It is said that the demon repair in the original is extremely exclusive. Once the human cultivator enters, it will swarm, madly rush, go on and on, regardless of life. Until the invaders, there is no bones.

And those fourth-order big demon inside, usually have territory. At this time, it is sure to be able to work together, regardless of success or failure.

All the extreme East Gods will become a forbidden land.

However, when Zhuang Wudao entered, there was no feeling of forbidden atmosphere. It’s true that he only flocked to the group. He was only in this forest, and he could not walk thousands of miles. There were thousands of demons around him, thousands of them.

When you reach 10,000 miles, there will be at least ten fourth-level demon repairs, and you will fly over. Peeking to follow, but no one, dare to come forward to stop the interception. There is no sacred demon inside, it is not his enemy.

The demon can’t figure out how to calculate, but the natural inspiration is sharp, and it can be a good way to avoid trouble. At this time, Zhuang Wudao, the big sad Sword Intent unscrupulously vented to the four sides, the level is slightly weaker, directly impacted by the Sword Intent body, bursting and died. And the demon power is strong, a little closer will be shocked by Sword Intent. Can you not know, the murder of this Terran wicked?

It is also a loss of Zhuang Wudao’s Sword Intent is extremely strange, ordinary beasts, usually can not feel, so it can be intact. Otherwise, in the place where Zhuang Wudao passed, all the Spirit Beast classes within a radius of three hundred miles. Worm and grass, all things that are spiritual, will all die

But once the blood vessel is in the third order, it will have to bear the pressure of Zhuang Wudao. These monsters are almost always in contact with each other, and they rush away from it. Knowing that under this Sword Intent, even if you stay a little longer, there is a risk of death.

But the demons in the left and right sides are okay, and there are still a few lines of life to escape. Those who were unfortunately stuck in front of Zhuang Wudao’s way, but wanted to escape and escape. Since Zhuang Wudao entered Shenyuan, the speed has dropped sharply, but it is far from the ordinary third-order monster.

So in the three hundred miles in front of Zhuang Wudao, the idea of ​​Ling Ling and its land, can be seen seeing a violent third-order beast, and burst into flesh and blood powder. Looking down from the top, it is like a blossoming blood flower, brilliant and full of evil beauty.

When Zhuang Wudao entered the Shenyuan 90,000 miles, the re-emphasis of the world was already visible in the distance, and there was a towering giant tree, which was soaring and towering.

Between the distance of about 10,000 miles, it is hidden in the heavy fog. If it is not the world, Zhuang Wudao will not succeed.

Even at this moment, Zhuang Wudao can only be confused and see a rough outline.

This is a green scorpion, with lush foliage and a canopy that stretches across the entire surface, covering a full seven thousand miles.

According to the notes left by Xuan Xiao’s ancestors in Huoyun Grottoes, this Shenshu is the core of the entire Yuandong Shenyuan. I guarded this god all the year round and was not touched by the cultivator. It is neither the blood god turtle king beast, nor the Cangwu Hanlong, but it is not the nine fire red phoenix and the shadowless god Lin, but this green dragon god

I don’t know how many years this tree has existed and when it began to exist. However, Zhuang Wudao only remotely senses its air machine, and knows that this Qing dynasty god must be as high as six steps.

This is Zhuang Wudao, the first time I saw the tyrannical high-grade wood genie. The magnificent scenery, the majestic body, all make people feel repressed, so that he can’t help himself.

Generally, the demon of the wood genus grows up tough, but once it becomes a climate, it is extremely terrifying.

Zhuang Wudao is only fortunate that the woody demon is difficult to move and difficult to move. Although this scorpion god has broken through the limits of life, it has grown to six levels. Can not be shaped, can not walk around. At most, it takes ten days and a half, and then moves around a mile. Before the transformation of the wooden demon, the higher the level, the harder it is to move. After the transformation, the combat power will also be greatly reduced. After all, it is the rootless wood.

It is also the loss of these restrictions, otherwise this Heaven repair world has long been a world of demon.

Today, when he comes here, he is either enemies with this sacred god, or surrender it, or annihilate it.

The speed of the hollowing out has slowed down 30%. At this point, Zhuang Wudao has to add a little more attention. It’s not a fear of the enemy, but an emphasis on the opponent. Although several of these sacred ancestors existed, they should all be restrained by him.

In a flash, he suddenly floated in his body, and he was so sharp that he was sharply pricked from behind.

Zhuang Wudao has already prepared, ‘Heavy swordsmanship, display, only heard a sharp sound. The rear sparks shine. A thin figure was suddenly slammed by the majestic tremendous power, and a bloody flash appeared on the chest. Failure to hurt, but hurt yourself,

And just in this person’s change of light and shadow, it is possible to disappear into the void again. A sudden force of the magnetic element, violently sucking, forced the figure to pull, and crashed into the soil under the Zhuang Wudao, causing the smoke to burst

Sure enough, it was the shadowless god, Zhuang Wudao took a look, inwardly pity. This Divine Beast complements Nie Xianling’s seven killing swords.

The shadowless god Lin struggled fiercely, the hair curled and stretched, and numerous acupunctures rushed. Zhuang Wudao didn’t care at all, only had a big star pick. Like an invisible big hand, grabbing the deformed body of this fourth-order Divine Beast, going to the next round. There are no more than a hundred times in an instant, and the thin nose and mouth of the person has already spurted blood.

And when Zhuang Wudao slammed the body of the shadowless god Lin to the ground for the third time, his body week began to show a red fire. A piece of fire feathers flew down, and once it was touched, it would burst into a fiery red fire, the water would not be extinguished, and the soil would still burn. In the forest, the flames ignited and the fire broke out.

However, they were not able to get close to Zhuang Wudao. “Taiwan is clearly separated from fire” is the 1st Grade god, the flame that is recruited, and the fire of 1st Grade.

And the nine-fire Phoenix is ​​nothing more than the mixed blood Divine Beast. The flames that are made up are at most 2nd Grade, can you compare them?

Zhuang Wudao doesn’t even have to deal with the fire clearly. The heavy swords can rebound all the external forces, and this flame is also among them.

Divine Beast, the two mixed blood, is almost not under the gold Tai Chi. He can also fight with him before his comprehend Golden Immortal Sword Intent, but at this time, he is crushed by him.

At this time, there were countless trees and vines, which circling from the ground and forming a myriad of sharp cones, all in one side, and the thousands of miles away from the green gods were scattered. Pollen.

The number of trees around Zhuang Wudao can be smashed by the pollen fruit, or burst into a sky, and it will be impacted by him.

The area around the three hundred miles is also a pink color, with illusions and countless scenery, which makes people lost and lost.

There is even more lightning, and the four downstream. When Zhuang Wudao, close to the front of the Qingshen Temple, seven thousand miles away, the flame power here has been rampantly increased, hot and incomparable, at least ten times the giant green wood Royal Thunder, the Wutong fire control, it is this green god Divine Abilty’s power,

Zhuang Wudao can not care about the shadowless gods, and the nine fires of the red phoenix, but can not but be careful about the means of this sixth-order god tree.

Although it is a woody demon, it can be a sixth-order wooden demon, and it is also the land of Dao Fusion and the god of the green. It can also be regarded as the hierarchy of the Divine Beast.

From the time of approaching 10,000 miles, the two sides have been constantly colliding. It seems that there is no obvious dew, but in fact, the two sides are directly controlling the aggregation changes of the disturbance power, so that the other party’s technique can not be formed.

And until here, under the canopy of the sacred god, it is the most tyrannical power of its power.

And when Zhuang Wudao, still steadily moving forward, suddenly nine points of flame, suddenly came from the missile. Zhuang Wudao’s pupils suddenly condensed, and the body shape continued to flash. The sinister yin and yang swords started with the sword of the slightest hesitation. A black and white sword light, slamming the sky, smashed the nine flames and instantly split.

The reason why Jiuhuo Red Phoenix is ​​named is that the poultry can be played nine times a day, not inferior to the flame of true pure blood Phoenix. Known as the ‘true phoenix nine strikes, under the blessing of the sacred gods, the firepower is even stronger to an incredible degree, reaching the limit of 1st Grade.

Therefore, this nine-point flame, Zhuang Wudao no matter how conceited, can not be inadvertently dealt with.

And just a moment later, a young girl dressed in red is appearing in front of him.

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