“A good five-line god bird knife”

The taste of this knife is similar to that of Leihuo Tiankui’s Fengling sword array. It is just the mysterious beauty of the front, far above the latter, and it is also the way of the last method.

The mouth was lightly praised, but Zhuang Wudao did not even use the Taiyin Yin Yang sword when he was coping with it. He used the Techique of Ox Demon Hegemon Body to mobilize the blood god shield and directly hit the side. The dusty knife slammed on the blood god shield, but did not leave a trace of white marks. By the force of the thick Magnetic Origin of this shield, it is directly repelled and knocked open.

This magic shield has been dripped into the Golden Immortal blood by Zhuang Wudao a year ago. It has not only repaired the wounds that have been eroded by the magical eclipse, but the material has also increased rapidly. Coupled with the previous few magical sacrifices, it has already surpassed the level of the sixty Forbidden Law. The breakthrough limit is already a 1st Rate, which is equivalent to the Great Peace Sect’s ‘Tai Ping Broken Dragon’.

However, there is not much change in appearance, and the form when it is turned into a shield is still an upright positive Dao Technique.

After the shield of the Shield, the rear of the Blood Shield, a smear of gas. Yuan Daozi was shocked and slid back and forth hundreds of feet to avoid this ash entanglement.

However, several Golden Cores around this are not immune. By this gray gas, the whole body was completely lost in an instant, and it was soft and solid, and it was grayish and turned into a corpse.

“Three-legged Raven”

Yuan Daozi’s face changed slightly, and this has a clear understanding. It’s not just Zhuang Wudao and Nie Xianling who are in the Imperial City today, but also the first three-legged crows on the spirit list. The Divine Beast is also comparable to the top ten of the shoulders. !

Before the mountain dew, but there has always been a layer of gray fog, surrounded by more than three thousand feet. As long as it is in this range, it will reduce its strength and True Origin will decline.

That is, the cultivation base is as high as him, and it cannot be rejected. Under the control of Zhuang Wudao, this three-legged crow has already played its own Divine Abilty to the peak.

Fortunately, within this imperial city, the big array of support, the death of this crow is only limited to the three thousand squares. Otherwise, the death zone will be spread. The palace people below the Foundation Establishment cultivator are afraid to die.

The three thousand-character arrows continue to fall like rain, and the fourth heavy palace city is completely transformed into a fire. The Yan Chi Ling people, at this time in the Temple of Heaven, can fight in the sword more than a hundred miles away, and there is no difference between them and the immediate presence.

The cultivation’s ‘Heavenly God’s Sword, and ‘Heavenly Dao’, is not only one of the most outstanding heritages of the Yan Family, but also a few 2nd Grade oracles in the world.

Especially at the moonlight night, the front power can double. A pair of moonlight arc swords rushed, with the arrow array and the broken dragon cone, the piece of the void in front of Zhuang Wudao was almost turned into a Jedi, a wave of destruction of the storm, madly plundering.

Yuan Daozi only retired and then made a comeback. The dazzling multicolored knives, this time is no longer a direct attack on the body of Zhuang Wudao, but a knife and a knife in the road of Zhuang Wudao. The dust also stretches out the tens of thousands of silk threads, which are like snakes, entangled in the red light.

“What is the intention of Zhuang Zhenren?”

On the one hand, Yuan Daozi struggled and slammed and said: “I don’t know where I am offended by Leaving Dust, and provoke the real people to kill in my big spirit?”

He didn’t ask to be able to say this back, nor did he expect this to be awkward. Just a little distraction from Zhuang Wudao can make people a lot easier.

“But for the real people law of the town, I am really reluctant to intervene in your sect disputes. Is this also wrong?”

“There is no mistake, no offense, but -“

Zhuang Wudao sneered, this Yuandaozi is really squinting and talking, not willing to intervene in sect disputes? It’s also a loss.

One hand and one spirit decided, suddenly it was a vast god of heaven and thunder, and the Yuandaozi was forced to retreat again. The figure was still rushing forward, and the fifth heavy palace gate was less than a thousand feet.

“But my Leaving Dust robbery is near, Zhuangmou can’t help but plan ahead. Daling Yan’s is the source of misfortune, can’t be removed before the disaster, Zhuang can harden the heart of the mountain, self-destruction, prevent the problem The reason, you will not know?”

I don’t talk about any righteousness, but I’m too lazy to count the big spirits to recover the real people’s law of the town. Today’s only mistake is that the Great Spirit is the third holy sect, and the only one that can jeopardize the survival of Leaving Dust.

The so-called mountain rafts mean that the trees on the mountain are cut down because they grow into useful materials. The self-destruction of the smoldering fire means that the oil burns because of the illumination.

What he means here is to say that he is worried about the power of the spirit and is used by the Three Holy Sepulchre, so it is necessary to prevent it from happening.

In the eyes of Zhuang Wudao, Daling’s threat to Leaving Dust Palace is indeed ten times better than Scarlet Yang City. Therefore, he would rather leave Leaving Dust with the hidden dangers of Scarlet Yang City for a thousand years, and also save enough power to attack this great city.

The sooner the better, the more delays, even one day, will add another point of change. Fang Xiaoru and the card of the injury may recover at any time, and the upper bound Dao Fusion may also come. The three dragons mastered by the Three Saints are also up to two. The Great Spirit has mastered the savings of the Three Holy Fathers, which can increase the latter’s combat power.

He must not allow this Liang Family to join hands and have no time to delay. From the moment Nie Xianling stepped into the Void Refining, the situation has intensified. If Leaving Dust is not attacked by the whole team, it can only race against time.

Words contend, but the shadow of Zhuang Wudao is close to more than 200 feet. The Magnetic Origin method is almost forcibly squeezed out of all Forbidden Law systems, forcing the layer of dragon barriers to forcibly squeeze out.

The pupil of Yuan Daozi is slightly shrunk: “Is it true that you want to be bad? I am not right, yes, you want to be unfavorable to your majesty?”

This speculation was revealed from his mouth, and the face of Yuan Dao turned pale. Not only is he, surrounded by many cultivators, so the look is even more ugly.

The eyes of the sky are falling, and the haze is peak. The people of Heavenly Dao League are all born out of the box and cultivated by the royal family. Although he valued his own life more than the Great Emperor, the loyalty to the Emperor of the Emperor was not general. However, when he learned the sinister intentions of Zhuang Wudao, he still made him creepy.

“Wolf ambition, madness and ignorance, whether it can be done today, even if he is left behind because of your Zhuang Wudao, there is nothing wrong with it. Daling Yan and my Heavenly Dao alliance will also be enemies with your Leaving Dust for generations. Not dead end”

“Lower brother laughed, I am Leaving Dust, this is the world’s enemy, even if you increase the spirit of this family of death, why not? Endless, the brother can be free”

Zhuang Wudao is a cold, not attentive. Is it true that today he does not do it, the spirit will really be honest, sit on his Leaving Dust and the Three Holy Wars?

Being resentful, as a big enemy, always stronger than hating others. What is the use of hate when his day Leaving Dust falls?

Even if one day, one day, can wash the three holy sacred and revenge, can the dead resurrect? Is this regret, can you make up for it?

He is stubborn in his mind, and he has already wanted to score clearly. He has been counted in the chest earlier, and even if he is ultimately defeated, he will not look back. I will never be shaken by the words of others.

On the contrary, the people around the Yan Family and the Heavenly Dao were killed and incited by his fierce murder.

In the mouth of Yuan Daozi, a touch of blood spit out, and hardly picked up Zhuang Wudao several swords, only to know the difference between the two sides, has reached the point.

With the help of a large array of blessings, his mana is not inferior at this time. However, the strength of the body is far from unmatched. Within the dead zone, Qi and blood are both declining, and the blood vessels of the three-legged crows are Divine Abilty. , always threatened, can not go all out.

The fifth-order unbroken golden body, the ordinary technique, can’t be broken at all, so undoubtedly is a lot of people. Many of the Primordial Spirits on the Great Spirit are actually subject to change.

However, at this time, the corner of the eye of Yuan Daozi, I have seen the cultivator gathered around, more and more dense,

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