Zhuang Wudao has a sense of sensation, and he knows that it must be at the time of his refining, what happened major event. At this time, within his Primordial Spirit, it was also a ups and downs, and it was already faintly able to sense some ominous signs.

However, it was not distracted, and it was still fully invested and continued to pay attention to the inside of the furnace. The ending of this yin and yang mirror is almost perfect.

After a full four hours, with the Zhuang Wudao law to close, the Ding cover suddenly collapsed, a red light and thunder, violently impacted down, directly hit the mirror of this yin and yang mirror.

According to the empty mirror, this is the Lingbao of the Forbidden Law. For the negative mirror on the back, the Forbidden Law level will not be much lower than the former. Kankan is a sixty-one ban, crossing the limits of Heaven and Earth, and is also subject to robbery.

Zhuang Wudao just looked at it and stopped thinking about it. He walked out of the room door directly. The core of the Seventh Avenue, together with the fragments of the fairy, if even this limit of robbery can not be ruined, then the vacuum has lost the name of the treasure.

And there is sword spirit pointing, his own means of refining is not bad, at least can be called skillful, this yin and yang mirror, not worse than those of the refining masters.

The turmoil outside has already made him curious and forbearing for a long time. Zhuang Wudao wants to know more about what happened. Let Nie Xianling and others know that he is refining an extremely important instrument, still gathering here and alarming him.

It’s always impossible, is Leaving Dust frustrated under the Ice Springs? It’s not right. I remember that there are still two days before Leaving Dust Palace can prepare for the attack and really arrive under the ice spring.

This war is because he is not ready to shoot, but a few people in the Chi Lingzi, especially careful.

“What happened in the end?”

Stepping out of the door, Zhuang Wudao’s gaze, I saw Zhuang Xiaohu. Today is his spiritual slave, the first to go outside his small building.

Zhuang Xiaohu felt awkwardly, but then he used a different god to illuminate an image in front of him.

“My master had ordered me to find the place where the gods of the heavens and the sacred sacred sacred Dao Fusion, and today I just had a glimpse of the scene in Profound Saint Sect. It feels a little wrong.”

Zhuang Wudao took a look and his eyes were microcoagulated. It is also a large array similar to the bottom of the Yuanyuan Temple. However, although the function is the same, it is a Taoist style. A jade platform in the center, similar to the Immortal Ascension that he had seen at Leaving Dust Palace.

At this time, in this picture, Zhuang Wudao can see that Shenkong Zhenjun, Mu Yuanxuan, Fang Xiaoxuan, and such as Le Changkong and others are actually in the lineup.

“this is–“

Zhuang Wudao was originally subconscious, thinking that these are the last fights, and they must do everything together. In the near future, recruit another Dao Fusion to drop this world. Can be immediately felt wrong, this array is indeed similar to the Sugawara Temple, but many key runes are retrograde. The effect after the excitement is only the opposite.

This is a reference, a little modification on the basis of the original array method, corresponding to the array of the extraterrestrial

The heart suddenly slammed and sank to the bottom of the valley. Then Zhuang Wudao listened to Nie Xianling and sneaked his eyebrows: “The fairy bell is here to tell Senior Brother. Before four hours, Shenkong and Mu Yuanxuan, Fang Xiaoyu and others The names have completely disappeared from the monument, and the total number of people is twenty-four. It includes almost all of these three elites.”

As early as expected, Zhuang Wudao’s face has turned into iron blue. Ling Nian went to the machine to disperse the day, and sure enough, he no longer saw the name of the god and Mu Yuanxuan.

It’s not right, it’s not disappearing, it’s falling to the bottom. After the name, only the word is unknown.

At that time, the Tibetan mirror people also smiled bitterly: “Before the two hours, the Central Plains also had news. The three holy sects of the upper and lower disciplines, have received orders, and today they gave up the Origin Mountain, each carrying the door storage. Lingzhen treasures, scattered and escaped to avoid robbery.”

Zhuang Wudao only felt a sullen sigh in the chest. This feeling is like a punch that he is ready to send. When he just wants to sway, he finds that the target has disappeared ahead of time.

And the situation at this time is even worse than this.

Zhuang Wudao could not help the subconscious, looked at the crowd, Yan Xuan sitting in the eyes of Yan Xuan, the heart of the inwardly killing intent rose.

I know that this is the three holy saints who gave this a big gift. The dry days and the Xuansheng three families are sporadic, and Leaving Dust Palace is no longer strong. It is impossible to kill all the swords in decades. There will always be a lot of fish missing.

And these people will be able to use it for the future.

Zhuang Wudao has a clear comprehension in her heart. Why does she undoubtedly have hurt Yan’s so much, but why is this True Dragon’s temperament? Undoubtedly is still only a regent prince, not yet enthroned, it is no less inferior to Yan Chi Ling, being blessed by humanity. This Central Plains dynasty, even the emergence of a prosperous opportunity,

It turned out to be the Three Holy Family, and there is still this hand, waiting for him here –

And myself, it is helpless.

This is the gift of Heaven and Earth. And myself, there is also participation.

“This time, it’s really not good.”

Qin Feng is also bitterly smiling in the mirror, with a bit of helplessness: “Who can think of this, the god of the empty king is actually saying to go and leave?”

“It’s really unexpected –”

Zhuang Wudao A faint answer, the mood has been calmed down. If he expected to be good, the purpose of the gods coming to this world should be two. First, when there is something to be done, fight with him and try to capture the essence of Xuan Xue from his hands. The second is to see that the situation is not good. If the odds are not high, then the elite of Tianzong will be taken away.

The use of Profound Saint Sect’s array is due to the large array of Profound Saint Sect, which is nearing completion and has the shortest time. Taking the Profound Saint Sect is the price paid by God Kong.

As for why the card is taken away like a Zen master. Most of them are certified as if they have been identified. Between Liang Family, there must have been some negotiations in the dark. No wonder that in the past, the Liaoyuan Temple and the dry Tianzong have frequent contacts.

It’s ridiculous, I thought it’s these three, and in the contact, how to deal with the pressing force of Leaving Dust, from the beginning to the end, have been squatted in the drums. ,

As for the blood essence that hit the monument on the same day, it should only be confusing his smoke bomb to the heart of Zhuang Wudao.

He only thought that those Dao Fusion would come, but he did not expect that this god is really going to go –

However, for most people present, I am afraid that it is a great event. San Shengzong can avoid his edge and save part of the vitality. It is estimated that many people will feel lightly relaxed.

Especially the Great Spirit, and those who are unwilling to do –

The eyes looked at the people and saw that some people were dull and some were happy. It is the side of Leaving Dust Palace, and it is also the most smiling.

Can avoid the confrontation with the three saints of Dao Fusion, the Leaving Dust Palace has been able to win from this storm, cast into a hegemony, can you not like it?

Only Chi Lingzi and Yun Lingyue and others. His face is dignified. These people should be able to guess about his plot.

Sansheng Sect Master mobilized the sect, leaving Leaving Dust without the possibility of ruining the three. What could have been solved once and for all, but now it has become a trouble to consume countless water mills.

Without the opponent of San Shengzong, how should Leaving Dust consume the sect forces that followed this time. His original intention is to use the dry day as a flesh and stone. Those who will not accept the unsuccessful will be killed.

Is this God’s will? The so-called human calculation is not as good as the day –

In the heart of the inward sigh, Zhuang Wudao’s lips are cold, revealing a hint of ridicule: “In fact, this is also a happy event, why do you need to worry? Three holy sects are not defeated, are they all happy? I don’t know how to teach, prepare how to respond?”

“Be prepared to order the world, to trace the three evils discipline!”

When Chi Lingzi spoke, he also glanced at the people present, especially the masters of the dozen or so major churches. The three sacred places are now vacant. Within 20 years, the ancestors, who can In the pursuit of the most, the three cultivation holy sites can be owned by them.”

In this statement, the breathing of many people on the scene is a tight one. There are more than a dozen cities that are slightly worse, and more directly show greed. Especially those few, the mountain gate location is not ideal for the bulk.

Although this is said to be the ‘three evil sects, but all of them are well aware of the facts, it must mean that the three sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Leaving Dust Palace is overbearing, these three sacred sects, at this time directly be labeled as evil spirits. In comparison, the methods of the Three Sacred sects were too many years ago, but there are still some scruples in the end.

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