“The front is the source of the Leisha Red Sea –”

Zhuang Wudao temporarily stopped the figure and looked at it. At this time, in front of his eyes, there was a mountain, standing in the depths of about 400,000 miles away.

The mountain is about 30,000 miles high, and it is straight into the sky, and there are thousands of miles around it, like a huge Tianzhu. Even if it is separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, you can see it. However, you can only see a rough outline, and the surrounding fire clouds are lingering and you can’t see its true appearance.

However, only the part that was exposed in front of Zhuang Wudao had already sucked him a cold breath. It is very straightforward and magnificent, and it goes beyond the understanding of Zhuang Wudao, the concept of ‘mountain.

In Heaven’s practice, it is impossible to see such a magnificent scene.

However, Zhuang Wudao can also sense the danger within this majestic mountain. In fact, in front of him, just fly forward five hundred feet, it is necessary to formally enter the Leihai Red Sea, the real danger.

From here on, the power of thunderfire on this sea will reach eight levels. Inward 300,000 miles, it is the nine-order minefield, all of which are nine-order Tianlei Tianhuo.

There is still a deeper place, above the huge mountain. It will not go beyond the fairy class. This star-shaped world will not allow things above the fairy level to exist, even if it is only a thunderstorm.

But the power of the thunderfire there must also reach the peak of the ninth order, almost the same level as the scent –

Originally he was still hesitating, whether it would be a while, and then try to go deep into it, to the source of the Red Sea in the Red Sea. At this time, it seems that if you want to completely get rid of the pursuit behind you, you will not be able to get through.

These days, he was desperate to escape in the Red Sea of ​​Leisha, unable to find the situation behind him. There is no suitable time to contact Qin Feng and Zhuang Xiaohu. So I don’t know what the rear is, what kind of strong people there are, and how many Immortal Ascension is involved.

However, since the 7th, the sense of crisis in Zhuang Wudao’s mind has been intense and inconsequential, and it is difficult to dispel.

There is a feeling of heartbeat. If you stop at this time, you will be devastated. Contact with Qin Feng and others is also best to temporarily sever, otherwise there will be a major disaster, and people will be aware of the roots.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuang Wudao’s figure jerked and continued into the thunderstorm. After Lei Li was upgraded to the eighth order, Zhuang Wudao was already struggling.

The previous seven-step Thunderfire, with his Thunderfire Origin Embryo physique, will not be hurt, but can be reversed and turned into its own use.

When you get here, you have to consume your own mana to resist.

Fortunately, he has the presence of Inner World, and soon after, he found that the dead eggs of the heavy bird were absorbed in a small amount, and those who were forcibly broken by his True Origin. The power of thunder.

Zhuang Wudao thought about it. When she was suffocating her True Origin, she deliberately refined some thunderstorms to supply this Xuanzang.

I have done my best, but Zhuang Wudao is still idling in this area. It took another two days to cross the 300,000-mile area and pass the eight-step minefield.

Fortunately, in this place, I don’t know that his one’s thoughts and idling are greatly limited. The latter chasing soldiers, Immortal Ascension, is also the same.

And here, those nine-order warships have been unable to navigate. Although it is only an eighth-order thunder fire, it is endless and endless, like the sea. Even the nine-order warships, known as the defensive array, can’t cope with this endless thunderstorm.

Without Inner World, there is endless energy, no Thunderfire Origin Embryo, to control the flow of the surrounding fire. Those Immortal Ascension environments here will be difficult.

When approaching the giant mountain, Zhuang Wudao began to explode a group of flesh and blood under the impact of the nine-order thunder, and quickly recovered.

Even if it is the seventh-order unbreakable golden body, it becomes fragile in the power of this level of thunder.

Fortunately, there is the ‘green Emperor’s longevity, ‘the sacred body, ‘the undead heaven, the skill, the rejuvenation of the Zhuang Wudao body, no worse than the undead daoist. Even because of Inner World, endurance can in turn force the latter ten times.

At this time, although they could not resist these thunder and lightning, they were able to restore their injuries to the original speed as quickly as possible.

These lightning fires, not only failed to smash his people, but can achieve the effect of the tempering body.

Just in Zhuang Wudao, when he set foot on the big island below the giant mountain, the dangerous omen in his heart, first of all, he did not see it, and then in a moment, the cohesion climbed to peak. Strong to the top of the crisis, straightforward.

Zhuang Wudao was slightly surprised, and then there was a reaction. Without the slightest hesitation, let the sword spirit replace itself. It took only ten breaths of time, and in his own body, he laid a small magical array.

In the midst of the thunderstorm, there is no abnormality in the conflict. Then it was the ‘Heavy Hegemon Body’, the technique of the heavy bird wings that condensed by the power of thunder, covering his body. It is possible to make his whole person fit the peak with the surrounding environment.

The bird’s feathers, not only the armor, are comparable to the cultivator’s wounded weapon, but also the hidden sight of the heavy bird.

As long as it is in a thunderous environment, the heavy bird can even be completely concealed inside, and does not vent a little gas. It is like three golden feet, you can hide the gods in the sun.

And just after another breath, suddenly a strange breath suddenly covered this. In the vicinity of the source of the Red Sea in Leisha, there is constant sweeping search. The air machine is vast, and the search for Heaven and Earth. One inch of search, do not miss a little suspicious. Let Zhuang Wudao, who has been through the storm, feel the horror of the first time after sweeping the Heaven.

For most of the time, this strange air machine, this fades invisible. Within the count, all faded.

Zhuang Wudao is worried that this is the other party’s fraud, and waited for a while before it will be put away.

“This is a kind of secretive technique. In this Red Sea of ​​Leisha, you can also observe 100,000 miles away, and the level of mystery is not under the circumstance.”

Sword spirit tired of retreating into the sword, but still do not forget to remind: “This time, although it is fortunate to avoid, but Sword Master still needs to be careful, the other side has this ability, it is impossible to search only this Once. It is best to retreat into the depths of the mountain and have a higher level of robbery surround. If he abuses this technique, he will be backlash.”

No need to improve the spirit of sword spirit. Zhuang Wudao has already headed for the volcano at full speed. This is a red-red giant mountain, steep and incomparable, like a pillar of heaven, standing here.

Surrounded by strange rocks, the vegetation is not deep. However, there are large red waterfalls that wash from the top of the mountain. Some even fall directly from tens of thousands of miles high, extremely dangerous.

It is ice and snow covered by the mountainside, melted under the thunder of the fire, which is also the source of the entire Leisha Red Sea, the source of the lake.

The process of rock climbing is even more difficult. Zhuang Wudao is not in a hurry, step by step, after five or six days, he went up six or seven thousand miles. It is full of ice and snow, one side is ice and snow, and the other side is full of thunder and fire. It is amazing and amazing.

At this time, he only walked two hours in this mountain every day, and other time, it was used to restore mana, and by the way, hidden.

Fortunately, after the fourth day, the person who looked at the sorcerer’s secrets could no longer see where he was at the time, possibly even its limits. Those Immortal Ascension are also isolated from the Eighth-order minefield and cannot be entered.

However, there are a lot of natural elves here, and none of them are ninth.

Zhuang Wudao hides the shape with the Vientiane Senro yarn, and also disguise itself with the Cultural Technique. Still not in a hurry, every time you stay in a place, you will call out the sword spirit, and arrange for yourself, all at the expense of the stone. Not only to create a stable place to restore, but also to retreat afterwards.

These spirits can last for months or even a year until he finally walks down the mountain.

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