The Four Divine Beasts was born in the beginning of the universe. It was the first group of creatures, even earlier than Five Saints. .

After many years of reproduction, Four Divine Beasts has a large number of descendants, and they have established their own power. Among them, Old Azure Dragon built the Dragon Domain, although at the beginning there was no powerful force of Five Saints, but in the battle of 100 years, it did not suffer much damage, and saved the strength, now It is the top force of Bright Realm.

When the world is derived from the world, the more powerful the number of creatures, the less, especially the Four Divine Beasts, the world is unique.

But this is the only one, so the four Divine Beast are very embarrassing, in order to breed offspring, they must find other races to … mating, from the second generation, the bloodline began to thin, mutated.

The more backward, the thinner the bloodline is, which directly affects the strength of future generations.

The most powerful of Divine Beast is the flesh, especially the old Azure Dragon, the first born creature in the world. It was born in Chaos Boundary, and its physical strength is completely Chaos Boundary. This is simply invincible!

With the thinness of the bloodline, this invincible body is also becoming “weak”, even the dragon shape is difficult to achieve, only when the bloodline is activated, it can become a dragon shape, such as the five Dragon Sovereign, Yè Guyu, Li Yuncong.

Dragon Domain has a strict hierarchy. The highest point of the world is Old Azure Dragon, which is called “Ancestral Dragon” by all Dragon Clan. This Old Dragon has a total of nine sons, but only five sons have dragon shapes. They are the second generation of Dragon Clan. In addition to the Old Azure Dragon, the bloodline is the purest.

These five sons are Golden Dragon, Blue Dragon, Green Dragon, Red Dragon, Black Dragon’s Primogenitor, which really thrives on the number of Dragon Clan.

It’s just that they are far less powerful than Old Dragon, and they haven’t stepped into Chaos Boundary for the rest of their lives, and they have all died in a long time. Until the seventh generation, Dragon Clan came out with a bloodline, the ultimate returning clansman, with a very pure Azure Dragon bloodlines, and finally entered the Chaos Boundary.

Therefore, the Dragon Domain has a total of two Chaos Boundary, and the other Azure Dragon is also known as “Second Ancestor”.

Everywhere is a powerhouse, and Dragon Clan is no exception.

Only 9 holes King is qualified to compete for the patriarch position, known as “Dragon Ancestor”, each generation has Five Dragon Ancestors, each leading a Dragon Clan, although it sounds similar to Ancestral Dragon, can represent a completely different meaning .

8 holes powerhouse is called Great Ancestor, 7 holes are Origin Ancestor, 6 holes are Great Elder, 5 holes are Elder, 4 holes are for exercise, and 3 holes are collectively called Eminent Protector.

This old man, called “Ambassador Mohe”, is an exercise from the Dragon Domain. His name is Long Mohang – only if he breaks into the Black Hole Boundary, he can be crowned with a surname to show his nobleness.

In his opinion, Dragon Domain is now the most powerful force in the world, because the most powerful Five Saints field in the past has declined!

Saint Qiqi, now the world of Chaos Boundary Heavenly Venerate!

As the Dragon Domain, Long Mohe is naturally full of arrogance. Although the Dragon Domain is not a top powerhouse in the Dragon Domain, it can be used to suppress Nine Heavens Ten Earths.

In his view, it is normal to say that life and death are normal. This is still a great part of Zhou Heng innate talent. Otherwise, others may not have such luck and must be unloaded to show up Dragon Domain. The majesty is inviolable.

“No, no, please let the grownman spare him once, we are willing to live!” The five Dragon Sovereign were rushed out and squatted in front of Long Mohe.

“Noisy!” Zhou Heng had a hard look and reached out. The five Dragon Sovereign suddenly flew up and fell behind him. He didn’t need a woman to kill him!

Long Mohe is slightly surprised. He can see at a glance that the five women are Dragon Clan clansman, but the bloodline is very thin, and it is not necessarily strong where Ancestral Pond baptism can go.

But the five Dragon Clan women actually kneel for an outside clansman? This is simply throwing the face of Dragon Clan!

Long Mohe coldly snorted, said: “Kill my Dragon Clan children, who can’t save it!”

His words were so vigorous that they were passed to every corner of Hundred Dragons Star in an instant. This is no longer a sound, but a spread of God’s knowledge. Wherever he knows, there is nothing wrong with it!

This also shows the power of 4 holes, and even the huge planet of Hundred Dragons Star can be completely wrapped.

This is a domineering, and there is a Black Hole Sovereign on the side, completely don’t give face!

Lin Wubing had no expression at all. He just raised his son and used his own spiritual power to treat Lin Xianyang. It seemed that he could not see anything else in his eyes and his ears were paralyzed.

Although ordinary people don’t understand the division of Black Hole Boundary, you can see that this sudden guess of the old man has more powerful strength than Lin Wubing!

Hundred Dragons Star is it?

First, there was a strong Undead Black Hole King, which made the Hundred Dragons Star five Black Hole Kings fall together, but there was a Black Hole Sovereign that smashed the bones.

Now there is a more powerful presence than Black Hole Sovereign. How do powerhouses rush out at a point?

Zhou Heng smiled flatly, Hóng Yue has not appeared yet, apparently grinding himself to see if he can form a thousand Skyrivers under high pressure. But this deliberate arrangement can’t mobilize his extreme emotions because he knows that Hóng Yue will definitely appear.

Unless Hóng Yue can erase his related memories, forcing him to forget everything to fight!

Skyriver Emperor vs. 4 holes powerhouse, this is no longer a problem, but the single thought head will be bombarded, what can form a life-and-death pressure?

This simply does not achieve the effect of honing!

But Zhou Heng still took a deep breath, hehe, five high-end treasures came out again, he has recovered nearly 10% power.

“Yi! ”

Long Mohe had already wanted to shoot, but when he saw the five treasures, it was abruptly stopped.

Rather, his eyes are on Fire God’s Furnace, Black Sword and the Falling Bow.

“Fire God’s Furnace! Falling Bow!” Long Mohe exclaimed, “…Shadow Sword!”

His insights are not comparable to Yè Guyu and Li Yuncong, and they have recognized the origins of these three treasures at a glance.

“The eyesight is good!” Zhou Heng praised, but it was particularly harsh in Long Mohe’s ear. It’s like the elders praising the juniors. What makes him feel good?

“Primary, you are lucky, you can get these three treasures!” Long Mohe’s eyes flashed with greed, Fire God’s Furnace’s most powerful thing is not to use weapons, but to use alchemy, from this point Fortunately, but the top of all Black Hole Rank treasures.

The other two are even bigger!

The falling bow is the Chaos Rank!

How many Chaos Boundary powerhouse are there in total? Every Chaos Rank treasure is the treasure of the treasure, even if it falls into the hands of Black Hole Rank Warrior, it can not be full of fierceness, but it can explode the power of terror in a short time, even 9 holes True Lord can be smashed!

In the end, the broken sword… that is even more powerful!

This is the treasure used by Grand Void Saint!

The order is still Chaos Rank, can be raised by a Saint, do not know billions of years, absolutely hundreds of times more powerful than the average Chaos Rank treasure – even if it is broken than the general Chaos Armament is stronger!

The heart of Long Mohe is already unstoppable, the pupils are enlarged, the breathing is involuntarily accelerated, and greed is out of control.


Jokes, the Master of the Fallen Bow has long since fallen, and his lineage is also very prosperous and declining. He was killed by the enemy in a few 100,000 years ago! As for the Grand Void lineage? The most powerhouse at home is just 8 holes True Lord, even if realm doesn’t mean combat power, but don’t forget Dragon Domain, but there are two Old Ancestors of Chaos Boundary!

This kid should be a man of good fortune, so that he got these pieces of treasure under the chance of accident, and thus killed Yè Guyu.

Long Mohe sketched the general situation of Yè Guyu’s death in a flash, but he still had some puzzles, because Yè Guyu once activated the bloodline, it was enough to kill Zhou Heng, why would it be reversed and kill What?

But… no matter what, grab the treasure first!

“Heaven and earth to treasure, there are Germans, juniors, you are not worthy of possessing these treasures!” Long Mohe shot, not forgetting to find a reason for himself.

“Hahahaha, greed is greed, why bother to be a scorpion?” Zhou Heng fully motivated five pieces of treasure, although he will be defeated, but he will never fall without war.


Long Mohe pressed a palm, and the attack formed by the five treasures was like a child playing. He was all suppressed by a slap, forcibly took all five pieces of the weapon, and Zhou Heng was also suppressed by the powerful force on the ground. Open, there is no resistance.

On the power, Comet King can suppress him, and after the Black Hole Boundary, the gap is magnified exponentially, not to mention Long Mohe or 4 holes!

This is a hard gap that no means can make up!

Long Mohe is hesitant, do you want to kill Zhou Heng?

He is definitely not a scruples of Zhou Heng’s background – what background will have a powerful Dragon Domain? He hesitated that leaving Zhou Heng a life may find more treasures for him!

The love of treasure is not a black patent, but no one is as explicit as this one.

“Hahahaha, old man, you’d better bloodline thicker, after the death is a dragon shape, otherwise I can’t make you a dragon!” Zhou Heng can’t move, the mouth can’t open, but the gods still can oscillate Come out with a voice.

When this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Is this guy crazy?

Now, don’t ask for mercy, or Hóng Yue, who is moving out of the house, actually has a hard time with Long Mohe. Isn’t this a fool? If you angered Long Mohe, isn’t it a minute to kill him?

Besides, it is not necessary to move Hóng Yue out of Long Mohe. This old man can’t lift Lin Wubing when he appears on the scene. It is definitely Black Hole Emperor!

Long Mohe also feels a little face-sucking. Does this kid dare to threaten to eat himself?

he***! (To be continued.)

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