There was no noise in the entire auction hall, and no one had any fare increase.

A lower-grade fairy stone, the price in the Heavenly Immortal world, is equivalent to a hundred nine-order Yunyuan. However, it is in the Heavenly Immortal world, within the Xingxuan world, this is a production.

The only way to get it is to bring some sacred stones to the Xingxuan world from the last fairyland. However, the imaginary sea is violent, and the big Dao Technique is limited. It is extremely difficult for the immortal to come, and there are all kinds of scruples.

Therefore, the fairy rock of Star Pofound Realm is extremely rare, and it cannot be measured by hundreds of nine-order elements. After all, the spirit power in Xianshi is pure, and can even be directly extracted by the cultivator, turned into its own True Origin.

The usual ratio in Star Pofound Realm is one to four hundred to five hundred.

It can also be seen that at that time, Wu Ming directly took out ten pieces of Xianshi, helping Zhuang Wudao to increase the generosity of the cultivation base. It is a pity that Zhuang Wudao is too thick and replaced with ordinary cultivator. Only these ten pieces of Xianshi can make a Dao Fusion cultivator rise to the realm of Returning Origin Middle Stage within one year.

At that time, Zhuang Wudao also entered the Dao Fusion Late Stage by relying on the Inner World that he had just completed. All of them used only four pieces of Xianshi. It is more difficult to improve the context of the subsequent cultivation base.

The deacon on that stage was also quite surprised. He looked at the box where Zhuang Wudao was. It may be that Zhuang Wudao is now the identity of the Xue Family’s children. In the eyes, he suddenly reveals the color of enlightenment, and turns his pity to the Su Xing River. Then he waved his hand and sent the Su Xing River to the room of the B.

Su Xue Liang Family Shi Qiu, Su Xing River is in the hands of Xue Family, can there be any good ending?

The people who were waiting for the Confucius Merchants League all withdrew from this box. Su Xinghe was a gloomy gaze and looked at Zhuang Wudao.

“You are not Xue Cheng, which one is it? Hidden identity, what is the plan to buy the old man?”

The box used by the Kongshangxian League for these VIPs naturally has rules that are unconventional. In this room of less than ten feet, it is equivalent to a secret room, which can be isolated inside and outside. All the talks inside are the Confucian merchants who are the masters of this place, and they cannot know.

“Can you recognize?”

Zhuang Wudao is also quite surprised. At first it was thought that this Su Xinghe could see through his own ‘Wanxiang Sen Luo Sha.’ Can you feel right now, this piece of immortality, even the Spirit Immortal can not help, let alone a Great Ascension cultivator?

Wan Xilin’s Su Family, although good at shooting, also has its own method of Divine Abilty, which can be seen in a thousand miles, through the illusion, but it is impossible, and glimpse the Vientiane.

Most of them are Xue Cheng who pretends to be himself. They also have a close relationship with this Ren Xinghe. Because of his extreme familiarity, he saw the flaws and was able to dismantle his identity in one fell swoop.

Laughing, Zhuang Wudao didn’t care. He held the name card given by Kong Xianshang League in his hand and shook it in front of Su Xinghe.

“Whether or not, you are my spiritual slave now.”

Su Xinghe’s face is cold and cold, and his eyes are dark and dark: “It is true that the old slaves always need to know, what is the identity of their own masters? Do you want to be on the Lord, and I don’t want me to wait until I know nothing?”

“Little Palace Lord”

Zhu Yunzhui is now pretty, paler, and wants to stop: “Grandfather he -“

The voice has not fallen, then the Su Xing River has been double-eyed, watching Zhuang Wudao closely: “The Lord of the Palace, you are Renshan River?”

Immediately, he turned to Zhu Yunzhui, his eyes both with surprises and grief: “But the clouds fall? My granddaughter?”

Zhu Yunzhui is full of tears, but also fixedly looking at the Su Xing River. There are both strangers and envy in the expression, both joy and fear of the future.

Zhuang Wudao licked his lips and lips, and some blamed, looked at Zhu Yunzhui, if the girl couldn’t hold her breath, the Su Xinghe would not recognize his identity immediately. This maid is really not reliable.

However, knowing the existence of Zhu Yunzhui, you can also know the people of Shanhe. Although the Su Xing River is already a spiritual slave, it is not ignorant of the cultivation world in these decades.

Shaking his head, Zhuang Wudao waved the spirit power and activated the Tongyu Lingyu.

“4,200 nine-order elements -“

At that time, on the stage, the bid for Su Jiantong has already begun. However, this time, Zhuang Wudao did not have the temperament of Su Jiantong.

Compared with Su Jiantong, Su Xinghe is undoubtedly much more valuable. It is only three hundred years old, and it is nourished by various spirit medicines in the future.

Even if the mind has flaws, it can be repaired to the ninth-order peak, or even into the soul repair, into the way of the fairy. Moreover, it is the kind of strength, and there are few opponents in the same stage. It is not inferior to the innate talent of the Ten Immortals and the Seven Devils. Intentional cultivation can be a pillar of a second-class sect.

At this time in the store, I do not know how many people are coming for Su Jiantong.

The reason why Zhuang Wudao can use more than 2,000 pieces of nine-order Yunyuan and ten Xianshi to buy Su Xinghe is because the buyers who come here today are not willing to do more entanglement on Su Xinghe.

But Su Jiantong is different, even for a behemoth like the Twelve Orthodox Church, it is not a small help.

If it weren’t for this Su’s father and son, I would rather die than use it for Star Beginning Sect. Star Beginning Sect is simply not possible, put these two people out for sale.

At this time, in the auction house, it was already a gathering of heroes from all sides, and they only came for this Su Jiantong.

Zhuang Wudao estimates that there are no more than three hundred sacred stones in the Su Xing River, so don’t even want to win. The bidding process will take at least half a day to end.

He did not intend to buy this person by bidding. Three hundred pieces of Xianshi, he could not get it.

In short, take your time –

As long as you wait for the last hour, it is enough.

“Enough to meet your grandparents, you can wait until later.”

The success of Zhu Yunzhui and Su Xinghe’s gaze was transferred back to himself. Zhuang Wudao was moved, and the three-legged medlar jumped out and fell on the body of Su Xinghe, helping him to recover from the injury.

“The injury is quite heavy, it seems that there is no less torture. The loss of vitality is not light, only four hundred years old, but in the Divine Abilty, it has not been damaged, the combat power has not dropped much. No wonder”

Zhuang Wudao carefully touched it and smiled. No wonder no one bids with him. This is the sight of Su Xinghe. It is no longer possible to enter the 9th-order Immortal Ascension.

Usually before the auction, Kongxian Business League will let people check the goods, but today he rushed to arrive, there is no such time.

However, this Su Xing River has entered the ninth stage, but it is not entirely impossible.

In the back of Zhuang Wudao, suddenly a group of mixed black light appeared: “I want to ask Su Senior, you are willing to enter Demon Dao, become the demon under the clan, or become the spiritual slave of my mountain river. , driven by me?”

Zhu Yunzhui suddenly burst into shock and his eyes were annoyed: “The younger brother, his grandfather, he-“

Still unfinished, Zhuang Wudao waved and interrupted: “I will not force him into the devil, why not listen to your grandfather’s meaning, what are you going to make?”

Even if it is due to Zhu Yunzhui, he will not have the slightest trust in the character of Su Xinghe.

Zhu Yunzhui is Zhu Yunzhui and Su Xinghe is Su Xinghe. One who has been in charge of the aristocratic family for nearly a thousand years, can not have his own heart. How can you know this, will not betray yourself?

Because Zhu Yunzhui, I need to love the house and Wu? Then you will die very badly. The heart of the defense is indispensable. He does not need subordinates who are not under his control.

Su Xinghe did not answer directly, but narrowed his eyes: “I heard that Shaogongzhu, has been expelled from Scarlet God Sect at this time? Recently, it has already become a demon, fleeing outside?

“So? Su Senior is not optimistic about any?”

Zhuang Wudao’s expression is still indifferent, and does not mean the words of Su Xinghe: “However, if this is not the case, this seat is impossible, and you can directly use your grandparents.”

“There are countless numbers in the old slaves. In fact, there is no choice at all.” Su Xinghe’s expression is also plain: “I chose to enter the devil and become the demon of the lord.”

Zhu Yunzhui’s face changed greatly, and her grandfather chose the path she did not want to see. As early as Zhuang Wudao asked questions, she had already guessed the results.

Once you enter Demon Dao, it’s hard to look back.

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