When the 70% and above are all included in the array, the 433th Thunderbolt once again slammed the fists, the power superimposed, but it has truly reached the third-order road force filled the space, crushing everything.

Not only is the tide of the sword smashed, but the Origin Storing Stone in the sacred array of the sacred sacred is also smashed. The 81,000 mouthpieces that were suppressed inside were more than 3,000.

The entire sword array, once again smashed a huge wound, but that dozens of warships, also under the unmatched brute force covering every inch of space, trembled. Some eighth-order warships, but part of the hull, turned into powder.

“I have said that these guys are overestimate one’s capabilities. Even the weak and weak have not cleared up, but they dare to put out the volley.”

That Xie Xiaoqing sneered, people have fallen down. From this main control room, it fell out of the hull.

“First step, this battle, it is very much looking forward to”

However, when the voice demon Tianzun, just turned into a touch of light, when the direction of the sword array shuttle, behind him, there was a strong and tough voice.

“Tianzun please wait for the exhalation of nine skins and thick meat. This is a matter of siege, the pioneer is not me.”

Xie Zhenqing stunned, and then saw a huge figure, passing by, and brought a gust of wind. Looking obliquely, I saw that it was called Xu Yanjiu. However, at this time, the body of this man was inflated a hundred times. The right hand was cracked and the dragon was broken. The left hand was guarded by the mountain shield. It was also increased to a hundred feet wide.

Every step is a thousand feet, stepping on the ground and banging. Just a few dozen breaths, far beyond her, to the five hundred miles before the sword array.

However, when I arrived here, the pace of Hu Yanjiu was getting slower and slower. It was almost a ‘shoushan shield, and it was hard to hold the sword light. The momentum is almost arrogant, step by step forward.

Even if that billions of swordsmanship, slamming down, can not stop him. Almost every step made the earthquake tremble, leaving deep footprints like mountains and mountains.

Although this big guy grabbed the limelight, but Xie Yuqing also had to admit that this kind of physical strength, refining the body, is indeed a hegemonic, simply no solution.

It is indeed a shield for the people, the Shield of the Devil. There is this one in the top. She and the back are not dead daoist, dreams of life, can easily

Four hundred and thirty-two thundering firepowers took out their fists for the third time. The whole block of ‘Xuansheng’s singularity of the sword array, again oscillated in layers, and thousands of swords were simultaneously collapsed. This killing unparalleled battle, under the suppression of Zhuang Wudao Prfound Technique Divine Abilty, is very cool at the moment. Even if it is the Yunyunzi, all efforts have been made to suppress, and dozens of Great Ascension Tianzun are constantly trying to repair. At this time, it is still difficult to pull the tide, tens of thousands of swords tremble, there is a crumbling image.

At this moment, in the wheel-like eyes of Hu Yanjiu, suddenly the blood condensed. A body body, blue veins, and numerous electronic discs are wrapped around. With the excitement of the excitement of the surrounding Sanshan Wuyue, the figure suddenly slammed forward. Only one flash, across the last hundred miles, slammed into the sword array.

“Panggu broke the world”

The cracked dragon broke through the shadow of the 19,000-thousand thunder, and almost broke into the sword array with the power of 433.

It seems that the sky is cracking, and the whole piece of land is shaking, and it is really cracked by this heavenly power. In front of the sword array, there was a crack that stretched for thousands of miles, spreading wildly on both sides.

And the seat of the ‘Xuansheng sings the sword array, the 80,000 swords in the sword, is even more cracked by the gods, and directly smashed the small half. The direct portal is wide open, and it can’t be closed again after a while.

“This is –, Pan Gu secret?”

Xie Yuqing was stunned and looked at the huge figure again. It’s a hammer that clearly achieves the level of third-order power.

It should be a strong and secretive technique from the Pangu blood vessel, and then borrowed Zhuang Wudao’s jurisdiction and large arrays, and the blessing of Leifa, only briefly hit a third-level Initial Stage. It is just when the sword array is weakest, so that the sword array is broken.

The potential and foundation of this exhalation can be seen in this way.

In the air, there is a sound, “Hey, hey, hovering out of the line, and the heavy-duty giant bird that has been intertwined with the sword of the sky, first of all, following the gap of the Hurricane Nine Strong, broke into the sword array, first entered it. , the two eight-order warships, together with the people inside the ship, were torn into pieces.

At this time, in addition to the sword array, two arrows hit. Three thousand miles across the sky, such as electricity, directly into the two ships of the same level. Then the two ships were also slammed, and the large Profound Heaven Sword Sect cultivator was so horrified that it flew out from the ship, but the two great Ascension days, which were in the battleship, no longer heard. .

“tsk tsk, etc., but want to make the house shame?”

In the eyes of Xie Yuqing, there has been a flash of helplessness, killing intent and rushing into the eyes. At this time, several people in Zhuang Wudao’s body, except Zhu Yunzhui, really did not have a weak person.

She hasn’t been able to get in touch with the opposite Profound Heaven Sword Sect. These people have already had a great result. Her old man, under the influence of these figures, seems to be somewhat incompetent.

The figure was accelerated, and Xie Yiqing immediately followed the heavy bird and crashed into the sword array. Azure sword light, also issued a burst of unspeakable trembling at this time

So there were only about two thousand swords around, and they collapsed at the same time. A total of seven eight-order warships shrouded in her thunderous swords, all under this sound, completely disintegrated

Xie Yuqing felt that she was in a good mood, and she felt that she had recovered her face and sent a burst of laughter. However, when her eyes slanted and the angle of view looked at a daoist shadow, God could not help but condense.

It was a dream, only with a thunder, and slammed into the sword array, not showing the dew, only the constant flash of the flash. However, in the past, nine eight-order warships have been smashed by him. No one can stop him for a moment.

In general, an eighth-order warship, if there is a Great Ascension in the same realm, and then several Returning Origin Tianjun help, you can fight more and more, against the ninth-order Immortal Ascension,

However, at this time, in Zhuang Wudao’s re-emphasis, under the pressure of the French domain, whether it is a warship or a ship, the Great Ascension is worthy of a position. In addition to this, there are four hundred and thirty-two Thunderfires, and one Tianyuan is infinitely suppressed.

Therefore, at this moment, in front of Meng Niansheng and Xie Yuqing and others, these battleship cultivators can be described as dough, and they can be slaughtered.

‘Sure enough, all soldiers care about fine, do not care much. These zombies in the hands of immortality are still too weak–

Zhuang Wudao stood in the main control room, looking at the situation in the sword array, a look of unbearable disappointment, while thinking like this, shaking his head slightly.

At this time, the undead daoist, with the twelve bodies, broke into the sword array. However, the ten-headed corpse, the two corpse kings, the record is terrible.

The undead celestial domain is blessed by the undead daoist. These 12 corpses are not miserable, but they are not as fast as the rhythm of Xie Yuqing and Hu Yanjiu. Everywhere, the swords in front and the battleships of Profound Heaven Sword Sect have been swept away, and even decent opponents can’t find them.

Only the two corpse kings can do with difficulty to follow, but once they are too far away from the undead daoist, there are also annihilation worries.

These corpses were still undead and he relied heavily on their strength. At this moment, they were dispensable. In addition to being treated as a consumable in the future, there is no other role.

If you don’t die, you can see it clearly, so you would rather choose to live with the corpse, and you should also conquer the dream to keep up with his steps.

However, the eighth-order corpse emperor, in this battle, seems to have reservations, did not do his best.

Zhuang Wudao squinted, with some dangerous meanings, looked at the dream and gave him a look, then looked left and looked at the center of the sword array.

That is where the Yunyunzi and the five Immortal Ascension are sitting in the town, and it is also the whole place of the ‘Xuansheng’s singular sword array, the most rigorous.

The re-emergence of the giant bird has already been killed, and the immortality of the immortal mind is controlled by the immortal mind. Every hit that is played, every flash of the figure is wonderful. The power of 100% can play ten 60%. Sword array is banned, layered through. Even if the six people in the middle of the team joined hands, they could not stop, and even two consecutive people were slightly injured under her claws.

Because of the scruples, the jurisdiction hidden in the heavy birds cannot be shattered at this time. From the heart of Huaxianjun, there is scruples, and I dare not take the risk of forcing a breakthrough. This ‘Xuansheng is a sword array, and it has been crushed before Hu Yanjiu.

However, behind her, Hu Yanjiu and the sound magic dreams have arrived, the four joined forces, and the breakthrough is easy. After Su Jiantong and Su Xinghe, they also shot and destroyed more than ten eight-order warships, and turned their attention to Yu Yunzi and others.

“Do you want a blood sacrifice at this time?”

There was a crisp voice beside him. Zhuang Wudao turned his head and saw that Zhu Yunzhui’s hand was holding the sword tightly, and his eyes looked at him intricately.

More than just the cultivation base, Zhu Yunzhui stepped into the Void Refining. That silk Sword Intent air machine, at this time can actually make him, but also feel the threat.

There is also Inner World, his previous sense is correct, this woman’s body, it really has the existence of Inner World

Sure enough, the sword spirit is expected, this girl is really the reincarnation of celestial being –

In the eight months of his retreat, must it be? The vitality of Zhu Yunzhui’s past life began to recover. I don’t know if this woman has also awakened Su Hui of her previous life.

However, since he still recognizes the identity of Zhu Yunzhui, it is not yet integrated with past memories.

“If I say yes, do you want to be an enemy of me?”

With a soft voice, Zhuang Wudao has a slight temperature in his eyes. “When you fall, why don’t you have a sword? The survivors in this battle, I really intend to be a magic candle.”

Zhu Yunzhui’s face was pale, and then the whole person squatted down, his face was defeated, and his voice was extremely bitter: “The faller will never hurt the lesser, but the child will not want to see the lesser.” I feel that you are less than the owner of the palace. In fact, like your grandfather, you can’t go back.”

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but laugh and laugh, never hurt the little palace owner. This gimmick is really not too small. Even if it is really the reintegration of the world, with the strength of the Void Refining, I want to hurt him?

With a slight sleeve, Zhuang Wudao is trying to stun the skull, and wait until the battle is over. But then I was surprised again. I saw Zhu Yunzhui’s eyebrows, and it was a bit black.

This woman has actually begun to enter the magic

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