Zhou Heng doesn’t know if this world will be destroyed immediately. He is still immersed in his own world, that is, all around the wall of the ray of light does not know!

Although this is Demon Sea, the rays of light from the cave wall are full of Sacred Qi, which is completely opposite to Undead’s special name. Either the Shadow of the Dead swallowed up these rays of light, or the rays of light illuminate the Undead immediately. .

The answer is the latter!

These rays of light filled with divine aura are like the divine light of Opening Heaven Dividing Earth. The level is far from the Shadow of the Dead. It is the Undead of Black Hole Rank, which is illuminated by the rays of light. It is like a snow covered with boiling water, instantly melting!

Rays of light, all Undeads don’t scream at the level of consciousness, and all die in an instant!

The entire Demon Sea has become empty, leaving only Zhou Heng!

These rays of light are all concentrated on Zhou Heng.

For Shadow of the Dead, these rays of light are intestine poisons, weapons of destruction that can be destroyed immediately, but for Zhou Heng, these are warm light, letting his lonely heart slowly Came out of the darkness.


Skyriver automatically emerges!

Thousands of Skyrivers are in a spurt, and anyone who sees it is impossible to count how many this is, because every Skyriver is connected end to end, like a piece! Except for the first thousand Skyrivers, it has not yet fully grown, and there is no connection at both ends!

But it doesn’t matter, Star Swirl is frantically extracting Spiritual Qi from Void, and it takes only one day for this Skyriver to grow.

One day, just one day!

Skyriver Ring under the light of God Holy Light, began to absorb these sacred lights, slowly assimilation, with Sacred Qi circulation!

After almost a day, Zhou Heng suddenly opened his eyes!

Thousands of Skyrivers, became!

Zhou Heng had a clear comprehension in his heart, which seemed to be in the sky, and there was no such thing as to be wild with joy. This is because his consciousness has not recovered from the deep calm, but also in the state of no desire before.

The last Skyriver is almost complete, and both ends are connected to a Skyriver. Once formed, it will form a complete Skyriver Ring.

Zhou Heng’s consciousness began to fully recover. He looked in his eyes and finally raised a happy heart.

He succeeded! Successful!

After staying at Real Perfection’s realm for so long, he finally succeeded!

So long?

If anyone knows that Zhou Heng is complaining about this, it is estimated that a blood can be sprayed! You only stayed in Great Perfection for two or three years, that’s all, is this long? How do you make a person who can’t form a Skyriver for two or three years?

How many people have you been trapped in Peak Skyriver Boundary for a lifetime?

But for Zhou Heng, it took a couple of years to survive a realm, and the span of any great realm would not exceed half a year!

Fortunately, I finally went out!

When these thoughts flew over his mind, Zhou Heng’s consciousness was completely recovered from the deepest meditation, and the joy in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.


The last Skyriver is also fully grown, and the thousand Skyrivers form a complete Skyriver Ring!

The wall of the cave began to dim, but Zhou Heng’s Skyriver Ring was shining and getting brighter!

Weng! weng! weng!

The wonderful changes are constantly happening in Zhou Heng’s with the body. This time it can be said that it is thick and thin. He has not been in the cultivation base for more than two years. After this breakthrough, it is finally ushered in a full-scale explosion. .

Within the body, the spirit is boiling, forming a path of tsunami, and it is madly surging, as if something is coming from within the body, but it is always a little bit worse, and it is a little uncomfortable.

This state lasted for three days. Finally, Zhou Heng was shocked, and a certain point was quietly broken. Suddenly, the spirit was unimpeded, and a meteor crossed in his Dantian space!

No, this is not a meteor, this is Comet!

Comet Boundary !


Spirituality skyrocketing, 1 time, 2 times, ten times, hundred times, thousand times, ten thousand times, and one day passed, Zhou Heng’s spiritual level jumped 10,000 times and became a complete Comet Boundary!

Spiritual, physique, double Comet Boundary!

Zhou Heng looks far and wide, and the golden lattice between the heavens and the earth reappears.

Oddly enough, these golden lattices are actually placed on the wall of the cave, like the 1st Layer shield!

No wonder this wall is indestructible. It turns out that there is Great Dao of World!

Zhou Heng was amazed, knowing how great this Demon Sea is, but he can see all around the wall, how horrible it is! No, what he saw was not the cave wall, but the golden grid on the cave wall. Because the grid was attached to the cave wall, he would see the cave wall!


Zhou Heng is slightly sideways, just a Shadow of the Dead is approaching him!

– The walls of the cave have not been sacred for a few days, and the undead Undead has climbed out of the depths of Demon Sea and began to fill this strange space.

But Zhou Heng didn’t know that before the cave was full of glory and destroyed all the things of Undead. In his opinion, it was not normal for Undead to approach him. He is now awake, no longer cold.” “Stone”, the strong breath of life attracts Undead but is it should be by rights !

It’s still a little weird. He clearly got out of the “stone” state four days ago. How come Undead comes over at this time?

Of course, he would not know, but the entire Demon Sea was cleared!

Shadow of the Dead has always appeared together. If there is a head, there will be a second head and a third head. Only then will there be at least a dozen Undeads appearing around Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng was trying to pull his legs, but he found out that these Undead were actually afraid!

Yes, Undead, who never knows what it is, is afraid, and the object of fear is him!

How can this be!


The Skyriver Ring releases the sacred light, although it is far less penetrating than the previous cave wall, as if it can be shined far away, but within the zhang is Undead forbidden!

Is this light?

Zhou Heng tried to take a step forward. Suddenly, Undead in front of him rushed back, as if he would never want to be touched by that light. He goes in again, Undead retreats, then enters and retreats!

He started his body and the speed suddenly soared, far exceeding the speed of the Skyriver Boundary Undead!

Rays of light


That Shadow of the Dead suddenly turned grey!

died! Bye! Completely disappeared between heaven and earth!

Good flow!

Star Boundary Super Great Perfection, he got the Star vortex, completely solved the problem of spiritual accumulation, now Skyriver Boundary Super Great Perfection, he owns the divine light, the gram Undead?

Just so so, it is not necessary to become Skyriver Ring, which is not there another meaning?

Zhou Heng looked towards Demon Sea. He couldn’t see the bottom with his eyesight, but his curiosity was burning and not curable. He wanted to know what the Demon Sea is!

If there is no Skyriver Ring’s divine light, even if it is a double Comet Boundary will not raise such crazy ideas, but even Saint does not dare to do things, the only idea is to return to 9943 barracks as soon as possible, find behind the scenes and kill he!

But now, he has a trial capital!

Don’t look at his realm is a few hundred streets worse than Saint, but Super Great Perfection is not even achieved by Saint!

There Star Saint swirl it? Does Saint have a Skyriver Ring? Saint Skyriver will send the divine light it?

He was a man who had to make a decision, and he immediately looked forward to the depths of Demon Sea.

But bravery doesn’t mean recklessness. After all, Zhou Heng still lacks understanding of this divine light, and he doesn’t know the limit, so he doesn’t dare to run too fast. He can immediately turn around if he encounters Blackhead Rank’s Undead. escape.

As he dive deeper again, there was a large number of Comet Rank Undead on the road, but there was still no attack on him. Instead, he instinctively feared and retreated.

Zhou Heng caught up with a divine light, letting the Undead run away at the expense of half the body!

No kill!

Divine light is not strong enough!

No, this is because his spiritual level is just Comet Boundary, so the fordivide light’s formidable power is limited! If he reaches Black Hole Rank, then the divine light will be the same, Comet Boundary’s Undead will be like the previous Skyriver Boundary’s Undead, it will be wiped out, only the Black Hole Rank Undead can be hit!

This has been terrifying matchless!

You don’t have to shoot, just Skyriver’s light can hit the same level of Undead, who can believe it?

The power of Shadow of the Dead is that the number is that you are not afraid of death, and you can pile up Saint by heap! But this strongest means is completely ineffective for Zhou Heng, just this makes him even more than Saint!

Zhou Heng continues to go down.

Soon after, he finally met Undead of Black Hole Rank.

This Undead also has some fear for him, but it is obviously more resistant than other Undead, and even has a rush to kill. But Zhou Heng is extremely unreasonable, striding forward, directly to the front of this Undead, under the light of Godya, the body of this Undead fog has begun to slowly melt, but the speed is very slow.

If this Undead is now shot, there is at least 50% chance to hold Zhou Heng, but the fear of divine light is instinctive, and it is beginning to retreat and go further and further.

The bet won!

Zhou Heng was also relaxed in the heart, and there was cold sweat flowing down his forehead. Just now he turned around in front of the ghost gate!

down! down! down!

The Demon Sea is full of viscous feelings, which greatly limits the speed, but Zhou Heng’s Skyriver’s light just restrains this, so that he can completely ignore it and keep it at a high speed.

This is also a big reliance of Zhou Heng. If you encounter Blackhead Rank’s Undead and the Undead is not afraid of the divine light, he also has great hope to escape!

He is not stupid!

Seven days later, Zhou Heng finally came to the bottom of this Demon Sea!

At the moment of his goal, he suddenly had a strong sense of nausea. (To be continued.)

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