Zhou Heng’s hand… was injured before!

But now his arm can be localized, this is the wrong place!

If Zhou Heng had deliberately made the arm artificial, it was only the shape, not the quality. In fact, the horrible defense could not be changed. How could it be hurt by Shui Yuqi?

But if Zhou Heng’s arm is indeed human, then how can it be just the arm dragonization?

Either the whole body is turned into a dragon shape, and it is impossible to just round up some of the body as it is now. This has never happened in the history of Dragon Clan!

This is too weird!

Shui Yuqi looked at Zhou Heng angrily, she was hurt!

She has not been injured, but she has never been injured by a lower dragon Clan! Although the arm is bleeding, but she feels that her face is hot, it seems to be heavily slap!


How can the next Dragon Clan have a bloodline that is more noble than her?

“Thorium’s Wrath!” She snorted, and the dragon claws suddenly rushed the purple gold’s rays of light, it was a runes!

In the face of the amazingly defensive Monster Beast, or the Divine Beast, the rune is the most powerful and effective killer, although it is impossible to ignore the defense, but the lethality is the biggest!

– If even rune can’t hurt, it means that this defense can’t be broken anyway. .

Zhou Heng’s eyes are condensed, and the rune’s power is really not to be underestimated!

Rune is the genre of World Law. Although Comet Boundary can only use rune, it can’t talk about and deepen, and the rune’s power can be further enhanced. It can be enough terrifying to use rune.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be too taboo. After all, this is just the rune of Comet Rank. The formidable power is also limited. How can it be like the Huotian and Hóng Yue, and the heavens and exterminating the Earth!

Zhou Heng did not use the use of annihilation rune, this rune too terrifying, and at least can be used to kill people, and even kill people directly!

He and Shui Yuqi have no complaints, no need to shoot so embarrassed.

Moreover, this is just a test of how strong his physique defense is.

He stretched out his claws and greeted Shui Yuqi.


The two men slammed a note, although the rune was strong, Zhou Heng was suddenly bombarded by a dozen feet, and several wounds were cracked on the dragon’s claws. The blood of the red blood flowed down.

Shui Yuqi was in a better situation. She only retired nearly a mile, but the wound on her hand was enlarged by a few points, and the blood surged more urgently.

Everyone could not help but be shocked!

The result of this fight is no more obvious!

Zhou Heng’s strong physique has reached the point where Shui Yuqi can use the dragon claws plus rune to match!

In fact, if you only talk about destructiveness and defensiveness, there is no difference between localized and activating bloodline to transform into a dragon shape. If the local dragonization extends to the whole body, it is equivalent to activating the bloodline transformation.

In other words, even if Shui Yuqi turns into a dragon shape, any part of her body will be injured under the paw of Zhou Heng!

Too terrifying!

What is more critical?

Zhou Heng has not used rune yet!

His physique has reached Comet Boundary, so the bloodline must have awakened some rune! There is a general perception that the stronger the bloodline is, the more terrifying the awakened rune is, and Zhou Heng has proved that his bloodline is still above Shui Yuqi, then his awakened rune must be better than Shui Yuqi. “Thorium’s Wrath” horror!

What if he runs rune again? At that time, what will his lethality reach?

Hey, what is this freak?

Yes, he can stay in Ancestral Pond for eleven days and a half, but it is not that his bloodline is too low, but it is too strong to absorb so long, even longer than Shui Yuqi!

No, maybe even he sucked too much, leaving too little, so that Shui Yuqi also insisted for 11 days!

Otherwise, Shui Yuqi absorbed a full 11 days. How could the power of awakening be so weak?

Previously, everyone was optimistic about Shui Yuqi. Naturally, everything thought of her to a strong place, and Zhou Heng was worthless, but now it is the opposite, holding Zhou Heng high, and then despising Shui Yuqi.

The position is too weak.

Bang! bang! bang!

Shui Yuqi has repeatedly attacked, in fact, she did not think so strong at first, but definitely not everyone is so weak now! She is indeed a very outstanding presence of the Golden Dragon Clan generation of young people, the awakened rune is also very terrifying, and more importantly, she is still a double Comet King!

Both physique and spiritual power are moving into Comet Boundary. The power of the two is much higher than that of Zhou Heng. If Zhou Heng learned the Tyrant Dragon Fist, he will now activate the bloodline or use the annihilation rune, otherwise it will always be The possibility of defeat.

But Tyrant Dragon Fist is in the hand, although Zhou Heng seems to be a bit uncomfortable, in fact, it does not fall in the wind at all. Every punch has made him feel like a hearty, and there is a kind of excitement that wants to be screaming. impulse.

Tyrant Dragon Fist is a sneak peek of Old Azure Dragon. Although the basics are simple, you must have Dragon Clan bloodline to activate a little bit of Force of Bloodline and then ignite the world. Some kind of power that frantically enhances formidable power.

This is actually the law, belonging to the Old Azure Dragon, in order to break out under the double lure of boxing and bloodline.

What is the aloof and remote of the Old Azure Dragon?

Although it can only lead to a part of Strength of World, the basic rune used to counter Shui Yuqi’s just awakening is completely fine. Unless Shui Yuqi realm is upgraded, this rune will be perfected and upgraded, so it will definitely overwhelm Zhou Heng!

At that time, did Zhou Heng’s strength improve? Tyrant Dragon Fist’s formidable power will definitely rise a step.


The two are also a pair of bangs, and Zhou Heng is still a lot of retreat. It can be said that the damage caused to the other party is not the same.

Dragon Clan’s power is not only reflected in the tyranny and strength of the **, but also has the common feature of all Divine Beast, that is, the healing ability is terrifying! Although Dragon Clan’s humanoid clansman under Black Hole Boundary is not qualified to be called the real Divine Beast, this self-healing ability still exists, but it is weaker.

Therefore, although the two of them are fiercely fierce, in fact, their injuries are not serious, and they will heal completely soon after an injury.

If the situation has continued this way, then the final result is that both of them will run out of blood, and the power will naturally be weak, completely losing the power of re-war.

If this is the case, no matter who wins, it will be a terrible victory!

Shui Yuqi obviously didn’t want such a disastrous victory. She screamed, her golden light burst, and after a dazzling rays of light flashed, she also changed into a golden Divine Dragon with a hundred five hundred feet long!

Complete dragon form!

The overall improvement of physique, like the localized dragon’s head and arm parts, has only become bigger, and does not increase the defensive power, but the defense of other parts of the body has skyrocketed.

The biggest improvement is strength. The extent of the increase depends on the purity of the bloodline, from several times to thousands or even ten times.

This is the most terrifying place for Divine Beast, the power of terrifying matchless!


Shui Yuqi didn’t bother to talk. He waved a dragon claw and patted Zhou Heng.

Just now her dragon claws are just the size of a normal person’s arm, but now they are completely different, at least reaching a length of eight feet. A palm shot is like a high-rise building, and it is amazing.

At least a hundred times the increase in power!

Zhou Heng said in his heart that his power would be inferior to the opponent’s double Comet Rank. Now the other party has used the dragon form, and this power is hundreds of times more than him!

This gap has reached the point of breaking the power, even if Tyrant Dragon Fist can not make up for such a terrible gap!


In the field, the second dragonfly sounded, the purple light flooded, and Zhou Heng also activated the Dragon Clan bloodline, which was completely dragonized.

Suddenly, a giant dragon that also reached a hundred hundred feet feet appeared, all purple, but unlike the usual purple dragon, he was also wrapped around the purple rays of light. If you look closely, these flames form each and everyone. The swirl of the swirl, the purple is black, just like the Black Hole!

This is the annihilation of rune!

Zhou Heng can’t help startled, he doesn’t need to run the rune deliberately!

Although the annihilation rune is indeed automatically awakened from the bloodline, and has nothing to do with his own understanding, but has never heard of which Divine Beast has a natural rune to run with it all the time?


The horrible atmosphere is endless!

Pa! pa! pa! pa!

All around The onlookers have at least tripped 90%, and only Tu Lan, Zhu Gu Zhu Li brother, and several sacrifices in the Dragon Temple, they are all Comet Boundary – at least physique Level of Comet Boundary.

However, this can also be seen that Dragon Clan is powerful. Zhou Heng is now also the physique of Comet Rank. How terrifying is the variation of Longwei and Mertaly King Overlord? These people can still stand, showing how high the quality of Dragon Clan is.

But that’s it. If you want them to play now, the power will drop by at least 50%, and the combat power will even drop by 70%!

Shui Yuqi bears the brunt, and the impact is naturally the biggest. There is almost one kind of weakness from the dragon body, and the weakness of acknowledgment allegiance in front of Zhou Heng. She is a strong woman, immediately biting her tongue, bloody stimuli, she once again screamed, golden rays of light in the dragon claws, rune has been motivated, shot against Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng forced the body’s annihilation rune to be removed, so that terrifying weapons should of course be used on the enemy’s body, and Shui Yuqi, although standing opposite him, can not be regarded as an enemy, can only be said to be an opponent.

Just learning, you don’t need to be so embarrassed.

He waved his dragon claws and greeted Shui Yuqi, still Tyrant Dragon Fist.

But using the Tyrant Dragon Fist formidable power in the dragon form is bigger, this is the real Tyrant Dragon Fist!


Shui Yuqi was shot directly by his claws. Hey, the walls of the Dragon Temple were all bombarded with a big hole.

Ferocious! (To be continued.)

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