One day, two days, three days… 9 days of time passed by, Lin Family? Lin Family didn’t have a slight response, as if he had never said that Liǔ Yun’er would marry Lin Xianyang. .

This naturally made many people talk about it, saying that Lin Wubing was afraid of Hóng Yue, otherwise how could he go back on one’s word, which is quite a slap in the face.

But Zhou Heng was frowning, and the evaluation of Lin Wubing plummeted.

What do ordinary people talk about again, Lin Wubing need to be on the mind? In the eyes of these powerhouses, the opinions of others are not important at all. If you are unhappy, you will die all the time!

Lin Wubing should have speculated that there is still a certain gap between himself and Hóng Yue, which has swallowed the bitter fruit.

——Zhou Heng can use Hóng Yue to defeat his two runes to defeat the white skeleton, but Lin Wubing obviously does not have this ability, so he guessed that he should not be Hóng Yue’s opponent.

Even if he overestimates Hóng Yue, maybe the strength of the two is on the almost on par, but once the battle is over, the strength is quite equal to which party is likely to fall!

Lin Wubing has just entered the Black Hole Boundary. I haven’t enjoyed it at all. How can I be willing to work with Hóng Yue perish? Even if it is a serious injury, the cultivation base is not willing to fall!

The way of marching, when the crushing level of force will impact each other’s impact!

Lin Wubing is known for his cautiousness, never playing with uncertainty, and this choice is also in line with his surname.

And maybe he still has some White Bone Saint’s inheritance in his hand, and he can upgrade the cultivation base in a short time to become the Peak Black Hole Sovereign, and even step into the Black Hole Emperor.

He has endured for many years under the Demonic Dragon Great Emperor, still cares for a dozen or twenty years?

However, although this marriage seems to never suddenly exist, Lin Wubing has become the actual Sovereign of Great Qin. The size of the matter must be decided by him. The Minister of Dynasterial Court also regards Lin Family as Sovereign Palace. Every visit goes to the shrine, but throws the orthodox Liǔ Family Sovereign Family aside.

This is inevitable!

The powerhouse without Black Hole Rank is sitting, and the Sovereign Throne of Liǔ Family is crumbling in wind and rain! This world is respected by powerhouse. Now there are two super powerhouses in Great Qin – Hóng Yue and Lin Wubing.

Hóng Yue has already made it clear that there is no power to power, otherwise she has already become the new emperor of Hundred Dragons Star, so the choice of courtiers is simple, only to hold Lin Wubing’s **!

Anyway, this will not offend Hóng Yue!

In this regard, Liǔ Family is naturally very angry, secretly angering Lin Wubing and so on, but what are they? Losing the power of Black Hole Rank is equivalent to directly losing the imperial power. Now they can also struggle on the at the death’s door or because Lin Wubing is jealous of Hóng Yue!

Otherwise, the Liǔ Family will be killed up and down only Liǔ Yun’er. After the wedding, this day will be the only one of Lin Family.

Liǔ Yun’er is heartless, the girl only knows how to play, and she doesn’t care about power, but Zhao Luoyan is extremely powerful. She has repeatedly encouraged Zhou Heng and asked him to ask Hóng Yue to kill Lin Wubing. Zhou Heng was pushed back several times.

Zhou Heng naturally refuses to agree. Hóng Yue’s relationship with him is also extremely subtle. In fact, he does not want to owe this woman’s human feelings, but this debt is constantly increasing, and one day he can only pay for it!

Once at that time, Zhou Heng was paralyzed. Did he help Hóng Yue or help Huotian?

Maybe not at that time, now that Huotian suddenly kills, can he watch Huotian kill Hóng Yue again?

He has already got stuck!


Hundred Dragons Star’s Star Gate flashed, and two men, who were long and sturdy, were the best men who could make women scream at first sight. The person on the left was temperamental and full of gentle smiles. People can’t help but feel close to each other.

The one on the right is a sullen, full-faced [***] line that looks arrogant.

The temperament of these two people is clearly incompatible, but they can be walked together but form a perfect complement, which is actually unspeakable coordination.

Their appearance, the moving style suddenly attracted all around the people to stop and watch, some women have already seen the red star, it seems that they can not help but rush to get a dew marriage.

“A group of bedbugs!” The cold male eyes swept away, and the heavy pressure suddenly oppressed, and everyone in the vicinity was involuntarily smashed.

“It’s just a group of remote people, there is no need to lower oneself to somebody’s level with them!” Gentle men are full of faces and awkward smiles.

“hmph!” The cold man seems to be born with nothing to look good. He walks up and walks. “This Place of Wilderness actually dares to be named after the dragon. It’s really daring!”

“Brother Guyu, don’t want to be impulsive, and then Place of Wilderness also has Black Hole King’s seat!” gentle man persuaded.

“Black Hole King? Black Hole King dare to be an enemy of our green dragon lineage?” The cold man is full of disdain. “Let’s go to Sovereign Palace and let their Sovereign change the name of the planet, even dare to take our Dragon. Clan is the name, it is courting death!”


Zhou Heng thought hard and finally stopped.

For how to break through thousands of Skyrivers, he didn’t have a nodded thread, and even Hóng Yue couldn’t give any advice, just as she didn’t know how to make Zhou Heng form a million stars.

This is even beyond the scope of Saint, otherwise Bright Realm has long been the enchanting of the Four Great Realms beyond the Great Perfection, which wheel has Zhou Heng headache?

“You have to breakthrough thousands of Skyrivers, this Venerable will give you a big reward, let you kiss this Venerable hand!” Hóng Yue is proud and authentic.

From this point of view, Hóng Yue and Huotian are exactly the same, and sometimes even let Zhou Heng doubt that these two women are not twin, otherwise how could they be beautiful?

“Cut, who is rare!” Zhou Heng pretending to be disdainful, and his heart beats and jumps. This beauty is not good, he knows that Hóng Yue is deliberately wanting to stir up his fighting spirit, but he is also very happy.

Finished, have you fallen in love with this witch?

Zhou Heng sighed, if he really fell in love with Hóng Yue, what position should he take in the battle between Hóng Yue and Huotian?

“Zhou Heng, rough major event! Rough major event!” Liǔ Shishi rushed over.

Zhou Heng can’t help but laugh. This woman is also like the black scorpion when she is so excited. Can’t even talk about it? He lazily said: “There is also a high top in the sky, and there is something to say slowly, no hurry!”

“Two guys broke into the Sovereign Palace and wounded many people!” Liǔ Shishi gasping for breath.

“Oh?” Zhou Heng was amazed. Although the Sovereign Family lost three Black Hole Kings, the strength fell unprecedentedly. Liǔ Family is not lacking the Comet Boundary’s powerhouse, especially the Sovereign Palace, because Liǔ Yun’er and Zhao Luoyan moved. Come out, this Empire sign has already reached the hands of Liǔ Family.

Even if there is not much left face left, they will stick to the Sovereign Palace. Which one can step on?

As far as Zhou Heng knows, Liǔ Family has at least three Comet Emperors close to Peak, and more than 90 Comet, all eligible to impact Black Hole Boundary!

Of course, being able to impact Black Hole Boundary and being able to break through Black Hole Boundary is completely different. The former has at least 10% of Comet **, but the latter…not necessarily 0.01%.

“Who are these two people? Lin Family?”

Liǔ Shishi shook his head and said, “No, it’s two foreigners. According to the news, they just came out of Star Gate!”

“Go, go see!”

The two went to ** and came to Sovereign Palace, but they learned that the two had left and went to Marshal’s Mansion in Lin Wubing.

“What do these two guys want to do?” Zhou Heng is also curious, and the two are really daring. Because of the situation of being swept away by the two, they are clearly only high-end Comet Emperor.

Comet Emperor dare to challenge Black Hole Sovereign? This is not crazy, it is another tough background!

From the outer domain, it is possible to come from very popular places, such as Grand Void Star Domain, White Bone Star Domain, etc., which are all places where Saint has been, and now 7788 has re-born Saint, who is the world? Can people compare?

“I’ll ask!” Liǔ Shishi ran away. She didn’t take long before she came back. “The two guys, one with a dead face, Yè Guyu, and a face full of laughter, Called Li Yuncong, they are all from Dragon Domain!”

“Dragon Domain?” Zhou Heng, I don’t seem to have heard of this place?

“Dragon Domain is the site of the Old Azure Dragon. It has nine sons, but only five sons, built five major stars, collectively called Dragon Domain!” Hóng Yue’s voice suddenly in Zhou Heng’s mind It floated up.

Zhou Heng It’s no surprise that Chaos Boundary is already the strongest under Saint, and on the rule of law, Chaos Boundary can even be deeper than Saint. Don’t say that Hóng Yue is still at Hundred Dragons Star, that is, the 70 star field is so shocking that Zhou Heng will not be shocked.

“I don’t know where the Dragon Domain is!” Liǔ Shishi is still shaking her head, and she naturally can’t hear Hóng Yue.

What did the Dragon Domain people run here?

Unlike the Hundred Dragons Star, which is a “border” area, the Dragon Domain is a true high-end area, regardless of the planet’s Spiritual Qi rating, but whether there is a superpowerhouse, and the inheritance of the immortal martial arts.

Dragon Domain has at least one Chaos Boundary powerhouse, Azure Dragon, one of Four Divine Beasts!

Of course, in Hóng Yue’s mouth, this is just an Old Azure Dragon. I don’t know if this makes the Dragon Domain’s juniors hear about it or not. It’s just that Hóng Yue has stepped out of 1,000 steps in Chaos Boundary’s rule of understanding, even surpassing the previous Grand Void Saint, and that Old Azure Dragon may not be her opponent.

“Hundred Dragons Star doesn’t seem to have any fun. After a while, I will take you to the Dragon Domain!” Hóng Yue’s voice rang in Zhou Heng’s mind, but Zhou Heng only listened to it. I don’t know what to do. interface.

Zhou Heng certainly won’t believe that Hóng Yue is just turning around. His cultivation base has encountered bottleneck. He may not be able to breakthrough at Hundred Dragons Star. I don’t know if the advanced star field like Dragon Domain will bring him enough. Stress or motivation prompted him to take a crucial step. (To be continued.)

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