Su Hanfang looked at the sight of the ‘Liangshan River, and at this time, he was standing in the distance and out of the Yuan. Except for the dark red sword that left the body, the figure seems to have never been moved, and it seems that it has never been played.

However, it was the understatement of a sword, not only broke off her only one-line escape, but the sword force was completely wrapped in her Ziyang swordpower, counterattack into the body, at this time is madly destroying her within the body all. Also temporarily cut off her, want to break this body

Within the body, this is the end of the effort, and it is even more severe. This sword force seems to be extremely good for her body Cultivation Technique. Sword power impact, they are with the body of the key veins, so that Su Hanfang within the body, even a trace of True Origin can not be gathered.

When is this man’s kendo, how strong is this? Actually not under him

I remember the last fight with Renshan River, still more than 20 years ago. At that time, regardless of the kendo technique, she could stand firm, even if it was the ‘heavy tomorrow’, the technique could only be suppressed, but she could not be defeated.

Doesn’t it mean that this child has been imprisoned during these two decades? Why is this only for less than 20 years, this child’s kendo has actually been advanced by leaps and bounds?

This child has been in prison for more than 20 years, and the industry has accumulated, Dao Technique cultivation, has it never stopped?


In the sky, once again, the giant bang burst into a fierce fire, sweeping through thousands of miles, and countless broken pieces of wood, falling from the sky.

It is the true shape of the heavy bird that has been blessed by a factor of three. At this time, a ‘Xiangyang Rongtian is extremely forbidden to the Shenzhou, and the hard-woiled cracks burst.

Just a few miles away from the front, Fenglian Tianzun has already been exhausted, and the sword light has been scattered. The whole person has been forcibly captured by the sacred corpse. The beautiful neck was held by the ice blue claws, and the mana was suppressed.

Su Hanfang’s eyes are dark, but there is no despair. The sword light is a spur of his own eyebrows. Want to use this sword to cut off all life.

Since there is no hope of fleeing, and the thoughts of the people can not be defeated, then you must ensure that you will not fall into the enemy.

“Is this self-destructive?”

Undead daoist unaware of the accident, and then continued to laugh loudly. The long knife has been robbed of this female body before Su Hanfang’s self-cut.

The dead magic knife rushed in, and all of Su Hanfang’s True Origin Qi and blood were instantly suppressed. One should be meridian, and all blocked.

“Sure enough, I will not be able to take the fairy here. I really can’t hold you. The old man has already said that my master is insidious and vicious. The fairy has already arrived here, that is, involuntarily, wanting to be self-disciplined. difficult.”

The moment when the voice falls. Su Hanfang’s purple sword light, which was driven by her mind, suddenly collapsed. Finally, ‘Hey, one, throwing and falling in a few dozen miles.

The sword light has a blood mark on Su Hanfang’s neck.

Su Hanfang’s show is awkward, flashing anger and resentment, but also struggling, but the undead daoist has already had a mana shock, directly impacting Su Hanfang’s mindfulness and forcing it to stun.

Zhuang Wudao glanced at Su Hanfang’s petite body and turned his head with satisfaction. He simply ignored the cynicism of the undead daoist. He only looked at the sky faintly, the battleships that were escaping from the madness, and the few people. I was desperately trying to get rid of the great Ascension Tian Zun who was chased by the corpse. The voices were calm: “If these people escape, don’t die, you know what the consequences are -“

It’s okay to take the opportunity to vent his anger, but if things go wrong, then he will blame him Zhuang Wudao. The imprisonment in the life card is designed to spur immortality.

Undead lips are slightly pumped, the complexion condenses, and then a cold cry: “It will not let the Lord disappoint you.”

The hands are printed, the mouth is swearing, and it is a verse that is undeadly created by the undead, mixing the dead gods. The mysterious meaning of the dead, hidden in the inside, so that the body is not dead, suddenly black shadows. Even the three-legged ravens were shocked, and they swelled from the top of the daoist.

“Don’t die, the dead world comes”

There is only one must, and the land around thousands of miles is turned into a dark gray and a dead country. The land is wilted everywhere, the vegetation is not born, and it is desolate. Very different from the original Heaven and Earth.

It is actually the world of dying, forced to pull this world by the law, coincides with the world, making the whole piece of void, completely blocked, turned into a field of death.

And at the same time, with the undead daoist, a black flag will be shaken. At the edge of the dead country, there were suddenly twelve demon gods, slamming out of the ground and appearing more than 20 feet tall. The body of the dead konjac was condensed, and it was covered with a bronze wolf face. The awkwardness of the air machine is only slightly worse than the two eight-level corpse. With the arms open, the black gas is open to the hundred miles, making the entire country of death almost impenetrable.

At the very center, it is an eye-like creature, and the eyelids turn. When this eyeball, look at the Great Ascension cultivator at the farthest point. The Great Ascension, who was superbly degraded, was actually black and gray. Then the whole person turned into black dust, and suddenly fell and squatted in the dirt.

Within the entire dead zone, there was only a scream of undead daoist.

“I have entered my death prison, want to escape? You are dreaming”

Zhuang Wudao was also a little surprised and seriously looked at the undead daoist. This ‘dead world, the skill, should be the undead daoist new Divine Abilty, which clearly has the three-legged crow’s dead domain, the shadow of Divine Abilty.

It seems that it is not only a three-legged ravens, but also benefits from the undead daoist. This undead daoist also got a lot of inspiration from Divine Abilty of the Three-legged Raven.

The twelve ‘dead Heavenly Demon gods, should be undead daoist pre-arranged in the vicinity of the flag. But only in the dead world of the undead daoist, these ‘death Heavenly Demon gods’ ability to play to peak. Equivalent to another 12 more, the strength can directly chase the helper of the eighth-order corpse.

The boundary of the dead world, the law of twisting the rules of life and death, should only be the Divine Abilty, the most insignificant ability. If he expected it to be good, all the essences of this ‘dead world’ are coming in the sky, that ‘dead, Above.

And in Zhuang Wudao, the moment when the idea flashed, the ‘dead sorrow, among them, it was another death brilliance. This time, it was hit in another boat. . This ship, which was already broken, was immediately turned into a gray color and planted on the ground.

From the inside to the outside, all the creatures have died.

However, the face of the undead daoist is also pale. Obviously, this powerful Divine Abilty technique is also a great burden.

Zhuang Wudao looked in the eyes, but could not help but shake his head, a thought flashed, and the four thunder fires screamed and ran away.

Undead daoist is too big, this death is indeed Transcendent, but those who escaped in the sky, but not the weak.

Only by this method, I want to have no one to miss the net, or to force it. Only these four forces can be used to stabilize the Great Ascension.

When Su Hanfang recovered from coma and recovered, she found that the whole person was now nailed to the Mori White Cross skeleton, hundreds of white bone nails, piercing her body.

Therefore, at this time, even if there is no mana suppression of the undead daoist, she is still unable to move. Weakness is weak and it is difficult to impede. Su Hanfang opened his eyes in a difficult way, looking at the bottom of the road. Then her chest was like a hammer, and she felt uncomfortable.

Maple Lotus Tianzun, Yunxiao Tianzun, Xuelian Tianzun, Sulian Tianzun, several Great Ascension Tianzun, are now lined up in a row, nailed to the same cross skeleton. It is also within the body, nailed with bone nails.

On the opposite side of this row of cross skeletons, there are nearly a thousand cultivators lying on the ground, tied by ash-colored ropes. Can only crouch, but also struggle.

Among them are Returning Origin, Dao Fusion, and Void Refining Primordial Spirit. They are all coming with her maple lotus and killing the cultivator of Renshan River. One third of them are the discrim of Snow Yang Palace.

In the distance, the wreckage of those battleships can be seen, but only in the vicinity of this situation, Su Hanfang knows this time, only fearing that it is a total defeat of an army. There are still five or six hundred people, I am afraid that it has fallen on the spot.

At this time, ‘Renshan River, is standing in front of her, watching the big day of the sky, thoughtful.

Actually it was ‘the innate big day Jinwu Soul Body, and I really couldn’t think of it. Like Su Hanfang’s physique, it is really a bit of a singularity to practice the Ziyang Xuanqi gas that is supported by the Purple Sun Spirit.

No wonder Qin Feng at that time, only this time, should be able to succumb to Su Hanfang’s will, but never mentioned, to kill this Su Hanfang directly, to cut off the future foundation of Snow Yang Palace.

It is no wonder that Snow Yang Palace will be assured that this woman will be swayed, and there will be no strong support for the Immortal Ascension.

Only because of this, the woman can’t kill it in the usual way.

With this innate big day, the Soul Body, the true spirit is pinned on the big sun. If the sun does not fall, it will not die.

Although this Soul Body, not into the Great Soul Body, among the 10 Great Battle Body, but also with Nie Xianling’s Rashless Soul Body, has endless potential and is one of the top Soul Body.

This true spirit is entrusted to the big day, and it is almost impossible to kill all of them.

Unless the mana of Zhuang Wudao has been promoted to Immortal Ascension, the true spirits of the Primordial Spirit, who have the ability to hide this woman in the sun, are also annihilated.

Otherwise, at this time, even if the woman is killed on the spot, after the forty-nine days, after the sun rises. This woman can rely on the true spirit of the big day to reunite the Soul Body. Even if you can prepare for it, you are prepared to take care of the heavenly people who are cultivated by your own flesh and blood. Then Su Hanfang, even his own cultivation base mana, will not cause any damage. The price paid is negligible.

Therefore, it can only be frustrated, not to be able to die. My previous thoughts are really not realistic.

Self-deprecating, Zhuang Wudao bowed his head and turned his eyes to Su Hanfang.

“People’s grass thieves, but with your Senior Sister Fu Bingyan? I remember, you Snow Yang Palace people, there have been many people, participated in the sales of people grass. Two of them, you are Snow Yang Palace’s Immortal Ascension is a great place.”

Su Hanfang’s pupil was slightly coagulated, and his breathing was a little short. He could calm down during the day and coldly stared at Zhuang Wudao.

“Renshanhe, you have joined Demon Dao, and you have made two tragedies. If you kill and kill, this world will be repaired, and you will definitely start up and look back now.”

Zhuang Wudao only ignored it, didn’t care, and continued to ask: “I am in the middle of his demon, others do not believe, you Su Hanfang actually from beginning to end, are convinced that it is right? That day before the mountain, the fairy Don’t feel lost? This seat just wants her to explain.”

In this sentence, Su Hanfang’s face turned into a flush, and the reaction was more intense. The sound line is colder than frost, and it seems to be hiding something.

“You are talking nonsense”

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