Opened the space barrier from the Cold Heaven Palace, Zhuang Wudao was ready half a year ago. When reaching the 32,000 miles of the sword spirit, Zhuang Wudao did not waste any effort.

Simply arrange the pre-formed array, plus a set of hidden air-machines, and arrange it on the periphery.

However, just in case, Zhuang Wudao still left four thunderfires. In this case, it is irrelevant to break into this line, intentionally or unintentionally destroying this array and breaking his back.

Two ‘too imaginary characters, this does not require external arrays. However, if there is a space array, the time to guide the outside, the time of preparation for the virtual illusion can be shortened, and the strain can be more calm.

Four thunder and fire, the strength can be compared to the shoulder Primordial Spirit. Just don’t be the top fifteen in the top of the list. Anyone who is here, can stop one or two and give him enough reaction time.

As for the hidden stealth, the purpose is to suppress the spiritual flow of the broken space barrier to the lowest.

The process of wearing the fourth layer through the air is nothing to be said. When the formation was launched, Zhuang Wudao and Nie Xianling had successfully entered the fourth floor of the Cold Palace.

This is not the incompetence of Scarlet Yang City, but it has not been able to enter the fourth floor of the Cold Palace, and it is impossible to accurately detect the corresponding space barrier.

Light Cloud Sword’s measurement of the void is far from the Primordial Spirit cultivator in this world.

“Is this the Cold Heaven Palace?”

Nie Xianling first entered the scene and watched with curiosity all around. Immediately, the blood on the face was gone, and the eyes were abnormally dignified.

The place where the two appeared was from the center of the eight peaks of the Han Palace, and it was exactly a million years ago that the battle was most intense.

The bones of the cultivator are everywhere, and they are covered at a glance, covering hundreds of miles, which is difficult to count and spread to several mountainsides. Some cultivation bases are deep and sturdy, and they have not decayed for a million years and are lifelike.

However, it is also a blessing. The ban on the law has been destroyed. Only with the rest, let Nie Xianling feel trembling in fear.

That is not the prohibition that she can fight, nor can she fully recognize it. Even if it only triggers one, it may be a disaster.

Zhuang Wudao is another kind of perception. The cultivation base is different, the strength is different, and the feeling is naturally different from the previous time.

At that time, I felt that it was just a step-by-step murder and it was dead everywhere.

But nowadays, many of the previous lines that seem to be perfect and perfect have already had flaws, and many spiritual streams are no longer invisible. The seemingly tyrannical ban, no longer can’t resist him.

Naturally, this is only relatively speaking. The whole dynasty from the fourth floor of the Cold Palace is still very powerful, so strong that even if it is not hosted, you can kill him.

However, the key is that the gods will destroy the sword. If the two are in the palace, even if there is a little bit of movement, they may be alarmed by the sword that is equivalent to the enemy.

“Senior Brother, here, the fairy bell is afraid of walking –”

Awakened by the voice of Nie Xianling, Zhuang Wudao recovered from the memory of the past. I also heard the embarrassment of Nie Xianling. In this place, he is now able to walk freely. Nie Xianling is here, but it is difficult to move. Even if he is carrying him, it is not possible.

This is the gap between the cultivation bases of the two sides. Some bans, Zhuang Wudao can be forced to suppress by True Origin when they are in contact, or neutralize by various means, but Nie Xianling can’t do it.

In the dense Forbidden Law, only need to trigger to the minute, Nie Xianling is nine dead.


“You don’t have to worry about bans. The real worry is that I am right,”

Just looking around, Zhuang Wudao has found what he is looking for. A sneak shot of a trick, it will be a hundred miles away, a jade bracelet, recruited into the hand.

Zhuang Wudao immediately attacked the blood essence, which had long lost its spirituality, and then directly removed it, and then handed it to Nie Xianling.

“this is?”

Nie Xianling glanced at it and faintly understood what it was.

“Is this a desert token from the Cold Heaven Palace?”

This jade bracelet is like the real pass and secret jade plate of Leaving Dust Palace, but it is obviously not good whether it is material or function.

“What you are repairing is the seven killing of the innocent sword, which is the most pure and inherited from the Han Palace.”

Zhuang Wudao is concise and walks forward. At this time, Qin Feng is not there. If there is a ‘Tai Xu Bao Jian, and ‘Taiwan No Great Law,’ this trip to the Cold Heaven Palace will be more calm.

However, according to the calculation of time, his brother should arrive soon. With Qin Feng’s idle speed, it is estimated that it can be reached from East Ocean only after a maximum of two days.

This is different from the two of them, without the help of the ‘too sham, the help, you can freely enter and leave the cold heaven palace.

‘Tai Xu Bao Jian, the predecessor according to the empty mirror, is like a key. This is from the Cold Heaven Palace for others, or forbidden to die. For Qin Feng, it is entirely his own back garden. As long as you don’t illuminate the gods, you can do whatever you want.

Even if the sword is alarmed, it may not be alive.

– This is also the biggest reliance he dares to enter this cold palace.

“Can it be like this, is it not good?”

Nie Xianling is somewhat hesitant. She is Leaving Dust disciple, but now she uses the Yuhuan Ring from the Cold Heaven Palace.

It is not impossible to use, but may be responsible for leaving the Cold Heaven Palace.

It was the command of Zhuang Wudao, and she did not have any hesitation. Nie Xianling is really worried that Zhuang Wudao and Leaving Dust Palace will be involved.

Causality, this kind of thing, is never a form of ‘defective debt, but it is often implicated in the fate of a large group of people around.

“Nothing is bad. From the cold heaven palace has been extinguished, all cause and effect, it is broken. Now is the world of cold weather, the inheritance of the town of Long Stone and the Cold Palace Cultural Technology, once again spread, it shows the Heaven and Earth industry The force has been exhausted, no longer suppressing the Destiny heritage from the Cold Heaven Palace.”

Zhuang Wudao explained and searched the Spirit Tool treasures carried around the bodies and the medicinal pill.

Even those debris pieces are not missed. These things can be used to devour the Thunderfire Scorpio and upgrade the Scorpio.

At this time, Leaving Dust is in urgent need of expanding the size of the discipline. And once the grassroots disciples increase, the Spirit Tool medicinal pill will be insufficient.

Therefore, after the Shiling Buddha Cave, he will be the first time to arrive at the Cold Heaven Palace. The resources here are crucial for Leaving Dust.

Those corpses, he does not have to look at them one by one. God read it, and then with the power of the magnet, directly sucked to the side.

“In the vicinity, there is only a true biography of Yuhuan, and you are not in the right position. Those who can be repaired into seven innocent swords are all rumored from the Cold Heaven Palace. Later, can you find a saint ring, when you are here? Naturally, Junior Sister, if you can’t worry, or you don’t want to go, you will be able to pass the next line in the future. However, you must not be in Heaven.”

Nie Xianling hearing what was said, no longer hesitate, dripping a drop of blood essence into the true jade ring.

The cause and effect theory, no shadow, no trace, can not see and can not touch. Only in the book, there are the descriptions of the Senior cultivator, the gods.

Therefore, now she is actually more suspicious and unable to be safe.

After wearing the Zhenhuan ring, Nie Xianling tried again and touched a nearby ban on the ban, which really did not trigger.

Nie Xianling couldn’t help but look at the brows, and the eyes showed a bit of joy. Knowing that this is away from the Cold Heaven Palace, for yourself, it is like a treasure house with an open door, letting yourself take it for granted.

Without the shackles of the ban, the scope of Nie Xianling’s activities here is far wider than that of Zhuang Wudao.

Many Zhuang Wudao can’t get close to the place, and Nie Xianling can walk through it freely, collecting all kinds of Lingbao treasures on his behalf.

Less than seven hundred miles away, the two went for a whole day. The collection of the Spirit Tool is as good as it is, and the quantity is more than 8,000.

Even one of the products of the Spirit Tool is not available, including more than 4,500 pieces of the Spirit Tool and more than 3,200 pieces of the Spirit Tool. There are fifty-four pieces of the magic weapon of the product, and four pieces of the fortune of the Forbidden Law.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator, which was mostly dead in the third layer of the front, has a layer of strength, and it is all under the force.

Together with the cultivator from the side of the Cold Palace, a million years ago, the essence of the entire repairing world gathered here. All fell into the bag of Zhuang Wudao.

So that Nie Xianling feels guilty. From time to time, always look south, that is the direction of Scarlet Yang City.

“I always feel that we are now doing thieves.”

Zhuang Wudao is ridiculous. It is really not kind to do this, but it is not a private thing in Scarlet Yang City.

“How can I say that I am a thief? I have no intention of going through the red yin. Besides, there is no saying that there is no object, and there is a German who lives in it-“

If the words are not finished, Zhuang Wudao has already moved in the heart. Turned his head and looked at the position behind him. Then, after a moment, I saw Yu Yunqin, and another daoist, who was about 30 years old, had appeared in the position of the former two.

Zhuang Wudao doesn’t pick up from the corner of his lips: “Come on, the landlord here, isn’t it already here?”

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