If you talk about kendo, Zhuang Wudao asks that there is still a big gap in the cloud, but with all kinds of auxiliary methods, he still takes the person down.

These achievements are indeed enough to be proud.

There are very few cultivators in this world that can fight more. However, the second step can beat the opponent, but only Huang Xuan night and he wait for a few people –

Thanks to the fact that it was repaired as ‘true cold, this sword made him swordsmanship. Divine Abilty, a kendo from Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment, has improved the 1st Grade high level. Then I have my own Innate Battle Soul, which will improve the physique of all half of the Divine Abilty order, so that I can learn from this great sadness and five swords, not far from the super product.

Even the spurs of the spurs that have been promoted to the super-products are not used.

It is estimated that when the fifth sword ‘Heaven and Earth’ is completed, when it is completed, it can raise the six-style Great Sorrow to the super-supreme Supreme, and the six-door sword of Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang Great Sorrow Endowment For the superb meritorious deeds, at that time, he could be left in the sky.

“You Yunzi opened fifty-six, even if you can’t get Kong Tianyu, Chu Lingqi, etc. In Star Pofound Realm, it is definitely one of the top 100 people in the top of the Poetry Realm. It’s easy to lose the main hand”

After a while, Xie Yuqing returned to the Taishui Temple. The war did not go out, but Xie Yuqing has no interest in hurting the water dog. I broke the sword array Core and lived an Immortal Ascension. I also returned directly like Zhuang Wudao. The rest of the embarrassment is not worth her shot at all.

At this point, it seems to have to re-recognize the general ups and downs of Zhuang Wudao: “You are the ultimate swordsmanship from there, the world cultivator only puts you in the seventh place of the little immortal. It is really blinding.”

Divine Abilty, which can support the auxiliary class, helps others to overcome the ninth order, and can use the kendo to break the sacred cloud of the mysterious sword sect. How can such a person be so despised?

Xie Yuqing’s eyes are slightly confused, is this person really Renshanhe? There are doubts in my heart, but this person is no different from God, blood vessel, and flesh. There is nothing in the cause and effect of the induction.

All these phenomena indicate the people in front of you, and it is indeed Renshan River!

Do you care more about yourself?

Immediately, Xie Yuqing has put this matter down. In front of him, is it Renshanhe, what is the relationship? Regardless of the truth, it does not matter to her.

Do you have doubts?

Zhuang Wudao’s eyes flashed, but there was no color on his face.

“Anyone has been trapped in the mountains of Chishen for more than 20 years, but it is not a waste.”

He also knows this sentence, and can’t dispel the doubts of the subordinates, but he is too lazy to explain more. Instead, he asks: “What is the situation? You estimate that I am waiting here, how long is there?”

Lei Yinjian has a secret method to explore the ability of induction, which is only inferior to Zhuang Xiaohu at this time. Just beforehand, the accent will be shaken and scattered in all directions, so within the range of up to 200,000 miles, you can be inspired by Xie Zhenqing. Just like a bat, the technique of echoing the object.

However, Xie Yuqing did not receive the echo on the body, but divided a trace of the Primordial Spirit, which was placed in the sound of these sounds and then sensed. Therefore, there are flaws, and these gods can be recycled in time. If they can’t, or they are captured by their opponents, they all need to be self-destructive by secret law.

Therefore, this method is extremely depleted of the Primordial Spirit, and the Primordial Spirit also affects the life. This is also the culprit that Xie Yuqing has exhausted for thousands of years. Although it was with the help of this technique in the past, it was able to get rid of the Orthodox quests and killings, but it also fell to the point where it was almost exhausted.

In the environment like Leisha Red Sea, Xie Yuqing could not display it, and Zhuang Wudao did not want to see her and then lost her life.

But at this time, Zhuang Xiaohu is not around. Zhuang Wudao wants to know the surrounding situation, and he can only rely on this singer.

This time, forcibly broke through and countered the suffocation of Yu Yunzi and others.

That Xie Yuqing did not hesitate, and closed his eyes for a moment. He shook his head and said: “In this 200,000 miles, there is no enemy but it is difficult to protect each other. It is a method of stealing the shape, and it has passed my sound and vibration induction. “”

“That is, we still have half an hour?”

Zhuang Wudao hearing what was said, a cold smile, a reminder to Xie Yuqing, turned a deaf ear.

This is no need to worry, then Snow Yang Palace Profound Heaven Sword Sect, at this time struggling to catch up is too late, where there is a mood to reduce the speed of idle, deliberately concealing the magical magic of the demon statue?

The war ahead is nearing completion. In the end, the six Immortal Ascension was in the sky and only four. The other two are forced to kill themselves and kill the Primordial Spirit. The rest of the people have no resistance.

Zhuang Wudao is looking up at the sky. I saw that the thunderstorm of the sky has gradually dissipated, but it is still a gust of wind blowing, and the spirit is violent. The third bloody month in this Star Pofound Realm is high above the sky.

However, in the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, the sky he saw today is a quiet and quiet place.

The time is calculated just right, when the war started, it was a child. At the end, it is three moments. There is still a moment when the bloody storm is the most violent.

During this time, no Spirit Immortal ideas can come here –

It is also an excellent time for blood sacrifices. In the past few times, it was sacrificed to the Lord of the Nasal. But this time, he has other plans.

“Falling, you want to condense your heart with the devil, then this blood sacrifice is based on you.”

Zhu Yunzhui licked, and the complexion showed an unexpected color. And Xie Yuqing, also very surprised to see Zhu Yunzhui, simply can not believe that this little girl has been enchanted.

Zhuang Wudao is a cold smile, looking at the mess in front of him: “You must borrow the power of the lord of the lord, cultivate the Taoist demon, and you can do nothing to the devil. If you want to pull the seat Living in Demon Dao, can you not experience this blood sacrifice?”

I was still worried about it before, but I know that this woman is going to use her own body to rob her, so he Zhuang Wudao is comfortable.

Who makes this woman’s physique so attractive? Five acts are nothing, but it is a stronger psychic physique than the Supreme Yin Body.

Tonight, he wanted to change to the sacrifice of the sky, with the Su Xinghe as the main sacrifice. But now Zhu Yunzhui is taking the initiative, but he is going to sleep and come to the pillow.

Although the two are inferior to the three realms, the latter can achieve the effect, but it is far from the former. Ability to lead more Blood Qi elements, absorbed by the source

It is also for her good, if you can’t accept the actions of a demon head, you can’t do this kind of bloody and dirty things, then it is better to go back as early as possible, so as not to regret later.

If you think you are enchanted, you can also clear as ice and clean as jade, it is not ridiculous?

“The Lord of the Palace -“

Zhu Yunzhui is very strong in the thought of the devil, but at this time he is crying what was said, but still hesitant.

It’s okay to be enchanted by yourself and it doesn’t hurt others. Here, more than a thousand Profound Heaven Sword Sect disciple can be pushed into the magical land, but it is a hand.

However, this hesitation is only an instant, Zhu Yunzhui bites his lip, and the whisper should be: “It is the death of the child.”

A pair of watery eyes, but Zhuang Wudao is dying, seemingly to win his heart, willing to take a break.

Zhuang Wudao ignored it, and several light groups appeared in his sleeve. This is the sword of Divine Abilty borrowed from Yu Yunzi by borrowing the law of the law.

From the sword forty-one to the sword forty-five, once released, it is the complete sword, especially the sword forty-five and the sword forty-four, the most complete reproduction.

The moment when Yu Yunzi tore the thunderbolt of the thunderbolt, he also almost knows the mystery of these two swords.

Zhuang Wudao does not repair Xuan Sheng Tian Yan Jian, but its mountain stone can attack jade. The so-called Heavenly Dao, although the realization of each person is different, but also roughly the same.

If you can understand the mystery of the five-question Xuansheng Tianyan sword, the martial arts of his own will certainly be greatly improved.

However, just before concentrating on cracking these swords, Zhuang Wudao also sensed the irritability of Zhu Yunzhui, and stopped talking for a few times.

After glanced at the cold eyes, Zhuang Wudao couldn’t help but sneer again: “You have to cleanse the heart with the devil, and renovate the Taoist magic. If you don’t even have the courage of the magic, you can’t stand the blood sacrifice.” Then, what about the magical heart? Now that I haven’t started yet, I’m going back early.”

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