With Qin Feng agreeing on all the details, Zhuang Wudao has stood before a tall mountain just after the 14th.

The market that communicates with the self-cultivators in Heaven is unreasonable. The mountain and sea set in front of him is built on the foothills of up to 12,000 miles.

The hurricane is dense and thunderous, and only the Primordial Spirit cultivator can enter and exit. However, the scale of the entire Xianshi market is still huge and magnificent.

Far from the hope, this mountain sea cover covers almost the entire mountain, a full seven hundred miles. There are countless folding spaces in it, and the actual area is more than one thousand two miles. The flow of people is dense, and there are countless cultivators in and out of these thunderclouds.

— In the Heaven world, even the Golden Core cultivator is extremely rare. In this Star Pofound Realm, Dao Fusion is also common.

“This is Star Pofound Realm, one of the twenty-four first-class cities?”

In the eyes of the undead daoist, there was a fascinating impression. He has been in this Xingxuan world for more than 20 years, but he is still seeing the scale of the comprehension market for the first time.

It is not only because of the large number of cultivators here, but also the void of the place, which has been transformed by the Confucius Merchants League. Numerous time series folding, countless elaborate virtual worlds, and the eight-order array in the city all show the rich heritage of Kongxian Business Alliance.

However, immediately after the death of the daoist, it sensed the strange and disdainful sight of the sound, busy coughing, and put away the strange color: “The Lord forgives sin, the subordinate wants to take the first step. The Tibetan temple brother said that the eighth-order corpse Emperor, his subordinates can’t wait to sneak a sneak peek”

The corpse of the corpse is divided into a corpse, a corpse, a corpse, a corpse, a corpse, and a corpse. If the corpse king level, it can be equivalent to the demon’s sacred blood vessel, the corpse is equivalent to the mixed blood Divine Beast. Then the Emperor is comparable to the pure blood Divine Beast in the Yaozu.

This level of zombies is hard to come by. It is ignorant. In a few years, he only found two corpse kings. However, according to Tibetan mirror people, at this time in the city of Xian, there is this wild eighth-order corpse. And it is the power of thunder, the body is congenitally yang, not afraid of thunder.

About half a year ago, he was captured by a third-class sect, just sent to Shanhaiji in recent days, ready to invite Zhuzong and scattered repairs to bid for the corpse.

It may be really itchy, and the undead daoist does not wait for Zhuang Wudao to agree. Then the whole person changed and looked like a temperament, and there was a change. Directly turned into a ray of light, rushed into the mountains and seas.

Obviously ignorant, but also prepared for this change illusion only treasure.

Looking at this person, Xie Zhenqing licked the lips and eyes, and then looked at it, and Zhuang Wudao looked at it: “There is also a resignation from the home. There are quite a few things that can make the home interesting.” I don’t know where the Tibetan brothers and you are confident, but if you want to come to the second place, you will not let me down.

Zhuang Wudao still pays attention to the top of the mountain peak, and seems to be looking into the depths of this mountain. When the party arrived, there was something in his mountain city ring that suddenly swayed. Distinctive sensory, but it is a mysterious monument.

Could it be that this piece of debris in the mountains and seas is not included? After entering, it is necessary to look carefully.

A long time ago, he had a thought, but unfortunately the fragments of the Tianji monument in his hand were too small to be implemented.

My heart was full of thoughts, but after sensing the dissatisfaction of Xie Yuqing, Zhuang Wudao was forced to press down, only slightly bowed: “I and the Tibetan mirror people, are not aware of the depths of the generation. Even if you can not attack this mountain, then also It will be able to retreat.”

At the same time, the heart is inwardly lamenting. At this time, if Nie Xianling is there, he will destroy the linguistic squad in this battle. To capture this episode, it will be a lot easier, and you can have 100% ten.

I have been in Scarlet God Sect for more than ten years, and I don’t know how it’s now? I haven’t seen it for a long time, and I have missed it.

Some time ago, he also asked Qin Feng. It is said that in Scarlet God Sect, she is already in the water, still worshipping under the lineage of the Imperial Palace, which has won the attention of her elders. Because of her innate talent, she has replaced the Renshan River and become the Scarlet God Sect. Located in the position of Ding discipline. Recently, a special Cultivation Technique in cultivation has made Qin Feng quite amazed.

However, it is said that Xianling is not happy, is it unhappy every day, is it because of himself?

This affection, he understands it, just –

When he shook his head, when Zhuang Wudao returned to God, he found that Xie Yuqing had nowhere to go. Only Zhu Yunzhui is standing beside him, looking at the mountains and seas in front of him.

Zhuang Wudao can’t help but laugh, and there is no lack of seriousness: “You fall back now, you should still have time. With the power of ignorance, you should be able to protect you. But once you pass today, then you will not look back. room.”

After today, it must be shaking the world, far beyond the battle of the Thunder Red Sea. It is also his savage demon, the real battle of fame.

“You want to do it again?” Zhu Yunzhui looked alert, and then his lips sighed: “I won’t leave if I don’t, unless the younger lord can wake up one day. You don’t kill the lord now.” The more you regret, the more regret you will be in the future. The children will keep an eye on them and will not let you mess around.”

Zhuang Wudao looked at Zhao Yunzhui and looked at Zhu Yunzhui. He suddenly laughed and pinched the skin of Zhu Yunzhui. It’s a good idea to leave this little girl. There is this kind of sentimental little servant who admonishes from time to time. He can’t converge and kill the heart when it is not necessary.

After all, the ten merits and green muds can’t be used for a long time.

Without further ado, Zhuang Wudao directly swept a red gauze and swept over them. With the ‘Vientiane Sen Luo yarn, urging the magic method, the shape of the two people, but also suddenly changed.

Zhu Yunzhui is still a waitress, but there is no such a great appearance. Zhuang Wudao is transformed into a pale green Dao Fusion cultivator with a temperament like aristocratic family disciple.

The two went along with the sword and entered the mountain and sea set with the flow of people. It may be due to the elite manpower, all of which are due to the north of Leisha Red Sea. This mountain sea set is now tight inside the pine, and the investigation of the strange cultivator is extremely strict.

However, Zhuang Wudao has ‘Wanxiang Sen Luo yarn, this kind of accurate fairy is in the body, the identity of his own and Zhu Yunzhui, is also carefully prepared by Qin Feng. The origins are good and there are people. All the way without any danger, it entered the market.

Zhu Yunzhui was relieved at this moment, and then he looked strangely and asked: “The Shaogong Lord came to this mountain and sea, is he still wanting to see the fairy side?”

However, from the beginning to the end, I could not guess the true intention of the three people from Zhuang Wudao.

Zhuang Wudao is too lazy to pay attention, silently do not answer. Zhu Yunzhui Only when he is the default, his eyes are slight, but he still has a lot of worries: “The Lord has just escaped from the Red Sea in Leisha. Is it too risky? I know that the Shaogong Lord may be uncomfortable, but still fall. I feel that this fairy is not like a good person, but also not worthy of the Lord. You are the Lord of the Palace -“

The voice did not fall, but Zhuang Wudao used the ‘Van Xiangsen Luo yarn, the illusion of the folding fan on her head knocked: “The nonsense said that there are many people here, you want to reveal the identity of your family.” Willing?”

Zhu Yunzhui This is awakening, and quickly shut up.

However, for a moment, the two have already arrived in this mountain sea set, outside a building in the center of the market. Look up and look up, above the threshold, it is the LF Xianshang League Shanhai Building, these large characters.

Zhuang Wudao smashed the lip corner and stepped in. After entering the mountain sea set, it went straight to this place, only because of the underground of the mountain sea building, it is the entire law of the city.

However, Zhuang Wudao’s master and servant, two talents, stepped in and they all had their own feelings. Looking into the distance, there are just a few women who are walking in the distant corridor.

One of them, he is already very familiar with, is Su Hanfang. The other, Zhuang Wudao’s memory, is equally impressive.

The chief culprit of the Renshan River, the ice-tone fairy of Snow Yang Palace – Fu Bingyan

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