The death of Zhuang Wudao by Sword Intent is only a fourth-order ‘concentrated blood, the first-class cut-off bird, put it all over Heaven, it is not weak, but it is not enough to be An accurate reference to strength. Just because Zhuang Wudao feels that his thoughts are not exhausted, the gods are under pressure, and he has not used all his strength, he has already ruined the Primordial Spirit of this fourth-order magic bird.

The only thing he can be sure of is that if he fights with the card and others, then even if he doesn’t need to copy the Golden Immortal Sword Intent, the winner will be himself.

However, there is no harm at all. His step is too wide. This body of Sword Intent, after a full month, can not be accurately controlled.

So when Zhuang Wudao entered the Southern Badlands, the commitment to the Polar Law and others was difficult to achieve. Worried that his current state will impact the big battle and affect others. Zhuang Wudao can only give up on the Black Wolf Cliffs and not the Heaven and Earth Bridge. Instead, I chose a place above the dead, flying directly from the sky above the abyss.

And the raging thunderstorms and the poisonous scorpions that have been raging for thousands of miles have not brought much trouble to Zhuang Wudao at this time. With the suppression of Sword Intent, all external forces can’t be close, and the fatal threats before can be seen as a smooth road. Zhuang Wudao has passed through this death.

And after the trip, I have to slow down. On the one hand, we need to avoid those densely populated areas. On the one hand, we need to be distracted to control the cultivation base that constrains our own surge. Zhuang Wudao often goes less than two thousand miles a day.

But after forty days, when he arrived near Scarlet Yang City, the whole person was basically able to be restrained. Inside and outside as usual. At least when you are not working with people, there is nothing on the surface that is different from ordinary people. As for the robbery that wandered around, it gradually dissipated.

And at the moment it is in the place of agreement. Yu Xuxuan and Nie Xianling have arrived early. Nie Xianling, who received his letter ten days ago, has been waiting here for four or five days.

“Why don’t you see the Junior Sister?”

Zhuang Wudao glanced at the subconscious and then noticed the accident. He thought that this time Yu Yunqin, this time will be there.

“Yunqin was a godstower not long ago. He has already been concerned about the Supreme Yin Body. He has recently closed his mind and seems to have been attacking the Primordial Spirit.

Yu Xuxuan explained the sentence at will. Then cut directly into the topic: “tyrannical, you are here to call me, and call you Junior Sister. But the thing of the tourmaline is already eyebrows?”

When I heard the feeling of the gods, Zhuang Wudao felt a little sad, but the chaotic mood began, and he was suppressed in time. No nonsense, directly a sleeve, a mysterious red fruit, ten drops of celestial being blood, and a roll of jade slip, appeared in front of Yu Xuxuan.

“It is for the sake of Bijie Zhenjun. The Junior Brother wants to exchange these things for the soul of the Senior Brother’s tourmaline. I don’t know enough?”

Yu Xu Xuan eyes light, immediately startled. Especially the red blood in the blush, which made him pay attention to it for a long time.

Vaguely guessed why this thing, Yu Xuxuan can not help but be shocked, carefully watch Zhuang Wudao.

It was discovered at this time that Zhuang Wudao in front of him was completely different from Zhuang Wudao twenty years ago. The same is not visible, but at this time the one in front of him, more than a few sharp points. Hidden, Sword Intent stunned –

It seems that it cannot completely suppress the general.

This child is returning from the evil land in the south, and recently the Tianzong Fang Xiaoru also entered the southern evil land. The result was that the ranking on the monument was dropped to a hundred. Another certificate, such as the ranking at this time, is only seventy-six.

It is said that people in the same trade, as well as a founder of Profound Saint Sect. Not long ago, the power of Profound Saint Sect suddenly began to shrink. All the ups and downs, all are grass and soldiers, the atmosphere is tense.

It is really thrilling to think about this kind of abnormality.

“Not very cost-effective” is the person who is sitting in the distance, Nie Xianling: “Xuan Chi Zhu Guo can be extended for three hundred years. After the blood of the celestial being is refined and diluted, it can be used for training, opening, etc. A returning Origin in the non-regional area can match.”

Zhuang Wudao does not speak, only smiles and looks at Yu Xuxuan, waiting for the other party’s answer.

Yu Xuxuan slightly shook his head: “What I want is the Void Refining deed, the object of life extension, what is it for me? This celestial being blood, the value is higher, not what I want.”

If this time, Scarlet Yang City can’t live safely, even if it can live another three hundred years, what can it do?

In the past three hundred years, if the true master is still there, or there will be no tragedy of mentoring. Can the current red shade, who is eligible to use this thing?

Zhuang Wudao is not unexpected: “Feather Senior Brother, or you can check out my jade slip first.”

“Well?” Yu Xuxuan’s brow was picking up. Now he didn’t say anything again. He took the jade slip directly in his hand, and then he screamed in amazement: “Little dust, what is this?”

I have already vaguely understood the meaning of Zhuang Wudao. He is eager to promote Void Refining. It is nothing more than worrying about other sects, using Techique like the soul of the soul, against the red.

And with this small dusty technique, it is natural to eliminate this problem.

“Just, this is the eighth-order technique -“

The voice has not fallen, Yu Xuxuan has already understood, this should be Zhuang Wudao, take out ten drops of celestial being blood.

Even so, Yu Xuxuan is still difficult to decide. Even with the small dust, the overhaul of the upper bounds is not what he can contend with. The strength of Void Refining is still indispensable.

“This trip to the South, tyrannical fortunately glimpsed the secret, three hundred years later, the Primordial Spirit cultivator in this world may be able to solve the advanced worry.”

Looking at the opposite side, Zhuang Wudao has a hint of helplessness in his eyes: “If I say that this world is robbed, it will be within fifteen years. The thief is my Leaving Dust, I don’t know the feather of the Senior Brother.” I think that the brothers have also found their own deeds, and they will not have no income. If necessary, Leaving Dust will help each other within ten years.

Is it really necessary to come up with a spirit? He is not reluctant, but can’t. This object will not be known to the world within 20 years.

He trusted Yu Xuxuan, but he believed in Scarlet Yang City. The red yin is not the red yin of Yu Xuxuan alone – especially after the red and the upper bounds.

Yu Xuxuan hearing what was said, his eyes changed slightly, and he looked at Zhuang Wudao very seriously. He finally smiled softly: “I believe you have no exchange of deeds I need, then after six years, I need you to accompany this Junior Sister. I went to a place away from the cold. And the blood of this celestial being -“

Yu Xuxuan said a little above the ten drops of blood: “Give me six more drops, in addition to this, you need to tell the place to collect this thing.”

Nie Xianling stunned, and he only reacted for a while, and he was surprised by the color of surprise. Zhuang Wudao is also a little bit of heart, and then with the slightest hesitation, it is six drops of blood popping up, and the opposite of Yu Xuxuan.

In terms of value, nature is paying more for itself, and it is several times the difference. However, whoever calls this tourmaline true spirit is crucial to Nie Xianling. I can’t take out the exchange of mystery, and I am also worried about it.

That Xu Xuan is also a decisive person, something to get. Also, a jade plate engraved with the shape of a tourmaline was thrown to Nie Xianling.

The process of exchanging the soul of the war was also beyond the imagination of Zhuang Wudao. After only a moment, behind Nie Xianling, there was a figure of a woman with a cold face. The five official eyebrows, it is the tourmaline, but when compared to the use of Yu Xuxuan, it is a bit more agile. Obviously, it is in line with the soul of the war, and it is even better than Yu Xu Xuan.

When the soul of the soul condenses, Nie Xianling feels: “The god sword has been inductive, and the two please forgive me.”

After that, Nie Xianling, the whole person, is like a bubble, and it is integrated into the cold weather. And just as she just entered the world of heaven, she noticed that she had one more thing in her sleeve. A must-have, for no reason, appeared in her clothes. A glimpse of the spirit, Nie Xianling can not help but whisper, is this a scorpion? It seems to be the blood of the celestial being after dilution and neutralization –

In the future, it was possible to discern carefully, and Nie Xianling was attracted by the sword light that flew up in the sky.

That is the god of extinction sword, with a bloody mans, like a star river falling, wearing the next

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