the family where 9th Squad 38 teammates are located. Not everyone is born noble, Zhou Heng wants to arrange for the teammates who are born in poverty, to distribute all the shadows, dragon crystals and Dragon Coin on his body to more than a dozen families that he thinks are more difficult.

As for the rest, it is at least a small giant, not too bad.

After doing all this, Zhou Heng returned to the Eternal Dragon Star, and went to the middle of the visit to spend the whole month and a half.

However, waiting for Zhou Heng is not the recognition of the Military Headquarters, but the blame!

Why is 9th Squad only he is alive back? Did he make an ulterior agreement with Shadow of the Dead to make him the only survivor of 9th Squad?

Why can he make the Shadow of the Dead fear? Is it part of the agreement, those Undead want to hold Zhou Heng into the top of Dragon Clan, thus betray at some point, causing terrifying damage?

This is naturally ridiculous in Ni Anbei, but no one can explain why Zhou Heng can make Undead fear, which is something that even Old Ancestor and Second Ancestor can’t do!

Zhou Heng is just a variant of the purple dragon bloodline, what does he do? Why can’t this be a conspiracy of Undead?

The Messenger of the Military Headquarters is waiting in the barracks. Now it is only an investigation, but it is possible to turn the investigation into a trial and a confession at any time!

Zhou Heng was not angry, because his high-profile finally made the scene behind the scenes uneasy, and made a move to him!

Very good, no matter how to know who was the previous cold arrow?

Zhou Heng saw the arrogant messenger in Ni Anbei’s military account. It was a young man with a face full of aloof and remote expressions, and his eyes were disgusting, as if coming here. Wronged like him.

“Zhou Heng, you care about the military discipline, you dare to leave the camp privately, this is a felony!” When the messenger saw Zhou Heng, he immediately jumped up and actually seized this point to attack first.

“His departure is approved by me. If you want to punish, you should cure Laozi first!” Ni Anbei is coldly said on the side.

The messenger looked at Ni Anbei with a hateful look. He only felt that this guy had no eyes. He was from the Military Headquarters and represented the big man! Since the big man said that he wants to rule Zhou Heng, then you Ni Anbei is not only a match?

Ni Anbei Since he has taken this matter in the past, he has nothing to do but he can only follow the original plan.

“Zhou Heng, are you colluding with the Shadow of the Dead?” (To be continued.)

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