“It is best not to be good, then Zhuang Wudao, I am afraid I am waiting for you when I break out.”

Jian Xuan Zhenjun stunned the gods, and then when he came over, he suddenly flashed his eyes: “He dares”

Fang Xiaoru is silent, not daring o. Since 20 years ago, Zhuang Wudao was able to go alone, dare to fight the three great saints, kill more than 20 Primordial Spirits, and annihilate a lot of people. Then, when the three of them are poisoned today, there will naturally be no hesitation.

The man has already laid the murder, just like a cunning hunter, watching the outside. Once they reveal their flaws, and they have a chance to do so, they will be the thunder of the Thunder.

Therefore, the sentence of Jian Xuan Zhenjun is too stupid, stupid to him not willing to answer.

“At this time, I waited for the breakout, I was afraid that I was falling behind. With the status of the three of me in the present, even if I escaped, there is not much spare energy. Where is the strength to cope with this wolf?”

If the card sighs, and rushes out at the moment, facing the killing of Zhuang Wudao, it is better to stay here. These sixth-order beasts, and ‘Lingyan Fire Rhinoceros, are dangerous, but Zhuang Wudao is a deadly threat. Therefore, at the moment, the former has become their amulet in turn, which is the guarantee of their lives.

Just looking at the arrangement of this person, I know this one, and I don’t want to be involved in it, falling into the encirclement of these elves.

“Or you can break into the void first. There is still a chance in the virtual world.”

Fang Xiaoru, while casting a spell and returning to life, restored the injury of Jian Xuan Zhenjun, while meditating: “These beasts, it is impossible to catch up with too much.”

When the words were halfway through, the card was suffocating, but it was a thunder beast. He saw that he had insufficient spare capacity at the moment. After he pointed out a small amount of robbery, he rushed over.

Fortunately, if there is still a backhand, a Sanskrit light wheel flashes behind him, and a Buddha’s big hand suddenly slams down, and this beast is hit in one place.

The huge force shocked and made a loud explosion. Although the sixth-order beast is repelled, it can be proved that it can not be supported for a while, and several steps are continuously retreated, and deep-visible bone wounds appear in the chest and abdomen.

The genus of the elves can be integrated with Heaven and Earth Avenue by nature, and you can master the rules and principles without having to participate in the metaphysics. Not cultivation Any Divine Abilty Dafa, nor the blood vessel Divine Abilty heritage. Every move can be a natural power, and the combat power is not under the former two.

The Thunder beast has the same three spirits, but it is not too strong in the genus of the elves. When you change to the upper limit, the card can be killed by a single blow. It can be done within this world, but when it was weak and weak, it was not hurt on the spot.

Can prove that if you can bear, there is no hate, only indifferently said: “It is easy to go out, but it is difficult to come in again. I feel that there is danger outside the void. It seems that other creatures are attached to the void, except In addition, there is a Sword Intent existence, which seems to be the legacy of the ancient immortal. Therefore, once I escape from the Taixu Sea, I can only return to the outside of the Huoyun Cave, and I want to break through.

– At that time, if you want to come in again, you need to spend at least another twenty or thirty days from the mouth of the cave.

And the three of them are looking for the answer, from here, it is likely that it is less than two thousand miles away, close at hand.

In addition, when it is too imaginary, can’t that person not shoot? It is said that this person has been too imaginary and has no great law. In the void of the sea, I am afraid that it will not be weaker than the real world.

Solve the three of them in the Nether Sea, and then the man can take care of himself and slowly explore everything in this cave.

“If you can’t enter, you can’t make it back. What about you and me?”

Jian Xuan Zhenjun is angry and angry, so the sword is more intense, one style twenty-seven, covering a hundred feet. At the same time, the whole seven heads of the ‘Lingyan Fire Rhinoceros will be smashed.

However, the most embarrassing thing about the elves is that they can resurrect infinitely. Looking at the distance, the body of the ‘Lingyan Fire Rhythm is gradually forming, which is really frustrating. No matter how much they kill, it will not help,

After a sword, the momentum of Jian Xuan Zhenjun has become one of the declines. A True Origin is temporarily in the trough, and we can only weave a heavy net of swords in front of us.

However, in front of me, this whole seven hundred heads of ‘Lingyan fire rhinoceros, the formation of the ocean, but makes Jianxuan Zhenjun feel powerless, can not see the hope of getting out of sleep.

“I was really wronged. When I waited, I shouldn’t lead him. You and I are eager for success, and it’s going to be a disaster. If you say it, can’t you solve his invisibility?”

A month ago, I was worried about what was in this Huoyun Cave. It was first obtained by Zhuang Wudao, and the three talents were eager to go deeper. But now, instead, let Zhuang Wudao get cheaper.

However, if you can solve the hidden features of Zhuang Wudao, Zhuang Wudao has nowhere to hide and is involved. Then the dead end here can be solved.

The card is slightly moving, and then a bit of sad with a smile: “Which is so easy? It is not difficult to crack, but he also needs to stand and let us break.”

Even in the caves of the fire, the Dharma can be up to a hundred miles away. However, this opponent is a wary fox, and it is constantly changing its position. His mind is simply not grateful. Often when he catches a clue, that person is no longer there.

And the other party is not a dead person. Can you not know how to counter it?

At this moment, the card finally found that Fang Xiaoru’s situation was wrong, not only was his face pale, but his air machine was also floating. The healing technique that was applied to him just now has little effect.

Fang Xiaoru refined the “Non-Death Source” and the “The Southern Dipper’s Life on the Five Spirits”. The former is the original work of the undead daoist, which can maximize the function of the Inextinguishable Dao Body. The latter is a 3rd Grade minor repairing star corresponding to the stars. The Nandou main student and the Beidou Lord die, so the technique can save the dead and help the wounded. Fang Xiaoyu is the expert of this way, and he can recover from the manpower of 10%.

At this time, when Fang Xiaoru worked together, ‘South Dipper’s life was small, and he played on the card, but he didn’t even have the effect of 1% before.

“what happened”

Jian Xuan Zhenjun also noticed, his face changed greatly. Fang Xiaoru’s technique is the key to the continued support of the three of them, and is indispensable. If something goes wrong here, then —

“It is the three-legged ravens that should be within the gap between life and death-“

Fang Xiaoru’s face was pale, but still calm, and he was already ready to escape at too much.

Reinforce his Inextinguishable Dao Body with the three-legged crow, and the reincarnation of the “South Dipper’s Life of the Five Spirits”, this Zhuang Wudao, good and bad

That can be flat hair, but it is between the gap between life and death. Three people can’t be involved, but who else can they compete with the Ravens here? If you don’t die under the feet of the three-legged crows, you can’t resist the power of reincarnation and the infighting of death.

At this point in his view, it is best to take it for the sake of it. There is no need to give up his life for the things inside.

Just look at the evidence such as Jian Xuan, Fang Xiaoru’s eyes, suddenly more gloomy. The situation is so bad. These two people are still not ready to get out.

He only deliberately felt a void in the sea, and indeed, as evidenced, the outside is equally dangerous. There is a kind of extremely fierce, the strength is not inferior to the beast, the creatures, dependent on survival outside the void, not his alone ability to cope.

Besides, if I leave alone, can Zhuang Wudao not kill him? After the order is placed, it is easier to start.

If not, he is ready to escape and flee at the moment.

The two corpses that bear the pressure of the two sides are half-hearted. At this moment, they have been unable to support them. There are many wounds on the body and they cannot be recovered.

The three-legged medlars are not only forced to live, but also dead. It is also the most capable of restraining the corpse of the corpse, even if it is the fifth-order Kun Yuanhuang, the strong, can extract the force of the infinite force, and at this moment, it is gradually weakening, and the strength has been less than 60%.

“Zhuang Wudao ”

The teeth creaked. After all, Fang Xiaoru was still a ‘not dead Tianyu, showing. Although this technique is suppressed as soon as it is used, it still has an effect, which can offset some of the abilities of the three-legged ravens. Can make other healing techniques return to normal.

He also saw the evidence, what is being prepared, is nearing completion.

After only a hundred breaths, the certificate is like a dignified face, and it is not what Fang Xiaoru expects. It relieves a few more points: “It’s finally, this technique can help me three people here, supporting four days.”

With the voice of the card, the sword Xuan Zhenjun is also coldly snorted: “The fetus Vajra is actually bringing this thing over. The one who presided over the sage, is probably the right thing for that thing? However, If you have this thing, it will be made earlier.”

When I spoke, the head of Jian Xuanzheng’s head also showed a huge sword shadow, and a sword slammed down from it. The situation is heavy and the momentum is strong. Those ‘Lingyan fire rhinoceros, even if they rubbed and touched, they are all smashed immediately. The ground formed by the fifth-order fire cloud crystals at the foot was also thrown out of numerous potholes. The sixth-order beasts that have increased to eleven heads at the periphery have been retired to avoid their front.

At this time, under the identity of the Zen Master, a mandala flower suddenly opened, and the white color was not gorgeous, but it gave people a sense of holiness.

If the Zen master sits on it, the treasure is solemn. The back of the body is three hundred feet wide, and it is full of golden light. A huge Buddha barrier is suddenly generated here.

The two corpses were unable to withstand the first time. Fang Xiaoru was not shocked and rejoicing, and with a wave of his hand, the two corpses had returned to their respective shackles.

At the moment, on the periphery of the barrier, those ‘spiritous rocks and rhinoceros, and the beasts, although still around, can be close to the eyes, the eyes indulge, the in intent disappear, turn to peace, no longer try to attack.

It is not the Buddha’s power to resist the Dharma. It is similar to the ‘technical’, which makes the nature of these natural elves restore peace, suppress their nature, and make the three people in a situation of danger.

However, this is only temporary security. In the eyes of Fang Xiaoru, there is still worry. These elves will only be so if they are close. Once you return to the distance, you will still be fierce.

The spirit of the elf’s territory is extremely heavy. Once it is offended or feels dangerous, it must not end. The three men killed the ‘Lingyan Fire Rhinoceros before, and they also contaminated the maliciousness of too many elves to linger after death.

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